By Brandon via

Instagram user Baret Fawbush posted the above (and below) video a few days ago that shows his use of fireworks … being shot directly at him … in order to elevate his stress levels while shooting. Some will say he’s nuts while others will praise the brilliance in this. I’m somewhere in between, since he is wearing eye and ear protection. There isn’t much to stop him from taking a firework right to the face, but it sure does seem to be doing what it’s intended to do: raise your stress level while trying to get rounds on target . . .

What do you think? Nuts or brilliant? Is this something you’d ever try?

PS: We don’t recommend anyone trying this.


    • And who is reformed LOL
      While yes this specific method is dangerous the idea is brilliant. You could use an automated paint ball or Airsoft system, with proper equipment of course.

      • Greg Block has such a system. It’s a scenario on a screen. Trainees armed with laser / air pistols acting as cops, CCW holders, or security personnel get played a number of interactive scenarios. The scenario plays out, and role players on screen can attack or submit to authority. A paintball cannon, mounted above the screen, shoots .68 caliber nylon paintballs at about 250 FPS. It simulates the role players’ shooting back.

        The scenarios are filmed. Everything from reaction time to accuracy of hits is recorded. It’s a lot harder to be accurate when dodging high speed rubber balls. The paintball gun is run by a separate trainer, and she is very accurate with the thing.

  1. When I was a kid, we would use our toy rifles to launch bottle rockets at each other. If we didn’t have bottle rockets, we just shot each other with our bb guns. I guess we were doing “force on force training” without realizing it.

    • LOL…me too! I ain’t afraid of fireworks, though this is a good way to get noise, fire and smoke into a defensive equation. I applaud the effort!

    • We did the same thing. Whistling bottle rockets and BB gun fights. Thought we were smart wearing goggles and winter jackets. Until one guy lost half his front tooth from a BB. Dentist found the projectile lodged in his mustache lip the next day.

    • Here, too. We figured that since a BB gun’s muzzle velocity was so slow that you could actually see it in flight, it couldn’t be that dangerous. Still, we wore our little BMX bike facemasks for protection, just in case.

      After seeing “Red Dawn”, we stepped up to roman candles launched out of PVC pipe and sparklers shot out of CO2-powered pellet guns; all the while running around screaming “RPG!” and “Wolverines!” Ahhh…..the 80s….

      • I made a rocket launcher out of PVC pipe as a kid too. Fired a model rocket out of it that actually looked like an RPG, only with fins. Had the battery powered launch control duct-taped to the top with holes drilled in the pipe for the ignition wires. Problem was it the rocket would only go straight a little ways and then always turned vertical and flew straight up. Never hit what I was aiming at, but the firing part was cool.

    • Same here. That came to end when one of my friend’s ‘suppressing fire’ BB’s made it to the road and hit an unmarked cop car cruising past. Worst luck ever. I’d been playing at his house for years and had never heard his Austrian mother scream until that day. Scared the hell out of me.

      We did the fireworks battles too, down the neighborhood street. Roman candles and bottle rockets mainly, mail-ordered from some southern state where they were legal. We lit them with Swisher Sweets we all smoked for the event. Turns out the lamest little fountains can be great weapons when you throw them over an enemy position just before the fuse runs out. They come down spinning and raining sparks everywhere.

  2. I suppose that it’s marginally safer than having real live ammo fired at you, but I wouldn’t do it.

  3. We used to do this practicing patrol with the CO tossing flashbangs and such. For reals it was stimulating!

  4. I wouldn’t do it either, but I don’t see the harm in it unless practicing naked. Having things go bang back at you is probably more of an adrenaline rush than a paper silhouette target.

      • Cripes, now I have a vision of Ralph’s pasty-white @ss running for his life…

        It burns! IT BURNS!!!

        • Once again the no beverage rule while ttaging is a life saver. Or at least a keyboard cleanup saver.

  5. If upping the stress level is the aim, why not just stuff a live cobra into the guy’s Jockey shorts? Or show him naked pictures of his significant other with a goat? Or have his friends report him to the ATF? Or . . . .

    Yeah, this is just a little bit silly. And maybe just a little bit crazy.

  6. Some things look more dangerous than they are. The guy is wearing eye and ear protection, so the only real risk is minor burns. I would be sure to keep my mouth shut though.

  7. Shoot at with paintgun. If it works for him, whatever. I don’t see any advantage for one simple reason, if bullets are so close you can hear them whizzing, you are in the wrong spot, and you will not hear the one that takes you out.

  8. Step up to the plate Baret, shot a mortar from the top of your noggin. Guy that did so last week failed, you can show him up.

    The guy needs another r and t and some 50cal.

  9. Great idea, The next time I go shooting, I’ll have my buddy stand back a couple hundred yards, and throw Badminton birdies at me. Ooooo! I can feel a rush coming on!

  10. stupid idea. got hit in the upper lip by a standard bottle rocket once. punched a nice little round hole through my stash and lip; loosened a front tooth. frikkin hurt like hell. wife wasn’t too pleased either. and yes as kids, we did the bb gun woods wars. with no protection. miracle none of us got hurt

  11. Slightly off topic, but I can’t seem to find any companies doing real force on force training. Anyone know of any places that are reasonable?

    • Join the marines. They’ll pay you and give you room and board. Can’t get more reasonable than that.

    • I found a place that does simunition training just a couple miles from me just by typing “guns” into Google maps. I was trying to keep up with all the LGS’s that popped up in the past few years…they have been multiplying around here since ’08.

  12. Distractions is the major thing. You can run a sprint back from your target and get the heart pumping Pretty hard.

    Having people yelling at you and or throwing brass/ hacky sacks on you while you try to hit targets seems more life like To work thru distractions. Kind of draws the crazy eye if you aren’t alone at the range tho. Lol

  13. Hahahahahahahahahahaha.

    This is brilliant. By the way. I recently realized that you can by fireworks online. One website had 120 saturn missile batteries (25missiles/per battery) for only $80. Saturn missiles batteries can be as cheap as a single round of .308 apparently. The down side is it might not be legal in your area and shipping is a minimum $150 because of hazmat.

  14. I see no problem here, having been on that end of more than my share of fireworks in my time. They’re not the exploding sort, the worst that can happen is a minor burn.

    Paintball mask and long sleeves would make sure that any injury or burns would be a slim possibility though. Gotta protect the face!

  15. Great idea and looks like a LOT of fun!

    Going to have to try this in the near future.

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