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Accident scene (courtesy

To not make it to the other side. “State police say a hunter wearing ‘very elaborate’ camouflage was killed when two vehicles struck him as he tried to cross a southern New Jersey highway,” the AP reports. “The accident occurred around 5:20 a.m. Monday on Route 70 in Southampton. The man had a shotgun, a camouflage blanket and was dressed in leafy camouflage gear which made him less visible to drivers.”

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    • The same thing happened to some fool masquerading as Bigfoot in one of the midwestern states. He was in a bigfoot-knockoff Ghillie suit at dusk and became road pizza instead of hoaxing the local news. One less hunk of debris floating in the gene pool.

      Condolences to this guy’s family.

    • Too bad his parents didn’t teach him about traffic. But he must have been visible in some way. Maybe he looked like a bush. Wait, in the road? Wouldn’t you try to avoid a moving bush in the middle of the road?

    • Considering it’s in Jersey, I’m surprised there haven’t been federal charges for killing an endangered species.

  1. Hehehe, I guess all that camouflage worked! The driver’s didn’t even see him! XD

    Err… not that I’m laughing at a man being killed. No, sir. A real tragedy.


  2. At 5:20 AM on the eastcoast its still dark. Didn’t matter much what he was wearing unless he had reflective clothing which might have been noticed by drivers. Its much easier to spot deer crossing the highway when its light out then it is at night. Considering the time of year, he might have been out for some Turkey hunting which requires camo type clothing. But its also required that hunters wear some bright orange so there is less chance that they will be mistaken for a Turkey.

  3. Hum a Ghillie suit would be a poor choice to blend in on a highway. Now a grey suit with yellow lines or perhaps dressed as a mini cooper yes.

    2 weeks ago tresspasser in a Ghillie tried to sneak on our land I saw him from 300 yards,ya know that tall upright thing walking and all….its well light at. 5 :20 where I live and it’s west of NJ. The sky first starts to turn blue around 4 30 AM right now fair light 5 ish pretty good light at 5 30.

  4. So, he was wearing “elaborate” camo, tried crossing the road? Im picturing this giant bush shuffleing across the road.

    Im betting the drivers are card carrying members of PETA.

    My prayers to the family of the hunter.

  5. Many states hunting hours are 30 minutes before and after sunrise sunset times. Today in NJ official sunrise was 5 :30 AM meaning at 5:00 it was what most hunters call shooting light,good enough to see and I’d your target and beyond.
    I guess not so much for drivers……

    My guess ,” man driving to work checking his email,eating his egg a muffin,is startled when he hears a thump,checks to see he ran over a guy,blames ” camo”.

    • If it’s an *important* email, text, or phone call, it’s working taking while driving.

      -Most of the drivers in LA

  6. My guess is he put himself in the mindset of a deer so deeply that when 2 cars came at him he thought, “hey, better stand in the middle of the road and look at the beautiful headlights”.

  7. “I think what we have here is a lack of visibility.”- Camo Hand Luke.
    So, country camouflage blending with tarmac. That’s a new one. I get the strange feeling that the accident had more to do with the darkness than the camo, but…hey, probably didn’t help anyway.

    • Yeah…One must wonder what the drivers thought when they saw a bush in the middle of the road.

  8. “The man had a shotgun, a camouflage blanket and was dressed in leafy camouflage gear which made him less visible to drivers.”

    1) Gov. Christie tried to close the roadway so the guy could make it across, but caved to political correctness. Therefore, political correctness kills.

    2) A ghillie-suited sniper with a shotgun? That must be one choked shotgun!

    3) Reports are that the man’s girlfriend had just broken up with him, saying “Make like a tree & leave.”

  9. I’m pretty sure I could cross a road invisibly and not get hit. But then, when I cross a road, I make sure there’s not a car coming.

    • I agree with you Jason. There should be no blame on the motorists, for hitting a guy in camo that does not know how to cross the road.

    • Seems simple enough, what was he doing on the highway, apparently demanding the right of way? If he waited until no cars were coming, he would have BEEN invisible, no?

  10. At 0520, the drivers should’ve been quite visible to this fellow; one must wonder why he didn’t wait for an opening?

    While I don’t know about his trigger discipline, this gun owner sounds to me to have been less than responsible.

    In Michigan, a blind hunter requires no hunter; is his true of New Jersey as well…?

  11. Lesson #1: How Not to Be Seen.

    I’m sorry, I just can’t get the Monty Python skit out of my head now…

  12. Yeah, this guy needs to be forwarded to the Darwin Awards for consideration, ’cause I’m pretty sure he is a serious contender. I definitely feel bad for the motorists, though. Even knowing it’s not your fault, that’s not going to be easy thing to live with. Probably not going to want to keep the car either.

  13. I don’t think New Jersey has tumble weeds,…..Now, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona,…yes.

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