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Omar Garcia, survivor of the slaughter of students from Ayotzinapa Mexico, gives his version of what happened the night of September 26 in Iguala, Mexico. That’s when 43 student protesters were last seen being pushed into police vans after a protest in Guerrero state on 26 September. “Forensic teams have recovered the remains of at least 28 victims so far from a series of clandestine graves and diesel-soaked pyres on the outskirts of the city,” reports. “The bodies are so butchered and burned that Mexican authorities say it could take two months for DNA testing to determine if they’re the missing students, many of whom are from impoverished rural villages where being a teacher is one of the only decent jobs.” Here’s the translation via

00:00 About 20 or 30 meters away, I found our fellow student Edgar Andres Vargas, who had already been shot in the head. I found him and our friend was walking bent over, very seriously wounded, bleeding profusely.

00:25 We carried him as well as we could, and we kept running, running, running, and we could feel the shots hitting the cars that were on the sides . . .

00:30 We were running behind about three cars, so they would not hit us.

00:42 The afternoon of the 26th, we were at school. We knew that our fellow students had gone towards Iguala to ask for donations.

00:50 Around 7:30 or 8:00, a fellow student called me on my phone and told me, “Listen, the the police here in Iguala are shooting at us.”

01:00 As soon as he told us that, well, I ran looking for our fellow students, quickly, quickly, and we organized a trip over there, using the school’s Suburban.

01:12 So, we were fast, too fast, and we got there as fast as we could, and we went to the place where they told us things were happening.

01:20 We thought that when we got there, if the ones who were firing were policemen, and if they were on one side and the students on the other, well…we were going to calm things down, you know? To ask what’s happening, the reason for the attack, calm down, what’s done is done. Let’s take our fellow students away with us.

01:45 That’s basically what we were going there for. More so because a fellow student had already told us a kid had been wounded already, or that he was dead, we were already saying among ourselves that he was dead. (but) he was not dead, it was fellow student Aldo Gutierrez Solano, the one still in the coma, brain dead, the one shot in the head, that is who it was.

02:00 We got there and saw that the buses were totally destroyed from the gunfire, at the level of the side windows, at the windshield level, the lower part, the tires flat. blood inside the buses, coagulated. It was not a few drops, it was great quantities of blood.

02:20 Suddenly, from the part of the highway that comes from Teloloapan and all those places into Iguala, there was a dark section, we heard the rattle of gunfire again.

02:40 I took advantage of a pause during which, I assumed, they were changing ammunition, their rifle magazines, and that’s when I took advantage, and jumped towards
Olivares Street, which runs towards downtown, where the rest of my fellow students were running.

02:58 When we had gone about two or three blocks down, and the Army was also patrolling the streets, the city. Not patrolling the (entire) city, just that place.

03:05 They would tell us, “Shut up, shut up, you guys asked for it. You wanted to take on some real men, well, bring it on, bring it on and take it.

03:18 We were afraid and enraged at the same time, because we could not talk, we could not get phone calls. If anyone called us, a military person would stand right there to listen. They would tell us what to say, that is, basically, to cover up for themselves, because they would say, “You can receive phone calls so they won’t find out we’re holding you but don’t tell them you’re being held by the military, just tell them you’re OK”, they told the students who were getting phone calls.

03:48 Well, after that, they “called an ambulance”. They took photographs of everybody, including the student who was wounded.

04:00 They said, “We’re going to take his photograph so that the ambulance can be assessing, more or less (Yeah, right!, student comments) the the severity of the matter”.
The ambulance never got there.

04:03 So then, from there, the students dispersed and left me and a teacher in charge of the (wounded) student, with the risk that we would get killed on the streets. Because we looked at ourselves, and said, “Two or three less…”. And we were able to get to the general hospital around 2:30 or 3:00 a.m. that morning.

04:30 We’re another case of disappeared persons. In Mexico and in Guerrero a lot of people are killed in the so-called “collateral damage”, in their fucked up politics they use against different forces, including themselves.

