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There are things that can be done when building a gun, but that most gun makers don’t do. It’s possible to push tolerances closer on the decimal point than most makers of 1911s do in practice. But then, look how well the GI guns worked.

The GI 1911s weren’t really as loose as their reputation. Sure, they rattled when they were shaken, but the locking lugs were tight enough to provide a standard accuracy of five shots in five inches at 25 yards.

Inspectors traveled in the gun makers’ plants during World War II with gauges to ensure they were manufactured to the proper tolerances. Wherever they may have been made, each World War II GI pistol’s barrel and slide as well as other small parts would fit those made by the others. That’s usually not the case with Springfield, Kimber, and Dan Wesson today.

The upper strata of 1911 handguns belongs to those makers that go the extra mile in precision and in building to closer tolerances. The result is a pistol with virtually no slop. The less play there is, the greater tightness as the pistol goes into battery each and every time it’s fired.

This results in less eccentric wear and greater accuracy. The Les Baer Custom 1911 HEMI 572 is about as far away from a GI pistol as possible and still call it a 1911. Sure it has parallel slab sides, a barrel and a straight-to-the-rear trigger compression, but the details are much different. And as the gun’s web page makes clear, it’s named for one of Les Baer’s favorite muscle cars.

Les Baer HEMI 572
Courtesy Les Baer Custom

Many makers have attempted to build a 1911 over the decades. I remember those made by Randall Firearms, Arcadia Machine and Tool, the original Auto Ordnance, among others. But I don’t remember them very fondly. Springfield survived among the upstart 1911 makers for many good reasons relating to giving the customer an affordable alternative to Colt that actually worked well.

The Les Baer 1911 HEMI 572 is based on the Les Baer Premier II. The 572 Hemi is a tribute to Les Baer’s drag racing heritage. Some folks just do everything well. I think the name fits as it is brass, bold, and exciting.

The first thing you notice about the HEMI 572 is the color scheme. Let’s just say it grew on me. The 572 is hard chromed while the slide stop, ambidextrous safety, magazine catch, hammer, trigger, plunger tube, sear pin, and recoil pin have a DuPont S Teflon coating.

The black VZ recon grips are very well done. Their aggressive texture and deep thumb recess near the magazine release offer plenty of adhesion and abrasion.

The pistol features Les Baer’s rugged adjustable rear sight and a fiber optic front tube. At one time I didn’t figure an adjustable sight was much good on a combat gun. The Les Baer sights are more rugged than Magnum revolver sights so the point is now moot.

I didn’t think front sights with fiber optic inserts were capable of as great a level of precision accuracy as standard black posts. I was wrong on that, or at least misinformed.

The pistol features 20 lines per inch front strap checkering and the slide has dual cocking serrations, front and rear. In all, this is a very well turned out pistol. It is tight — very tight — and difficult to rack at first. Tighter than the Springfield TRP, a tight production pistol, as a reference. It stays tight after hundreds of rounds, but it gets easier to manipulate over time.

The HEMI 572 is supplied with two magazines and comes in a plain cardboard box. This pistol doesn’t need a presentation box.

I took the time to dry fire the pistol about one hundred times when I got it before taking it to the range together. I cycled the well-oiled pistol each time I dry fired, not merely cocking the hammer but also racking the slide.

The Les Baer 1911 HEMI 572’s trigger is a super-sharp and crisp with a 3.5 pound pull weightΒ  and literally no trace of creep or backlash. This is a truly great trigger on a very good handgun. If you feel you’re limited by your present pistol and can shoot right up to its intrinsic accuracy, this is the handgun for you.

I have fired the HEMI 572 just short of 800 times with various ammunition and I have a few observations. The trigger action, sights, fit of the hammer, safety, and magazine release are truly excellent. The grip safety, with “tactical bump” properly releases its hold on the trigger halfway into compression.

The trigger breaks exactly the same every pull. While the front strap checkering isn’t uncomfortable you know you are holding something raspy and it isn’t going to slip in a sweaty hand.

Baer’s advises that their pistols doesn’t require a break in period. That said, I have owned a Monolith that required a break-in and a Premier II that did not. In my experience, all machinery needs some break-in. With good lubrication and full power ammunition you may not need it.

The HEMI 572 is, of course, a .45 ACP as John Moses Browning intended. With low operating pressure, a full powder burn with most any load, and its proven wound potential, why mess with success?

