
Those who dislike guns and oppose gun rights often base their antipathy upon fears and emotions, not facts or logic. True to form, a group of LBGT students at the University of Houston have created a anti-ballistic bogeyman that’s left them nearly hysterical with fear. “I feel like I can’t speak up for myself anymore,” one student tells Buzzfeed.

Many LGBT students at the University of Houston say they feel like they can no longer express themselves safely now that a law allowing people to carry concealed weapons on campus is in effect and classes have begun.

“I feel like I can’t speak up for myself anymore,” Robyn Foley, 22, a transgender and intersex student who majors in anthropology, told BuzzFeed News. “I can’t correct someone on my pronouns” — Robyn’s pronoun is “they” — “I can’t stand up for my transgender friends, because if I do and someone gets pissed off all they have to do is pull out a gun.”

A number of other students eating lunch at the campus LGBTQ Resource Center nodded in agreement.

Guns on campus are nothing new. In addition to the few students and/or faculty who’ve been (or continue to be) carrying illegally, armed criminals and psychopaths have preyed on student populations for decades. Some at the edges of campus, some within its magical “gun free zones.”

While some decry Texas’ License to Carry requirements, like all such systems it creates a population of vetted individuals, fingerprinted and background checked. No surprise, then, that licensed carriers are some of the most law-abiding members of society.

Statistics and facts are one thing. Feelings are another. If, despite the evidence that her concerns are much ado about nothing, the aforementioned Foley feels silenced or intimidated by campus carry, that’s on her/him. But I don’t suppose a self-imposed state of helplessness is a pre-requisite for being a member of the LGBT community.

…The building containing the LGBT center, as well as the veteran students’ center, is not an exclusion zone, which many of the students in the LGBT center didn’t realize until someone looked it up during a conversation with BuzzFeed News. The students sat in stunned silence for a moment before Foley said, “Wow, I just assumed it was, out of common sense.”

“That’s actually really scary,” another student, who went by K, added. (K asked not to have their full name included because they haven’t yet told their parents about their gender identity.)

…Some students said that the fact that the guns can’t be seen makes it even more intimidating. “Anyone you get into a philosophical argument with in class might have his hand on his gun while you’re talking,” one student, who asked to remain anonymous out of fear of retaliation, told BuzzFeed News. “I already feel it affecting my education.”

“…Asked to remain anonymous out of fear of retaliation”?  It’s the “blood will flow in the streets” thing all over again. We’re into the second week of Texas campus carry and . . . nothing. Why it’s Utah all over again. Again.

Meanwhile, the odds of an unopposed assault on campus, including a spree killer, just went down. How great is that?


  1. The projection from these delicate little snowflakes is very telling. They are most likely overly emotional basket cases that fly off the handle and gravitate toward violence when someone doesn’t address them with their “preferred pronouns”. They’re worried that if they continue to physically attack other students, they might face repercussions. This “fear” has everything to do with the physical (group) intimidation tactics the sjw’s currently employ on college campuses.

    • Exactly. The new brownshirts have become accustomed to the unfettered ability to use physical intimidation to further their agenda, and are now worried that they lack the bullying ability to make you call them “zhe”.

    • You’re exactly right about he children in today’s “Generation Snowflake”. They been raised in an artificial academic environment in which no one is allowed to dissent from the orthodox, liberal theology. These children have never been forcved to critically analyze or confront an opposing belief. Instead, they are told that those who disagree with them are evil, extreme, racist, sexist or all of the above. And, as a result they resort to the type of reaction seen here…illogical fear, intimidation and name calling to justify their position…all in the hope that the boogey man will leave them alone so that can exist peacefully in their liberal echo chamber. And, in the process they pervert the minion of a university to promote diverse and independent thought.

    • If someone corrected me on my pronoun usage, I’d ask them to call me “Truck Spank” in exchange.

    • NYC2AZ,

      “They are most likely overly emotional basket cases that fly off the handle and gravitate toward violence when someone doesn’t address them with their ‘preferred pronouns’.”

      Actually they are much worse off than that. They are utterly and totally detached from reality. A man who insists that he is a woman is every bit as detached from reality as a man who insists that he is a chimpanzee.

      Whether or not they arrived at their condition as a result of mental illness or simple depravity (by choice) is neither here nor there. We cannot put stock in anything that they claim as long as they insist that they are something that clearly is contrary to reality.

