Scenario: For the past several weeks people have been vanishing, only to reappear distraught and covered head to toe in strange surgical marks and scarification. They all report the same thing: alien abduction. At first, you thought they were all lying…now the television is aglow with reports of flying saucers landing around the globe. The aliens have been using their ray guns to destroy anything that gets in their way. THEY are here and nothing can stop them…except for a 12 gauge shotgun right out of Starship Troopers . . .
On one hand, you have the SRM-1216. Pull the trigger as fast as you want -you have 16 rounds per detachable magazine and that roller-delayed action will cycle all day long. The gun is lightweight and has a razor sharp extended choke tube for breaching doors or skulls. It has rails aplenty for whatever accessories you might want to put on it. It’s also available in shorter barreled versions, if you’re willing to wait 9 months or more. Will Dana Pickles and Jason Bowers still approve Form 4s during an interplanetary war?
On the other hand, you have the UTS-15 in Marine Coat Blue. It’s stainless choke tube (it takes Beretta chokes) is, like the SRM’s, also handy for head-breaching and it won’t rust from all the iron oxide in the aliens’ blood. And you’ll be drenched in blood, as this gun holds 14 rounds of alien-smashing shot in its 2 different mag tubes. Being a pump, it should cycle even in the filthiest of environments. An optional factory light/laser combo unit integrates seamlessly into the pump design. You may not dazzle the aliens with your firing speed, but you’ll dazzle the news cameras with the impressive finish.
Which gun would you grab?
So…what is it supposed to mean when Oliver compares fuel economy and cargo capacity of his hatchback with other “enlightened” guys?
The dude is supporting the cause. If he wants to submit a photo in feety pajamas, that’s okay by me.
UTAS, I own both and the SRM fails to feed regularly or double feeds
I built up a Remington 870 to look like the shotgun out of Halo. I think I’m set.
pictures please.
You use of the word ‘darkie’ made me giggle. I thought people only said that on tv.
Also, down here in the RSA most rapists are black, if that makes you feel any better. Not necessarily because of race, they’re the majority. At the same time our media usually has the black guy as the criminal. But the victim is also black 99% of the time. You never know which way it’s gonna go.
Although I’m pretty sure you don’t care what colour the guy is if he tries to rape you. They all bleed red. So, they’re the same.
iron oxide doesn’t cause rust, it *IS* rust; you meant to say oxygen, acid, oxidizers, or whatever
Here is some truth. Everyone should be supporting ADAMANY. You are safer because of him and Milwaukee Authorities are trying to cover it up.
Roy Scott has been charged with Armed Robbery about a week prior to his run in with Adamany. People were severely injured. It appears that himself and Walker were on a robbing spree when they encountered Adamany who was picking up his girlfriend at the time. When they tried to Rob Adamany he told them to get lost they fired a shot and then were chased down and had their asses handed to them by a real MMA fighter.
I think the UTS-15 is legal in CT. The other one certainly is not.
Sounds like y’all have been watching too much Big Bang Theory… Bahzinga!
I was interested to read Jon Gutmacher’s concerns regarding HB-89…
Has anyone seen discussion of his points among the various gun or legal forums? I have not, but would certainly like to. FWIW, I compared the text of what passed the house to the text in his blog, and those sections have not changed since his latest post on the matter.
It’s all well and good to agree with the intent of the bill… I’d like to know whether I agree with its effect, and in a field as convoluted as firearms law it’s a whole lot tougher to figure out what that’s likely to be!
Well, in an ideal world I would use a pair of sawn-off quad barrel shotguns. With 8 inch barrels, rubber strips on the grps (ala Raging Bull) and some really good ear protection.
But between those two, the 1216.
I’d sooner use my 8-shell-holding Mossberg 930SPX than either of them … or the 9-shell 590A1.
Here in East Temmessee they still laugh at you if you ask for .22lr.
The Ballad of Irving…
Good for a laugh.
Every time someone says, “History is on our side,” I see a person that needs to read up Santayana.
“I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: calling lawful gun owners “gun nuts” is the equivalent of calling an African-American a nigger. Or a Jewish-American a kike. ”
Your martyr complex is showing.
(I never felt the urge to punch someone in the face for calling me a gun-nut- I just roll my eyes. There is a fundamental difference in the power of the words, and there is no equivalency)
As to the New York Daily… well, they’re about as ‘respected’ as they deserve to be.
Compensating? I have an LCP, one of the smallest guns you can buy. My motorcycle is as quiet as can be and I have a Ford Ranger, which is relatively wee. If I’m compensating for size, I’m doing it wrong.