With several thousand cartridge cases and a good supply of cast lead bullets, I was also able to obtain enough Remington UMC 230 grain ball to break the HEMI 572 in. Instead of a rough break-in period, I simply had a pleasant evaluation for more than one hundred rounds. There were no failures to feed, chamber, fire, or eject. I did not have to nudge the slide closed.

The initial evaluation involved primarily firing at man-sized targets at 7, 10, and 15 yards. Put the HEMI’s sights on target, then pull the trigger straight to the rear and you will get a hit where you want it. The pistol feels very solid in the hand with plenty of abrasion in the checkering on those grips and comes with a Les Baer accuracy guarantee of a 3-inch 5-shot group at 50 yards.

Intrinsic accuracy or not, very few shooters may approach that standard. I fired the pistol from a solid bench rest firing position, taking my time, concentrating on each shot. Not exactly what a competition or personal defense pistol is made for, but we all need to understand what a pistol is capable of.

I used the Remington UMC range ammo as well as the Remington 230 grain Golden Saber personal defense loads. A lot of folks don’t realize just how accurate the Golden Saber really is. It’s well-proven in institutional testing.

To broaden the test I also used a 200 grain hard cast SWCΒ bullets over enough Titegroup powder for 790 fps. With this load the HEMI functioned, but failed to lock open on the last shot…not unexpected with a light target load.

The 230 grain ball load was the least accurate. The 230 grain Golden Saber exhibited several 1.6 inch five-shot groups at 25 yards. The handload was a joy to fire and produced excellent 1.4-inch patterns in five-shot groups. In other words, this baby can walk.

I am just beginning my relationship with the HEMI and am looking forward further exploring what kind of performance this pistol is capable of. But the question of whether the pistol is worth its price can only be answered by stating that performance, fit, finish, and accuracy are all truly faultless. I am looking forward to mastering this handgun.

There are pistols that cost quite a bit less than the Les Baer 1911 HEMI 572 that have enough performance, and enough finish. Is the HEMI worth its premium price? That, of course, is up to the shooter. As far as I’m concerned, it’s worth every penny.

Specifications: Les Baer Custom 1911 HEMI 572

Caliber: .45 ACP
Action: Single action
Magazine Capacity: 8 rounds
Finish: Hard chrome, Dupont S coating on accents
Sights: Adjustable rear, fiber optic front
Grips: VZ Grips
Barrel: National Match
Weight: 40 ounces
MSRP: $2,853

Ratings (out of five stars):

Reliability * * * * *
No question…and no break in. Don’t be disappointed if your Les Baer demands a three hundred round break-in before it becomes completely reliable, but the HEMI 572 ran perfectly right out of the box.

Accuracy * * * * *
More accurate than I can shoot. This is a gun will test your limits, not the other way around.

Ergonomics * * * * *
Being a 1911 the grip fits most hands well and it features the straight-to-the-rear trigger pull that’s so ideal for just about every shooter. It’s almost as if John Moses Browning knew what he was doing.

Fit and Finish * * * * *
If we had more stars to give, the HEMI 572 would get them

Concealed Carry * * * *Β 
It conceals as well as any government model .45, which is to say it’s a large, heavy handgun. Still, there’s something about a 1911 that makes it carry better than it should.

Overall: * * * * *
This is a truly exceptional 1911 in every way. Its price will keep it out of the reach of most shooters, but for those who are able, the Les Baer Custom HEMI 572 is about as good as a 1911 gets.

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  1. I do not get it about the 1911. I have seen many and have only noticed the difference in the amount of custom details involved. But after a while it is just a 1911. The mystic and money surrounding the pistol is just (in my mind) not appropriate at all.

    • Pick up a $500 imported 1911, then pick up a Les Baer, a Nighthawk, a Cabot or a Wilson Combat 1911. The difference becomes clear pretty quickly. Whether or not that difference is “worth it” to you is another matter. But the build quality of a premium 1911 (and the time and labor involved) is worlds apart.