  2. “”The students sat in stunned silence for a moment before Foley said, “Wow, I just assumed it was, out of common sense.”””

    Clearly, the LGBT crowd has lost the ability to think. Orlando, anyone? The fact that the building containing the LGBT center is NOT a gun-free zone is possibly the very best thing to happen to them – now they can carry a gun and defend themselves and others, should it be necessary. I respect everyone’s choices in life, but I’m wondering more and more if LGBTs get their upper thinking functions shut off when they become part of the group . . .

    And then ““I already feel it affecting my education.” – you mean, now you need to check yourself? Stop being a d-bag, as you have been for years, under the excuse of “I’M L/G/B/T and hence, I’m free to say whatever I want?”

    Reality check, people – being part of the LGBT tribe doesn’t make you any special. Nor being part of the Black Lives Matter. Nor being part of any other group.

  3. You know, they could fix all of these problems if they just illegalized assault, battery, and murder.

  4. If only there was a criminal justice system that would punish people for shooting others for no reason. The Texas legislature should do something about that. Oh, wait….

    • I’m pretty sure the Second Amendment covers that. In its intended application allowing “the people” to keep and bear arms people who even attempted to shoot other people “for no reason” would be punished pretty dam quick.

    • I’m glad I did.
      With a little tough love and some back woods old fashioned raising my kids will easily dominate over these (insert list of pronouns here).

      This culture being raised has been done before, history will show that a metrosexual society is always terminated by a dominant society.

      Unless the rest of the world takes on this sissy way of life, this trend won’t last long, we will not have a military capable of defending it.

      • The rest of the so-called civilized world is already like this. We’re just catching up to it.

        But I salute you, successful parenting is a mighty achievement.

    • University of Houston central campus is in Third Ward, bordering Gulfgate. That’s some of the roughest real estate in town, recent gentrification notwithstanding. (A 2013 study based on FBI data ranked the neighborhood as the 15th most dangerous in the nation.)

      I’d be interested to know how these people do not tool up in the morning.

  5. So in the past when all of these folks have corrected peoples pronoun usage, have they been confronted with anger, violence, knives, clubs etc? Probably not I would assume, and definitely not within the hallowed halls of the UT campus. Why should that change just because the law now allows LTC holders (over 21 and rigorously background checked) to concealed carry on campus?

    As we have seen before, common sense means different things to different folks.

  6. So, for decades the LGBT community has been indoctrinating the straight populace that they have nothing to fear from gays, etc. That they – except for different sexual preferences – are just normal people like everyone else. You would think it to be “common sense” that they would recognize, even applaud the variety of opinions of the other normal people in society, including those who choose to carry a gun for self defense.

    And given that a significant portion of the anti-gunners think that POTG have some sort of weird sexual fetishism towards our guns, you’d think that we should be generally embraced, or at least tolerated, by those with alternate sexual preferences. I’ve never heard of anyone catching AIDS from SIG P320.

    But no – with a few exceptions (Pink Pistols, for example) except for demanding specific rights and entitlements, it seems this community is as me-oriented as any other left-wing group.

  7. It seems as if most of these young people have yet to emotionally develop sufficiently to cope in life. Quite some time ago there were private institutions that once shielded these individuals from the cold, harsh world. It should be evident that they need to be warehoused and protected. (If mommy and daddy aren’t available, perhaps we can construct proper nurseries to cover this contingency).

  8. The implication that all carriers are mentally unstable enough to “pull out out a gun” because of ideological disagreements is astounding. Anyone that unstable would probably already have a record, and thus be ineligible to carry in any state that requires a permit. Which includes Texas.

    Moreover, I’ve found that carrying a gun has made me *more* “zen”, not less. I was already unlikely to get into any kind of altercation–I don’t care for conflict–and now that I consider myself required to uphold a higher standard of behaviour, the likelihood goes down even further.

    I daresay that your concerns about being murdered while asking someone to use the proper pronouns are exaggerated. Carriers want the same thing that you want–to be left alone. Live and let live. I use the pronouns you ask me to, and maybe you don’t sweat bullets every time you talk to me because you’re worried I’m unstable. If someone really wanted to assault you because you policed your pronouns, do you really think they wouldn’t do it just because they didn’t have a gun?

    Here’s an idea: if you’re concerned that some unstable transphobe is going to assault you because of who you are, then protect yourself. Tool up. It’s your right just as much as it is theirs.

