P226 Elite SAO left
by Christopher Barnett

My preferred, primary carry pistol is one with a single-action-only trigger and a full-size, metal frame. I realize there are many who would question that choice and for the most part I understand and even respect their arguments. Yes, the guns tend to be boat belt anchors. Yes, there is a manual safety to commit to muscle memory. Yes, modern, polymer-frame, striker-fired pistols tend to offer excellent reliability. I get it. However, my opinion is that you should bet your life on a weapon . . .

(1) that works, given its design and the degree of care you are able and willing to provide it, (2) that you really are willing to carry every day, and (3) that promotes the greatest level of confidence with you among all options satisfying the first two criteria. For a while, for me, that has been a government-size 1911. I am more accurate, quicker to target and more confident with a 1911, I do not mind the size, and I would rather train to develop my strengths on that kind of platform than to overcome my weaknesses on something else. Thumb safety be damned.

That said, I never have been a big fan of certain aspects of the 1911 design, such as the grip safety and the barrel link. Also, all things being equal, I would prefer the higher round count and even faster follow-up times I can get with 9mm. That leaves me with relatively few metal-frame alternatives to my 45, none of which has been quite compelling enough for me to adopt. For three examples:

Browning Hi Power

The Browning/FN Hi Power is a very elegant and (for its size) very concealable weapon offering a respectable 13+1 capacity with standard magazines. However, its trigger suffers miserably from a magazine disconnect “safety” (thanks, France) and from an obnoxiously stout mainspring that probably could hammer the firing pin through plate steel. Annoyingly, the Hi Power also has no tactile trigger reset.

CZ 75b

The CZ 75B is similarly svelte (as duty-sized pistols go) and well-balanced and can be carried either DA/SA or in Condition 1. However, the standard 75B’s trigger in SA mode in my experience is inferior to most any 1911 (or even to a Hi Power), and non-competition-grade CZs seem to be a little less polished in their production quality. There allegedly is a 75B available from the factory with an SAO trigger, though I have been unable to readily find examples for sale.

Lionheart LH9

The new Lionheart LH9 also is intriguing, in that it can be carried (1) cocked and locked or (2) DA/SA or even (3) “Double Action PLUS+”. It seems to be a well-made and good-looking firearm. However, that third trigger mode makes the fire control group relatively complex, and complexity to me means more things to go wrong. That may be an unjustified way to look at it, but it would affect my confidence level in the gun. I also agree with Nick that the safety levers seem to be too small.

And, with few exceptions that are even less interesting to me, that’s mostly been it. Until SHOT Show 2013, when SIG announced the release of the P226 Elite SAO.

P226 Elite SAO slide open

I admittedly have a general love of all things SIG, to wit (in part): My EDC companion has been a SIG 1911 Nitron, which never has missed a beat for me. (Nick’s reported troubles with the T&E gun he received baffle me.) It also has a very nice trigger that is as good as I have experienced in a mass-produced 1911 with a firing pin safety. I also have a P938 that I occasionally carry when circumstances warrant, and it too has performed well for me (though its stock plastic trigger is pretty miserable, in my opinion, and was quickly switched out for a stainless steel replacement).

I also always have greatly admired the “classic” line of SIG pistols descending from the P220. However, despite its awesomeness, the P226 has not in the past been a strong carry contender for me, since the standard configuration is DA/SA. Even if I were inclined to just deal with the trigger modes, my borderline little-girl-sized hands have to reach a bit too much for the standard P226 trigger in DA mode.

SIG’s release of the new Elite SAO model has fixed those issues.


P226 Elite rear

The P226 is and always has been every bit a full-size, means-business duty weapon. The most obvious external difference between this iteration and the standard model is the lack of the left-side decocker and its replacement with an ambidextrous thumb safety. This setup is not unique to the Elite SAO in the P226 line, though. For some time, SIG has produced its X-Five and X-Six custom and semi-custom guns, which are long-slide P226s on steroids used mostly for competition and for looking fabulous. However, those pistols are heavier, owing to their steel frames (rather than the lighter anodized aluminum on most P226s), they have user-adjustable triggers, and they sport aristocratic price tags. I’d love to own one, but there’s no way I’d carry it for anything other than a barbeque.

