A report from an Arizona government entity suggesting that the best way to protect the state’s children from so-called “gun violence” is to “remove all firearms in households with children” is getting some major pushback from Republican state lawmakers.
The annual report to the legislature by the Arizona Child Fatality Review Team (CFRT), which reviewed child deaths in 2023, includes the team’s recommendation that it “believes that the most effective way to prevent firearm-related deaths in children is to remove all firearms in households with children because the presence of firearms in a household increases the risk of suicide among adolescents.”
If you think confiscating guns from every Arizona home that has a child in it sounds extreme, rest assured that the chairman and vice chairman of the state House Judiciary Committee feel exactly the way about the proposal, according to a news release issued by them. State Reps. Quang Nguyen and Selina Bliss, Judiciary Committee chair and vice-chair, have issued a letter to Jennie Cunico, cabinet executive officer of the Arizona Department of Health Services (ADHS), voicing strong objections to the report.
“We are appalled that the CFRT, speaking on behalf of the Arizona Department of Health Services, is actually advocating for stripping Arizonans of their Second Amendment rights in their own homes,” the letter stated. “This radical proposal is reminiscent of New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham’s 2023 gun control order, which attempted to prohibit (the) carrying of firearms in public for self-defense. You may recall that Governor Grisham’s order—accurately characterized as ‘insanely unconstitutional’ and ‘outrageous’—was swiftly blocked in court.”
The letter also said that the CFRT’s “do-something” approach to child-fatality legislation would not only violate the constitutional rights of millions of Arizonans, but it is also irrational from a policy perspective.
“Effective policy solutions—even for problems that are difficult and complex—must be designed to fully protect constitutional rights and liberties,” the letter stated. “We urge you to direct the CFRT to reconsider its unjustified attack on the Second Amendment and amend its report.”
Rep. Nguyen, Judiciary Committee chair, expressed frustration that the state agency would make such an extreme suggestion.
“Proposals to strip citizens of their firearms are not only unconstitutional but also lack common sense,” he said. “While the report suggests reasonable safety measures for other risks, such as drowning, the CFRT overreaches by advocating for the elimination of firearms entirely from homes with children.”
Rep. Bliss, the committee co-chair, has similar misgivings.
“Our state should focus on education and safe practices, not on extreme measures that undermine individual liberties,” she said. “We stand firm in defending the Second Amendment rights of Arizona families.”
Go save some young black men in the Hood, you know, something that would open your eyes to the actual problem…and quit counting 18-25 adults as children.
this seems repetitive.
I tend to think that removing politicians from our homes is a much better thing to do.
Ah man, you mean I’ve got to take down my pictures of Stalin , Ho Chi Minh and Biden.
What are we supposed to throw darts at, then?
“Do it for the children.” I heard this tune before.
This will certainly be a start at reducing the cost of homes – no bathtubs, garage or driveways, no stairs, no stoves, no knife blocks, hammers, power tools of any kind, no yards ( eww, mowers, chemicals, pet feces ), indoor plants, belts, twine, rope, laundry detergent, etc., etc.
On 2nd thought, just removing politicians, teachers, and doctors would prove to be many times more effective.
The primary goal of the anti-civil rights movement is to disarm children. And they don’t want children educated about their gun civil rights.
They want to have s e x with children. They want to s:ex,uall:y exploit children. They are doing that now. Taking children to the ho.m-os’ex’u:al strip and cro;s,s dres,ser shows. And having children perform at these shows.
When a child trained and disciplined by their parents, shoots a home invader. That terrifies the Leftist.
They are more afraid of a disciplined gun toting child, than a repeat burglar.
Chris it’s the parents ,friends, or relatives that take or give permission to the children to be there. Not the government.
Government??? OK, here you go.
Government h-o”m.os’ex^u;al.s like California state senator Tom Ammiano supported the Mulford Act. And refused to repeal it. Also that same government ho. m;os”exu:al. Years earlier. San Francisco school board member Tom Ammiano voted to remove the rifle teams from the school district.
He doesn’t believe other people’s children should learn how to shoot guns accurately, and in competition.
That guy is as anti-civil rights as any government guy in the former confederate states of america.
He belongs to the same party as the confederates so not surprising. Some things never change.
Tyranny at it’s finest. Give us your guns or give us your kids. Pick one!
the kids!
If only they had made that offer to me in decades past.
Wonder if they;ll ask for the grandkids instead?
I new a woman who did just that only it was alcohol related.
Remove firearms and open the door for kidnappers, child molesters, etc…demoCrap can be hazardous to your health.
Pandering to their voter base.
Confiscate all the guns. For the children.
Now that you think about it pretty much all draconian gun control is “for the children“.
We already know they want the complete and total ban of all guns with door-to-door confiscation in the mandated extermination of every single gun owner in the country. And if you don’t think they don’t want this I guess you don’t pay attention. When they say these things believe them.
So the government needs to ban guns and confiscate guns from the parents and then murder the parents for owning guns for the children’s sake.
This sounds like insane logic but you know this is how they think.
“Confiscate all the guns. For the children.”
“Confiscate all the children. For the guns.”
I think it would be a better idea to remove the kids.
best idea would be to remove any politician who votes for this from office for oath violation
In AZ? Really? Sounds like an east coast/west coast idea. You’d have to go to every family’s house in the state. And not many would co-operate.
Not here please –
CA migration is a big problem for Arizonans!
Any and all public funds supporting this agency should be stopped immediately. Bureaucrats need to understand their particular role in society and that the abrogation of Constitutional Rights should put them in prison.
A report from an Arizona government entity suggesting that the best way to protect the state’s children…
The possessive use of the noun “state” in this case is perfect in terms of reflecting how most .gov employees feel about… well, anything.
In their opinion, it’s not yours it’s theirs and you may use it if they allow you to do so.
The Dems, I mean communists, are at it again. They violate the constitution and bill of rights daily. It will take 8 to 12 years to make America great again. Jan 20th can’t come fast enough!
“…the most effective way to prevent firearm-related deaths in children is to remove all firearms in households with children…”
Wrong solution; remove the children, leave the guns.
Arizona turned to mutch purpel
Funny how they never count DGUs when they’re determining anything related to guns.
“Funny how they never count DGUs when they’re determining anything related to guns.”
That’s because it is settled science that DGUs do not happen. If they do, they are so rare as to be statistically, vanishingly, rare. And those rare incidents pale in comparison to the tens of thousands of people killed by the use of guns.
See how simple it all is?
“the most effective way to prevent firearm-related deaths in children is to remove all firearms in households with children because the presence of firearms in a household increases the risk of suicide among adolescents.”
The most effective way to prevent drowning deaths in children is to remove all swimming pools in households with children because the presence of swimming pools in a household increases the risk of drowning. But I don’t see them recommending removing all swimming pools from households with children, too extreme.
Come to think of it, the most effective way to prevent vehicle-related deaths in children is to remove all bicycles, skateboards, cars, and motorcycles in households with children, because the presence of vehicles and skateboards in a household increases the risk of vehicle accident deaths among children. But nobody advocates doing that, too extreme.
Why is it that they only propose extreme “solutions” when it comes to removing our guns?
“Government Report Suggests Removing Guns From Arizona Homes With Kids”
We should counter with a proposal for Removing Kids From Arizona Homes in Democrat Neighborhoods.