    • ADM,

      “The implication that all carriers are mentally unstable enough to ‘pull out out a gun’ because of ideological disagreements is astounding.”

      Is it any more astounding than a “transgender” man who insists that he is a woman in clear contradiction to reality?

    • But IT doesn’t want to be left alone. IT wants to force people to listen to ITs annoying drivel about the ‘proper pronoun’. IT can’t get ITs way if that other person might respond with violence to ITs threat of state-violence for not conforming to ITs warped reality.

  9. “I feel like I can’t speak up for myself anymore.”

    As a conservative who works among East Coast urbanites and academics, let me just say: Welcome to my world, little snowflake.

  10. “Anyone you get into a philosophical argument with in class might have his hand on his gun while you’re talking,” one student … told BuzzFeed News.

    Huh?!?!? Where does that idea come from?

  11. Amazing how powerful the victimized tyrant act is.
    I feel victimized by your rights so you need to give up your rights so I no longer feel victimized. Oh, and you need to apologize for making feel victimized by your rights.

    If only Mussolini and Pol Pot were more sheepish in their demeanor they would have held power much longer and had the folks lined up awaiting their firing squads apologizing to them for not expressing tolerance toward their views.

    Also, I thought Buzzfeed and Gawker were bankrupt and defunct. What’s up with that?

    • A bunch of fictional witches if I remember correctly. I know, I too can hear Sgt. Osiris postulating on that. Yeah, I am mixing references.

  12. “…Some students said that the fact that the guns can’t be seen makes it even more intimidating.”

    Sounds like it might be time to pass legal OPEN carry on campuses so these people won’t be so scared.

  13. “Many LGBT students at the University of Houston say they feel like they can no longer express themselves safely now that a law allowing people to carry concealed weapons on campus is in effect and classes have begun.

    “I feel like I can’t speak up for myself anymore,” Robyn Foley, 22, a transgender and intersex student who majors in anthropology, told BuzzFeed News. “I can’t correct someone on my pronouns” — Robyn’s pronoun is “they” — “I can’t stand up for my transgender friends, because if I do and someone gets pissed off all they have to do is pull out a gun.”

    Why do other people have to do, or not do, something to make you feel better about your life… Fucking grow up.

    Nobody gives a shit about you, your feelings, or your preferred pronouns; your mommy lied to you, no one cares.

    And if you’re worried about people wanting to kill you based solely on you interacting with them, may I suggest, changing how you interact with people. It sounds like you’re being a dick and expect that not to come with consequences.

    So, let’s not wrap the world in bubble tape because you want to be referred to as “they” (which is idiotic and grammatically absurd) and not “he.”

    • “Robyn’s pronoun is “they”

      WTF does that even mean? If I say, “wow, you are really screwed up!”, this thing is going to “correct its pronouns” by telling me to address it as “they”? Like “Wow, *they* are really screwed up!”? ‘Cuz that’s what it sounds like. Were that to happen, it wouldn’t need to worry about my gun, but I would certainly advise it that in the future the pronoun I would utilize to address it would be “FAG-got” Like, “Wow, *FAG-got* is really screwed up!” Stand back! I think FAG-got is going to blow! Organisms which are this stupid are really allowed into universities these days?

  14. These people really need to wake up! While I personally don’t give a rip what clothes you choose to wear, who your friends are, or what you do to or with them in private, don’t expect me to remember or care what your personal pronoun is. As a general rule I subscribe to the basic three choices: he, she, or it. Out of a general attempt at politeness I will attempt to apply which ever seems appropriate, but I don’t really care, and if you want to make one up, go for it. Don’t expect me, or much of anyone else, to care or remember. Just because you have a fetish that makes you want to make up new bits of our common language doesn’t mean people will remember or care. If you expect them to then you are in for a sad and unhappy ride on the big blue ball that goes around the Sun.

  15. Well it seems that this particular population has just discovered what the phrase “an armed society is a polite society” means from the antagonist’s point of view. They have lost the ability to gang up on someone and crybully their way into what they want because now they know that those who would normally be their prey have the means to resist when the crybullies begin to get violent. The padded corners of reality have once again intruded into their not so safe special snowflake space, and they can’t stand it.

    However, those who do happen to know that the world is in fact reality and that no where and no body is actually safe, they can all breathe a sigh of relief to know that they, strait, gay, black, white, muslim, jewish, LGBTQWTFBBQ, whatever, can exercise their right to ensure that they, and possibly even the people around them, can be just a tiny bit safer.

