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“The Trace was founded on the idea that America’s high rates of gun violence are compounded by a deficit of information about the issue,” editorial director James Burnett writes in a “special note” email. “This week, in the good kind of coincidence, journalists from four different newsrooms helped shine a light on one understudied category of shootings: those occurring when a child gets hold of a firearm and pulls the trigger.”

desantis-blue-logo-no-back-4-smallJust as there’s “institutional racism” there’s “institutional gun control advocacy.” That’s because the mainstream media’s worker bees are a homogenous group: white East Coast college-educated liberal info bees. They’re culturally, reflexively anti-gun. They don’t have to think about how to approach a “gun violence” story. Gun control is the answer ! No matter what the question.

That said, I reckon the anti-gun media is conspiring directly with anti-gun orgs and politicians to deprive Americans of their natural, civil and Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms. (Wikileaks revelations re: Ms. Clinton’s coziness with The New York Times springs to mind._ What do you think? Is the strikingly similar coverage by those engaged in The War on Guns a “good kind of coincidence” or hidden coordination?

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  1. Are we talking a 5 year old child getting thier parent’s gun, or a 19 year old child using a stolen gun to kill a rival gang member?

        • What is a polar bear? As unicorn, dragon, mermaid, or snipe? Evil man plotted and killed them all off hundreds of years ago with his man caused global warming/cooling/climate change/whatever. Or something.

    • Much like the blatant political corruption at all levels of government, why hide it if nobody does anything about it? As the wikileaks releases have shown, the political aristocracy is proud and well aware of the “uninformed and compliant” voting population.

      I had hoped the blatant DoJ corruption would be a rallying cry… a tipping point… but the American public really is that stupid.

  2. I don’t believe these people are really coordinating their anti gun message. They aren’t all that organized. They will, however act as an echo chamber for whatever political talking points the Democrats they worship push out the door. Those talking points cover the gamut of whatever Hillary and company are currently pushing, and gun control is only one of the items on their agenda.

    • I understand both perspectives. I think the advocacy groups “conspire,” in the sense that they coordinated action toward common goals. But this is not necessarily the case with the media. Rather, I think, the media is in agreement with the anti-gun agenda, and acts as an echo chamber for the organized groups, obsequious sycophants, if you will.

      I also note two things. First, the “research” reported is by a bunch of reporters, not academics, and second, the number of accidental deaths the “study” found is, if I recall, around 170 per year. Are we really going to spend millions of tax dollars to prevent a statistically insignificant number of deaths, when accidental deaths by drowning and car accidents is so much higher?

      • You left out child deaths from accidents on trampolines and bicycle accidents. Both kill more children.

      • Those 170 “accidental deaths” includes a high percentage of accidents while cleaning your gun, when you accidentally discharge a live round into your temple or forehead. And your insurance pays extra because it’s an accident. What is the *real* number? I doubt we’ll ever know.

      • OF COURSE they are going to spend billions of tax dollars to “FIX” a non-issue it is the LIBERAL WAY. don’t get me wrong, a child dying by ANY MEANS should be prevented and is sad. there are far more dangerous things than guns that kill kids every day, but THEY WON’T GO AFTER THOSE THINGS, because they like them. Example drownings in pools. LETS FACE IT, gun control is all about CONTROL, PERIOD.

  3. Never attribute to malice that which can be explained by stupidity.

    But in answer to your question specifically… Probably yes.

  4. Don’t forget how hillary got the NYTs endorsement in 2012. Amazing what some foundation cash will do.

    • “Are bears Catholic?”

      From bear attack stories read here, bears are obviously Pentecostal in religious bias, wanting nothing more than to minister *you* with their claws and fangs.

      “Does the Pope poop in the woods?”

      The Holy See dumps in the Vatican…

  5. I used to believe that when everyone in a certain field, the media, has the same set of beliefs and parrots the same sources there can very well be the appearance of a conspiracy without there actually being one. Upon the release of certain leaked emails showing direct collusion between the Clinton campaigns and certain media outlets however, a belief in a conspiracy may in fact be justified after all.

    • History is rife with conspiracies and the cemeteries are full of the people who didn’t believe in them.

