Drugs and gun "cache" (courtesy nypost.com)

Cops find cache of guns and heroin in storage locker nypost.com proclaims. “They were prepping for a different kind of storage war,” the lead asserts, making a pun while unintentionally drawing attention to the pathetic nature of the gun “cache.” “Police discovered a trove of guns, heroin, and cash while executing a search warrant in a Brooklyn storage locker and a nearby car Monday night, authorities said. Cops raided the unit at Lockaway Self Storage in Fort Greene at 6:30 p.m. after three men wanted for recklessly driving ATVs on a public sidewalk were spotted parking inside, according to police. Officers found fourteen ATVs and dirt bikes inside the unit along with four loaded handguns, officials said.” I hope they were more careful unloading the guns than the Post’s editors were about unloading their usual anti-gun hysteria on unsuspecting readers. [h/t DD]


  1. Is it just me, or are two of those handguns shown with empty shell casings? “Loaded” indeed.

  2. I know not what constitutes a trove, or cache, or arsenal of guns. I would guess that the numbers get smaller over time though.

  3. Hi Point in the news 2 days in a row and then Sig’s announcement about a slow down in sales. . . . can this be a trend? Is the market moving downstream to functionality rather than fashion?

  4. If that’s a “trove” then what I have in my closet must be a “metric COMMENT MODERATED-ton.” Good to know.

  5. 3 old or crap handguns and a derringer, yet I can’t own an AR15 in most blue states because they are used in a lot of crime (except they aren’t).

  6. I guess 4 guns & less than 25 rounds of ammo constitutes a “trove”…not exactly what I would want for any kind of “war”.

  7. Ironic that only the Hi-Point violates the SAFE act. Of course, an unregistered handgun in NY you might as well bend over now.

    If I understood the article, the police found these weapons in a storage locker and not on the individuals. You can’t assume any malicious intent if they were not on their person. I know gun laws are pretty strict in NY, but just because they had guns nearby does not mean they were up to no good with them.

    In fact, these sound like garden variety idiots. The heroin is a bigger indicator of future criminal activity than the guns. The guns were probably intended for defense of their heroin!

    • Of course, an unregistered handgun in NY you might as well bend over now.

      Not necessarily. Don’t forget, if the gun is stolen, or if you are a convicted felon, you are not required to testify against yourself, ie register the gun, according to the SC.

      The guns were probably intended for defense of their heroin!

      Or all those Benjamins!

    • These are the same jagoffs who bomb around the city on ATVs – essentially Wilding on Wheels. I love ATVs, but not on a Manhattan sidewalk. Their ATVs are more likely to kill an innocent person than those crap guns.

  8. Note to self: If I ever go into the heroin business and keep a stash of heroin, guns and money in a storage locker, don’t draw attention to myself by “recklessly driving ATVs on a public sidewalk” and don’t park my attention-grabbing ATVs in the same locker as my contraband.

    • Yeah, these guys sound like some real criminal masterminds, don’t they? I like how the article says they were “wanted” for driving the ATVs on the sidewalk. Makes it sound like there was a huge manhunt for them, and that they’d been pursuing these ATV-riding supervillains for months…

    • The shady dude on the corner where they bought them was out of stock on stolen Glocks that day.

  9. So 21 rounds total? I carry more than that to the grocery store. Not exactly a “trove”.

  10. I’m just glad nobody got hurt as one of those guns is a derringer. Word on the street is those things are dangerous.

    • Hey man, don’t you know that Hi-Points are the new bear gun of choice? They should get extra-special punishment for even potentially carrying such a lethal cannon.

  11. That ‘arsenal’ has 3 out of 5 of the most dangerous guns in America! There is a pistol, a revolver, AND a derringer! OMG!

    Looks like all .22s also. I wonder if the ammo was worth more than the heroin.

  12. HAAAAAAAhahahahahahaaaaa! I have a “trove” of guns in my smallest gun safe! What would they call my entire collection? Or my friend’s collection of 160+ handguns? Who is a doctor, by the way, not a Duck Dynasty-looking, revolutionary-wannabe that the MSM paints us all to be. (Just for the record, I find nothing wrong with how the DD guys look.) And I have actually CC’d an entire “trove” on occasion! (Not recently, but legally & back “in the day”) Oh, I need to put on dry skivvies, I think I laughed so hard something leaked…

    • What kind of a Doctor is your friend?
      160+ handguns! I hate to think what he charges for an office visit! If I had a $1200 Kimber, do you suppose he’d take that in payment?

