TrackingPoint has already started shipping their flagship rifle systems, in .300 Win Mag and .338 LM bolt action rifles. But they want to expand their product line, bringing the rifle into the price range of the average shooter, as well as looking at other applications for the system. Jason (TP’s head guy) sounds really intent on bringing the system to the AR-15 platform next, with multiple target tracking and allowing for rapid engagement of targets. But instead of just doing it, they’re asking for input as to what they should do. Here’s their survey, and I would be remiss if I didn’t shamelessly shill for some votes on the 300 BLK as the next caliber on the list.


  1. It keeps saying I have input an invalid email address, but there is no place during to survey to submit an email address.

    EDIT: never mind I found the field at the bottom which looked like a comments field but is actually the email address box. FYI

  2. I would think the optimum caliber for the next version would be .308. Has a longer effective range, and the platform would be ideal for a lighter, next gen version.

    I would buy it in .308 (Scar 17), but I don’t think I would for my blackouts since I use them as a shorter range platform (both SBR and 16″). Same goes for my A/R (Scar 16), I can hit what I need to hit to 300+ yds with my current ACOG.

    Personal note, holler when you head to BoW range, would like to get together with you.

  3. If they want to market to the general shooting public go with 3006 Springfield ammo as that is what you can find to buy in today’s market 3006 works for all North American Game and is the best all around round, Next offer 10 and 20 round box magazines and you have the ideal scout rifle… and no wood stocks………when you get into all the new ammo’s stores do NOT STOCK IT.. and think about 308 Win/7.62 Nato it’s about what we can get in this market………

      • they need a better field scope too.. and need to get real as to what American hunters want and will use..and have backup iron sights … never did understand that part, you are on a hunt and scope gets messed up you can continue the hunt with good old iron sights too…..

        • Agreed. If it’s going to be used by hunters in the field it has to be demonstrably weather proof, shock proof and drop proof. Especially when deer season in many parts of the country means snow, ice and sh!t storms. Right now this scope does not scream “rugged” to me.

          I also would not be surprised to see some states passing legislation banning the use of these scopes in the name of fair chase.

  4. So apparently the platform is caliber specific — to account for the different ballistics of different calibers? But even then how do they account for cartridges with different powder charges (muzzle velocities) and different weight bullets within the same caliber? If you have to enter the bullet’s weight and muzzle velocity into the rifle’s targeting system, why not just have them enter the ballistic coefficient as well and then the targeting system is independent of caliber? At that point you could install the targeting system on any rifle of any caliber.

    • Right now, they calibrate the system to a specific load that Barnes cooked up for them. The rifle only works with that specific load from that specific manufacturer.

      For commercial products, they’re thinking about including a number of ballistic profiles that you can choose, and then let the end user pick the one that best fits with their chosen cartridge.

    • This approach is becoming increasingly common as the various “long range precision rifle” companies try to turn people who can’t do basic math into marksmen.

      The truth is, your approach is the proper one. Once a real marksman has the Bc, bullet weight, muzzle velocity, accurate range to target, wind, elevation, temperature, humidity, up/down angle to target, and for the really long range shots, barrel twist, twist direction, north/south hemisphere and latitude within that hemisphere… one need only do a little number crunching to compute hold-off and hold-over.

      But, as the Barbie doll used to say: “Math is hard.”

      Life is harder yet for those who can’t do it.

      • Im horrible at math but as cool as this is, I would rather learn the “old school” way and then try this. Hell, Im only 28 but still use a manual blood pressure cuff and palpate a pulse rather than use a machine. I say (completley out of ignorance) that this looks like it takes the fun out of long range shooting. I guess Im just not a techo person :-/

  5. I really wish they would stop using the words precision guided, there is no guiding going on. Guidance would require a bullet that could change trajectory. It is that wording that is freaking out all the antis out there. They think you can practically fire this thing into the air and hit your target. It is just a compensating scope, it guides nothing, other than maybe the one pulling the trigger.

    I cant see how it wouldnt take forever to calibrate this thing. Different calibers, a hundred different loads and bullet weights for each caliber. Changing wind downrange you dont feel. Change in movement of target. I see this thing as something people with money to blow can show off to their friends.