04:39 We don’t want to be a part of all that. We want a fair and free Mexico.

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  1. I used to spend a lot of time in Mexico, for business and vacations. So many good people suffering so much. It’s heartbreaking.

    • I’d say it’s more because of the high profits that the products can generate, which in turn are due to their illegality. These cartels would not exist in their current form if not for the war on drugs.

        • I think his greater point is that demand is not going to drop. Drug usage rates have stayed table-flat for the past 4-5 decades while we’ve spent insane amount of money on the ‘war on drugs’. People are going to want to do drugs. All prohibition does is take distribution out of the hands of honest hard-working citizens and put into the hands of illegal organized crime organizations. End prohibition and that will (to a large part) go away. During the prohibition of alcohol in the 20’s and 30’s the only way to get liquor was to buy it from whichever organized-crime mobster was running the game in your area. They were murdering criminals. Today you just get it form the local liquor store or bar, and noone considers a person who drinks responsibly, or the bartender who provides that liquor, as a criminal monster who deserves to be in jail. the demand for drugs is not what causes the problems (and is impossible to eliminate). It is the acts of those who are in charge of distribution that cause the problems.

        • Where are the liquor and cigarette cartels then? They don’t exist because those products are legal. Your Nancy Reagan approach to drugs is a non-starter.

    • Up until prohibition it was all legal. When prohibition was repealed drug prohibition continued to provide work for federal dragoons. The biggest social problem with “drugs” is the illegality forcing users to deal with stone cold criminals. It’s all about federal dominance, money & property confiscation, and social engineering. The government has no business trying to regulate morality.

      • “federal dominance, money & property confiscation, and social engineering”

        Yep, pretty much sums it up.

      • It was legal because it wasn’t a problem. At least it wasn’t a problem when I went to school. I never even heard about drugs until the late 50’s, or so. Nobody I ever new back then was on drugs. Now, it seems half of American is smoking, or snorting something, and a lot of that half, are kids that think it’s cool to be high!
        I’ll bet a silver dollar to a double cholesterol square donut, that if no one bought any drugs for a year, or until the currant supply ran out, the drug cartels and every drug dealer on the street would be looking for a new occupation!

      • “You can’t regulate morality” is a terrible argument. Murder, rape, embezzlement, indecency with a child, and robbery are all immoral, should we deregulate and tax that, too?

    • Yes yes because society injecting, inhaling etc all manner of random “pharmalogical” compounds could not be a problem. What could go wrong.

      • Society? Who exactly does you injecting, inhaling, etc. drugs hurt but you? I don’t refrain from drug use because of laws and neither does anyone else I know. Legalize it , tax it, use the tax money for education and rehabilitation.

        • Oh yeah, more government. That’s the solution! Legalize it, control it, tax it and give the money to Education? Spoken by a true Democrat liberal… Yeah, let’s put the money in education so the administrators and teachers can enjoy more benefits. Brilliant!!!

      • What about drinking a mind altering substance that causes brain death and liver disease?

        You saying you’re ready to ban booze?

  2. Thanks for the play by play, cause the vid doesnt have CC. What an incredibly horrific situation, seems like if youre not a cop, cartel man or politician in Mexico, youre just meat for the grinder.

  3. So glad you are highlighting the events in Mexico on a continuing basis. People can brush off the Nazi and Soviet history of civilian disarmament. To see, however, the results of such disarmament so gruesomely unfolding today just south of our border …should be a bit more persuasive.

    Mexico’s population have some very confused notions about how to fix their situation, as though yet another group of politicians at the top (of their favorite party) could be the answer, rather than civilian self-defense from the bottom up: The student’s comment at 4:30 is (though vague) a condemnation not only of the government and cartels, but of the auto-defensas, which these poor students oppose. And so? More lambs to slaughter.

  4. When I speak with people, in particular young people, about how a Government can become BAD…the majority thinks that this is something that only happens in the cinema or in some old books…
    Nothing could be further from truth.

  5. Nowhere else to drop this: But a gamergate supporter has threatened to shoot up Utah State if they go ahead with a particular speaker.

