“Palestinians in the Gaza Strip were enraged on Saturday after Al Jazeera television aired footage of Egyptian soldiers shooting and killing a Palestinian man who had wandered into the Egypt side of the Rafah crossing through the beach,” reports. “In the clip, the man is seen entering the water along the Sinai-Gaza divide. After he steps a few meters into the Egyptian side . . .

he is hit by live fire. The victim has been identified as Ishak Khalil Hassan, 28, from the Gaza City neighborhood of Zeitoun. According to reports, Hassan was known to have suffered from mental and emotional disturbances.”

With friends like these? Although it doesn’t make this execution any better, the incident should be seen in its proper context. Like this:

Gaza, a small impoverished coastal enclave, is under blockade by Israel, and Egypt has kept its Rafah crossing largely shut since Cairo’s Islamist president, Mohammed Morsi, was toppled by the army in 2013.

Egypt has occasionally opened Rafah to allow passengers with foreign passports as well as students and hospital patients to travel. Israel, which waged war with Hamas in July and August last year, allows travel between it and Gaza largely only on humanitarian grounds such as relief aid and medical treatment.

Cairo has accused Hamas, which is close to the Muslim Brotherhood, of helping militants in Egypt’s Sinai desert, which borders on Gaza, attack its security forces. Hamas denies this.


  1. Nothing like a live fire exercise with a live person down range. Don’t suppose the BLM folks are gonna get all righteous with Egyptian police over this particular murder.

      • For the coyotes, yes, but the mules are now often women and children, or young men who’s families are held in ransom until they deliver the few pounds that were stuffed into their packs before they headed north. I have no desire to see someone killed because some evil trash made sure that if they didn’t deliver their mother, daughter, or sister would be raped and murdered.

  2. Hassan was known to have suffered from mental and emotional disturbances.

    It seems like a lot of people in that neck of the woods suffer from mental and emotional disturbances.

    • uhm because borders are arbitrary imaginary lines drawn by statists, some of whom like those in this video, have absolutely no regard for human life.

      Would you have shot the unarmed man if you were there?

      • YES

        Borders may be arbitrary, but the problems caused by those who ignore them are not. The boundry laws of sovereign nations should be absolute. It is a reality albeit an ugly one, but a reality.

        1 mile from my house a school bus stops to pick up 43 children in one place. They are all the children of undocumented immigrants. They go to a school my tax dollars pay for. They get assistance my tax dollars pay for. They are taking away from my family.

        • No sir. Our government is taking our money, not those illegal aliens. You don’t pay your taxes to them. And if they went away, don’t believe for a second that your taxes would as well.

      • ” . . .borders are arbitrary imaginary lines drawn by statists . . .”

        Borders denote countries, countries denote property ownership, property ownership denotes national identity. Property ownership and national identities are a good thing. Don’t trespass onto other people’s property.

  3. This of course does not include all those drowned when smuggling tunnels were flooded, many collapsing with workers inside. I think the Palestinians already hate the Egyptians, and I think the feelings are reciprocated.

  4. Ow-that’s cold. And if Israel hadn’t given away Gaza we wouldn’t have THIS-they’ll still blame the Jews.

  5. Pay attention Achmed. This here thing at the end of the rifle is called by us infidels a “front sight.” When used in conjunction with this other thing called a “rear sight” it’s useful for actually hitting what you aim at. Like man-sized targets in the surf at 50 yards.

  6. And they say there’s no cure for mental problems and emotional disturbance. Proven here while demonstrating a secure boarder.

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