  6. I don’t know if there are emails going out with marching orders, but I don’t think it’s necessary. It’s one of those issues where the bulk of the industry lines up on one side of an issue. It’s obvious that there’s a gun violence epidemic and only a cretin or a paid shill for the evil, murderous gun industry would deny that gun control is the solution.

    Because they consider themselves fair and objective, that’s what they’re starting with as the “neutral” position in their heads. Incidents that confirm it, even if relatively rare, get lots of play. Incidents that run counter get ignored. So the overall narrative is built, without any active, overt collusion.

      • I’m aware of JournoList and press collusion with political figures. What I’m saying is for the vast majority of these stories, it’s just the expression of the views of the hive mind and what it considers valid and true. No emails are needed for that.

        Sure, every once in a while, somebody might send a message about how they should be covering this or that, but for the most part it’s something that steers itself.

        Emails, planning, collusion, and conspiracy, that’s all for relatively fast action. If you’re all just going to push consistently in one direction day in, day out, what’s to discuss?

  7. As a white, college-educated East Coast non-liberal, I think it’s pretty apparent what the left-wing establishment and their Ministry of Truth comrades want to accomplish: complete civilian disarmament and a neutered, socialist society. There’s no conspiracy about it. They openly speak of it and push for it every day, except of course when it’s more ‘appropriate’ to guild their lies with veils of moderation and ‘respect for the 2nd Amendment’, and ‘unbiased coverage’ and ‘common-sense dialogue’.

    There was once a time that both sides – and the middle – could have talked about this, but that hope of good faith has been washed away with the left’s attacks and lies and Machiavellian attempts at revoking our freedoms, as they’ve basked in their unchecked power of Executive Action and monarchical tyranny, and cast down upon the other half of the country with disdain for the ‘deplorables’ that we all are for not marching along to their cultist socialist vision.

  8. The question is not ‘if.” it is”why?” The cabal of the media, the Billionaires Club and government education all want the proletariat disarmed. Are they really so delusional to think that disarming “good guys” will end crime (really evil) or is it a plan to subjugate us as a new peasant class? Tell me what you think and why.

  9. Anti gun. Anti coal. Anti petroleum. Anti SUV. It’s essentially a conspiracy of sissies. All those liberal whiners subscribe to the same “please don’t hurt me” and “the government will do what is best” philosophies that have a history of failing in every case. The rest of us are just redneck hunters who work on oil rigs or in coal mines and who are not qualified to even vote.

  10. The Trace was founded on the idea that America’s high rates of gun violence are compounded by a deficit of information about the issue “from those writing the articles, and the editorial staff. This is a feature of The Trace and not a bug”.

    Little more accuracy was needed, ?

  11. It has been that way since the end of World War Two. There’s always been an echoing whine about the poor and oppressed. While there are poor and oppressed people that are victimized throughout the entire world, the Left, (through it’s favorite lapdog, the Media) acts as if it the nation belongs to “the poor and oppressed” and that they are the only ones that suffer.

    Would you like some cheese with that whine?

  12. Imagine if The Trace did an article about how it is easier for a black male to get a gun then to get a job.

  13. Our founder and director, Timothy Wheeler, MD recently wrote about the “Sandwich” method of gun control journalism:
    The “Sandwich” method is best illustrated by the media’s coverage of some new “gun safety” “research” publication and uses these three elements:
    A rousing introduction with a summary of the journal article’s findings. This includes a quotation from the lead author, but also quotations and talking points from prominent anti-gun rights public health academics.
    The middle of the sandwich consists of just a few lines from one person on the opposing side, usually some minor point and not the essence of the opposing position. This person’s input is often diminished by the author paraphrasing and not directly quoting the opposition.
    Then quickly back to the honors, attaboys, and more anti-gun rights talking points, with the “reporter” concluding by hammering home the anti-gun rights message of the journal article.

    This formula is utterly predictable and, in fact, the standard.

    Does that prove coordination?

    Arthur Z Przebinda, MD
    Social Media Director
    Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership

    • Proves it to me, as if that were necessary, but is completely irrelevant according to the geniuses running the federal government. Vote Trump!

  14. It’s not a conspiracy. It’s a cabal of pencil-necked beta geeks funded by billionaires with Small Man’s Syndrome.

    By toeing the party line, the betas can delude themselves that they are powerful. But really, they are Soros’ and Bloomberg’s butt boys.

