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In last night’s debate with presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, presumptive Democrat nominee Hillary Clinton lashed out at the “minutemen” militia patrolling America’s southern border. “And as I said earlier, in 2006, Senator Sanders supported indefinite detention for people facing deportation…and stood with the Minutemen vigilantes in their ridiculous, absurd efforts to, quote, hunt down immigrants.” Moderator Jorge Ramos pushed Sanders on that point . . .

RAMOS: Did you support the Minutemen, Senator? Did you support the Minutemen?

SANDERS: Of course not. There was a piece of legislation supported by dozens and dozens of members of the House which codified existing legislation. What the secretary is doing tonight and has done very often is take large pieces of legislation and take pieces out of it.

Well, not really. The Washington Post’s fact checkers had this to say about that:

“Clinton was referring to an incident that BuzzFeed documented in December. In 2006, members of Congress had become upset at rumors that American officials were tipping off the Mexican government about the whereabouts of Minutemen patrols,” our Fact Checkers explain.

“Sanders, then a House member, was one of 76 Democrats who voted in favor of an amendment that barred the Department of Homeland Security from providing ‘a foreign government information relating to the activities of an organized volunteer civilian action group, operating in the State of California, Texas, New Mexico, or Arizona.’ Sanders was running for a Senate seat at the time.”

Fair enough.

Meanwhile, Ms. Clinton’s willingness to describe lawful gun owners acting lawfully in defense of this country’s borders as “vigilantes,” somehow neglecting to mention that the Minutemen are helping U.S. Border Patrol agents capture illegal immigrants, is a harbinger of things to come. In other words, despite once-frequent, now-disappeared rhetoric to the contrary, the former First Lady views all gun owners as “the enemy.”

While I have publicly stated my misgivings indeed disgust at Donald Trump’s candidacy (and will continue to do so), I join my colleague Johannes Paulsen in emphasizing that the devil we don’t know is better than the devil we do. If Ms. Clinton attains the presidency our gun rights are in mortal peril. This much is true.

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  1. so…she doesn’t support protecting our borders from foreign invaders?
    good to know.

    • Coffee Addict,

      The much more accurate and significant statement is that Hillary Clinton actively opposes anyone who protects our borders.

      Democrats desperately want illegal immigrants in our nation for two main reasons. All those illegal immigrants:
      (1) create problems that require more government!
      (2) will provide the votes necessary for Democrats to win all future elections!

      How do illegal immigrants provide votes? Some vote illegally in locations that do not require I.D. or registration. Others will become voters when Democrats approve amnesty. Finally, offspring born on U.S. soil are automatically citizens who will vote when they turn 18 years old … and they will vote for the party that gives their illegal parents the most “benefits”.

      Make no mistake, Democrats are positioning themselves to be unstoppable in about one generation, consequences be damned.

        • Stop calling them ‘immigrants’. They’re ‘illegal aliens’, not ‘illegal or undocumented immigrants’. They’re doing everything they can to avoid and subvert our legal immigration system, so why refer to them as ‘immigrants’? That’s an insult to the real law abiding immigrants that respected and followed our laws and waited their turn. These invaders have absolute contempt and disdain for our country, our laws and it’s borders. Why keep giving them the respect of the ‘immigrant’ title when they have zero respect for us or the USA.

          • Your blaming the wrong people. Its the corrupt businessmen that lure them here I have no respect for because they use them as slave labor.

        • D-FENS,

          Yeah, good point. I always, ALWAYS use the word “illegal” when referring to illegals … I just don’t always use the term “alien” which I should.

        • Slave labor? Really jlp? A little less hyperbole would be nice. In fact, the illegal aliens, that they pay big money to risk death by dehydration, or rape and robbery by the coyotes that bring them across the border, are simply coming to america, the land of opportunity, where they can make more money as an illegal alien than they can make as legal citizens in their own country.

          In fact, they make enough money that they can not only pay for their own housing, food,cars and other expenses here in the states, they can send enough money back their families in Mexico,, that it is one the largest forms of Mexico’s foreign exchange.

          The figures say that we could have up to 15 million illegal aliens in this country, mostly from mexico. Since the population of mexico is about 122 million, that means about 10% of Mexico’s citizens are here illegally. If it wasn’t for the outlet of America to provide for the well being of mexico’s citizens by the money sent back by legal and illegal mexican’s working here, Mexico would probably have collapsed into civil war years ago, with all of the mass death and refugees flooding across the border, more than they already are.

