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There’s a LOT of preamble in this video. I find it entertaining, but then I’m easily amused after seven hours of straight (non-impaired and non-iterrupted) gun blogging. So you might want to skip to 7:00 in, where anti-gunner Eyers declares that he is “unsure that the American public is mentally healthy or mature enough to have unfettered access to firearms . . . I don’t think the American public can be safely trusted to operate a firearm because the American public cannot be safely trusted to operate a f-ing toilet.” Same old ignorant elitism, of course, but it’s a good warning against firearms safety complacency.

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  1. “I don’t think the American public can be safely trusted to operate a firearm because the American public cannot be safely trusted to operate a f-ing toilet.”

    Spending two years as an assistant manager in a 300+ student apartment complex, I might agree with that one statement.

    • It shouldn’t, but it’s make a huge difference if you’re operating your own toilet versus someone else’s toilet (especially if that someone else is a company).

      • I remember very well aboard ship when I was in the Navy.
        I think every ship had a “Phantom” Shiter. You would get out of your bunk in the morning, and go into the head ( that’s the toilet for you land lubbers) and in the toilet bowl, proudly floated a monstrous turd of gigantic proportions! and you wondered how anybody on your ship could have an asshole big enough to drop something like that.
        It would usually take seven or eight flushings to get it to go down. I remember one time we heard they actually caught the Phantom Shiter on one of the ships in our squadron, and unbelievably, this guy weighed only around 115 lbs. or so. Go figure!

    • But he probably had a license to drive a vehicle at sixteen, and would have run away from home if his parents had said he was too irresponsible to drive said lethal wrapon.

      The cognitive disonance is strong in this one.

      • You could apply his reasoning to everthing from voting to even making generalizations about people. His solution would end up with everyone staying in bed and never living less the rist screwing something up.

  2. “I don’t think the American public can be safely trusted to operate a firearm because the American public cannot be safely trusted to operate a f-ing toilet.”

    Clearly he is projecting his own inadequacies and has not realize that the rest of America Public is not like him (mostly).

  3. Once again, I’ll point out what should be required reading: The Vision of the Anointed, by Thomas Sowell. Progressives have a very strong elitist mentality.

    • You should care because he cares enough to tell you how to live your life. It’s a video on the internet so it must be valuable. Plus he has a bunch of rings and poor grooming.

  4. Before I waste my time, someone who knows tell me who Jeff Eyres is and how he has the authority to “settle” the “gun debate”.

    • I don’t know but he’s got a beard, long hair, multiple finger rings, decorative crown molding, and red painted walls so clearly he’s got hit shit sorted.

      Clearly we should just annoint him supreme dick tater

    • Watch from 7:00 to the end. He has nothing nice to say about his uber liberal friends either. He is just commenting on the general stupidity of the human race.

      • One of the reasons why we now have so many stupid people in the general population is that we’ve padded the corners of American society and made it not only feasible to be stupid and breed, we’ve provided copious renumeration for stupid and lazy people to breed.

        Emoting whinges like Dickens went on and on and on and on and on (endlessly, it seemed) about the “plight” of the poor. Well, having the poor starve removed the genetics of the slow and stupid from the population. Sorry to be this brutal about it, but that’s how evolution works. When I was young, we were broke. I know what it is like to have no money. I also knew, even in my early teens, that I wasn’t about to allow that situation to exist for very long, however. Some people become quite comfy with being poor and milking the mailbox for a government check – and as a result of not having to work for their money, they become terminally stupid.

        There’s a great episode of Oprah (no, I don’t make a habit of watching this idiotic woman – I was forwarded this one episode by an associate) where the take a homeless guy and give him $100K. That’s right, they gave him $100K – over twice the median salary of the US. There were no restrictions placed upon the man, they just told him that they’d check back in with him to see how it changed his life.

        In six months, it was all gone, and he was back out on the streets. Oprah was shocked and stunned into silence, and we all know that it takes a huge dose of reality to make that happen. The guy didn’t have much in the way of substance abuse issues – he was just bone-idle and stump-stupid about how to manage money. He had no impulse control. A “friend” asked him to buy a new pickup truck for said “friend” – and the guy did. Right there, that was something like $40K of it.

