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Moreles Mexico police (courtesy

President Obama is busy threatening to “degrade” Islamic terrorists – conveniently rebranded ISIL (thus avoiding the word ‘Islamic’). Meanwhile, the usual hell continues south of the border, as narco-terrorists and their government allies torture, extort, kidnap, rape and murder hundreds of thousands of Mexican citizens. In the chaotic cauldron of criminality, where citizens are deprived of their natural, civil and [somewhat] Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms, any concept of government-protected human rights disappears into the unimaginable horror of unbridled brutality. The U.S. media doesn’t care. So here’s a story of six men scooped from the streets of Cuernevaca by the local police. Three were charged with unlawful possession of a firearm, after they were tortured . . .


–Who do you work for?– asked the Mando Unico police officer. “For Autocam”, answered the detainee.
–And who is that?, insisted the officer.
–Well, a business, answered the man.
— Oh, so you think you’re funny? said the cop, and immediately, blows rained on the sales representative and five of his friends detained while riding in a compact car. None of them could see the officers’ faces because when they got out of the car they threatened them with firearms, handcuffed them and covered their heads with their T-shirts.

“You are sicarios (assassins) and you’re going to tell us right now which cartel you belong to!”, spat out the police commander, after they searched the vehicle and found a pistol, a semi-automatic 9mm.

The six men were handcuffed and beaten while made to climb into the cargo bed of Patrol Unit 9845 of the Single Command Police, where they were made to lie on their sides. That was the start of another episode of agony.

As soon as they touched the sheet metal, they cried out and contorted themselves because the surface was extremely hot and began to burn their legs, stomach, back and arms.

Apparently, the pickup had a problem with the exhaust, causing the surface of the truck bed to heat up. The detainees whimpered with the pain and tried to move, but when they did that, they would get beaten by the uniformed agents.


One of the detainees begged to be allowed to sit up. “I’m getting burned”, he yelled insistently. “Shut up, you son of a bitch! Your sister can take more than you can”, the cop responded. Another one received a blow to the head.

Under those conditions they were taken through several streets for almost an hour until the pickup entered the highway to head towards Torre Morelos (Morelos Tower), headquarters for the State Public Security Commission (CESP: Comision Estatal de Seguridad Publica).

The unloaded them there and took them into a room where there were at least three boxes built out of metal netting, like “kennels”, one of the detainees described them.

One by one they were stripped naked and taken out of the cage to a corner of the room. A police officer forced them to put their head in a pail of water, while another policeman attached cables to apply electric shocks to their testicles.

“Which cartel do you belong to? Who’s the boss?”, the police kept asking them. “I’m a contractor”, answered the detainee who suffered the most burns. “You’re the boss for the gang since you had the money”, the commander replied. “That money is to pay my workers”, the detainee answered.

That’s the last thing he remembers because he fainted right after that and woke up in a bed in the IMSS (Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social; Mexico’s Social Security) Hospital No. 1. The diagnosis for three of the six detainees was second and third degree burns that required skin grafts.

The case reached the Morelos Human Rights Commission (Cdhemor: Comision de Derechos Humanos de Morelos), and in the file, it states that in its request for a report on the incident, the CESP responded to three of the petitions: “They already had the injuries”.


The get-together was unplanned, the detainees say, and to celebrate, they chose a store in Colonia Constitucion , in the Jiutepec municipality, to drink beer. The six friends got in the car to go home at 6:00 in the afternoon on April 17, but they claim that they were surrounded by Mando Unico Police vehicles when they had gone three streets.

In their statements before the State Prosecutor, one of the detainees stated that the police ordered them to stop, subdued them at gunpoint and ordered them to lie on the ground. They handcuffed them and covered their faces.

The blows increased when they found a weapon.

“When they got us out of the car, they cocked their weapons at all of us. They handcuffed me and kicked me twice, then they put us on the patrol vehicle. They drove around in circles, and about an hour later, we got on the highway. Along the way, we were getting burned. I told him I was getting burned, I raised my head and they turned it around with a blow. ‘If you turn your head we will kill you’, the police officer told me”, he declares in his criminal complaint for abuse of authority, injuries and whatever else may apply.

“When we got to Torre Morelos, I had burns on my arm, my leg and my breast; all on the right side. At the Torre, they told us to get down and made us kneel. They accused us again of being sicarios. They took my personal property and took me into a cage, then they threw me on the floor. My head was still covered and they continued hitting me. From there, they took us to be certified, but the nurses refused to do it and said hospitalization was required”.

Then they put him in an ambulance and took him to the hospital; he was unconscious by then. From the IMSS hospital, they transferred him to the Jose G. Parres general hospital under guard, and the next morning he was taken to the offices of the Attorney General (PGR: Procuraduria General de la Republica), where they charged him with unlawful carrying of a firearm, but, lacking evidence to prosecute him, they released him that Sunday, without charges.


Another of his friends says he recalls being tortured in sort of basement. He doesn’t remember anything else, because he woke up in the IMSS hospital emergency room, where he remained for a month. His wounds required skin grafts on his right leg.

“I stayed there 15 days after the surgery, and on July 28, I went into surgery for another skin graft, and I’m still going for treatments. It’s a burn of 25 centimeters (approximately 10 in.) around the right leg. On August 8, I had an appointment with the plastic surgeon.”

The detainee with the most after effects says that when he was in the pickup bed he yelled to the police that he was getting burned and that he is diabetic. Under those conditions, he was taken to the torture room.

They wanted him to admit he was a member of a criminal organization. “I already told you, I’m a contractor”, he sobbed.

“You’re going to say you’re a sicario”, the police officer kept repeating while he submerged his head into the water and increased the intensity of the electric shocks, he declares.