      • I think it had to do with gamers finding out that their game mags/game review sites only put out good reviews based on which gaming studio gave them money.

        Color me shocked. Welcome to the gun, automobile, boat, knife, whatever product you fancy, world of print magazines that has been happening for decades before a lot of these little bastards were a twinkle in their parents’ eyes. A lot of them being progressive, and a lot of them finally learning the reality of the real world of print media, have caused an uproar about human nature beyond their video game screens. Whoop-de-doo!!

        This is also coming from a gamer myself and I couldn’t care less about this stupid shit. Anyone who takes these reviews from these for-profit rags seriously in this age with access to the internet is a dumbass to begin with.

        • It also had to deal with sexism and misogyny by the leftists in the bunch saying they feel minorities and women aren’t fairly represented. My problems with that below:

          A) Freedom of speech
          B) The market- who is your biggest audience? White males with rich parents. That is the biggest demographic. It makes sense to cater to your market like gun manufacturers cater to the AR-15 and 1911, because it makes money.
          C) Those whiners should fund their own company to make a black lesbian superhero if they are so butthurt over not being represented since we live in a fairly free country to where they can do is if they truly cared but the typical leftist would rather shrill and whine than actually face the real problem.

  6. Mexico has been a corrupt oligarchy since its socialist international roots in the Mexican Revolution, in 1910.
    Just as in the Soviet Union, despite words and “parties for the people”, the truth is its been a corrupt oligarchy that ruled its subjects with bribes or at the point of a gun, funded by oil money, and now drug money.

    This is yet another example of left totalitarianism eating its young.
    Learn the lessons of history, or die.

    California, take note.

    • I agree. And yet with both the media and US administrations vested in selling the situation as “just inter-gang drug rivalries,” it isn’t surprising that Joe Six-pack hasn’t got the message. And anyway, “they’re Mexicans.”

      I laugh, cynically, each time one of the ISIS beheading threats is splashed all over the media. Mexican cartels have been cutting off heads, rolling heads into restaurants, liquifying bodies in lye, hanging wives and daughters from bridges, for more than three years. An the major story, that time after time both state and local government (both civil and military) are directly implicated in the criminality…is a US non-story. Right f’g next door. I wondered, in an idle moment, just how many teen sicarios have come across our southern border in the last year, Dreamers! I can conclude that with probability 1 the answer is not “none.”

      • While we wait for some more convenient facts, let’s cut to some footage of very sad, undocumented immigrant children who suddenly materialized and whom we need you to feel guilty about.

      • Let’s not discuss the harsh reality of living in a crappy faux democracy like Mexico, and why people might want to flee to the United States.

        Instead, let’s discuss how it’s “racist” to want to protect the border and have immigrants follow the same procedure as everyone else.


        Also, let’s not compare U.S. immigration policy with other countries, lest we show that there are far, far, far more restrictive immigration policies around the globe (cough, cough, Mexico).

        Just focus on making Americans feel guilty. Because we need new (Democrat) voters.

  7. Hey RF: “… one of the only …” is really sucky English.

    “The only,” “one of the few,” “one of only a few” et cetera mean something, but ooto is like saying one or another of one.

    The foregoing having been said, HOLY CRAP! The mind boggles.

  8. You know, every time I hear somebody saying they wish all Mexicans would just go back to their own country, I remember stuff like this and think “Would you go back to that?”. I honestly can’t blame them for leaving.

    • I can’t blame them for leaving, but neither can they blame us for not learning from their mistakes, particularly with their patriarchal suger daddy views on government.

      • Yup. The reality is that these broken countries need to stand up for themselves. They have to want things to change otherwise they never will. Maybe we’d still be ruled by devine right if people of the past hadn’t stood up.

        This is why western culture is where it is today. The French demanded freedom and cut off the heads of their tyrants. The Americas revolted and broke free from the British. Freedom isn’t free as the saying goes. The autodefensas are a good start but Mexicans in general need to demand more.

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