        What can be done with someone like that? Nothing. Likewise, about 20% of the population of the US now is (by my estimation) irrecoverably stupid. There’s just nothing that can be done for them. I don’t mean that they’re mentally handicapped in the classic sense. No, their behaviors became habits, and habits become personality, and personality becomes destiny. Breaking people of their personality once they’re in their late 20’s and 30’s is almost impossible. The military knows this, and that’s why they don’t take too many people above the age of 30 unless they’ve already been in the military.

        So here we are. A large cohort of the population is, as the above-cited Youtuber says, too stupid to operate a flush toilet. Still, their stupidity has no bearing on my rights. It should have some bearing on how much we taxpayers pay stupid people to exist, however.

        • Curtis,
          No I think he got the 20% right! He just forgot to say anything about 10% ileriate, 12% life challenged urban dwellers, not to mention the possible 6% to 8% of the truly beyond the fringe of reality / Right or Left leaning population that seems to have a voice. I think that might bring your numbers up to a somewhat more understandable level. ?

    • The gun debate! He just settled it for me. When they come to get our gun, he’s the first guy I’m going after!

  5. Blah blah firearms restrictions. Blah blah…yet we seem to let anyone with working genetiles reproduce. If most of America can’t operate a toilet then they sure as hell shouldn’t be allowed to raise a child.

    When they start liscensing and controlling who can breed, then we can talk about more gun control. Let me know when you get there; I’ll be at the range.

  6. the American public cannot be safely trusted to operate a f-ing toilet.

    And Eyers looks like he has never safely operated a shower.

      • Yup.
        As soon as I saw the thumb ring AND an index finger ring, I quit watching.
        I’ve got a rough theory about guys like that. And it’s usually spot on.

    • Do you ever go into a public restroom, and there is a guy coming out of the only stall, and he is so scroungy looking, he would make homeless folks look like Prince Harry, and you really have to go! And you say to yourself, do I even want to be in the same stall the guy was in, much less sit on the same seat!
      So you get out your pocket size spray can of “Bugsbegone” and end up using a piece of paper to lift the lid, and use the “hoover” method, discussed some time ago on this blog.

  7. Most people cant be trusted out of the trees, much less with technology, but that didn’t happen.
    So we just have to live with them. Except for those who earn the Darwin Award. Always remember that the Stanford-Binet mean intelligence is 100, and that one standard deviation is plus or minus 15 points. Thus, 80% of people have IQs of 85 to 115.

      • I’d have to go back and check the distribution, but there’s something to be remembered about IQ’s:

        The distribution for males has fatter tails – ie, there are more geniuses and idiots among men.

        Women’s IQ is more tightly clustered around the mean, with thinner tails. I don’t know if the two distributions add up to a nominal Gaussian distribution when we’re all done…

  8. Those responsible gun owners don’t usually say things like “that can never happen to me”. They have a healthy respect for firearms and realize that it is most certainly possible for bad things to happen when they handle them. It keeps them aware that the 4 rules need to be followed at all times.

    His pro-gun friends obviously have written him off as a lost cause as far as convincing him that guns and gun ownership are a good thing. And I think we can all see why…

  9. The important point to his rant is the notion that we most likely live in a democracy, and the liberties of an individual can be decided by the opinions of the majority. It doesn’t matter that the public can’t be trusted to flush a toliet, or own a gun. I don’t want my freedoms diminished based on someone’s lack of trust in the public at large. If anything he said is true, the public can’t be trusted to drive cars, but nobody is screaming about banning them. More people will die in car crashes, and still they’re allowed that privilege. So, don’t F-ing interfere with my Constitutionally protected right to own a gun!

    • That’s why we DON’T live in a democracy, and instead the Founding Fathers created a republic. The most important difference between a democracy and a republic is that in a republic, the majority cannot vote away the rights of the minority.

      The lefties would love a true democracy, because let’s face it, at least a plurality of the people are stupid enough to fall for whichever stripe of socialism is being peddled this week. Look at Venezuela, for example.

