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If Facebook didn’t have double standards, they wouldn’t have any at all. Post some mildly suggestive pics of a rowing club trying to raise some cash to fight cancer? Verboten! But if your name is appropriately ethnic and you put up some genitalia pics, that’s A-OK [NSFW]. If you’re anti-semitic, or just anti-Israel, and want to share your viewpoint with the world, Facebook is just fine with that. But criticize an anti-Isreal post, and you get a 12-hour time out. Now it’s TTAG’s turn for an electronic rap on the knuckles for posting the above video . . .

RF put that video up this morning. It depicts a little ISIS tyke in training walking into a room and slitting the throat of a teddy bear. You know, because practice makes perfect. The only comment RF wrote to accompany this little glimpse of horror was “Keep your powder dry.” And for the offense of showing barbarians committing barbarous acts (however tame, in this case), we got this love note from Zuckerberg’s arbiters of taste:

Screen Shot 2015-09-22 at 6.17.58 PM

The punishment for the affront to political correctness that is revealing human debris demonstrating abominable behavior?

Screen Shot 2015-09-22 at 6.18.48 PM

So be aware that you won’t be getting our posts coming through your news feed for the next day as we’ve earned ourselves a temporary vacation from the book of faces. Some of you may wonder if we merit this kind of treatment because of our focus on something as icky and socially unacceptable as guns. But there are just too many examples of Facebook’s arbitrary and capricious application of their “community standards” to make such a cut-and-dried judgement.

So please keep your attention focused here for the next day. And for those of you who rely on the social media behemoth for alerts to our latest posts, we’ll be back before you know it, tanned, rested and ready.


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  1. Shame on you for daring to have an opinion and share it on social media as if you are one of the million of mindless idiots out there….. what’s wrong with you? /sarc

  2. Meh, the only reason I’m ever on Facebook is to contact a few friends who I don’t know how to reach another way. Keep up the good work, TTAG; don’t let the naysayers get you down.

  3. Stop using Facebook. Stop sending traffic to them. There’s your answer! Just camp on the page and direct readers to twitter or Google plus.

      • Word.

        Though to be fair, I _did_ try to join Facebook once. But they rejected me, since I didn’t go to an ivy league college. I hear that later they lowered their standards. I on the other hand have not forgotten the snub.

  4. You likely got reported by someone. Maybe they took it the wrong way? You know how sensitive people can be about “islamophobia” these days.

    Honestly I’d be surprised if every post you made wasn’t reported at some point, though.

  5. Facebook my ass! How about “Butt book” Never got on it, never will, and never wanted to! Actually, I did get on it once, accidentally. Then without any provocation, I had a dozen dip shits contacting me, wanting to be my “friend”

    • It’s bad enough being Googlefied. I turned on my computer after getting the new Google because you just had to have it. I get it on and here comes “HI” Hows that for damn privacy? I can’t even logon without some moron DB knowing I’m on the computer!!!
      I threw a hissy fit for a while until I went through every damn setting that Google hides everywhere and turned that BS off. Made sure my search history isn’t saved also.
      Ever wonder why Microshaft offered Windows 10 for free? Heck, they can use your computer to update other computers! It’s a massive information sponge. When you have 10, you have your very own advertisement ID
      Don’t believe me though, just search privacy issues Windows 10. It’s pretty bad

      • Online privacy is long dead and gone. What we do know about corporate and government spying is probably dwarfed by what we don’t know.

  6. And this signals the coming decline of Facebook.

    It is also an example of elitism. Facebook figures they get to define “good/bad”, “decent/indecent”, what is and is not politically correct, etc. because they amassed a huge pile of cash. Censorship is rarely a good thing and the good old Internet and open marketplace of ideas will show them otherwise soon enough.

    Of course Zuckerberg could care less … he already made his billions.

  7. Thanks to Zoiker-BOIG and his Leftist minions I have 4 days left until my current 30 day FarceBook (intentional misspelling) suspension expires. My offense? I posted an image of an adult, bearded, male, Mestizo wearing a diaper and sombrero while smoking a cigar titled “Anchor Baby” in support of Donald Trump, The cartoonish image was “reported” by whom I don’t know (someone on my friends list “Liked” it and “Shared” it), and it was deemed “offensive” by the politically correct limp-wristed weenies.

    Why do I use FB? Though I don’t post often, maybe once every two weeks, I have a large extended family, my dad was one of ten children and it allows me to keep in touch with family members across the country, BTW I have only 47 “friends” almost all family members.

    • Man, it’s not like family did not stay in touch before facebook.

