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Appalachian American

See all of the “I Am A Gun Owner” portraits here.  Please send your statement photo to [email protected] with the word PHOTO (all caps) in the subject bar. Let us know if you want us to use your name, a screen nic or remain anonymous.

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  1. I kind of prefer the pictures where the person doesn’t look like they’re maybe thinking about…well, you know. shooting someone.

      • I know I am. But I do get the idea of ‘best foot forward’ and all. Suit instead of camo, tie, smile, young child or deddy bear instead of gun, etc.

  2. So he believes in small government even though he has worked for the government his entire life? Well if you truly believe that, how about you start making government smaller by quitting your job and finding work in the private sector?

      • You don’t understand how being a Marine, one of the many groups the Federal government uses to kill anyone who disagrees with them, is working for the government?


        • Hmmm… I’m curious then… I’m a nurse, by your reasoning (in light of Obamacare) does that mean I work for King Obungler too? Sorry buddy, but someone who honorably serves his country as a Marine and makes a living as a small town cop is NOT a Fed.

        • A Marine, who serves the government, is a Federal employee. I’m sorry that you’re not able to grasp that concept.

    • Nice to see you bash this guy because you think serving in the military or being a cop equates to being the point man on an arms confiscation team 100% of the time. You’re not helping.

      • Nice to see you bash this guy because you think serving in the military or being a cop equates to being the point man on an arms confiscation team 100% of the time.

        Which wasn’t said at all. All Matt did was point out the irony / hypocrisy of saying you’re for small government yet spending most of your life being employed by the government with your salary being paid out of other people’s tax dollars.

        • The Oath is to the Constitution that this Republic was founded upon… Not to the monstrous socialist Gov’t… also, limited Gov’t has little to do with being an employee, it has everything to do with limiting gov’t power… I’m sorry you are unable to grasp that concept…

        • Billy, regardless of the words of their oath, the actuality is that they are serving the anti-citizen big government that we have. Also, if you really believe in a small government, you wouldn’t increase the size of the government (and the taxes confiscated to support it) by becoming a part of it.

      • I am not against anybody working for or in the government. I am VERY much against those in police and military who use their power to try to eliminate or reduce our gun rights.
        Some of these police officials on TV who talk about AWB and 7/10 round mags are EVIL and should be destroyed if they try to confiscate.

  3. Hoo-Ra from a fellow Appalachian american who ‘s first direct american ancestor was born in the colony of Virginia in 1730.
    I live in the midwest now but still feel a great affinity for the home folks.

  4. Holy cow, I swear I did a double take when I saw this lol. I guess if you’re going to put your picture up I might as well put mine up.

  5. Wouldn’t you prefer that there are people working for the government that want to keep it in check? There is nothing wrong with being a public employee so long as you never lose sight of the fact that you are a public servant.

  6. New rule. If you send in a picture that includes a gun, ID the gun. I’m also an A.A. Thank you for your service past and present. Ignore the riff raff who’ve never served any thing bigger than themselves. Petty men make petty comments.

  7. “matt says:
    January 29, 2013 at 19:54
    So he believes in small government even though he has worked for the government his entire life? Well if you truly believe that, how about you start making government smaller by quitting your job and finding work in the private sector?”

    Matt, I will quit my job right after you and everyone in the numerous alphabet soup agencies quit theirs. Last time I checked, I work for a small, local police department whose handful of employees take pride in actually serving and caring for the community, not spending millions of dollars kicking in doors to burn down homes and kill kids because their fathers didn’t have enough U.S.-made compliance parts in their imported rifles.

    I believe in a small, efficiently-run government where the people it serves have a say (the way most small-town local departments work). Not in anarchy, nor wasteful, excessive, over-reaching and dominating big government with more specialized agencies than the people can keep track of.

  8. Some of the attitudes here really keep me away from this place. Why the hell would I want to post a picture of my face next to “TTAG”? No thanks.

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