      • He might, he is a huge Kimber fan. I am probably wrong about how many he actually has at the moment. The last time I saw him he said his wife was making him cull the herd – no more duplicates, which I think he said would put him under 100. Although, that particular day he had just picked up a Kimber .22, 1911 style that he said “nearly” completed his Kimber collection. And he collects only “metal” handguns, says he doesn’t trust “plastic” ones; wouldn’t shoot my Glock that day. That’s okay, to each his own.

  13. What is this weak-@ss excuse for a “Cache”? Only thing in that “cache” I’d take is the money, everything else is paperweight and door stops..

  14. Hi-Point, Hi-Point,Hi-Point…the do everything gun. I’d buy a 9 or above for $100. And drug dealers without EVIL black rifles?

  15. Wow. I walk down the street with a trove! Who knew. Unfortunately, it’s not a trove of cash; I would call it more like a cache of cash.

  16. OMG YES! A High-Point! The bad guy owner should have a duel with man from Alaska that killed a bear with a .45 High-Point. And when they run out of ammo they can go “hands-on” with their newly created truncheons!
    All kidding aside. That is one pathetic cache. The idea the NYP is acting like this is some Gaza level Hamas stronghold of weapons really cooks my craw. Eventually I hope people get tired of the sensationalism from the media and there is a concerted reforging of what news is an how it’s delivered in America.

    • In the land of the blind the one eyed man is king. A HP was all it took to keep their disarmed victims in check.

  17. Is that a S&W model 10 snub nose? I see six rounds lined up next to it so I’m assuming it’s not a 36. The only gun there I’d actually want to own myself, even if it is a little rough looking.

    This article made me smile because, no matter how round-about a process it was, these guys were nabbed initially because they were riding ATVs in the city like jerkoffs. Living in Philadelphia, and also having what little peace and tranquility there is available get blown away by someone riding an unmuffled Raptor (in shorts, no shirt, no shoes, no helmet) the wrong way down the street repeatedly at 11pm on a work night…well, I’ll take any tiny victory, anywhere, anytime, that gives these guys any grief at all.

    If the cops can’t be bothered (unless a cache of cash, trove of heroin, and arsenal of guns is involved) to deal with city-ATV riding idiots then at least make it so I don’t get in trouble for doing something about it myself. Like THAT would ever happen…

    • The contours of the grip frame tell me it’s a J-frame S&W, but the 6 rounds and cylinder flute pattern indicates it’s a six-shot revolver. The only J-frame centerfire 6-shot revolvers made by S&W are .32 caliber, so I think it’s probably an older nickel-plated S&W Model 30.

  18. Must have been a slow news day.

    At least no guard dogs were shot at wounding a bystander or fellow officer.

  19. Why would someone with all that money and H guard their “valuables” with the cheapest guns that they could find? For an extra $200 (which they obviously have) they could have gotten a way better gun than a Hi-Point.

  20. Now it is a cache, last week it was “AN ARSENAL”. I was expecting at least ONE scary assault rifle or thousands of rounds. Two pieces of scrap one marginal antique and ONE decent pistol and 21 rounds of ammo. This fantasy land these sorry individuals cowering in fear live in is truly insane.

  21. Wow 21 rounds among 4 weapons?? my kids have more than that in their Nerf collection and I have more ammo lost in my pockets.

  22. That’s the biggest cache of weapons that I have ever seen. We now know what happened to Sadam’s weapons of mass destruction.

  23. A friend of mine, his dad has the beginning of Alzheimer’s. He was telling me that over the last year he has pulled 300+ guns from his dad’s safe. Which is more like a bedroom sized safe. Lol. That IS the definition of a cache. (he is still pulling more) his dad isn’t safe to have his guns anymore

  24. Webster’s dictionary defines a cache as: a group of things that have been hidden in a secret place because they are illegal or have been stolen. SO I am actually going to give the press a pass on this one as they seem to have hit the nail on the head.
    Webster’s defines a trove as a valuable collection : treasure. Here again I will give them a pass since the cash and heroin push the stash into trove territory.
    However, the guns are a pathetic group of cheap heaters that are probably stolen. This was not the arsenal they were looking for. Sounds like gang bangers just gang banging as normal.

  25. 8,000 cash? Whatta buncha losers!

    Love the “recklessly driving ATVs on the sidewalk” bit tho, that’s pure class.

    Sounds like these guys thought they were banging waaaay harder than they actually were.

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