      Just remember, if something is presented to you as free to use, YOU are the product.

      facebook is getting rich off of all the back-end API stuff that you never see, but is collecting info they get to sell to corporations.

      If you get a chance, take a look at the documentary “Generation Like.” Watch the WHOLE thing.

      Then decide if you really need to be on facebook.

      • There is one positive, I DON’T click on ANY of the ads OR patronize ANY FarceBook advertisers thus reducing their revenue. Keeping track of email addresses and tel #’s is a pain in the ass. I DON’T have a “smartphone” either and the address book on my bottom-of-the-line nearly 10 year old Motorola cellphone is empty as are the address books in my two email accounts.

        Sure I hate FB and use it as little as possible but at age 52 I can easily reach the entire family and a few select longtime friends at once, they can instantly share important info and family photos. It’s a trade-off and I’m hoping that the Conservative alternative to FB (can’t recall the name) takes off.

        Had I known of Zoiker-BOIG’s political inclinations prior to creating an account in 2006 I wouldn’t have ever used that service BUT since they have the limited info I entered when I created my account I’ll exploit it to spread the Conservative and pro-2nd Amendment message among my “friends” until I’m banned permanently.

        • “There is one positive, I DON’T click on ANY of the ads OR patronize ANY FarceBook advertisers thus reducing their revenue.

          they have the limited info I entered when I created my account”

          Sorry to tell you this, but that’s a false security.

          It’s not the you clicking on ads that is useful for datamining. The software used to collect the data is the ‘back end’ stuff, the so-called “analytics” and other API oriented tools. It’s the software running on their servers that their “paying clients” have access to collate the data of how you interact with all the people you interact with on there.

          YOU don’t have to enter YOUR data in directly for it to be available to them. Truthfully, they are probably not really interested in you as an individual.

          It’s you as a member of a network with that extended family you mentioned, as well as all the ‘connections’ THEY have, and the second tier connections, and so on.

          Seriously; watch that docu I mentioned. It’s a bit of an eye opener. There may be others, too. But, I do know that one gets into the back-end stuff a bit.

          facebook is not offering you ANYTHING for free…quite literally, you are the product they are selling, but not TO you.

  8. I tend to agree with the first post. What was it TruthTellers said, uh let me see…what was it? Oh yeah, here it is!
    “Fuck Facebook” Gosh, how eloquent is that??

    I don’t have a Facebook page nor would I ever divulge my information to them or any other device or create a profile like a mindless drone. I have little information exposed with the exception of using my real name here…cuz you know, I don’t really give a rats ass about that. I’m not hard to find. What I do care about is being a open book for everyone. I value my privacy more than that.

  9. Use Twitter. Set it up to cross-post to FB and don’t worry about it. It’s easier and, if FB throws a bitch fit you have the same thing on a more trafficked site, to boot.

    • Can’t use Twitter, I’ve been “banned” from there after challenging the BLM domestic terrorists/Democrats and Bernie Sanders supporters. I guess the image of a Jim Crow-era lynching with tagline that said “Feel The Rope Burn” was a bit too much for their delicate sensibilities.

  10. Personally I don’t need Zuckerberg knowing when I’m going to use the john but I can absolutely see why it’s critical for any sort of business to have an account. I don’t think any other social networks out there would be that great either considering Google’s brass has a history of siding with Obummer.

    • Most of the tech industry sides with the left and the Democratic Party. I have yet to hear of a major or even mid-scale tech company that leans right.

      Most of the right-leaning nerds work for themselves or are part of a voluntary collective without any formal business arrangements. Those who lean right and work in a leftist company usually have to keep quiet lest they lose their jobs.

      • “Most of the tech industry sides with the left and the Democratic Party.”

        Not so much.

        If there was a ‘bias’ is Silicon Valley it might be termed ‘Libertarian Flavored’.

        Guns are favored there by the techies more than you may realize.

        The Obama admin’s keel-hauling of privacy concerns have soured their blind love of the leftists.

        They are beginning to see the light…

  11. I got a rap on the internet knuckles awhile back. I posted a screen shot of ISIS beheading a dude on a brony forum. Hey statists gonna state. Apparently bronies don’t brodown.

    And do keep your powder dry!

    These are the same people who follow the example (Sunnah) of a 7th century slave trader & warlord. Even if this is a prank, Jihadi Mouse from a few years back was not:

  12. I don’t think he’s a brownshirt; one’s nuts have to be descended to properly qualify for that title…. but he’s definitely a brownboy belonging to the left.

  13. To be clear, I posted the video as a warning to readers that evil exists. That we must be vigilant against it. Armed, in fact.

