Have you ever just looked at a gun and fell in love with its looks? That’s kind of how I feel about the RPTR rail on my SCR based rifle. It’s not a true SCR rifle, just an SCR lower with a homebrew upper.
The sleek lines and general oddball nature of the build make it attractive as far as I’m concerned. Maybe I’m tired of just looking at traditional black rifles and I like the looks of something new.
Now I can opine about the good looks of my son, my girlfriend, and this gun all day long, but today we are talking about the STNGR RPTR rail system.
STNGR is a small made-in-America business that sells rail systems of all types for AR-15 platform rifles. They both manufacture and sell rails without a middle man so their prices are pretty reasonable. The RPTR is one of many products they make and their rail systems come in several different sizes. This is the 15-inch model.
The RPTR Rail
STNGR (pronounced stinger) seems to have trouble with vowels but makes some awesome rails. The RPTR is a hybrid rail system that blends M-LOK with built-in quad rail Picatinny attachments. Does RPTR stand for Repeater? Rapture? Raptor? Who knows, but I’m pronouncing it ‘raptor.’
Extending down the length of the rail is a top rail for mounting iron sights, or any crazy number of optics. At the very end of this 15-inch rail system are three roughly 1-inch Picatinny rails. The rest of the RPTR rail is M-LOK based.
The rails at the end of the rail system allow you to mount the basics which should be mounted as far forward as possible. This includes LAMS, lights, etc. The M-LOK attachments allow you to mount whatever, wherever. On the receiver end of your rail is a QD sling mount on each side.
I love this setup when compared to a standard Picatinny or M-LOK rail and I like a little built-in rail for my rifles. It allows me to mount the basics to my rifle without having to attach additional lengths of rail. Also, I can mount a laser system and never worry about losing zero because I suck at attaching M-LOK rails and they work themselves loose after some heavy use.
The rail system is also heavily ventilated as you can see above. This allows heat to escape, a necessity in these modular all-metal rail systems. They can get warm — and I mean really warm. We’ll talk more about that later.
A plus for STNGR rails is their barrel nut is super low profile. You don’t have to shim or index the system to make the gas tube work with the barrel nut. It just goes over the barrel nut into the upper receiver. It’s an awesome and easy-to-install the system.
STNGR includes the crowfoot wrench. You’ll need a torque wrench to complete the installation, as well as all the other normal barrel block tools. It took me longer to remove the old rail than it did to install the RPTR.
Just note that the rail system will only work with low profile and adjustable gas blocks.
On the Range
The RPTR is fairly light, weighing 11.64 ounces and it’s stretched far enough for a comfortable amount of grip. That’s light enough to keep the lightweight SCR quite well balanced and comfortable to shoot. You can go full Magpul Dynamics C-Clamp grip on the rail. The RPTR is thin and comfortable enough to wrap your hand around it.
Like most thin metal handguards, it’s going to start to heat up when you start firing higher round counts. You can toss on gloves, rubber M-LOK covers, or, better yet, a vertical or angled foregrip can help.
The RPTR rail has an anti-slide plate that slides into the barrel nut and is screwed down. This plate prevents any slide or movement of the rail. I got it nice and hot then pulled, pushed, twisted and tried to get it to move. I couldn’t get it to budge in any way. Once it’s on, it’s not going anywhere.
Specifications: STNGR RPTR Free Float Handguard Rail System
Length: 10, 13.5, and 15 inch rails available
Weight: 11.64 ounces (15-inch model)
Finish: Type III hard coat anodized aluminum
Inside Diameter: 1.35 inches
MSRP: $134.99
Ratings (Out of Five Stars)
Ergonomics: * * * *
The length and width of the rail system make it extremely easy to grip. It’s very comfortable and allows you to get a nice firm hold on the rail. One star off for how hot it can get in even shorter round counts.
Design: * * * * *
I like the integrated Picatinny rails near the end of the RPTR rail. They allow for easy mounting of basic accessories without the need for additional rail mounts. The built-in QD mounts on both sides are a plus, too. The RPTR is versatile, and it does look damn good.
Installation: * * * * *
Installing the barrel nut and rail was very easy. The rail comes with the crow foot wrench and Allen keys. You’ll need a few of your own tools, but nothing outside of normal rail installation. You don’t have to time the barrel nut which is a godsend to me.
Overall: * * * * 1/2
I love this rail. It’s easy to install, looks and feels good, and manages to be a very stable platform. STNGR makes a wide variety of rails, but this one takes the cake for me. The RPTR is an awesome, versatile rail system that’s well worth the price.
Seems like a good value, I’ve bought worse rails for not too much less money.
I’m more interested in the traditional rifle buttstock used behind the AR-15 action in the last picture. How does that work?
Move to New York and you’ll find out 😉
Why did you bother to answer? I get the New York thing. My question was how does it work. Obviously, not much of a CalgunsMD.
Thanks, the Fightlite site had a picture, but, no info. I found an NRA article for ARES Defense SCR (sport configurable rifle) that explained how it works as a semi without the buffer.
Looks like decient value. But black guns do nothing for me. Now a nice looking 1911. Thats a different story. Strawberry blondes I can look at all day long too.
Why spend any money on a future paper weight?
Get with TREX Arms about their new lightbar. It’s a rail for your WML that will push it flush(ish) with your suppressor. I have checked their site for availability but nothing shows up in the store yet, and I have not heard back from customer service either. Need one for my .300!
If I sucked at MLok I would not install my own rail. Just saying.
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