      • I am not saying there isn’t a quality difference at all. It’s not like a 1975 Mustang II being compared to a 1967 Mustang fast back. Two different things with only a name in common. But your Rock Island 1911 and your Les Baer, Nighthawk, Dan Wesson, Kimber etc are all still 1911’s and the features are marginal differences. The 1911 is not really something that can be improved upon to make it better. There is an upward limit of how much the craftsmanship and materials can actually improve upon its performance and durability. Because if you change the design of the pistol then maybe it isn’t a 1911 anymore; albeit, the mustang II was called a mustang but was it really? After a while no matter how much improvement on materials and or precision machining etc.. It still is a 1911 a beloved design (rightfully so); however, with lowered capacity, heavy weight, extra expense, must be cocked to fire, and sometimes reliability issues if ran dirty. I have owned several and what, I do like about them I have never lost money on selling one someone is always willing to pay more for one even when used.

      • Cabots are the BEST of this lot.

        IF you want to go up a notch, you have to get on Stan Chen’s waiting list.

    • Guessing that you have never fired a high-end, tuned 1911. When you do you will discover the mystique.

      People have lots of expensive hobbies. A buddy is an ardent ham radio operator, he has more in his radio equipment than I do in firearms…it’s all about your priorities. He recently dropped $5k in a SteppIR antenna…I wouldn’t, but, it is important to him to have the best….as it is with many firearm owners.

      • Exactly, Old Man in Montana. Another friend loves the reel to reel type music system and wonders how I get back listening to blues, Joplin and Parsons on an old turn table. However, in this world, there are an amazing number of people who cannot discern quality. They look at a Rock and a Colt and so on and just dont get it.

    • Well, you are certainly entitled to your opinion.

      If I understand you right, you just don’t care for the 1911 platform. That’s fine; I personally really like it, but – like most other gun designs – it’s not for everyone.

      In this case, think of it like appreciating the difference between, say, a bottle of Sutter Home, vs, say, a nice Sterling, Ridge (popping over to Sonoma), and up to Quintessa. (Yes, I used to live in California.) If you like wine, you’re liable to appreciate the difference even if the price differential isn’t worth it to you. If you don’t like wine in the first place, though, the whole comparison is a big why-bother.

      • Excellent point made sir. I do like the 1911, I carried one in the Army, and the man who raised me carried one in the Korean Conflict and the Vietnam Police Action. There is nothing more comfortable to shoot in the World than a 1911. And when tuned right is almost surgical. However for me, I think in terms of utility and accuracy (not precision) I have no use for precision pistols. Accurate is good enough. It’s about defensive and tactical usages and hunting as well. My hunting pistol is a Colt 1911 Delta Elite in 10 mm. I like it because it can handle dirt and grime and still run well, and it can harvest deer, and knock down predators as well. It would not be my EDC or defensive platform of choice except for 4 legged dangers. And as far as wines go, I like most Australian Shiraz, and many of the Eastern WA reds as well. However, I have enjoyed some fine Charles Shaw from Trader Joe’s as well.

        • Hey, nothing in the world wrong with Two Buck Chuck – especially that first release! I’m fond of shiraz myself. Recently I’ve been enjoying the occasional malbec, but I keep coming back to Ridge Vineyards’ pinot noir. And I certainly appreciate what you say; those Delta Elites are nice pieces.

          For home defense, though, we’ve gone with FNX-45s … accurate enough, reliable, and holds double what a standard 1911 does, round count-wise.

        • i really like the FNX45 Tactical. I think that it is a great platform. I wish that it had a 450 Rowland conversion for it.

          • For about $300 and a couple of weeks Thomas over at 460Rowland can make that happen for you. Very comfortable to shoot in the FNX-45 Tactical…added bonus, pick up an Obsidian45 suppressor from Rugged Suppressors (it is rated for that combination…has to be a 5″ barrel minimum – the FNX is 5.3″).

            • I always prefer hammer DA/SA action over striker fired. Although, I do like my old reliable and accurate (not precision) Ruger SR 40. I have owned it since 2009 and have sent lots and lots of rounds down range and its still running like a raped ape.

    • I don’t get it either. I’ve had three Colts. They were all very good guns but I never found them as awe inspiring as some do.
      My theory is it’s one of the last classic guns. It’s steel. It’s customizable. It’s reliable (usually). And it has a big ol’ hole on one end.
      Look at the available guns today. Glock, Springfield XDs, S&W M&Ps, etc. Really good guns. But all some variation of plastic.
      Nothing really stands out.

      It’s not my favorite by far but I have to admit I do like the classic lines.

