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Craig writes, “This setup just works for me. Looking for a thinner wallet and a thinner knife. Wear slacks every day, so I don’t get many pockets. Not shown is my LG G3.” See everything he totes at Everyday Carry . . .

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Blue Force Gear Quote of the Day: UK Police Tool-Up for Terrorists">Previous Post
DeSantis Gunhide Question of the Day: Olympic Shooting Gold Medal! Winning?">Next Post


  1. donald trump who used five student deferments and one bogus medical deferment to stay out of Vietnam apparently desperately wants a purple heart. At a rally in Virginia a veteran gave his purple heart to trump and trump said “This was much easier.” Cameron Kerr, a vet who lost a leg in Afghanistan has taken offense. He wants to help trump get his purple heart the old fashioned way and has started a Gofundme page to raise money to send trump to the war zone of his choice and make his wish come true. No comment from the moron in chief or his minions.

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