  10. RF you didn’t watch the whole thing ? At 9:55 he goes off on liberals and guns ! Very funny and true.

    At one of the gunclubs I belonged to here ,they had to install 25 video cameras in the place. Someone got their rocks off by smearing feces all over the mens room. And I live in a maybe/kindda issue state ! Where the wait time for a handgun license takes 3 to 9 months.

  11. I found him somewhat entertaining as a speaker/lecturer, but what in the hell gives this elitist the idea that he or anyone, much less the government, has the ability or authority to decide who can competently have, handle, own or use a firearm. That is what is very specifically NOT ALLOWED by the protections of the Second Amendment in its prohibition against the government infringing the natural, civil and Constitutionally protected right.

    The right of criminals, the mentally unstable, morons, and even leftist elitists to keep and bear arms is an important component of the Second Amendment (you will notice that it contains no qualifiers) in that the slightest opportunity of any agency to determine suitability for exercise of the right negates that right in its entirety and WILL be abused.

    • Yep. Mala Prohibitum laws are a gross violation of the basic human right of being innocent until proven guilty.

      This is why the denial of everyone’s rights, except for those “special” badged and anointed enforcers in GFZ’s; to have access to effective tools for armed self-defense, is the epitome of contempt for the lives, the dignity, the self-respect and freedoms of all americans.

  12. I don’t think much of the public could be trusted with a firearm either, but then most of the public isn’t really qualified to drive or to vote or to raise children as well (when you see some of the parents these days!). But that’s part of the price of freedom, and why you do your best to have the society be educated.

    I wouldn’t want to live in a society where you had to go through special training and testing before you could have children, or vote, or own guns. And the only reason getting a driver’s license is so easy is because otherwise so many people would fail that it would impair society’s ability to function.

  13. My response:

    The whole “gun debate” was already settled with the ratification of The Bill of Rights.

    There is no “middle ground” when it comes to defending our civil rights — all of them. There is no “balancing act” to be done in the first place, because all rights have equal weight and scope under the Rule of Law. There is no “compromise” to be had, because losing your civil liberties gives you nothing in return. No security, no “safe feeling”, nothing to benefit from at all. Further, the word “compromise” implies – and strictly means – you actually get something of equal value in return.

    Gun control does not do that because it cannot.

    Civil rights, which whether you like it or not most definitely includes the right to keep and bear arms, are an all-or-nothing prospect.

    The only so-called “limitations” placed on them are prohibitions on acts against people and property that actually cause demonstrable and articulable harm. Merely owning or carrying a gun, regardless of its configuration or the method of carry, in-and-of-itself does not cause demonstrable and articulable harm. These two perfectly legal and perfectly harmelss acts do not even imply a threat, whether real or imagined.

    The only viable option is to stop trying to punish people for completely imagined “crimes”, such as owning a certain type of gun or ammunition or accessory, and let them go about their daily business without harassment from a feckless and incompetent government that only seeks to enrich itself at the expense of the governed.

    The entire notion that there must always be a “middle ground” is a logical fallacy unto itself: argumentum ad temperantiam.

    “What about criminals and crazies?” I know you will ask.

    Crazies should be in therapy and, if necessary, medicated. If they’ve been adjudicated as mentally defective and deemed a threat to society, they should be isolated away from society until such time that they are no longer a threat. The same goes for criminals. If they’ve allegedly paid their debt to society, then why are we worried about their behavior before they reoffend? If we continue to punish someone after they’ve been released, then they must be guilty of something still, and should still be paying their debt to society in prison. If someone cannot be trusted to responsibly exercise their rights without a custodian, they do not belong out amongst the general populace without one, or out in public at all.

  14. Whatever, I don’t think anyone really cares what this guy thinks, says or does. Look at the amount of views his videos get, Mr. Farago likely just doubled his viewership.

  15. “-cannot safely operate-”
    Yeah, because I am *forever* having to move corpses off the toilets I use in public.
    Thankfully, missing the pot while dropping a deuce and / or being a histrionic idiot are not grounds for facing a firing squad, otherwise this character as well as a goodly chunk of the public would be put to the wall.

