This morning’s New York TImes took a troll—sorry, “stroll” through The City’s public accounting of concealed carry permit holders. Rather than find out what motivates an “average” person to want a CCW permit, the Gray Lady got all celeb jiggy with it. Of course, that criticism assumes there’s a single “average ” person amongst the 41,164 Big Apple-based CCW permit holders. But there is derisive humor to be had amongst the rich and famous that pack heat, apparently . . .

“I don’t believe people should be allowed to have guns in America,” Ms. [Alexis] Stewart, daughter of Martha, said in an interview, explaining that she bought a .357 Magnum after 9/11 — but would be happy to give it up if handguns were banned. “Having a swimming pool is way more dangerous than having a gun.”

Funny that the Times chose to highlight conservative pistol-packers Roger Ailes (Fox News Prez), Sean Hannity (right wing chin wagger), without naming one important left-leaning CCW permit holder: New York Times publisher Arthur Ochs Sulzberger, Jr. But we do get a great gun story . . .

John A. Catsimatidis, the owner of the Red Apple Group and Gristedes supermarket chain, recalled a chilling episode from the mid-1980s, when he intercepted a robber fleeing one of his stores in the Bronx.

“The first guy comes out with a sawed-off shotgun, goes right by me and says, ‘Be cool, man,’ ” said Mr. Catsimatidis, who has owned a gun for at least 35 years. “The second guy comes out with a sawed-off shotgun, goes by me and says, ‘Be cool, man.’ The third guy comes out with a sawed-off shotgun, and I intertwine my arm into his arm, and I put my gun to his head, and I say, ‘Drop your gun, or I’ll blow your head off.’ ”

When the police arrived, they arrested the man, and examined Mr. Catsimatidis’s weapon — a Walther PPK/S 9-millimeter pistol.

“The sergeant says to me, ‘You couldn’t have shot the guy anyway: your safety is still on,’ ” Mr. Catsimatidis recalled. “The sweat started dripping off my head.

“I’m not going to do anything stupid like that again.”

Which proves what, exactly?


  1. I’m disturbed that Ms. Stewart would be granted a permit, given her long-standing association with a notorious felon. Her mother. Many thousands of applicants are routinely denied permits, despite having no association with felons whatsoever.

    It’s a good thing the NYPD is so diligent and impartial, isn’t it?

  2. Far more kids drown to death in swiming pools than get killed with guns. Just goes prove rich are not to smart in New York city.

  3. It proves that, particularly without regular training, cocked and locked can be a hazard. The good Mr. Catsimatidis would do well to get a DAO gun.

  4. “Which proves what, exactly?”

    My read on those concluding paragraphs? Pure condescension and hubris from some asshole NYCPD sergeant shaking his head, chuckling and saying “See why we don’t want civilians handling firearms?”.

    And Mr. C. is contrite and apologetic. Just like he’s supposed to be. The meme continues.

  5. And then there was the Harlem meat-supply business owner a couple of years ago who brought a long-hidden shotgun to bear on a quartet of armed robbers and killed three out of four.

  6. After going to all the trouble of a lawsuit, you’d think The Times would have published all names blessed by the NYPD to have a NYC handgun permit.

    Cross referencing those names with political contributions would make an even better story. But not one The Times would want to publish…

    • “Cross referencing those names with political contributions would make an even better story.”

      And a very lengthy one too.

  7. The Journal News, which covers mostly Westchester County, published a list of all of the pistol permit holders in the county, even providing a link to a handy spreadsheet. Nice, eh?

  8. When the police arrived, they arrested the man, and examined Mr. Catsimatidis’s weapon — a Walther PPK/S 9-millimeter pistol.

    “The sergeant says to me, ‘You couldn’t have shot the guy anyway: your safety is still on,’ ” Mr. Catsimatidis recalled. “The sweat started dripping off my head.

    “I’m not going to do anything stupid like that again.”

    Which proves what, exactly?

    That Mr. Catsimatidis nor the person who wrote the article know much about guns the Walther PPK/S is a .380 (AKA 9mm Kurz or short). If you’re going to carry a gun for defense working it has to be second nature.

    @2yellowdogs The Walther PPK/S Decocks when the safety is engaged there is no cocked and locked. He just failed to disengage a safety that operates like the ones on the Beretta 92F and S&W 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Generation semi-automatics.

  9. The sick part about this is that every one that has a NYC carry permit is good for the rest of the state, while people outside of NYC, even though they have to go through a LOT of hoops to get their permit, would be locked up with the same zeal as a gangbanger with a Glock in their pants if they dared to venture into the City while packing.

    • +1.
      Every permit holder from upstate and western NY counties knows that NY City is verboten when it comes to carry and/or transport. (I wouldn’t consider a connecting flight through JFK or LGA (or EWR) with a firearm).

      NY State law actually distinguishes between counties; although, this legislative sausage was more the product of traditional strong home-rule government than a pro/anti gun-control scrap.

      As a publicity stunt, I’d like to see a pro-gun legislator from a state (like PA or TX) that recognizes a NY CCW make the same distinction among NY counties as NY does. However, PA or TX reverses the distinction to penalize NY City permit holders. In other words, ALLOW permit holders from upstate and western NY to carry (in PA or TX). However, specifically DISALLOW New York City permit holders from carry, with a (suitably draconian) felony as punishment.

      Justification is simple: Since NY City’s permit process is borderline corrupt, anyone who completes such a process is similarly corrupt. Ergo, such people cannot be trusted to carry in the great State of PA/TX, etc…

      I wonder if Mayor Bloomberg would sue?

  10. I don’t believe the story for a second. Catsimatidis seems to be buddies with Bloomberg, which has to make you wonder. I’ve done my best to construct a conspiracy theory out of this at my blog.

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