          So, in fact, jlp, you should be praising America for the opportunity that we provide to those that want to make a better life for themselves.

          • Well if you hand any reading comprehension you would know that I am praising America and the illegal immigrants but condemning the racists. See several of my posts praising both legal and illegal immigrants and how they are a benefit to America. I also did not mention that America has an aging population which actually needs more young people to pay into “the system” that provides more tax dollars for repair of the infrastructure, more State sponsored money for education, more money for increased S.S. benefits, more aid to disadvantaged States who are essentially bankrupt, and a host of other Government programs.

  2. One thing we have not managed to do as conservatives in band together. We rip each other apart and run one another down. Like him or hate him Trump may be the only candidate capable of winning. I myself prefer Ted Cruz. In either case I support both of them if they are facing Hillary or Bernie. I hope like hell we don’t have a bunch of people on our team sitting this one out because they have some illusion they are punishing a candidate. VOTE!!!! Your gun rights depend on it.

    • Conservatives (and those “rogues” who don’t toe the line for big brother) don’t “band together” so tightly like progressives, democrats, and big government republicans because they realize there are things more important than winning an election and forcing yourself on millions of people. Like your conscience and soul.

      • I agree that men of principle are less likely to do immoral things for gain. But gain becomes defense, and defense slips into self-preservation at an alarming rate. Eventually self-preservation is impossible and defeat is unavoidable.

        Jews did not make a concerted effort to kill Nazis until the Warsaw Uprising. At that point it was too late to save themselves.

    • Conservatives are the ones that sat at home on election day in 2012 and handed B.O. his second term. I don’t mind Trump too much, but he is similar to Romney in that he’s not very conservative overall. I prefer Cruz. If Cruz is on the ticket all Republicans, including conservatives, will get out and vote.

      • I don’t believe that is true. I read stats that say more conservatives turned out for Romney and McCain than for Bush. Republicans lost the independents. The GOP strategists keep backing moderates trying to win the middle but when you can’t contrast your message to the Democrats, you don’t motivate the fence straddlers.

        • Regardless, only 57% of the eligible voters voted in 2012. That means Obama became President with only something near 25% of the electorate.

          Yet the Dems and their Proggie followers scream “MANDATE!” from the rooftops….

          • calls your figures a myth. Look it up.
            McCain and Romney were both moderates. That is what I said. The GOP run moderates in order to “expand the base”. On paper, and according to Carl Rove, this is a good strategy. In reality, the right wing of the party continue to dutifully defend the country trying to keep the Progressives out of power while the undecided, independent, centrists, and moderates are not pulled in either direction and that is who did not vote in large numbers.

        • “ calls your figures a myth. Look it up.”

          Which set? Mine or Jim’s?

          Looking at that site now but have not found 2012 voting stats yet. Will try to dig up the site I found the 57% of eligible voters voted stat on…

          • Jim’s repeating of the myth that 5 million Republicans stayed home because Romney was too moderate. The fact is that Romney got more support from the base than GWB got.
            Conservatives turned out in 08, 10, and 12. How do you think we took over the majority in both houses if we didn’t? Also look at the Gubernatorial races won across the U.S.

      • “Conservatives are the ones that sat at home on election day in 2012 and handed B.O. his second term.”

        If Conservatives would rather stay home, than vote for Mitt Romney, I would venture, that says more about Mittens, than it does Conservatives.

    • If you don’t understand why Conservatives do not rally around the Statist, big G loving, establishment tripe, which the R’s parade to the main stage every four years, then I cannot help you…

      Might as well ponder why more gear-heads do not fancy the Ford Pinto.

      • I hope you’re happy with President Obama. I hope you’ll be happy with President Clinton. And thank you very much.

        • Yep! About as happy as I was with Bush & Bush II.

          “Fool me once, shame on – shame on you. Fool me, and you can’t get fooled again.”

          You are welcome!

        • Yep. Bush and with his conservative constitutional based actions that believes in smaller government and state based rights that gave us The Patriot Act, Homeland Security, The NDAA, Water boarding, The Drug benefit, No Child left Behind. etc.

          Yeah, fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, I’m really stupid.

        • HellChild, sometims it’s not what Republicans do that make the difference. It’s what they don’t do. I have no problem supporting “the party of ‘no'”. The assault weapons ban was allowed to expire in 2004.

  3. I think we just found our labor force for Trumps wall. 4,000 workers a day. If each one lays one block it will be finished in no time flat. Anybody wanna work the math on that?

    Click user name for a secret message.