      • Amen my sentiments exactly, I have one and love it but it is definitely not revered or thought of as an ultimate.

      • I used to not like plastic gunms, but then I discovered a woodburning iron, now gold inlaid fancy engraving, narwhal tusk grips, and fine checkered back straps just don’t do it for me anymore

    • I “get” the 1911.

      I “get” contemporary pistols.

      What I don’t get is why (with all the pertinent features long out of patent protection) no one seems to make a service pistol incorporating the best of both. There are several subcompacts that do, but (to the best of my knowledge) no one offers such a hybrid in full-size. Everything is either all-new or a slavish copy of the original with no concession to the clear improvements made in the last century-plus.

      • You make a great deal of sense, and yes why are we stuck in the past with most pistol technology? And why didn’t the 1911 truly evolve into a modern platform? I remember the colt double eagle. It was a flop. Not because a 1911 should not be a DA/SA pistol; but rather, Colt simply made the thing wrongly. Maybe the technology didn’t exist back then?
        Now for the me the CZ 97BD fulfils that evolutionary link; albeit, it is heavy. Additionally, with the advent of super durable composites and the ability to embed them with fiberglass and carbon fiber why did CZ choose to give it a metallic lower. And I just go bonkers when some one spouts that outdated thinking about metals being better than composites in all applications. The vehicles we drive in everyday are so full of plastic parts that play a major part in safety.
        So for me the CZ 97 BD (DeCocker Only) DA/SA or even a DA/SA plus, like both the Lionheart and Canik TP9 V2 have, with a composite glass bedded lower would complete the revolution of the revelation.

        • Loughsun,
          Handgun choice has a huge element of subjective personal taste, and I’m not criticizing your (or any shooter’s) preferences, but I didn’t really mean DA/SA. I think that market is pretty well served by a variety of pistols, and agree with you that CZ makes some of the best.

          What I meant is that to me (and the millions of others who buy 1911s) JMB got all the ergonomics right, to include the crisp SAO trigger / optimally placed manual safety combination; plus the other large, accessible controls, the grip angle, and the non-printing rounded-over slide. Why must those features come packaged with most or all of: the barrel bushing, camming link, locking nubbies, separate “jump” feed ramps, leaf / rod spring ejector with 50 machining operations, the worse-than-useless grip safety, the non-captive stubby guide rod and plug? Or that modern alternatives to all of those exist, but come packaged with brickish slides, crappy triggers, and tiny useless sheet-metal control levers? To top it all off, manufacturers actually HAVE figured out how to incorporate the best of both, but only do so in pocket pistols (P938, or even the old A70)!

          I’m not knocking JMB; the original 1911 features were pretty good 1st/2nd-gen solutions, adaptations to turn of the century manufacturing, and/or imposed by the Army. They just aren’t the way any rational manufacturer designs a non-replica handgun in 2020, and are most of the reasons all that “amazing” craftsmanship is required. I respect the Wright Brothers for their pioneering “Flyer”, too, but I’d be inclined to choke a modern Boeing engineer for trying doped-canvas wings on a jumbo jet or fighter.

        • Umm:
          “…the worse-than-useless grip safety.”

          Can’t agree on that. My Springfield XDs 9 Mod. 2 and XD 9 Sub compact Mod. 2 both have grip safeties. They work, and they eliminate the need to fumble with a manual safety in a tight situation. However, as the old saying goes, “YMMV.”

          • Dave G.,
            My mileage varies indeedπŸ˜‰

            If you’re comfortable with a GS instead of an MS on your XD, I certainly respect your choice. Since the 1911 has an MS regardless, I think it’s useless in that instance.

            That said, I personally wouldn’t want one on an XD either. To me, the purpose of any safety (other than a FP block to provide drop safety, which the grip safety doesn’t) is to facilitate confidence with a light, short, crisp SA trigger by reducing the risk of negligent discharges. I’m comfortable without one on a Glock, and an XD (while technically SA) has a pound-heavier trigger!

            A grip safety can go one of two ways: it’s either deactivated whenever the pistol is gripped (when all negligent discharges happen; my two particular areas of concern are protruding clothing when reholstering to concealment, or providing a “mode switch” between “deter” and “kill” if I had to hold a threat at gunpoint) – OR, it’s heavy / awkward enough to risk inadvertent deactivation (the “worse” part of my statement). Even with good grip strength and a memory bump (!) the GS on my 1911A2 (RIA doublestack) still managed that on several (range) occasions. It has something to do with the way the contours of my hand bridge the odd-shaped grip. Again, to each his own.