Relative to standard P226s, on the Elite SAO SIG also has applied forward cocking serrations on the slide and a beavertail grip, both of which are fine, though not really deal-makers for me. The excellent and increasingly standard-issue SIGLITE night sites are a bigger win, as is the generous frame machining south of the trigger guard to afford a better grip (especially for us hand-size-challenged shooters). That ambi thumb safety also is a marvel, as manual thumb safeties go. Its levers stick out almost like little flags to remind you they’re there, and it’s in the Goldilocks Zone for positive engagement – not too tight and not too squishy…juuuust right. Also, unlike a 1911 or Hi Power (or even an X-Five), the SAO’s thumb safety does not lock the slide, which means you can clear the chamber or run a brass check without having to take the weapon off safe.

Takedown is typical P226 simplicity – drop the mag, safety check, lock back the slide, pivot the takedown lever, and slide the gun apart. That’s about as good as it gets with a semi-auto and far better than any 1911 (especially those that require tools…ick), Hi Power, CZ 75 or LH9. The SAO’s insides are P226-y, though there are obvious differences owing to the single action trigger mechanism.

P226 Elite inner workings

The worst thing I can mention about the design of the gun is its size. Even among full size sidearms, the P226 is a long (8.2″), tall (5.5″), fat (1.6″) weapon that really is meant to be worn OWB or in a chest or thigh rig. Concealing it presents challenges. However, living in Texas means I don’t have to worry about printing (or, come September 1, 2013, the occasional gust of wind or trip to a mattress store), and I have found that a quality IWB holster like the Comp-Tac Minotaur MTAC is all I need to carry comfortably. YMMV, depending on your body type and tolerance for 2.5+ lbs of extra weight at your side.

I also probably could do without the SIG rail at the dust cover, but it’s certainly not a problem for me, either.


P226 Elite SAO right


The only bad thing I can say about the standard P226 ergos is the aforementioned trigger reach, which means the only bad thing I can say about the SAO ergos is nothing. Since the trigger is always in single-action mode, it is always positioned further to the rear in the trigger guard. My index finger naturally comes to rest on the trigger right at the middle of the pad of the fingertip. Right where I like it.

The grip is great. It fills my hand without being too cumbersome, leaving no part of it without something solid to squeeze into while I’m firing. Most 1911 grips are dimensionally fine for me, but they never seem to fill the hand particularly well. The standard X-Five-style plastic grip panels provide a satisfactory degree of grippitude. I might consider some aftermarket grips at some point (Hogue makes some), but it’s not a priority at this stage.

Finally, as with all P226s, the slide stop is in a useful position that I can actually reach. Not so on my SIG 1911, unless I were to fit in an extended slide stop. The magazine release also is larger and more reachable, though still just a hair’s breadth from me being able to hit it without slightly changing my grip. I’m neither a SEAL nor a competitive shooter, though, so no big deal.

Shooting Experience

The SAO has a hinged trigger like its other P226 stable-mates, but it is a nice one. At the tip, I notice about 3/16” of light/smooth Takeup Part I, followed by about 3/16” of slightly less light/smooth Takeup Part II – Revenge of the Firing Pin Safety. Then a wall, and then about 1/16” for the hammer to fall. No noticeable overtravel. It’s a reasonably crisp break that, according to SIG, requires about 5.0 lbs of pull. I do not own a scale to measure it myself, but 5.0 lbs seems accurate to me just based on past experience. I think it is a good single-action weight for a defensive gun, though competitive shooters likely would find it to be a bit heavy. My SIG 1911 has a slightly lighter, crisper break (though, SIG also advertises it at 5.0 lbs). I suspect mine is a little lighter than that, but I have shot the thing a bunch.

At the range, the gun handles as one would expect from any P226. It has a fairly high bore axis, compared to most of the competition, but the weight and superior ergonomics beat the felt recoil into submission.

Accuracy also is typical SIG excellence. Again, I do not compete, and while my marksmanship abilities may be serviceable, they definitely are not superior to any quality, full-size, semi-automatic pistol. I will say that I still am slightly more accurate with my 1911 than I am with the P226 Elite SAO, likely owing to my longer history with the former and to its lighter trigger. However, the difference between my performance on the 1911 versus the P226 at typical defensive distances is negligible.


Caliber: 9mm
Barrel: 4.4″
Sights: SIGLITE night sights
Finish: Nitron slide, black hard anodized frame
Overall Length: 8.2″
Overall Weight: 34.4 oz (with mag)
Cost: $1,218 MSRP (street price around $1,000)

RATINGS (out of five stars):

Style * * * *

I think SIG’s “classic” line includes some damn fine-looking weapons, and this one is no exception. That said, my personal ne plus ultra of “modern,” production handgun style is the Hi Power. Or the 1911. Depends on which day you’re asking me.