The worst criminal charge against the man was that he had 10,000 pesos (approx. $775), but that money, he explained to the police, was to pay the brick layers, because he was in construction. “You’re stealing”, they accused him.

“I was shirtless and they saw my burns. Don’t hit me any more, I told them, I am diabetic”.

“If you’re sick, why are you out drinking,” they answered, and, again, the electric shocks.

Of the six detainees, only three were charged with unlawful carrying of a firearm. The rest were released. The detainee who admitted that the weapon was his argued in his defense that he was carrying it for self defense, and a federal judge allowed him conditional release.

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  1. And to think people called the autodefensas paranoid…
    Dangerous government and dangerous cartels… Not a good place to be.

  2. Holder gives them a gun out of the trunk of his car and then signals his mexican cop buddies to arrest them. Another evil American gun found at a crime scene in Mexico. Only real solution is to ban guns in the US.

    • Um why should we become like them? How does banning guns here help their? Most of the narco’s use AK 47’s. Those you can not get here in large numbers if at all. As shown banning firearms does no good.

      • Uh… I think he was being sarcastic. Or was Eric Holder really there with a trunk-load of American guns to plant?

  3. Jesus…. I can only hope that at least a few of these people have no one depending on them (financially speaking), and that they make it their personal mission to slaughter the cops who tortured them. After that, I hope they continue, assassinating every Mexican cop they find.

    And the antis call us paranoid for considering that if we allow ourselves to be disarmed, this might happen, despite the fact that it is happening just south of our country, and in countries all over the world. Insanity.

    • Except that the present tense is what is relevant. It IS happening here. Just for example:
      “CHICAGO, IL — Two men were held in jail for nearly a year and a half with no evidence against them, prompting a judge to criticize the “pathetic” police investigation.”
      Make no mistake, it is little, if any, different north of the Mexican border.

      • Well, strictly speaking (or rather, strictly writing), it’s “olé”, as it must have the mark above the “e.”

        That mark is a diacritic, or more specifically, an accent. More specifically still, it’s an accent acute (there are several other types of accents, and many other types of diacritics.) In Spanish, it indicates emphasis on that syllable. In the case of “olé”, it’s emphasis not just in the traditional sense of emphasizing a syllable for pronunciation, but also emphasis as in how much energy you impart into the actual utterance. Think of it like an exclamation point, since the very word olé implies excitement.

        One more quick lesson: the accent acute in Spanish can be used to change the entire meaning of the word, not just to indicate pronunciation or energy. For example, “papa” is potato, while “papá” is informal for father, like dad in English.

  4. Could you revisit your very first sentence, specifically what you put in the parentheses? I think you’re a bit confused – “Islamic” is the beginning of both ISIL and ISIS. The difference is between “Levant” and “al-Sham” which are basically the same territory. I’ve also heard the last S referred to as “Syria.”
    One source that talks of the different terms used for ISIS:–what-is-in-a-name-9731894.html

    • I think he meant the transition in general to using an acronym, whether ISIL or ISIS, as opposed to saying “Islamic State.”

  5. Similar things happen in US as well, just so you’d know. I don’t see how RKBA would help you there. If you try to defend yourself personally, best case scenario for you is you’re charged with murder; worst case they just shoot you right there. Revolt? We’ve had 30 years of police breaking down doors in people’s houses on reasons ranging from flimsy to outright false information, and no-one had bothered.

  6. Good post, but there is a mistake in the first graph. ISIL stands for Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant. Levant is an old fashioned word denoting the eastern Mediterranean region. So, the term Islamic State is still in the name whether you use ISIS or ISIL.

  7. I believe he was referring to the fact that Obama and others can refer to ISIL or ISIS without explicitly stating the terms Islam or Islamic. This prevents the less informed or interested from making a direct and visceral connection between ISIL and Islam or Muslims. It’s basic PR technique and unfortunately all to common in this administration.. By this I mean that they think we are too stupid to either handle the truth or see through their thinly veiled bull.

    • That would be because:

      “Robert Farago founded The Truth About Guns in February of 2010 to explore the ethics, morality, business, politics, culture, technology, practice, strategy, dangers and fun of guns.”

      Firearm reviews and caliber war pontification are a part of TTAG, not the whole.

  8. Followed a link a while back from here to Borderland beat. I gotta tell you its mostly unreadable, unintelligible, inside baseball bullshit. Then, when you read the comments to their stories, its mostly cheerleaders for the Narcotrafficers. Pretty depressing stuff.

  9. Yep Mexico sucks. The article was difficult to read. Our southern border is more important than the middle east(at least for NOW). Cold dead hands POTG.

  10. I keep imagining the look of terror on the face of an game show contestant that wins a “fabulous” trip to Mexico. I sure as hell wouldn’t go!

  11. Having been in Mexico for work on a few occasions myself, and having coworkers that spent even more time there….I can say Mexico is a corrupt shit hole…and I never heard of/saw anything this bad. Even before this story, I understand why the general population want to leave. I have a (legal) immigrant neighbor as well, she is scared to go home to visit family, and won’t bring her son or husband if she does choose to brave it.

  12. Ok, so not related to the article but i’m curious, the first guy in the picture is holding his rifle right handed but his handgun is on his left leg. Do any of you guys do that? I feel like it would be tricky making a transition.

  13. How does Obama using “ISIL” avoid the term Islamist? Everyone knows the word Islamist is in that acronym.

  14. I for one do not understand why TTAG has to always be cop bashing! I’m sure these are just isolated examples of the actions of a few bad apples. We’ll probably find out that these incidents have been wildly misrepresented by a cop hating media. My hope is that everyone got home safely to their families at the end of the day.

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