    I bet they can squeal like a pigs.

  15. It’s not technically a conspiracy. Generally, in a conspiracy, the intent is hidden. In this case, the intent of a megalomaniac billionaire and his elitist friends in the Democrat Party is quite clear to anyone who is paying attention.

  16. What the progtards intend is to do away with the Constitution. An armed populous is a major impediment to their agenda.

  17. You just need to ask yourself who the anti-gun-lobby and media is and why they exist. The media is run by maybe 5 companies. They do what their bosses say. Those people are rich leftwing treehuggers (but apparently not left enough to actually give away all their money). They fund a big part of the anti gun “nonprofit” organisations that get all the stupid ideas to the politicians in the democrat party, the UN and all the other self-declared important people.
    So who are the guncontrol lobby groups? They popped up with their proclaimed “small arms problems” in america and europe right after all the “large gun problems” were solved. After most peace treaties were signed, after there were no more little evil countries that were independent, after treaties against atomar, biologic and chemical weapons were written, all the disarming amd problem studying groups were about to be closed if they don’t have any more problems to be solved. Since 1977 there were no more disarmament agreements, after 1990 there wasn’t even the soviet union and Jugoslawia and conflicts like Rwanda, Liberia or Columbia ended. They would loose both government and big donator fundings. Groups and organisations like the Arms Trade Resource Center at the World Policy Institute, the UN Department of Disarmament Affairs (UN DAA) or the ICBL (banning landmine workgroup) were about to be closed because there was no more work to do. So they had to come up with new problems they could “solve” so that their existence would still be ‘viable’. So they created a new group called IANSA (International Action Network on Small Arms). This were the first people who cared more about harmelss civilian defense guns than North Koreas nukes or Ghadaffis tanks or even Columbian drug lords weapons. They are the first people responsible for all the bullsh*t our governments do. They were the ones to declare our guns a threat even of they weren’t all the years before, when we had actually way higher murder rates. Back then nobody was stupid enough to blame a piece of machined steel for the actions of lunatics or evil people or those who are part of family tragedies or tragic workplace/school bullying that resulted in a expanded suicide (aka ‘mass shooting’). These people were. They declared it their official goal to ruin our public reputation, to display us as dangerous racist rednecks who are 100 years behind in their brains, to outlaw us and our constitutionally protected property, to make guns unloved, to get them removed as a personal protection tool. They wanted to limit acces to and deligitimize civilian firearms ownership, training and usage in hunting, sports and self defense. They have a lot of help, mostly by these guys: Ford Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, Compton Foundation, Ploughshares Fund, John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, Samuel Rubin Foundation, UNICEF und Christian Aid.
    They have their own rigged surveys like the SAS (Small Arms Study) who only get bullsh*t informations from SIPRI or gunpolicy dot org. They support bullcrap like ‘smart’ guns, try to act like scientific people with groups like Doctors for Responsible Gunownership and get government funding for spreading lies and false information, for overexaggerating barely existent problems.

    Copying and spreading this comment/information is desired.

  18. Of course there’s a conspiracy. If the Wikileaks Clinton emails have shown one thing, it’s how journalists report to Clinton, not on Clinton. In the same way, the CNN article on the dismissal of the Sandy Hook lawsuit against Remington was never on the front page or discussed on-air. That news is a defeat for the gun controllers. If the judge had ruled differently, it would have been headline news all weekend.

  19. More hogwash conspiracy theory alex jones garbage.

    No one is coming for your guns.

    To this very day I don’t see the world going into the “mad-max” dystopian end times left-behind esque crap that people like you claim is happening when it’s not.

    Me going to australia and seeing what the country was proved people like you wrong…Numerous times.

    I gotten back there days ago and saw no violence, chaos or mayhem that people like you continue to mistakenly believe is happening everyday despite the opposite.

    I’ve been around most of australia including the supposed “Dangerous” places and saw no violence whatsoever.

    Former AUS Prime minister john howard pass the NFA act in respone to the tragic PA tragedy and it saved alot of lives.

    He’s considered a hero there for saving the country from the scourge of “gun rights” fascism.

    They’ve no mass killings ever!

    And continue to remain the best, safest and advanced countries in the world.