Ergonomics * * * * *

I think this gun’s ergos are superior to just about any production pistol, regardless of platform or material. The grip fills my hand perfectly, and the weight minimizes whatever felt recoil a 9mm can throw at me. I like my GLOCK 17 just fine, but it feels like a Nerf-y plastic block by comparison.

Shooting * * * *

The trigger is a bit heavier than a typical 1911, which, absent practice, practice, practice may mean slightly less accurate shooting. However, the sublime feel of this pistol coupled with the lighter recoil of the 9mm round means that all that practice, practice and practice can last – enjoyably – for as long as your wallet will allow.

Reliability  * * * * *

This is predictive on my part, since the gun is so new. However, I have had no failures of any kind so far, having fed it a variety of ammo selections. Given the P226’s reputation, I expect none.

Customize This  * * * * *

It’s a standard-size P226 with a SIG rail. Other than the holster, I don’t intend to add anything to it for now, but the options are legion for those who do. Holsters, sights, lasers, lights, grips, mags, barrels…the mag opening is even machined for a “jet funnel,” for those who like magwells. Have at it.

Overall Rating  * * * * *

“If you have the means, I highly recommend picking one up.” SIGs generally aren’t cheap, and this one is no exception, with an MSRP of $1,218. The retail market probably will knock off $200-300. That said, I stumbled upon a truly excellent price for mine while perusing Gunbroker, so keep looking and you might find yourself a deal. Cost aside, I believe this is one of the finest (if not the finest) mass-market, single-action defensive 9mm pistols ever produced.


  1. I absolutely love SIGs but I too suffer from almost little girl sized hands. The most comfortable SIG I ever shot was a full size P220. I wish they had not discontinued the P220 Compact.

    • It still isn’t too late Gunbroker has a NIB 220 Compact SAO listed. I am tempted to buy it just in case I were ever to lose my EDC 220 Compact SAO by theft or accident. Even new shooters have no problem shooting it accurately and love shooting it. You won’t regret purchasing it.

  2. I like SIGS, no doubt. I have a P226 Combat model.

    I dislike the placement of the slide release, but it simply a matter of not being used to where it is.

    I remain a Glock guy simply because:

    (1) Utter simplicity. Chamber a round, pull trigger until time to change the magazine.
    (2) Price: a highly reliable platform for a lot less.
    (3) I’m used to it and train with it and it’s my “go to” handgun.

    • Not only is slide release placement annoying, the amount of pressure on that slide release via your fingers that prevents last round slide lock is ridiculously low. Seems to me that a simple graze on it prevents lockup.

      Compared to my glock 19, where I had to push on it pretty hard to cause the same occurrence.

      Love my P226 to death, just wish there was a solution for those of us with bigger hands.

      • It isn’t just the externals and user behavior on the slide release causing issues, it is the internals.

        My 2012 P226 was failing to lock back quite often, Sig said it was me. It wasn’t. I videotaped myself shooting left handed, right handed and single handed and benched with no part of my hand touching the slide.

        I googled and found this:

        Sent it in and Sig fixed it.
        Don’t believe Sig when they say it is you, Often it isn’t. There is a design defect on the internals

    • DA/SA Sigs operate exactly the same way, except: no safety trigger nonsense.

      And there’s always that all-metal frame thing, too…

  3. Nothing wrong with the Sig, but I will point out that the first two points he has against the BHP are routinely fixed by owners at home. All you need is two punches and a 10 dollar spring. Just deleting the mag disconnect alone gets you 90% of the benefit, if all you want to do is buy one punch. The trigger reset doesn’t bother me, because it’s only about 2 mm of travel on mine, anyway.

    • +1

      My MKIII Hi Power suffered from a spongy trigger until removal of the mag disconnect. I was unable to drive the trigger pin out myself, so I paid the local smith $35 for the trouble, and he installed a lighter mainspring at the same time. Now the pull is very comparable to my M&P’s with Apex DCAEK’s installed, smooth take up, with a positive, crisp break. Reset is still not as positive though, I’ll concede that point.
      I’m not arguing with the reviewer though, I’d probably go with the Sig myself if I only could only have one. My HP will not drop mags free, even with the removal of the mag disconnect. However, with Mec-Gar mags the HP holds 15, and is slimmer than the Sig.

    • That is a good point. I really like the BHP, and those mods would be great medicine for a range gun. However, on a carry gun, I am really hesitant to make any mods to the fire-control group, especially to anything considered by some to be a “safety.” The Angela Coreys of the world would have a field day with that in the event of a DGU.