            I’m not saying manual safeties are perfect either. I have a hybrid idea that I’d like to incorporate into a future project.

      • LOL! I’ll have you know that I not only eat at Apple-bees, I eat at TGI Fridays and my local bowling alley as well. Gotta love that cheap and greasy stuff aye?

  2. for 2800 what would you rather have during the blm/antifa apocalypse when it comes to your neighborhood:
    the 8+1 less baer with iron sights OR
    an ar/ak pattern pistol in a centerfire rifle cartridge with a red dot and backup iron sights and light and 30 round mag and sling AND
    a sidearm in 9mm with mro and light and a 17 round mag and holster AND
    a 12 gauge semi auto shotgun with 8 round tube and light and sling AND
    100 rounds of ammo for each
    all that to say this:
    while its nice theres no getting around it…the les baer is extremely overpriced for what it does

    • Indeed, I think the Les Baer 1911 is built for collectors. I have seen guys clean up a competition with a Ruger SR 1911 out of the box. I mean destroyed the other competitors with a budget 1911. And yes, I’d much rather have any of the choices you mentioned for my money than the Les Baer.

    • That’s like saying I should ditch my Maserati sedan in favor of a Kia Telluride – because it can go off road. The guy who drops $3k on a 1911 probably already has everything else you mentioned.

      • I am sure that we can agree that it is not a purchase of which everyone can make comfortably. And nor does it fit into everyone’s purposes or Philosophy Of Use (POU). Mark my name by both categories. And just because I do not get something does not mean that, I think those who do are delusional or stupid in anyway. My mind would say hmm, for $2800.00 you can buy that nice little storage shed you want and some gently used power tools and yes that gently used XDm 45 Tactical from my brother in law that he rarely shoots that, I’ve been admiring for so long. Can, I stroke the plastic to get the Les Baer? Maybe, I can? However it would be a purchase for a guy with an entirely different point of view. On the other hand, I am building a custom AR 10 chambered in 6.5 Creemoor mostly Aero Precision parts and a Faxon Barrel and Magpul and Odin Works parts and a 2 stage Geissele trigger. This will run me a few dollars more than an off the shelf DMPS AR10 of the same caliber. My brother swears by his DPMS AR10 in .308. It all breaks really comes down to POU sir and perspective.

    • Well— yes if you are on a finite budget. I have gotten by with a lot less.

      Today the Les Baer rides in a holster, the Colt SOCOM carbine is the to go gun and a Beretta 1201FB the shotgun–

      get the point.

    • Sound, to answer your question. No thanks to the red dot sights. On anything. Thirty round magazine? Eh. One of my rifles takes 35 rd mags. I don’t like them, but I have to live with them. The best mags I ever owned were the 25 rd for the HK 93 I had at the time. That said I don’t feel a bit undergunned with my 8 rd M-1. If the stupid son-of-a-bitches will line up I might get two or three with one shot. Conservation of ammo don’tcha know. On to 17 rd 9mm. Again, no thanks. If I were unlucky enough to have to carry a 9mm it would be my P7M8. As in 8 rd mag. No shotgun for me unless I find myself in a remake of The Birds. 100 rds for each? That’s barely enough to recharge three of those rifle mags. 9mm. How many pistol fights do you you’ll survive? John Wick is a fictional character. 00 Buck doesn’t have enough pellets for a good bird load.
      Now for the Les Baer. They say form follows function. Just occasionally it can be art as well. In case anyone has forgotten, I’ve carried a 1911 socially since 1982. Never drew it from the holster and thought, “I really wish I had more, and smaller, bullets.”

      • When we switched from the 1911 to the Beretta M9 folks raved that it held 16 rounds of 9 as opposed to 8 of 45. An old Chief Gunners Mate asked rhetorically, “why would I want this if I just have to shoot everyone twice?”

        “With the 45 I can kill eight people.” He wasn’t joking. My edc is still .45 to this day.

