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As a prosecuting attorney, crYm fYtr says he wishes he were Batman. That probably makes sense given they way Harvey Dent wound up. See what this non-caped crusader carries at Everyday Carry . . .

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  1. Wonder how many times he has burned his finger from the rapidly heating area above the trigger / dust cover. Or maybe he does not practice because H&Ks are magically tactical!

    • Yeah, this is a issue with the P7, isn’t it? However, I’ve got a P7 PSP which was a W. German Bundespolizei trade-in and it’s one of my (and my wife’s) favorites. It would be my EDC if it wasn’t so freakin’ heavy.

  2. Two pocket knives, a dagger, and a tactical pen is a bit more than the average load of stabby stuff…

  3. Funny, James over at TFB just listed this (P7) as the third most over rated pistol of all time….what a friggin TOOL! I just had the discussion two days ago with a few people about guns we wished would go back into production and this was one of the few agreed on by everyone involved. I’m not a 9mm guy, but for a P7 I could be….

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