      • Yep, back to the old “modifying a defensive gun” debate. Both sides of this argument have merit, no denying that. This and the reason I was shooting IDPA with this HP at one point are the reasons I didn’t take out the mag disconnect immediately upon getting the gun. My understanding of the IDPA rulebook (and my local RSO’s) was that you couldn’t disable any “safety” devices, including the HP’s mag disconnect. Eventually, I purchased M&P’s and the HP got appointed range queen. That being said, my HP still has a firing pin block and a thumb safety, on par with all modern pistols.

  4. I’ll admit I’m a Sig fanboy. (239 .40, 238, 939, and 229 .40. My favorite concealed carry is the 939. I can’t wipe the smile off my face every time I get it in my hands and shoot it. Everyone who has shot any of the above became addicted and soon purchased one. Be careful before you pick one up. It will cost you!

  5. There is something slightly amusing about this obsession with the 1911. I greatly enjoy classical firearms, own a few, including a 1911 from 1917 (Singer). But for all of the iconic nature and romance, the brilliance of Browning’s design, it is simply not comparable to a slew of modern firearms. 100 years technological progress does matter.

    Reminds me of the episode on Top Gear where they spent 10 minutes raving about the beauty and technological breakthroughs of the Jaguar E and Aston Martin DB5, after which they turn to the camera and state “and they are totally pieces of shit compared to a modern car”

    And yes, I still want a Jaguar E type more than any other car, but not take to the grocery store every day.

    And one more yes, I expect to be flamed:)

  6. I love Sigs, but… I think style-wise all German guns are like German cars. You might call the design “clean” but you would never call them beautiful. If my life depended on it I would rather have a Sig (or a Glock) than a Berretta (or a Fiat) but if it did not (and I was super-rich) I would rather have a Ferrari than a Porsche.

  7. I used to own a 75b SAO about ten years ago, and I loved it. It was the single most accurate weapon that I’ve ever owned. The only bone I can pick with the weapon is that the trigger is some sort of polymer instead of metal. Not a big deal, I never had an issue with it, but if you’re going down that road, I’d just as soon my “trust my life to this gun” didn’t have anything on it that could snap at an inopportune time.

  8. My perfect gun would be a combination of the P226 with the modified LEM trigger from the HK P30. I’ve tried SIG’s DAK trigger and don’t care for it as much as I do the LEM but I adore SIG’s design asthetics. [sighs] It’s always a compromise.

  9. I have never fired a real SiG, just the SiG branded GSG 1911-22, so I cannot compare it to a 1911. Perhaps it is a prejudice that I developed after 40 years of shooting one but John Moses Browning’s classic design is unsurpassed for shooting ergonomics. My 1911 is not the only gun I carry. I have two Springfield XD types. They are reliable but I cannot get the same accuracy as I can with the 1911 in two eyed point and shoot mode. I also find the grip safety to be a big plus because you can carry your pistol safely with the safety disengaged. The 1911 with the safety off is safer than a Glock under any conditions.

    I also respectfully disagree with your opinion of the Beretta. It is a reliable very accurate pistol. I don’t carry it because the safety goes the wrong direction and I cannot adjust to the first double action pull. My wife has no such problems. Her shots typically fall within a 2″ circle unsupported at 25 yards.

    • “The 1911 with the safety off is safer than a Glock under any conditions.”

      With the thumb safety disengaged on a 1911, the sear can pop out from the hammer sear hooks, and, if there’s not an adequate half-cock notch in the hammer, strike the firing pin and fire the gun (on a Series 70). Carrying a 1911 with the thumb safety disengaged is a really bad idea.

      No such thing can happen on a Glock.

    • You make “John Moses Browning” sound like it has religious significance. The cult of 1911, lol.

  10. I really like the Sig 226, but I’d also really like a scope for my .338. I shoulda married for money. I hope to own both in a few years.

  11. The Sig Sauer P226 is the perfect, if not the Goldilocks semi-auto handgun. Not too big,
    not too small; not too heavy, not too light, all wrapped-up in a tidy little package. The decocking lever is intuitive genius. “We don’t need no stinkin’ safety’s!” Indeed. But it does have to be safe….Glock owners. How many moves does it take to decock a cocked Glock w/ chambered round? 3…4? Sig..1. Sig FTW.