  16. Can the American public be trusted to exercise their First Amendment rights? If they can’t be trusted with the second, maybe he should concede that his videos are the reason elitist like him do not trust Americans with the truth and free speech.

  17. Would it be impolite to mention past jobs where a significant portion of the labor force could not operate a toilet? people from many cultures do not have modern plumbing and are baffled at our systems (not to mention the problem of disposing of used toilet paper). Can’t operate a toilet, but in their homelands the large criminal elements are quite proficient at managing firearms (up to and including anti-tank weapons).

  18. Well you prove the point that some people should never own a firearm. As to your attitude towards firearms, No one will ever convince you that LAW ABIDING firearms owners are different than spree shooters, gang bangers or mentally defective people (which are a minor percentage of people with firearms) that gain the media’s attention.
    Daily all over the United States alone also use a firearm to STOP crimes against themselves or others (not including Law Enforcement).
    As to items used in crimes against people or property, hammers, knives or hands cause more damage and deaths than firearms. Here is a link with a clock just like the National Debt clock that shows the deaths for various firarms related resons vs defencive firearms use (apprx: 10 to 1< Defencive uses vs all others deaths from firearms uses.)
    Sorry the numbers tell the story not just the dislikes of, or hopes for a magic law that would stop Criminals (those that BREAK the law).
    Thank you for the video, you make a great poster child for those that dislike the RIGHTS of others.
    Yours in service
    James Acerra

  19. I know you guys are dedicated to putting out at least one post an hour, all day long. That’s an admirable goal, but if it comes down to crap like this, or no post, maybe go with the no post. Seriously, what’s the point of giving exposure to these nobodies? And before anyone says, “know your enemy”, some guy posting videos from his grandma’s dining room is not my enemy. He’s got less influence than a loud fart. Save that “know your enemy” stuff for people who can actually move the needle against us. This guy got more hits from TTAG today than his whole podcast or video blog or whatever the hell it is has ever gotten, total.

    If you’re really that desperate for filler content, I’ve got a great pecan pie recipe, and I can guarantee it contains no thumb-rings or filthy beards.

  20. This guy has zero people viewing his videos…. until now. :/

    His lunacy and ugly kitchen should have stayed in the dark corners of Youtube.

  21. So if I safely operate a firearm while flushing the throne I am considered mentally healthy, mature and safe?

    ATF take note, this question atop a sales form would save a great deal of time, money, and expedite your workload.

    Holy John Crapper, Eyers is a genius!

  22. Hey It’s me – the guy. Thanks for sharing and I’ve got to say the conversation it started over on YouTube has been excellent, informative, remarkably polite, funny and intelligent and I have enjoyed it immensely. Thank you for your time and attention and comments.

    Also thank you for being amused, as i was, at the absurd notion that I or anyone else can settle anything.

    • Now if you want a real eye opener see what kind of ‘civil’ discussion they have over at the “other side” of this debate go check out the Mothers Demand Action Facebook page.

  23. I feel your example of a public toilet is a poor example of the training of people using the public toilet and therefore gun training. If you take a perfectly clean public toilet and have one or two Cretans enter and make the perfectly clean public toilet unsanitary and, well, filthy.. why would a ‘sane’ and ‘trained’ person clean a public toilet a Cretan has damaged even though they know how to use the toilet? They would not. They would simply exit; then the next Cretan will continue the dirty deeds and never consider the toilet is dirty. Your analogy is is a flawed one, can you do better for those of us that are more pragmatic and slower?

    Consider this: If people see a grown man wearing his hair long, long beard, multiple large and obnoxious rings on almost ever finger while wearing a cheap suit and tie spouting cuss words, why would people consider him a reliable source for information or knowledge on any subject except poor taste?

    • You seem to have some horribly prejudiced notions about people from the Mediterranean island of Crete!

  24. Does American public include politicians, cops and criminals? The only gun control law there should be is that criminals can’t have any firearms. No double standards put DC politicians on Obamacare and SS.Thanks for your support and vote.Pass the word.

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