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      • True. We know from news reports that the British panic at the thought of standard defensive ammo.

        • “We know from news reports that the British panic at the thought of standard defensive ammo.”

          So they have Nonstandard pick up anything nearby defense processes. Not too smart a way to approach personal safety, but it is tried & true. A little distance is a good thing in self-defense.

  1. These fools don’t need guns, they have a very safe country with no violence or crime. It would also be unfair to those poor looters if they had to dodge gun fire while robbing everyone blind.

  2. I advocated this when everyone was holding concerts and selling t-shirts to save Darfur. Give a man a UN security force, he’ll be free for a day. Give a man a gun, and he’ll be free for a lifetime.

  3. If I remember correctly, all the guns that were donated were rounded up at the end of the war . . . and disposed of. Even then, the British government was getting concerned about private citizens owning firearms.

    • They did – ish. I believe a fair amount found their way into the hands of freedom fighters (actual freedom fighters, not self righteous terrorists), paramilitaries, and global organized crime. But that may have just been the standard issue arms used by British regulars that found their way into non-Anglican hands.

    • It makes my blood boil to hear about the donated guns being destroyed. What a bunch of jerks. People sent those guns out of kindness and generosity. But as soon as Britain doesn’t want their citizens to defend themselves anymore, they scoop up all the guns and destroy them. They could have just sent them back where they came from. Such a waste.

  4. For product liability reasons, the binoculars have to have the following disclaimer on the objective lens: “rioters in your field of view may be closer than they appear.”

  5. I have heavy caliber binoculars, they scare you more than the standard 7x35s or even the 7x50s. They are 11×80. So use caution while you watch out of control citizens burn your cities. You know if you ARMED the citizens there would LESS problems, I would have thought that 1774-1789 and 1812-1814 would have taught you something. An armed populous is effective against a group of marauders. makes you think twice about yer shenanigans, and yer hooligans. Japan knew this in WWII, they figured if they invaded the Continental US, there would be an armed resister behind EVERY bush and rock, and they were right. They didn’t TRY to invade the west coast. BUT they were stupid enough to think attacking our NAVY was a good idea…it wasn’t.

  6. “Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.”

    The Brits started civilian disarmament right after WWI, because they were afraid of all the returning military veterans who were in the “lower classes”. So they disarmed their general population (exceptions for the ruling classes, don’tcha know) through the 1920s and 1930s. Then OOPS!, “Hitler looks as if he wants to invade us and we left all of our guns behind at Dunkirk! Now what? Oh yeah, get all those armed gun nuts in the USA to send us free guns to help protect us from the evil Hun invaders. (We can always confiscate them after the war and bury them in concrete foundations.)”

    So when WWII ends, the Brits were afraid of all the returning military veterans who were in the “lower classes”. (Sound familiar?) And they added an intensive leftist “guns are evil for everyone except the gummint” indoctrination program in the schools and the mass media (sound familiar?). Now they are truly peaceful, helpless sheep. Guess what? Next time Germany/Russia/the European Caliphate decides to invade Britain, and the Brits plead for Americans to send them guns, my question will be “and how many gold Swiss francs are you willing to send me for each gun?”. They have voluntarily turned themselves into defenseless victims – I lack sympathy for that attitude.

  7. Nicholas says: “If I remember correctly, all the guns that were donated were rounded up at the end of the war . . . and disposed of. Even then, the British government was getting concerned about private citizens owning firearms.”

    Someone was pulling your leg. The illustration refers to the NRA gun drive, a PR exercise. A few thousand broken, worn out, and obsolete weapons in every caliber known to man were donated, just as one would expect. Naturally, these firearms were useless and never distributed.

    The British Home Guard was actually armed with new firearms via Lend Lease. These included S&W M10 revolvers and both M1917 (American) Enfields and P14 Lee-Enfields. The M1917s, being .30-06 rather than .303, had a big red stripe painted around the fore stock. The revolvers were chambered in British .38/200. All these weapons were plentiful for decades on the war surplus market.

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