  6. So big bucks to shoot at paper targets all by myself? And $5,000 is not in the range of the average shooter.

    These will not be allowed for hunting in most states, the tech cannot be used in any current shooting competitions, the market will never get large enough for specific trackingpoint tech competition if tech is not limited or outright banned by state/fed gov, and the gps on it will allow ‘you know who’ to see every shot you make, the when, where and how. I can even post real-time shots on facebook. Oh the humanity!

    What true gun enthusiast who still cares about skill and ability, their freedoms and privacy, would want anything to do with this system? It seems so many on this site are like children at a candy store, gotta have it syndrome, or more so wanna have it. It’s shiny so it must be cool.
    I guess those who love their smart phones won’t mind this system as they have already given up their rights and privacy.

    300 BLK? WTF? 5.56? WTF? What would be the point of a impotent round being used for long-range precision shooting? Again, paper targets? This site needs some contributors that consider the reality factor and not just the bling and wow factor.

    Schauble said TrackingPoint shooting systems are legal for hunting in 47 states. Not true. Each individual state is considering whether this tech will be allowed and where and when. As for competition Keith Savage from Braverman Arms says it best “I don’t see anything ethically wrong with [the TrackingPoint shooting system], but once I made a couple of shots at 1,000 yards I’d probably put it away,” he said. “I mean, what’s the challenge?”

    I was so sick of hearing and seeing Tavor articles, now it’s the trackingpoint ones I will be dreading. lol

    It’s not about the expense of this system, even though it is insane, I have a few matching number muscle cars in the yard to grab at least one of these trackingpoint’s. One could argue like I do about the freedoms and privacy issues, but so many here and everywhere don’t seem to care or just don’t get it. So let’s go on the one factor that should matter to all of us and that is this system deletes a shooter’s need to have skill and ability. Isn’t that what this sport is all about? When it comes to hunting, if you can’t stalk and get close enough to your game(which is the biggest thrill of hunting) if you can truly enjoy the game of hunting then what is the point? Who needs a 1,000 yard drone gun to shoot an elk or deer or bear?

    I’m just dumbfounded by the drooling acceptance of this system by so many of you. It makes one feel so alone to see so many in this sport accept the training wheel handicap concept of shooting. What’s next on the list of how to ruin this sport?

    ranting over-I don’t read replies.

  7. If they are looking purely at sales, (as a business, I assume they are) I believe that tracking point for the AR crowd is the way to go. Nobody spends more money on gadgets than AR owners and since 5.56 is still the most common offering for the platform, I vote for that combo. Not my personal choice, but the best choice for the business.

  8. Can some one give me the Cliff’s Notes on what this system does? Clearly it’s not a guidance system, as the bullet trajectory obviously doesn’t change, but what DOES it do?

    • Just got done reading their website. Basically all the measurements and math you would need to do to determine holdover for a long range shot, the tracking point scope does for you and digitally moves the reticle to account for its determined holdover. There’s some other weird stuff like a goofy trigger and something about it videotaping your shots so you can post them to youtube I guess.

      All in all, no matter how little it costs I would never get one. Takes all the sportsmanship and skill out of shooting. It is another example of how my generation (I’m 21) wants everything now and don’t have the work ethic to produce the desired results. This product was made for people who think to themselves “I want to shoot a target a mile away” and instead of learning the proper techniques and fundamentals, they buy this and have a computer do all the work for them.

      • I thought it “pulled the trigger” when the firing solution was met. The trigger is just a permission to fire switch. The russian had something like than on their Mig29 and Su27.
        Am I wrong? <- it's happened before.

  9. Give me a 22lr that I can use to snipe a squirrel at 200 yards. I’d love to see them figure out the trajectory of a lightweight and slow projectile

    • That would be fun! See if it could do a 22 at 300-400 yards.

      But I would still never get one. Im enjoying the normal way of shooting. Hell I just got my first 308 rifle to “precision” shoot with. Only 120 rounds through it and i am getting better and better. Best group edge to edge (not subtracting bullet diameter) was a .995″ i shot yesterday at 100 yards. Was an amazing feeling to measure that one and see it totally under 1″! I never would get that feeling using something like a trackpoint

  10. How about software that allows you to choose your load and upload it to the scope. Having a scope for each caliber is a waste. The price is beyond the value of ownership as well.

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