    2 questions: 1) How did you miss the P228? It’s the small hands version of the P226. Now the M11 A1 Navy version is here, with a 15 round mag like the P226. 2) What’s the need for pricey specialty guns meant for competition, being used for personal defense? Don’t most LEO’s have a inbred dislike for people carrying competition guns with light competition triggers as personal defense firearms? A gun rights attorney asked a friend of mine who was wrongfully charged with improper carry, if he had altered the trigger weight on his Glock. According to him, it raises a few eyebrows down at the Po-Po Pavilion, and gives state prosecutors one more thing they WILL use against you in court. “Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, the defendant altered his gun so that he could shoot the most people with the least effort. The defendants altered trigger, along with his itchy trigger finger, were just waiting to shoot somebody.”

    Is this a competition version based on the P226 E2? E for ergonomic, because it’s a slimmer grip front to back. It looks like it. So you’ve got a P226 with an E2 grip kit, which is available, with a safety instead of a decocking lever? So Sig took something that wasn’t broken, broke it, and then fixed it with an old-style, retro safety? And the extended beaver tail? On a 9? How much extra cost is added to the gun to get the aesthetic retro safety and cosmetic beaver tail? $300-$500? I point this out because I’m wondering, did Sig do this because of overwhelming customer demand, or because they thought they could bank some gratuitous coin by catering(pandering) to the devoted 1911 style nostalgia buffs?
    Things that make you go hmmm?

    • The Sig P226 SAO Elite doesn’t have E2 grips on it. E2 grips are one piece with no grip screws.

      See here – http://sigsauer.com/upFiles/CmsContent/documents/E2_229-226-3page.pdf

      As far as cost and size a new “P228” really is a P229 variant and will run about the same price as a P226 SAO Elite. The grip size will be very similar even with E2 grips. The only differences being a half inch of barrel length, 2.5oz of weight, and 13 vs 15 rounds in standard mags for a standard 229.

      And as long as we are commenting on on Sig marketing and the M11 A1’s I wonder if Sig didn’t see an opportunity to satisfy the Naval Aviator “wanna be market.” It would be a slam dunk to sell M11 A1’s to Walter Mitty types interested in having the right pistol to go along with their huge Chase Durer “Top Gun” Pilot Watch and my other ride is an F-18 bumper sticker on their black Nissan Altima Coupe with a 2.5 liter 4 banger.

      As for breaking what wasn’t broken, Sig has been making SAO duty size pistols in 9mm and 45 ACP for a long time. The original Sig P210 SAO was the Swiss military and police sidearm from 1949 to 1975. Sig didn’t break the 226 and fix it but improved it by going back to their roots and giving their loyal customers something they asked for. Sig also makes the SAO P238 in.380 and P938 in 9mm. The former which is far more accurate and easy to shoot than any other mouse guns I own or have shot including the Ruger LCP and Kel tec P3AT. Sig actually fixed what Colt didn’t do with the Colt Mustang and made the exact same SAO P238 design run reliably. The SIG P210 Legend demonstrates that SIG history with SAO pistols is not a flash in the pan.

      Finally the Sig P226 SAO Elite is definitely not a competition toy. It is just another full size SAO pistol made available to those of us who prefer the first shot accuracy of a Sig SAO, the comfort of a manual safety, and don’t think swiping a safety off is a mysterious kinesthetic process able to be mastered only by CQC gods..

      You don’t have to be an IDPA competitor to appreciate the sublime trigger pull of a Sig SAO. Many of us have been looking forward to the arrival of an affordable P226 SAO for a long time and will be adding to our collection of SIG SAO handguns..

      • First, from the photos provided, it very much does look like they implemented the E2 grip size in this gun. No, it’s not the E2 grip kit, I can see the screws, but it’s not like my original P226 either. So the E2 style IS incorporated into the P226 SAO, screw-less grip kit notwithstanding.
        Second, I’m not aware of a Walter Mitty market for wannabe Navy pilot types, but there is a substantial market for anything in the 1911 style. Is there a manufacturer that doesn’t make a 1911 variant? What is gained by the M11 A1 version is a 15 round magazine compared to the 13 round P228, which was on the hard to find list for many years, and still is if you want the original NIB P228. I know several Sig owners, and not one of them ever mentioned, in any conversation about Sig’s, how they wished they had an olde style safety instead of the decocking lever. Who are all these customers demanding a retro safety, I wonder. By your own words, the safety IS retro. 1949-1975 is the bygone age. Then why, if everyone is just so in love the safety, did Sig change to the modern decocking lever? Maybe they thought that all of the R&D they must have spent developing the safety-less gun was worth their time and effort? Meanwhile, the most elite of our military, the Navy SEAL’s; who get any firearms or weapons system they want, opted to go with the non-elite P226 w/de-cocking lever over the available “elite” SAO version. Hmmm? I don’t know, maybe they thought the new de-cocking lever was better idea than the old safety? But hey, what do the SEAL’s know, compared to the crack fighting forces of the permanently disengaged and locked in neutral, Swiss military?