    The idea that I’m pro-ISIS is beyond laughable. I’m a Jew whose grandparents and extended family were slaughtered by anti-Semites. I know the face of the enemy when I see it.

    I suppose Facebook simply ID’ed people who posted the video and swung the ban hammer. Which will hurt our business (we get about 20% of our daily traffic from Facebook).

    So be it. The truth about guns will stay true to its remit no matter what.

  14. 20% of your traffic RF? I hate to post because it’s my real name. I see much worse on other pro-gun FB pages. I guess it’s ’cause yer big…I’ll hit your FB page tomorrow…

  15. How’s it feel to be judged by nameless, faceless snapper heads? To get your post pushed down the memory hole? Now you know how we feel when we post the most innocuous thing and you bunch of Marys bin it.

    • Yup! Tyrants come in ALL shapes, sizes, and political persuasions. Sad to say I’ve seen comments deleted and commenters here banned in order to appease Liberals and enforce political correctness. It’s time to stop eating our own and for us to ignore petty squabbles and concentrate on destroying Liberals and their narrative.

      • Oh, the crying. You know the posting policy around here can pretty much be summed up as “Don’t be an asshole,” right? If you’ve had multiple comments memory-holed, perhaps that’s a sign that you’re being unsociable.

        • how do you explain “Gun Concierge” then, talk about a dude that alienates EVERYBODY when he taps a keyboard. Yet you give him a byline. So, I would say that you just censor people that ruffle _your_ feathers.
          So spare me the sanctimony.

          • Comments are deleted when they are openly racist, homophobic, etc. or directly abusive to other commenters. FirearmConcierge exhibits none of those behaviors, he just has opinions that you disagree with. He doesn’t alienate everybody, as you said; quite a few people agree with what he says, even if they might think he’s an ass for the way he says it.

  16. Facebook is just one more American fad. But when you’re done with this one they won’t be done with you. You’ve left then them you life as a free data mine that the useless asshats can use until the day you die.

  17. And once again TTAG bitches about Facebook but will continue to support them buy keeping there page open with them. Close your account with them or STFU.

  18. Wow, after all the crap I’ve posted on Suckfucksbook I’ve NEVER been banned. Most certainly not for lack of trying.

  19. I quit on facebook because the guv loves to frame things up there…

    How many fake pedo arrests involve the reporting of the line “was talking to children on facebook…” In the 90s it was “was emailing kids on the internet…” or “chatting with underage children on AOL…”

    All those “task forces” trying to catch pedos? BS. If you express non-liberal views, your inbox starts getting mobbed with messages and “Friend requests” from these fake underage kid accounts that the guv uses ostensibly to catch pedos, but it’s really nothing more than framing anyone they don’t like.

    If I sign up for facebook, again, I guarantee I’ll be flooded with that crapola just like the last time, and the time before that. You don’t have respond to any of them, delete every one without even looking at it. Doesn’t matter, there will be a warrant for your arrest and a pre-conceived press release that sounds like every other framed pedo-who-isn’t-a-pedo arrest press release… Nobody looks into those arrests. He’s a pedo, hang him high! I narrowly escaped the last attempt to frame me like that, never again will I use Facebook.

    Defame all who oppose your agenda…

  20. We need a Facebook alternative. Something like Facebook but with no restrictions save spam. Maybe free book. Or something.

  21. What’s the point of owning a global social-networking platform, if it can’t be used to arbitrarily impose the owners’ personal prejudices and double-standards on users?

  22. I was permanently banned from Townhall, a supposed conservative site, whose comment section is full of liberal trolls.
    After the Newtown massacre, one anti said “You need a 30 round clip in case you are attacked by a large group of 1st graders”
    The appropriate reply that got me banned was “GFY”

  23. Facebook and Twitter are privately owned entities, and can enforce whatever rules they desire regarding the use of their websites. Don’t like it? Take it up with the owners – or, the stockholders.

    That said: this crap is exactly the reason I don’t engage in anything political on Facebook. (That Facebook completely craps on any modicum of respect for privacy is the reason I do next to nothing at all on Facebook.)

    As far as I’m concerned, Facebook only exists to see pictures that my wife posts of my kids and that my sister posts of her kids, and to wish people a happy birthday.

  24. I don’t waste time on hate. Its Zucker’s playground and he can do what he wants with it.

    I’m not on Facebook, won’t join Facebook even just to post on sites that use Facebook for comments, and avoid doing business with companies that only have a presence on Facebook…

  25. styrgwillidar says:
    September 23, 2015 at 08:06
    “I don’t waste time on hate. Its Zucker’s playground and he can do what he wants with it.”


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