    • Yep. Picking up a case or 4 at the gunshow this weekend. 7.62×39 and 5.56. Gonna see how much ammo I can get for a Gerber BMF and Win 1300 Defender.

  4. Political profiling by executive agencies is exactly why NRA, Inc. is promoting concealed carry with licensing, or open carry with licensing like NRA promoted in Texas. It’s very important to the fusion centers to have total access to ALL concealed carry license holders backgrounds. CCL holders will be the first to be targeted for political purposes if a hostile administration takes control of the agencies.

    That’s why Chris Cox & Chuck Cunningham at NRA-ILA let Illinois state lobbyist Todd Vandermdye put an open ended privacy waiver provided by the police unions in Rep. Brandon Phelps HB183 “NRA backed” carry bill in 2013. Here’s the original language passed in June 2013:

    “a waiver of the applicant’s privacy and confidentiality rights and privileges under ALL federal and state laws, including those limiting access to juvenile court, criminal justice, psychological, or psychiatric records or records relating to any institutionalization of the applicant, and an affirmative request that a person having custody of any of these records provide it or information concerning it to the Department;”

    The privacy waiver is good FOREVER. It’s in the statute, not on the app., so the hicks won’t read it. The waiver is broad enough so the IL State Police can snoop into military and financial records. Then the state can forward records to the feds.

    The retarded hicks from southern IL live in trailers with $312 in their checking accounts, so they don’t care. Hell most NRA members can’t figure out that Todd Vandermyde is their worst enemy. NRA actively promotes the criminal police state. The unlimited privacy waiver in NRA bills is there for a reason: control. Same way Duty to Inform is in NRA bills for a reason: Stop and Frisk anyone, anytime.

      • Well, how else is a Liberal Arts major with a minor in White Privilege and Eastern Latin Interpretive Dance going to keep the lights on?

        Until Santa Bernie is elected, those student loans aren’t going to pay themselves.

  5. Remember, the last Clinton Administration gave us Ruby Ridge, Waco Texas and several other serious situations which were only fatal because of blatant Government incompetence. Wait until Hillary gets in office, she will have the ATF out there looking to stick it to anyone and everyone possible. Just like Obama used the IRS, Hillary will use the ATF and FBI.

    • You might oughta check your facts. Ruby Ridge was Bush 1, and the initial Waco attack was 5 weeks after Bubba got Inaugurated.

  6. its all part of ovomits/satan the ineligible treasonous war crimes racist mulum traitor in the wh,and his unconstitituional adminstration.with open borders and santuary cities,where illegals{means against the law}aliens/drug cartels/muslum terrorists can come into the usa thru open borders,which ovomit and eric{i,m in contempt of court}holder the ex attn racist general have both told the border guards to stand down on arresting and deporting illegals.and then they go to a santuary city which is illegal but ovomit/satan is allowing where illegals can come and not have to worry about being arrested or deported,like the illegal who was deported multiple times,and came back to kill kate stenile in san francisco.add the iran deal which puts every legal american in danger,and the tpp bill that will make america lose its soverignty.all part of ovomits/satan agenda21{new world order}he is saturating the usa with illegals so he can have his private illegal army,to continue to destroy the books the muslum mafia and heretic.god bless all legal american veterans/citizens.go donald thrump we need a real legal american in the wh

    • So to paraphrase, you really like Obama, and are a huge fan of his immigration policies.
      Got it.

    • Damn, Ron! I’ll send you a few bucks if you promise to buy more punctuation and a few capital letters with it.

  7. First let me state that when you let vigilantes take control you have lost control of your country and things can get out of hand very quickly. Although Clinton is right she is right for the wrong reasons. She does indeed view all gun owners “as the enemy” which they are not. But she is right in condemning vigilantism. History has proven her right on that many times over.

    Now lets put the Clinton hate aside for a moment and discuss why immigrants are coming here in the first place. They are coming her for jobs and guess who gives them the jobs. Corrupt Businessmen who have for decades and decades lured them here to be used as slave labor. The corrupt Business men can pay them below minimum wage and of course not pay any benefits or bother with safety regulations or holidays or vacation time. The corrupt Businessmen then pay millions to the Republicans so that no meaningful immigration reform laws are passed as for example a “guest worker program” that other civilized European nations have. That would force corrupt Businessmen to pay benefits and at least minimum wage. Something the Businessmen greed mongers would never agree to.