  16. TTAG, you seem to be spending a lot of space here pandering to what the gay community thinks and how they feel.

  17. Projection much? They’re the ones who can’t have a reasonable debate and shut down any semblance of one with cries of “racist” or “cis scum”.
    These children forget that their predecessors who protested for civil rights did so in spite of the danger of lynchings, bombings and police brutality. They don’t know what it means to protest and they can’t appreciate what it took to get them to their cozy safe spaces today.
    Logic dictates that if the POtG were as violent as the anti-rights crowd says, there wouldn’t be any of them left to protest.

  18. “K asked not to have their full name included because they haven’t yet told their parents about their gender identity.”

    And yet, K has no reluctance talking about campus carry itself. His/her/their stance on that subject certainly qualifies as oppositional, but there’s no fear of reprisal from campus carriers, only from K’s parents? Curious, that.

    This strips bare the distinction between this person’s real and imaginary problems. This tuition-sponging, special little snowflake is more afraid of Mommy and Daddy’s checkbook than some campus carrier’s magazine. Good grief.

  19. I don’t have a problem with people who are “different.” I have a problem with people who think that being “different” makes them better than everybody else while they espouse positions that are clearly and utterly stupid.

  20. Huh, I learned a lot from this article. All these years I thought a LGBT was a kind of sandwich. Now it makes so much more sense!

  21. So where is all the blood in: Colorado, Idaho, Kansas, Mississippi, Oregon, Utah and Wisconsin?

    Same argument that open-carry anti’s claim “blood in the streets”. Where is all the blood in the streets in those other open carry states? Or is these something particularly scary about your constituents, Mr. state legislator?

  22. You’d think the LGBT community watching a muslim terrorist murder 49 of their brothers and sisters and whatever else they call themselves would be a wake up call; that Christians who won’t bake their cakes and pro 2A people aren’t their actual enemies and won’t murder them because of their sexual preference.

    Guess that was hoping too much. I mean sure there’s the Pink Pistols, but they aren’t getting nearly as much coverage as they deserve. We all know the reason is that pro 2A gays who plant their feet in the ground and say “I will not be bashed for my sexuality” goes against the victim narrative. I guess promoting them through grassroots efforts is all we can do.

  23. Our military selection process must be a nightmare today.

    Good luck defending all the sissies with other sissies.

  24. What the hell is an intersex student? Is it someone so F-ed up that they can’t make up their mind? I wonder how these snowflakes feel about all the people who just pack knives instead?

  25. If you are afraid that you are going to provoke someone into killing you, and the only thing stopping them is the lack of IMMEDIATE access to a firearm, you should re-evaluate your choices in what you are saying or to whom you are saying it.

    Meanwhile, get trained and carry a firearm for the next time some nutjob decides to shoot up a club.

  26. “(K asked not to have their full name included because they haven’t yet told their parents about their gender identity.)”

    Wait until “they” have to tell “their” parents about “their” incipient schizophrenia (or ascension to royalty, whichever).

  27. I attended the University of Houston. I saw someone get shot on campus. The only pronoun in question was “it.” That was referring to a car that a couple of punks tried to jack from a guy who had just dropped his sister off back at school on a Sunday night. Granted, this was 1992 and the neighborhood around UH isn’t as rough as it once was, but it’s still not Utopia (or Rice). There was also no CHL in Texas then. The victim in this case took the only legal option he had – which was to run. Fortunately, he was a big guy, and the 3 slugs from a .22 he took were in non-vital areas, so he was on his feet when EMS arrived.

    I was involved in the comedy and theater scenes back then, so many of my friends were LGBT. I heard stories of harassment from most of them. I felt bad for them. I have no tolerance for attacking people just because they’re different. It’s lazy, and life is too short to waste on lazy ideologies.

    I know there have been many stories on this site highlighting the antis’ tactic of stacking hypotheticals against empirical fact. Although my evidence is anecdotal, it is sufficient for me. There were no “what-ifs” in play when I held the door to Oberholtzer Hall for the paramedics. Just a very real case of bad guys having the only gun in the scenario. Nobody gave a hoot about anyone’s pronouns.

  28. These freaks are just like blacks, wet backs. All the do is bitch and bellyache just to get attention. They want any reason to run their mouth, they make me sick. I am a straight, white male, if I bitch, I am told to live with it.

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