      • Everything thing I’ve ever shot and wanted to kill with a 9mm took two shots. Fer instance, this Chihuahua broke it’s leash and ,,,,,,,,,,,,

        • possum:
          Don’t let my daughter hear about you shooting at chihuahuas! She’s liable to take a pot shot at a possum. Besides, I didn’t know that possums could operate handguns. (Snicker.)

  3. Leave it to Les Baer to paint a car slime green and make it look delicious. The man definitely knows how to dial a micrometer down to zero. That’s much to the contrary of clueless buffoons who think loose does not effect AR accuracy, etc.

    To whom it may concern…If you can’t afford Les Baer then all you can do is complain about Les Baer. Instead of complaining just build a better firearm and let your skills do the talking otherwise stfu.

    • Just so you know that color was an option on the original 70′ Cuda. Seen many of them in my early cruis’n days. In the Era of Real Muscle cars.

        • Yeah, that was factory ” green with envy” paint, don’t recall the color code, but painted a faked Superbird replica in it…. kinda the equivalent of owning a Barrett .50 semiauto … Cuz ‘Merica

        • Don’t have room in the safes for a . 50 Barrett, but I could sure make room in the garage for a ’70 hemi-cuda !!

    • Special ordered my ’71 Charger R/T in purple metallic paint named “plum crazy”, Plymouth wanted to name that paint “statutory grape” but was overruled. Kept that car for 29 years! I think this green was named “green go” by one of the makers.

  4. I have a Premier II, bought new, two years ago. The slide stayed crazy tight for over 500 rd! Now, it is just real, real tight…lol
    The gun now has over 1.5k rd thru it and it has never failed in any way, with any ammo, factory or hand load. I paid just under $1800…an excellent pistol in every way. I use it for 2×4 cutting/shoots. I’ve won a few matches with the pistol. I also have two (now discontinued) STI 1911s. They ran just a bit less than the (Les) Baer. They too are excellent, but not quite up to the Baer. Almost, but not quite. On more than one occasion, I have considered getting a Baer Hemi.

  5. I’ll just slip my j frame back in my pocket, slide my g19 back into its holster and sit quietly in the corner hoping to not draw any attention to myself.

  6. I’ve always wanted a 1911. I’ll post more after I quit my excessive drooling, and have figured out a (legal) way to get 3 grand right quick………………..LOL

  7. I WILL own a Les Baer one day. Probably a Stinger. Not quite there yet though, gotta finish paying off my house! Can’t wait, lol.

    • Fellows, friends I am filled with love so will share a few things with you.
      Wearing a Les Baer is nice. I drive a ten year old truck, sold the Corvette, got the
      pretty girl a Cadillac CTS– house if 114 years old— just saying —
      ok if you can find a Les Baer, Nighthawk or Wilson Combat in a pawn shop- and plenty of guys have these in the shop– they bring less per centage wise than some guns. A 900 dollar Colt or Springfield may bring 700.
      For the most part any used high end 1911 is around 2200 and most often lightly used or unfired. I guess folks have a crisis when the credit card comes in– seriously look hard. Dumping a 3000 dollar gun in a jam is not different than dumping the Model Ten when we were young. Just a tip. Look hard and you may find a price at sixty per cent of new price

  8. That’s it…I’m going to get mine outta the safe and fondle it just a bit…
    The Baer guns are NICE!!!!

    • Whew!
      Fantastic…now what did I do with my cigarettes?
      The Baer wasn’t enough. I had to fondle the 1911 Pro Series, my 39 no dash, my Tripp Navigator and a few German (and W. German) Sigs. I need a nap…

  9. That’s a lot of money for any pistol. One that has low capacity and is difficult to conceal makes it more of a range gun and safe gun. It’s a pretty gun no doubt and precisely made but not a gun you’d want to surrender after a DGU.
    This is a gun for the truly 1911 faithful. If you’ve got the means and love the format by all means endulge. But mass appeal is doubtful.

    • GS650G:
      Talk about expensive handguns! How about an Anderson Wheeler Webley clone in .357 Magnum. Ten grand American for that one. Love to have one, but never will.

  10. My goodness, that rifle doesn’t look rugged enough for a combat weapon. Poor USMC Snipers, a three man sniper team, shooter, spotter, and duct taper….π–œπ–œπ–œ.π–Œπ–”π–ˆπ–†π–˜π–9.π–ˆπ–”π–’

  11. “The upper strata of 1911 handguns belongs to those makers that go the extra mile in precision and in building to closer tolerances. The result is a pistol with virtually no slop. The less play there is, the greater tightness as the pistol goes into battery each and every time it’s fired.”