  12. The BHP was designed in response to French military requirements for a new sidearm. The magazine disconnect was one of those requirements.

  13. Really sweet looking gun; I might just have to add one to my SIG collection. I wish they would make a Stainless Elite P226 SAO, or one without a rail though…

  14. Hey Matt … Nice looking photo of the Lionheart! Looks like it was taken on my sofa. Oh, it was! 🙂 I have to say, I really love the Lionheart LH9. It wouldn’t hurt my feelings if they enlarged a safety a bit, but its not a deal killer at its current size. And I’m not worried about the complexity of the action – the Korean military has tested the heck out of the design.

    • I didn’t actually write the article, Christopher Barnett did. The photos came along with it. He took the P226 photos himself, but it wouldn’t surprise me if all three of the other photos were scraped from TTAG and reused.

  15. For those who like SAO, but can’t afford a new gun, just cock the hammer back before your first shot and you have all shots SA. If you practice this at the range, it becomes easier and muscle memory would kick in under stress.

    If anyone knows of a technical reason not to do this, please let me know. But I practice at the range both with the first shot in DA sometime and SA sometimes and have had no difficulties on either my 226 or 220.

    And yes, I am a Sig fan because they fit my hands better for “natural” aiming than a Glock and they can eat just about anything with no problems. Doesn’t make the Glock worse or better, just not right for me.

  16. RE: didn’t know that components of the FN Hi Power were manufactured in France. I believe Herstal is in Belgium…being that I was based out of Brussels for five years. Sig P220 Compact SAS…never leave home without it!

  17. Since i live in Czech Republic, i’ve seen SAO cz75 quite often. However each time it was gun modified from standard cz75 by gunsmith, it’s suposedly simple modification.
    There are SAO models directly form factory, but only in competion line (sp-01 and odthers)

  18. My two favorite everyday concealed carry handguns are the Walther PPS in .40 S&W and the Ruger LCR in .357 Magnum. Besides the outstanding size, weight, reliability, state of the art simplicity, and great ergonomics in sub-compacts, both have trigger pulls that will make you fall in love with them. My favorite back-up is a true pocket pistol with punch, the Diamondback DB9. As a true believer in velocity (except for my saddle/brush/dangerous big game rifle, a Marlin GBL in .45-70) my favorite factory ammo for all three is top of the line COR®BON JHP.

  19. I already have a SIG 220 Carry in SAO.
    I’m waiting for the 229 SAO IF they ever produce it.
    Or if Dan Coonan gets his bum in gear a new Coonan Cadet!!!

  20. If you’re willing to drop $1,000 on the Sig P226 SAO, then you might as well compare it with the $900-1,0000 CZ Shadow series rather than the $500 CZ 75B. Apples to apples and all that.

  21. Does it come with the Short Reset Trigger or does it have to be installed like the other P226?

  22. I believe John Moses died before the BHP went into production and the design was finished by a Frenchman. It was designed to meet French army specifications and was carried by both sides in WWII. I have a factory fancy BHP in 40 S&W and think it’s very ergonomic and I can hit what I’m shooting at.

  23. I own 3 Sig handguns–a P239 in 9mm, a P229 in .40 S&W, and a stainless 1911 (of course .45, although Sig does offer a couple of 1911s in other calibers). While I really like my P229, I absolutely love my 1911. That is the gun I would want if my life or the life of a loved one was on the line. It is the gun I am most confident with–i.e. the one I am most accurate with. It is pure pleasure to shoot. I love the short crisp trigger on 1911s. To be able to get a P226 in 9mm with a short crisp trigger and not have to worry about that first shot long DA trigger pull, and have a 15 round magazine is something that is very, very interesting. I am dying to get my hands on one.

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  25. Just bought a new one made two years ago. Was planning to buy a 320 and spent 2x as much on my 3rd P226. Yes I still have them all plus 5 other Sigs. Wanted the manual safety to match my 938. Took a couple of range system to mentally switch from the decocker to the safety. Does not shoot better or worse than my DA/SA but I prefer not having DA.
    I’ll buy a striker next incarnation.

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