    Now the real surprise the immigrant haters do not realize that the immigrants pay into Soc. Security that helps bolster it because they are not eligible to retire on it. Immigrants pay Federal, State and Local taxes which keeps the tax rates from climbing much higher than they normally otherwise would and immigrants are not eligible for tax returns either further lowering the rise in taxes.

    Immigrant slave wages also keep way down the price the racists pay for food such as lower vegetable and fruit prices yet the racists rant and rave against the very people that are saving them money both in food and taxes.

    Trump could build a double wall complete with a moat with killer African crocodiles, barbed wire and land mines and the illegal immigrants would just tunnel under it or find a way around it. How about all the boat people storming into Europe. Do you think illegals would not resort to sea routes. The Governments entire navy does not have enough ships to stop that. And of course the skin flint, cheap ass Republicans who even tried to stop the 1950’s Freeways from being built would never fund the expense of such a wall either.

    • You’re starting to sound desperate. When you know you;re losing it’s best to do so with some grace and decorum.

    • The citizen militias in question are not vigilantes. According to wikipedia, a vigilante is a “civilian or organization acting in a law enforcement capacity (or in the pursuit of self-perceived justice) without legal authority.” The militias named and in the video above are operating within the confines of the law.

    • “Immigrant slave wages also keep way down the price the racists pay for food..”

      I’m going to stop you right there, and ask you to stay stopped. Seriously. Just stop. Or at least wait until the uproarious laughing caused by your post dies down to continue.

      • You must be a recent immigrant yourself as you do not know how the corrupt Business food industry works in America. I did not even get into the meat packing houses in the U.S. that is run on immigrant slave labor but that is a different story and one I have witnessed first hand.

    • Illeagle imagrints (I cant spell, so what) dont pay ss or fed, whered u get that. They pay state taxes, here in ks. anyway. I ve passed out the checks at work. Couldnt figure out how salvator, pepe’s checks were bigger. Look at their check stubs, hmmmm just taking out state taxes no wonder. Most immagrints(lol) work under the table n pay nothin in at all.

    • “Trump could build a double wall complete with a moat with killer African crocodiles, barbed wire and land mines and the illegal immigrants would just tunnel under it or find a way…”

      By George, you’re right! So, what were you thinking? Drones with missiles? Napalm? Underground proximity mines? Blasting Miley Cyrus music? Sharks with laser beams attached to their head? What?

      You seem to have your ear to the ground, as it were – come on, man, tell us!

      • Blasting old music from Box Car Willie or Waylon Jennings would drive out even Isis. But sadly it is well known that Immigrants start more new businesses than indigenous people and are usually more successful. They cannot run businesses all by themselves and they hire people who buy consumer goods and pay taxes. Yep terrible isn’t it when immigrants make America a better place to live in.

        • Or maybe we can play the tapes of Hillary barking like a junkyard dog.

          I heard that’s her mating call. If the thought of a horned up, howling, man-suited Hilbeast during the rut doesn’t run them off, nothing will.

    • What is wrong open border cuck? Running away from the awakening masses who are rejecting the invasion of the leftist 3rd world hordes?

      Sorry but we are not going to be lied to or have our nation, culture rights, liberty and future voted away by imported voters..

      • Your living in the past and the future is already here. Where do you think Rubio and Cruz came from? Sorry they were offspring of immigrants from Cuba and Cuba/Canada and they just may be your new boss. White privilege is over in America. The Latino’s will soon be running everything in America so get used to it. No one culture anywhere stays on top forever. Sooner or later the new immigrants take control because they are American citizens too, not just you and you cannot expect them to be second class citizens.

        • And you think that is is a good thing? All they will do is make America more like their home nations which are hellholes, But I guess you are Aok with your your wealth, rights, and future voted away by imported hordes..

          You are a fool i you can not understand that is what they will do.

    • You are making no sense jlp. So people are fighting and dying to come to this country, that you say, even if a wall is built, they will tunnel under it, so they can be used as “slaves” by the greedy corporations?.

      If they are living such horrible lives, “dirty. brutish and short” in this land of such horrible racist, bigoted white people , why do they keep coming?

      I say because your vision, or rather nightmare, of what it is to live in this country, is not based on reality. This Land of opportunity is still that, the people in this country respect those that do hard work, that are law abiding, and want to work to improve their lives. regardless of color. People of all races come to this country because compared to where they come from, we are the land of opportunity where deaths squads won’t shoot them in the back of the head and dump their bodies in a ditch. drug cartels don’t control whole towns and will not rape your daughter while they make you watch, and where some one not of the privileged class can still reach positions of power.

