
What does an off duty LEO carry? You’re looking at it…blade, ‘tactical’ pen and a .40 cal. See all the details at Everyday Carry . . .



        • You mean the rising cost of plastic due to oil shortages… I am not sure if guns will be the least of my worries or the worst when the oil is all gone.

        • Some people at Washington State University (Go Cougs!) have invented a polymerizing process that can utilize the sugar found in certain animal feedstocks to manufacture carbon fiber. Give it a few years to scale up in industry, and you’ve got plentiful and relatively cheap carbon-wrapped barrels, carbon-fiber stocks and frames…. Nylon polymer? Fossil fuels? Pshaw! We’re gonna be living in a whole new world! 🙂

  1. Wanna be operator mall ninja with your full size gun…

    Oh wait, does that count if he is a cop, do cops get a non-operator pass for carrying anything bigger than a pocket gun…

    It’s hard to keep up with mall ninja’s weapon matrix… What are we down to now? A rape whistle and an NAA .22?

  2. I still carry a small flashlight 200lumen AA & a spare mag or 2 speedstrips. Ever been in a business & had power go out? I have been in Walmart during a storm and the lost the lights people went nuts. Most everyone not just LEO carries a small bright light since we have a lot of local brown & blackouts, most don’t have backup generators either. Cost $5 shipping been used 10 times since December of last year. Used my pocketknife for other than cleaning my nails or opening a cd/DVD case less times in 3 years than a light.

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