    I guess you fringe dwellers will considered the other civilized nations “tyrannies” despite the advanced healthcare, economy, education systems and lowest crime rates in the world.

    But I’m sure in your tin-foil hat brigade minds I will always be considered “wrong”.

    I’m glad I make more money than the gunstapo thugs on here.

    Oh and did you people hear that study gun owners make less money than people who don’t?

    • Yeah, there is no conspiracy. Only a bunch of idiots openly lying to get guns outlawed, even if they are a constitutional RIGHT!

      Who are the guncontrol lobby groups? They popped up with their proclaimed “small arms problems” in america and europe right after all the “large gun problems” were solved. After most peace treaties were signed, after there were no more little evil countries that were independent, after treaties against atomar, biologic and chemical weapons were written, all the disarming amd problem studying groups were about to be closed if they don’t have any more problems to be solved. Since 1977 there were no more disarmament agreements, after 1990 there wasn’t even the soviet union and Jugoslawia and conflicts like Rwanda, Liberia or Columbia ended. They would loose both government and big donator fundings. Groups and organisations like the Arms Trade Resource Center at the World Policy Institute, the UN Department of Disarmament Affairs (UN DAA) or the ICBL (banning landmine workgroup) were about to be closed because there was no more work to do. So they had to come up with new problems they could “solve” so that their existence would still be ‘viable’. So they created a new group called IANSA (International Action Network on Small Arms). This were the first people who cared more about harmelss civilian defense guns than North Koreas nukes or Ghadaffis tanks or even Columbian drug lords weapons. They are the first people responsible for all the bullsh*t our governments do. They were the ones to declare our guns a threat even of they weren’t all the years before, when we had actually way higher murder rates. Back then nobody was stupid enough to blame a piece of machined steel for the actions of lunatics or evil people or those who are part of family tragedies or tragic workplace/school bullying that resulted in a expanded suicide (aka ‘mass shooting’). These people were. They declared it their official goal to ruin our public reputation, to display us as dangerous racist rednecks who are 100 years behind in their brains, to outlaw us and our constitutionally protected property, to make guns unloved, to get them removed as a personal protection tool. They wanted to limit acces to and deligitimize civilian firearms ownership, training and usage in hunting, sports and self defense. They have a lot of help, mostly by these guys: Ford Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, Compton Foundation, Ploughshares Fund, John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, Samuel Rubin Foundation, UNICEF und Christian Aid.
      They have their own rigged surveys like the SAS (Small Arms Survey) who only get bullsh*t informations from SIPRI or gunpolicy dot org. They support bullcrap like ‘smart’ guns, try to act like scientific people with groups like Doctors for Responsible Gunownership and get government funding for spreading lies and false information, for overexaggerating barely existent problems.
      The bullsh*t they post as “facts”:
      SAS says switzerland is the biggest arms exporteur to Sudan with 4.3 million $ worth of defensive goods anually. Problem is: swiss ministry of trade allowed one export to Sudan EVER! One hunting rifle worth 4000$ was delivered to a private hunter in Sudan. Once. In 2002. Never before or after that any weapon or weapon system was delivered to anybody in Sudan by Switzerland.
      And of course you believe that guns kill 30.000 people anually in the USA. And that a ban will fix anything. Better ignore the fact that even the anti-gun Clinton Justice Department concluded that there are as many as 1.5 million cases of self-defense with guns every year. The National Institute of Justice published this figure in 1997 as part of “Guns in America” — a study which was authored by noted anti-gun criminologists Philip Cook and Jens Ludwig. Oh, and there are only 11.000 murders every year, but better include suicides in your intellectually dishonest bullcrap, right? 8000 of them with firearms. Nearly 7000 of them with illegal firearms. Onyl a little over 1000 killings with legal guns by the 80 million legal gunowners. Which is apparently the exact same rate as the 3000 murders by the 240 million non-gunowners (or not legal ones). So the tool doesn’t matter and murder will not drop by a single one if you ban all guns, as the number of murders without guns proove. The rate will stay perfectly consistent and the tool didn’t matter in the 3000 other cases, if there is a will there is a way. But the number of 7000 illegal weapon murders will dratically rise, as well as robbery, rape,… 1.5 million times. Plus all the new criminals that don’t have to be scared of victims that fight back.
      But i guess all that correct numbers and statistics are too much to process for your brain, so whatever…

      • Provide the links or they didn’t happen.

