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Buckeye Nic keeps thing simple with a concealable GLOCK and a top notch blade. Check out all of his gear at Everyday Carry . . .

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  1. I would love, for once, to see what notes someone keeps in his field notes. I was “trained” to carry a notebook, but even then, never used it. What do people write in these things? I can understand if you are at the range, but I bring a range log book for that. I log my ham radio contacts, especially with an equipment change. I haven’t carried a notebook on my person, outside of business meetings, in years.

    • I write down stuff I don’t want to forget. Numbers, names, Model of something I like.

      I don’t carry field notes, just one of the teeny black thesis notebooks.

      Easier to use in bright light (you know – sunshine) than a smart phone.

  2. Nice and neat.

    What’s that weird little thingy on the bottom of the holster?

  3. WTF is up with these ‘field notes’ everybody but me has? Is it ‘code’ for zig-zag papers?

  4. I use a small water proof notebook from REI to keep track of things like where I left my car at airport parking, or for things I see that I may want to investigate later.

  5. I give a thumbs up because he’s not one of those ridiculous fellows carrying and additional 45 rounds of ammo like he’s walking his dog through Mosul on a daily basis.

  6. the field notes guys live in an alternate quasi steampunk reality where cell phones weren’t invented.

  7. Please people, quit buying Field Notes. I met the creator of them, Aaron Draplin, a couple of years ago and he’s as anti-gun as they come. He gave a presentation to the designers in my city and half of it was just him praising Obama. He even did some work for the former president. He made a few derogatory remarks about the NRA and gun owners as a whole. He thinks we’re all mouth-breathers. Please, quit supporting him. It’s frustrating seeing his work pop up in every other EDC post.

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