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Thanks to the indispensable, we get to savor a shot of former Colorado Senate President John Morse’s former office door being expunged of any evidence that he’d ever darkened it. As you’re probably aware, Centennial State gunnies are trying to make it three in a row by removing Edie “You’re Better Off Being Raped Than Having a Gun” Hudak, another proud member of Colorado’s Bloomberg-supported civilian disarmament caucus. If the recall is successful, not only will Hudak’s removal send yet another unambiguous message to those who would limit their constituents’ enumerated civil rights, it would also flip control of the Senate from the Dems to the Reps. Let’s hope the capitol building maintenance staff has plenty of razor blades on hand.


  1. I’d love to see pro-2A Coloradans pull off a hat trick and flip the state senate. That would be karmic justice and would put Bloomie in a foul mood, win/win.

    • I think he is already in a foul mood and that is why he is dumping butt loads of cash in NOVA this week supporting MacAuliff. If “he” is going to lose CO he wants to replace it with VA.

  2. only thing better would be a picture of Shannon Watts(TM) next to the door throwing a temper tantrum

  3. Id like to see Shannon watts’ reaction to be told she should let herself be raped rather than defend herself.
    I have a friend who was assualted in that way. It ruined her life. I would never wish that on anyone.

  4. “Let’s hope the capitol building maintenance staff has plenty of razor blades on hand.”
    And the necessity to use them…

  5. Now you know what would be really cool? If every gun owner in Virginia went out tomorrow and voted for Ken Cuccinelli. Sadly, tens of thousands will stay home, and thousands of others will vote for big-government libertine and phony libertarian Robert Sarvis to “send a message” to the GOP (message: “We didn’t vote for you, you lost, so now you owe us… something. Somehow. That you’re now in no position to grant us”.)

    So, to all of the responsible gun owners, you have my sympathy for what appears to be inevitable. To the stay-at-homes and the message senders – you made your bed. Don’t you dare complain.

  6. Let’s hope the capitol building maintenance staff has plenty of razor blades on hand.

    And let’s further hope the nannies don’t stop them from possessing and using them.

  7. “I just want to say that, actually statistics are not on your side even if you had a gun,” Hudak said during the hearing. “And, chances are that if you would have had a gun, then he would have been able to get that from you and possibly use it against you.”

    Elective representatives overwhelming problem. Failure to represent the people while giving their opinion on the right of self protection. THEY WILL DETERMINE FOR YOU, WITHOUT ACCEPTING RESPONSIBILITY.

    Slip of the tongue, gets them a spot over the mortar tube.

    • “Slip of the tongue, gets them a spot over the mortar tube.”

      Oh I LIKE that! Lil’ Kim style justice…

  8. Hopefully we can keep momentum and continue to replace these folks… hopefully we won’t lose Virginia but I have seen the gun movement snatch defeat from the jaws of victory before..

  9. Let’s hope the capitol building maintenance staff has plenty of razor blades on hand

    . . . and distributes them to the Democrats in the CO legislature.

  10. If every gun owner in Virginia went out tomorrow and voted for Ken Cuccinelli. Sadly, tens of thousands will stay home, and thousands of others will vote for big-government libertine and phony libertarian Robert Sarvis to “send a message” to the GOP (message: “We didn’t vote for you, you lost, so now you owe us… something. Somehow. That you’re now in no position to grant us”.)


    It’s a marathon, not a sprint. If we’ve learned one thing, it’s that the other guys are relentless, consistent & implacable.

    So, l’m gonna go vote in my berg’s far less visible elections tomorrow with no chance of carrying the day, BUT, it sends a message. By the skin of your teeth, you mandate-free poseurs. By inches and you had to fight for every one. Over objections, deeply held, consistent and profound, you impose on us. Do that if you must, and work hard so that you can, showing your true colors – it’s about who is to be master.

    I’m from upState NY, or should I say “The City”‘s Unruly Back Yard. There’s few more profound examples of the tyranny of a majority, and the rejection of diverse alternative ways of life by an insular urban subculture.

  11. Get rid of that Bit.h,Amanda Was Raped by James Biehla She didn’t have her permitted CCW gun with her and she was Raped,40 ft from the UNR campus police.Then he went on to Rape and Kill Brianna Dennison!
    When Amanda testified for ‘campus carry’ in Colorado,Stupid Ass Hudak said it’s better to be raped ,What a Clueless idiot.Can you say …RECALL?

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