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“I’m a yoga instructor, I work at a vegan bakery — and I also like to shoot guns. Yoga’s Zen-like quality can be applied to shooting guns in a lot of ways. Shooting guns takes focus, concentration, and it doesn’t always have to be about violence.”  – Dierdre Gailey

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  1. While the above quote is quite true, I have a couple quibbles.

    1: Yoga is just overextended stretching.

    2: Does this person have any idea that she is telling everyone that she thinks that shooting IS about “violence” most of the time? But it doesn’t “have” to be, as long as the shooter is a biracial democrat-voting sexually confused granola muncher? Thank Darwin the constitution applies to non violent people too, and not just the evil capitalist warmonger hicks, eh? Or did I read too much into that before I’ve had my coffee?

      • I think that’s the point (well, all that plus hypocrisy) that he’s trying to make about leftists in general…

    • Yes, you read too much into that before you had coffee. I’ve done yoga on and off for 31 years. I’m 50 and have no back problems, excellent flexibilty, and I’m a calm, happy person. Yoga practice has been a big part of that. It’s an excellent combination of physical and mental discipline, much like shooting. Just harder!

    • You’re half-right…gun ownership is mostly about violence, but it’s about preventing that violence. Whereas, scumbag gun-grabbers are all about propagating crime and oppression.

      • “scumbag gun-grabbers are all about propagating crime and oppression.”

        Silver, Aren’t you embarrassed to say something that stupid? Really.

        Gun-rights folks are responsible for, or partly responsible for the crime and oppression. Why? So you won’t be inconvenienced.

        Common sense gun control laws, which we’ve never had, would not change your life much at all, unless you’re a psychotic lunatic or violent man.

        • I’d be embarrassed using lies, half-truths, and mangled statistics to push my agenda if I were you. But hey, that’s me. Maybe the gun grabbers are just born without shame.

    • Guns are always used to kill or maim. They’re never used for sport, recreation, pest control, survival, defense, decoration, etc.

      We should all turn all of ours in, hoping no one will ever be harmed again by the evils of an inanimate object.

    • It doesn’t have to be about violence.

      You’ll probably call BS because you are who you are, but I do get a meditative quality out of target sports. I don’t mean defensive drills, which have a different purpose. I mean actual target shooting, archery, whatever.

      You focus in on yourself and your breathing and put all your muscle effort into the smallest smooth twitch of a single finger or whatever small muscle group your target discipline requires.

      I practice martial arts as well and a perfect long shot takes just as much concentration as any other martial skill.

      • Shooting targets and not considering what you’re really doing is like eating meat and pretending it did not come from live animals mass produced for human consumption.

        Shooting targets is simulated killing. Eating meat is participating in the sick business of killing animals.

        You meditative types have to snap out of it and get honest about what you’re really doing.

        • What I’m really doing is putting holes in paper. If that’s simulated killing, then I’m also simulating murder every time I hammer a nail, cut firewood with my Stihl, chip ice off a block for my scotch, or carve a ham.

  2. “Female participation in target shooting in the U.S. has nearly doubled in the last decade, growing to nearly five million women since 2001. Pistol-shooting mommas and rifle-wielding yoga instructors may not be the type of woman who comes to mind when you hear about female shooters, but they’re dominating the sport. They say they shoot not only for self-protection, but because it relieves stress, helps them find peace and concentration and – feel feminine.”

    For instance, Deirdre Gailey, who says, “I’m a yoga instructor, I work at a vegan bakery — and I also like to shoot guns. Yoga’s Zen-like quality can be applied to shooting guns in a lot of ways,’ says Gailey. “Shooting guns takes focus, concentration, and it doesn’t always have to be about violence.” “(When I cook),” Gailey added, “I use a chef’s knife. You have respect for a knife as a tool that you use in your craft. And I think guns can be used in the same way.”

    “I use a chef’s knife. You have respect for a knife as a tool that you use in your craft. And I think guns can be used in the same way.”

    Would someone make sure mikeb sees that last comment?

  3. “But when I’m shooting a gun, I guess I feel empowered, and empowerment is sexy”

    Coming soon to an adult bookstore near you.

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