      You, jlp, are the one that hates yourself, you hate your culture, you hate what we have created, the wealth, the technology, the peace and safety, the opportunity that is available to all, of all races, if they work hard enough.

      You are the one that promotes racism, that promotes hatred, that feeds the poison of being a victim and demanding that government “do something”.

      Which is the whole point. As a “socialist” you cannot have government solve a “problem” if people feel they can be responsible in their own lives. So you breed a class of victims, by teaching them that they cannot succeed because of “white privilege” and then come to the rescue with the power of government to bring them “justice”.

      It is all about power and control, jlp. And you, as a socialist, want that power to reside in the hands of the elite in government. Our “betters”.

      The only thing socialism has “solved” has been how to destroy a free, productive and prosperous society and turn it into a place of poverty, tyranny and mass death.

      • Quote——————————The only thing socialism has solved has been how to destroy a productive and prosperous society and turn it into a place of poverty, tyranny and mass death.—————————————Quote

        You have not the slightest knowledge of what has been going on in the world in the last 120 years. Why do you think there is a mass migration of Middle East people going right to Germany. Its because they are one of the richest countries in the world and they provide the most Socialistic benefits as well. This seems to fly right in the face about your absurd paranoia about Socialistic Countries. Free Education, Free Medical Benefits and Drugs, 30 days vacations, 4 weeks vacations just to start as a new employee, a year and a half off for the birth of a child, affordable day caer facilities just to name a few. When you compare that to the U.S. it is we that are living on the much lower socioeconomic ladder. Only a fool would fail to see the difference between greed monger Capitalism that rapes the worker and Socialism that treats people like human beings and cares for them rather than using them as low paid Wal-Mart economic -slaves.

    • You are making no sense jlp. So people are fighting and dying to come to this country, that you say, even if a wall is built, they will tunnel under it, so they can be used as “slaves” by the greedy corporations?.

      If they are living such horrible lives, “dirty. brutish and short” in this land of such horrible racist, bigoted white people , why do they keep coming?

      I say because your vision, or rather nightmare, of what it is to live in this country, is not based on reality. This Land of opportunity is still that, the people in this country respect those that do hard work, that are law abiding, and want to work to improve their lives. regardless of color. People of all races come to this country because compared to where they come from, we are the land of opportunity where deaths squads won’t shoot them in the back of the head and dump their bodies in a ditch. drug cartels don’t control whole towns and will not rape your daughter while they make you watch. Where someone can make a new life of prosperity in business or a career or Where some one not of the privileged class can still reach positions of power.

      You, jlp, are the one that hates yourself, you hate your culture, you hate what we have created, the wealth, the technology, the peace and safety, the opportunity that is available to all, of all races, if they work hard enough.

      You are the one that promotes racism, that promotes hatred, that feeds the poison of being a victim and demanding that government “do something”.

      Which is the whole point. As a “socialist” you cannot have government solve a “problem” if people feel they can be responsible in their own lives. So you breed a class of victims, by teaching them that they cannot succeed because of “white privilege” and then come to the rescue with the power of government to bring them “justice”.

      It is all about power and control, jlp. And you, as a socialist, want that power to reside in the hands of the elite in government. Our “betters”.

      The only thing socialism has solved has been how to destroy a free, productive and prosperous society and turn it into a place of poverty, tyranny and mass death.

  8. Hillary is a pantomime vilain who has to keep letting the audience know who she really is.

  9. ” the devil we don’t know is better than the devil we do.”
    Perfectly put. I’ll take a dice roll over a guaranteed sh*t sandwich any day.

  10. Hilloraly Clitnon is just ugly, I just about puke when I look at her.How do parents get their kids to eat their veggie’s? ” If you dont eat your veggies youll grow up to look like THIS”, poor kids let out a scream and eat all the boiled turnips they can choke down. Hilloraly is so ugly, she makesJanet Reno looks good. Hilloraly you are one ugly woman thing.Hilloraly looks like she fell out of the ugly tree an hit every limb on the way down dug a hole and ate the ugly trees roots.She looks like a cross between a possum and a kangaroo an even that aint ugly enuff.Shes so ugly she made Madusa turn to stone. If I was payed to assasinate her I couldnt do it, the woman thing is just to ugly to look at. Shes so ugly even the buzzards wouldnt touch her. Man, she is one ugly person. I was having sex the other nite, looked at the TV saw her and it was over. Ate the whole bottle of viagra, still no luck. Man shes is UGLY

  11. Everybody around these parts seems so quick to discount Sanders, correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t he the candidate least likely to be bought out? 40 years and he hasn’t sold out yet, his track record on civil and personal liberties is better than anyone else running. The mainstream media has been straight lying about him on a regular basis. The biggest fear is that his plans don’t have the money to back them, if he is really going to take on wallstreet and bankers and trillion dollar wars and cut aid to places like Egypt and Saudi and concentrate on rebuilding America then the money is there. Besides how much more can he really fuck our country up compared to the last Bush admin? At least he comes off as honest and caring about average Americans, mistakes with good intentions are a lot better than mistakes made by Bush or Obama or Clinton where they are just straight hijacking lower and middle class wealth and feeding it to their corrupt cronies friends.

