Homeowner Shoots and Kills Man Who Followed Him Into His Home and Attacked Him With a Rock [VIDEO]


The National Rifle Association’s headquarters is in Fairfax County, Virginia. And as affluent a neighborhood as that is, a defensive gun use that took place just down the road last week is a perfect illustration that the need to defend yourself with a firearm can happen anywhere and at any time.

According to media reports, the homeowner was attacked by a man he found on his property. The homeowner went inside to get a gun and was followed inside by the attacker.

From wusa9 . . .

At the scene, officers found Eduardo Santos, 24, of Herndon, inside the home suffering from gunshot wounds to the upper body. Life-saving measures were attempted, but Santos was pronounced dead by fire and rescue personnel. 

Detectives determined the homeowner saw Santos on his property and told him to leave. Santos then assaulted the homeowner with a stick. The homeowner attempted to retreat inside the home but was tackled by Santos and injured in the fall.

Police say the homeowner was eventually able to make it into his home and grabbed a gun. Santos entered the home with a large landscaping rock and advanced toward the homeowner. Santos made it several feet into the home before he was fatally shot. The homeowner was taken to an area hospital to be treated for his injuries. 

The homeowner’s wife and children were in the home at the time of the attack along with another person.


Investigators do not believe Santos and the homeowner knew each other. After canvassing the area, detectives determined Santos was in the area Wednesday afternoon for several hours. 

Officers received two calls for service involving Santos acting suspiciously. On one occasion, officers found him, but no crime was established. Santos refused to speak with police and walked away from the area. During the second incident, Santos was not found.

This incident is a perfect argument for those who advocate home carry.


  1. What I need to know is:

    When will our legislatures will finally pass common sense rock control?

    Why did this home-owner have assault rocks lying about unsecured outside his home? Isn’t this patently irresponsible? Shouldn’t he have kept his rocks secured in a rock safe?

  2. Obviously; the home owner was negligent for keeping rocks laying around in his yard rather than keeping them properly secured in a rock safe or at least with a rock lock.

  3. ~3,500 violent criminal attacks using hands/feet, blunt object (e.g. rocks/bricks,skateboards, ball bats, crowbars, etc…), and improvised non-firearm weapons daily upon victims across the United States, numbers are increasing. That’s over 1.2 million victims annually.

    ~1,300 violent criminal attacks using knives daily upon victims across the United States, numbers are increasing. That’s over 470,000 victims annually.

    ~38,000 violent criminal attacks upon students and teachers/staff in schools annually across the United States using non-firearm weapons.

    ~12% of criminals use firearms to commit an attack or crime.

  4. I have gotten into the habit of carrying around the house, particularly if I am outside in the yard. Just this past week I was out in the front yard raking leaves with my kids when a dog came bolting into the yard. Turns out he was just looking for a new friend and wanted to be petted, so happy ending. But, every once and awhile you see a story about a kid getting mauled by a neighbors pitbul “that wouldn’t hurt a fly.” I was glad I had my P320 under my vest, even though I didn’t need it.

    • “mauled by a neighbors pitbul ‘that wouldn’t hurt a fly.’”

      learned a long time ago, you can always tell how dangerous the dog is by how loudly the owner is screaming, “DON’T WORRY, HE WON’T HURT YOU!”

    • Years ago, as I was building the original fence along one side of my yard and a 20-foot gap was still open, a man with a dog came by, and for some reason the dog barked at me and dashed straight toward me. I yelled at the man and told him call off the dog. He whistled, but the dog only slowed down to a walk as it continued in my direction, still barking. I then firmly grabbed the shovel in my hands and told him his dog would not survive if it crossed over the gap into my yard. Only then did the man loudly call to the dog.

      Stuff happens. I don’t always carry in my yard, but I’ve been doing so more frequently.

      • I Haz a Question,

        In my estimation my everyday-carry handgun is strapped on my hip 99% of the time that I am in my yard.

        On rare occasions I may step outside unarmed for a moment in pajamas or something like that. Even something as simple/quick as walking my trash can to the street–I am virtually always armed.

        Dangerous animals as well as dangerous humans do exist and you never know where or when they may attack you. Better to have your firearm and not need it than to need it and not have it.

  5. I have a very good buddy an avid “hunter-fisherman-weapon’s plural beyond enthusiast outdoorsman” that happened to be home during a work day and saw out the kitchen windows, two undesirable kleptomaniac’s checking out his large pole shed and feeling the double padlock and latch setup, then moving out over to his 2nd garage unattached from his house. As they were cautiously slowly moving down the side wall he put a “silent crossbow arrow” in a small opening between the two ass-wipes at chest high sticking it into the garage wall….he said they could have broken any 100 yard dash and beyond track record in the books leaving his property!

    • ABN,

      As satisfying and effective as that may be, there is a fair probability that a $hitbag prosecutor could have charged your buddy with felony aggravated assault. Why? Because those men were merely trespassing which does not justify using deadly force. And even if someone wants to claim that those men were prowlers/burglars, they were outside and relatively far away from the man who was inside his home and thus did not constitute an imminent threat of death of grievous bodily harm–the required standard to justify use of deadly force.

      Disclaimer: I am not an attorney and the above is not legal advice.

      • @ uncommon_sense: The kicker to this….is besides the job he has now he is a retired county police and water patrol officer, diver and body recovery amongst other endeavors.

      • narrative fail:
        who have a criminal record
        dont call the police
        to report that a homeowner
        shot an arrow at them and missed
        while they were tresspassing
        during an attempted unlawful entry and burglary
        your score:
        but extremely unlikely

        • Sorry, but I have to agree with Uncommon Sense. The fact that “crooks don’t holler cop” isn’t the basis for a reasoned legal strategy. Plenty of Soros DA’s would be quite happy to make an example of you, especially if the perps were of a certain demographic and you are not.

          Shooting a crossbow arrow at them is going to be treated just like a “warning shot” from a firearm. You don’t do it unless you are under actual physical threat / danger (in which case you probably need to be shooting them, not in their general direction).

          (Possible exception: Texas, which unlike just about every other state does allow for deadly force **in some circumstances** to stop certain crimes against property (mere trespass is not enough, however). But even in Texas you still must demonstrate that (1) there was no other way short of deadly force to protect / recover the property, or (2) use of nondeadly force to protect / recover the property would expose you to a significant risk of death or serious injury. )

        • 5sec to paint a Bullseye on the wall and it’s just target practice. There are way too many union certified shysters in this country, we don’t need pretend/TV lawyers handing out BS “advice” also.

          OR some of you need to MOVE.

        • there would be no powder residue, no way to determine when that bolt had been launched.
          “i left it there as a warning. they started looking around and got spooked when they noticed it.”

    • Not as fast as it could, given the plethora of safety nanny laws.

      Was a fan of sharpened lawn darts as a kid. Keep eye on ball, always.

  6. Refuses to speak to police after being reported as a suspicious person. In my Texas LEO days we had the statutory authority to ask for identifying information and failure to comply (if the detention was lawful) would have meant some time in handcuffs or jail until we could determine identity. I guess Virginia doesn’t have that because an astounding number of criminals of color refuse to speak to police.

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