Words are not univocal they’re equivocal. Much like if one black person calls another black person a derogatory word they take no offense because to them it’s an ironic term of endearment…but if another person uses that same word then it is taken in its’ derogatory connotation.
So yes if one of my close friends calls me a gun nut I would not be offended but when used by an anti-gun person to somehow try to categorize me and put my morals in question in some way, then yes it is a derogatory word.
The story was spot on.
The New York Daily News isn’t about ‘reasonable.’ I confess to having known the former editor, Gil Spencer, years ago. His daughter Amy was a friend and classmate of mine, as was one of Robert Zimmerman’s cousins.
If Gil read your criticism, he’d have said “I see your point. The SOB’s underplayed it!” He would have suggested “Gun cult bedevils local church, leading to bizarre three-hour ritual.” If the NYDN likes your position on the Constitution, you know you’ve screwed up.
As for “everybody’s got to serve somebody” I would only point out that that song preceded by years “Everything is Broken,” a personal favorite Dylan song of mine.
“While the overall message at Sunday’s service was about God and guns, Stafford refused to ponder the question of whether he could imagine Jesus packing heat.”
I’ll ponder it for him… Damn right!
I totally see Jesus packing heat, he turned water into wine, hung around with loose women and shady dudes, and he worked with his hands for a living swinging a hammer…
Homemade wine, loose lady friend, rowdy bros, carpenter, that’s a good ol’ boy if I ever heard of one. And what good ol’ boy wouldn’t like guns?
Where I’m at there’s really no shortage of anything other than .22, there’s plenty of specialty rounds but not just plain Jane stuff. There’s also plenty of firearms to purchase, even glocks, after a mild shortage. Where do y’all live, some of you talk about the ongoing shortage, I haven’t had problems getting stuff in over a year.
I don’t think it’s equivalent either. As an evil old white man married to a beautiful black woman if you called her (or my sons) the “N”word I might KILL YOU. Call me a gun nut and I’ll probably laugh & agree. BTW is it possible to enter the church gun giveaway from Illinois???
The one that works all the time if any of those 2 do at all.
I’d love to see him bring these arguments against the Detroit
mom who defended he family from a bunch of worthless punks.
My guess is she’d make him eat his words, and with any luck
the phone/computer he wrote them on.
So, can we all agree that there was more than enough fail to go around? Yeah the guy probably didn’t have to shoot. Yeah the dog’s owner should have secured the dog. Yeah the dog could possibly have been a threat. Yeah the guy is probably an A-hole. Just seems to be a lack of civility on both ends, from the dog owner for not controlling his pet and from the guy for planning and then celebrating the killing of the dog. What a spectacular display of comprehensive retardation.
I’m wary of judging these things on video, but this looks justified. The guy has three cops on the hilltop pointing guns at him, and kept them in a standoff long enough that the sun set and two shifts of officers had to respond (note the first team on scene had shotguns and pistols, instead of ARs as the second team used).
The man wasn’t unaware that the cops wanted a chat. I’ve seen patrol cops handle homeless calls. They dont grab the 12 gauge unless said homeless guy does or says something about being armed.
Next, once the officers tossed a flashbang and set a dog loose, the dude turns around as if he’s reaching for a weapon despite the guns drawn and pointed at him.That would have been a good time to keep his hands visible instead of turning away. What, did he think the cops were just gonna leave if he walked away? Make a move consistent with going for a weapon in front of a citizen who’s armed, and that’s what the person behind the drawn gun will suspect.
I’ve said this a number of times before; sadly there’s no end in sight. My old man once said that you either whip ’em, outsmart ’em, or get whipped. He was talking about school bullies, a different subject entirely to be sure, but the basic premise still applies. Police these days simply do not think things through anymore. In this particular case, we have a single victim (and yes, he was a victim) and a number of police officers. When the police have time, numbers, space, indeed everything, in their favor, does it not seem reasonable to make more effort to bring a crisis to an end without bloodshed? And that really, the only way to make that happen is to THINK once in a while?
I honestly don’t know what the solution is, only that ‘copthink’ is killing people.
There phone number is 405-642-5183
The APD is in the spotlight for their officer involved use of deadly force, and under a court ordered review of same. The ABQ Journal newspaper had a long investigational series outlining this which was seriously disturbing. Chief of APD “retired” under pressure.
In before Rydak says ‘the law is the law’ or some other variation.
I have both. Utas15 is the more reliable gun. Only had short stroke issues as I learned to shoot it. SRM 1216 can rip the casing off the shell, but seems to improve with use. Tolerances seem very tight. I continue to break it in. Both are better than my saiga.