    • Just wanted to add, if my tax dollars are going to be squandered id rather have them squandered on trying to rebuild our country, not trying to rebuild Iraq, or bail out asshole bankers or trying to build a wall (to keep the Mexicans here btw, more Mexicans are leaving and the people on top know we need them for our economy. )

      • I think the Bern has a better chance to take it than people give him credit for. And I surely respect him for not taking super pac money and keeping it small time.

        All that being said, the Santa Bernie, giving free goodies to all the girls and boys, Socialist nonsense isn’t getting him any love in the middle and on the right.

        I think anyone who looks at his plan objectively, and realizes that big gov’t spending got us into this mess, it will become apparent, more taxes and more big gov’t spending isn’t going to get us out of it.

        • Wrong. Corporate blind greed got us into this mess and Socialism will get us out of it by coming down hard on the greed mongers of the corrupt Capitalist America. Shipping jobs overseas has gotten so obscene that now the Corporate Greed Mongers are even shipping low paying jobs overseas. Ever try to understand the thick accents you get from call centers located in India. Call center jobs originally in America were always low paying and now even they are gone.

        • “Socialism will get us out of it “

          That has got to be the stupidest thing you’ve posted so far, and that is really saying something.

          Okay, genius. Name one instance from history of socialism getting it’s society “out of it.” I can’t wait to see your answer to that. It will be entertaining.

          • Just for starters Sanders is against the unfair free trade policies that got us into this mess. Sanders is against the destruction of Unions which allowed greed monger corporation to ship jobs overseas. It was powerful Unions that for years kept up the high tariffs that protected the American Worker. When the American worker earns less he pays less taxes and there is no money for state sponsored subsidies to both the American Worker as well believe it or not, also to Corporate America. How do you think China has beat everyone economically. Through Corporate subsidies that make it possible for them to under sell everyone else. I could go on and on how Socialism would give the American worker a better life and make America a much richer country but anyone can look at Socialism’s history especially in Europe and see how superior it is to greed monger Capitalism that only benefits the super rich.

        • Corporatism, like Socialism, needs big gov’t and big spending to flourish. And will become destructive to the people by its own ends.

          But, you keep thinking grandpa Bernie will fix everything. Keep voting to spend that fiat currency on Socialist programs and drive our nation into more debt.

          Our entire monetary system is based on Centralize Banking, like every other major nation in the world, and you think some Socialism here or there, or some empty claims by politician to break-up banks, will change anything, other than adding to more debt…

          Every time the gov’t spends money, it’s goes on the backs of the tax payers with interest to the banks. Like or not, the rich own this county and paid for it and the politicians who run it long ago. As long as the gov’t spends, whether on corporate welfare or state welfare, we all lose and the banks win – welcome to debt slavery, citizen.

        • So, jlp, like usual, you did not answer the question but just posted a bunch of irrelevant nonsense.

  12. Ms. Clinton’s willingness to describe lawful gun owners acting lawfully in defense of this country’s borders as “vigilantes,” somehow neglecting to mention that the Minutemen are helping U.S. Border Patrol agents capture illegal immigrants, is a harbinger of things to come.
    That is an understatement.
    Obonzo and Hitlery are the offspring of Bolshevik Saul Alinsky, and this whole gang hates America.

  13. Yesterday’s militia is today’s vigilantes and tomorrow’s insurgents.
    Is that what she meant to say?

  14. I am a history addict. I study it for fun. What I realm like is studying what led to historical events. If a Democrat Party operative takes the presidency in November, I fear the breakup of the US will follow. It is nearly inevitable.

  15. I am kinda thinking Hillary might be a good pres. as in things (sometimes) have to get worse before they get better. If all is illegal then none is. Let’s rip the band aid off of America vs. tearing it off slowly. Does anyone seriously believe that the mess we are currently in can be solved merely by the right candidates and right legislation?

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