    By any chance has Mr. Caldwell confused close tolerances with a combination of close *clearances* and tolerances to achieve “virtually no slop”?

    Cabot ran into this problem when clearances on their ultra high-end 1911s were so tight that a tiny bit of crap or grit would jam them up. But they felt wonderful in the hand when manually cycling them.

    Mil-spec 1911s and AK-47s would rattle loudly but keep on running in muddy and cruddy conditions.

    Tight tolerances and wide clearances makes for a consistently, repeatably, sloppy action. Or so it seems to me… πŸ™‚

    • Its a given that dirt and residue needs someplace to go when gun is used. Unless it’s cleaned after every shot there will be dirt. There will also be heat which expands metal and closes tolerances further.

      Maybe these wizards have found a way around these issues.

  12. I’m glad this gun exists. There are many people who will say “why would you pay the money, [insert alternative] is cheaper/better.” But that misses the point. These guns are an example of fine craftsmanship. The kind of knowledge and skill to make guns like this isn’t common these days. Too many gunowners these days think that assembling an AR or dropping a replacement trigger into a Glock makes someone a gunsmith.

    I wish I made enough money to be able to make purchases like this. Sadly I am in the category of those who can appreciate finer things but are unable to obtain them. My dad likes to say I have champagne tastes but a beer bottle budget. Regardless, that doesn’t detract from what this gun represents. When guns are assembled with this degree of care, precision, and obsession with perfection they cease to simply be firearms. They become a work of art. I say that as someone who has little appreciation or patience for art for art’s sake.

    If you can afford this kind of gun, good for you, and thanks for supporting the dying art of gunsmithing.

  13. I have owned probably a dozen high end 1911s. I get it.

    But I won’t carry one as a defensive gun.

    A story will probably get teh point across best. I had owned a box stock Colt Lightweight Officers ACP for decades. It never ran right. So I decided to ship it off to Wilson for $1800 worth of work. At the time the gun was worth about $900.

    As I was getting ready to ship it, I pulled a Glock 19 out of the safe to get at the Colt. I noticed that it was essentially the same size as the OACP. In my head the Colt was smaller, but in reality it wasn’t.

    So I put the Colt on my bench with the Glock and started measuring and weighing. What I realized was that they were startlingly similar. Except that:
    1) I’d have $2700 into the Colt and it held 7 rounds of .45 ACP.
    2) I had $525 into the Glock and it held 16 rounds of 9mm.

    With that, I put the Colt up for sale on Gunbroker. I also sold my Nighthawk Custom Lightweight Talon 2 Bobtail.

    I’m not an idiot. I know the difference between a 1911 and a Glock when it comes to the niceties. I replaced the Colt and the Nighthawk with a Les Baer Premier 2 and pocked a decent chunk of change.

    Glocks are tools. Nothing more. Nothing less. But they are great tools. Gucci Glocks are lost on me.

    1911s can be tools. They can also be masterpieces of the machinists craft. I realized that if I was going to spend for these fancy 1911s, I wanted range guns, not carry guns.

    I’m fine with my carry gun being a tool.
    But when I go to the range, I do enjoy playing with my Government sized boutique 1911s.

    By the way, I’ve owned Wilsons, Nighthawks, Ed Browns, Baers, and Springfields. For my money, there is no better deal in a 1911 than Dan Wesson. The Pointman 9 is half the price of a Baer and is just as nice.

    • Well said indeed. For me all guns no matter the cost or craftsmanship are tools. And if they can’t have a practical use (for me), I do not buy them, And most likely when the use is over, I sell them. My guns are no different than my power tools. And like I originally said, I do not get the mystic of the 1911. It is just a tool to me and not the best tool for the purposes that, I’d own a gun for. I am quite comfortable with others having a different philosophy of use, I was just sharing mine. I do like the Ruger Koenig 1911 though. Maybew someday when, I can justify the cash for a gun, I would own only for the range.

  14. Yeah, yeah, fine, what’s that ‘Cuda do in the quarter?

    PS, If I were going to spend a quarter million, it would be on a 2021 911 Turbo S.

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