        I’ve asked many times for people like you on here to post me actually web links to research groups and instead you people post me nothing but dead links to debunked conspiracy sites and right-wing doomsday propaganda terror websites.

        You people are nothing but liars and tyrant’s deluding yourselves into believe yourselves to be some kind of badass mad-max freedom fighter wannabe hero.

        I’ve provide links to many links to actual health and scientific websites including ones from the UN that prove your “more guns, less crime” was debunked.

        But you either censored or deleted them and altered my posts to make it like I was wrong.

        I’ve provided news links to prove that mass shootings were still happening and rising but people like you refused to believe it or tried to downplay them.

        No one, Not even you has ever had me convinced that I was “wrong” on here.

        I’m glad Americans are winning and fighting back against the fascist tyranny of the NRA, TTAG and the so called “law abiding gun” community.

        If you want to prove to me that you are a law-abiding gun owner, You better prove that your not a criminal and physically and mentally sound to own a gun.

        But judging by all the posts people post on here. It’s likely not.

        • Hahahaha! LOL! Oh, wait…were you serious about all that?

          Tell me again how you making more money than me (which wouldn’t be hard, cause I sure ain’t rich) makes you morally superior and invalidates my right to make my own decisions. I liked that part. And the part where there’s a giant conspiracy of poor people like me who somehow manipulate the internet and make you look bad. That was the best.

        • Pure awesome sauce. People on this site and your ideology are opposites. Debating is just a waste of time.

          If shit ever does hit the fan, I will not help, and will likely need to shoot, people in your ideology group.

          Have a good life.

        • Official message from swiss government about weapon sales

          Sources of guns to dangerous people: what we learn by asking them, Cook, Parker, Pollack, Preventive Medicine, Volume 79, October 2015

          Gaps continue in firearm surveilance: evidence from a large U.S. city bureau of police, Fabio, Duell, Creppage, O’Donnell and Laporte, Social Medicine, Volume 1, 2016

          According to the DOJ’s 1998 Felony Defendants in Large Urban Counties report, 70% of all murders had already convictions that did not allow them to buy a firearm of any kind.

          From the 2009 Uniform Crime Report
          Of guns recovered from persons arrested and charged with a crime:

          84 percent of those guns were stolen in a burglary; including 4 percent stolen from a relative or a friend.

          6 percent of those guns were confiscated and resold by a law enforcement officer.

          2 percent of those guns were stolen from the police or the military.

          2 percent of those guns were stolen from a parcel or delivery service.

          That leaves just six percent of guns taken from arrestees that could properly be considered possible “crime guns” that could also have been legally purchased. And most of those were never used in a crime.

          And that took me 15 minutes. Shame on you for being ignorant when sources and truth are obviously available by simply using google!

        • Uh, and Australia is so perfect and safe, right? But mass shootings have occurred in Australia. Let’s look at just the last 3 years.

          In 2011, there was a mass shooting in Hectorville. In 2014, one in Hunt, and again in 2014 one in Wedderburn (which was a 4 hour siege of a neighborhood).

          “But wait, that’s only 3 since 2011! We’ve had 29 in America alone in that same time period!”

          This is also a bit of trickery with numbers and comparing statistics. Yes, there have been 29 in America since 2011, and I do not dispute that. But let’s dig deep into numbers- Australia only has 23 million people living in it (with a large amount of those very spread out). But let’s just stick to quantity and not density. The United States has nearly 14 times as many people, at nearly 320 million. So if you compare apples to apples, if Australia had as many people as the United States and the ratio of mass killings to total populace remained the same, Australia would have 42 mass killings compared to 29 in the United States. That is 13 more!

          Here, something interesting to read…

        • Thankfully, I don’t need to prove a thing to someone who labels anyone who owns guns as being crazy…especially an arrogant ass who seems to get off by talking about how much money they make.
          By the way, my wife and I are doing just fine in that top tax bracket but thanks for the concern.

        • “Provide the links or they didn’t happen.”

          It is to laugh. In 2 lengthy and irrational posts by *you*, not a single link.

  20. Media , in all it’s forms , film ,radio . tv has been ‘ weaponized ‘ for decades. Operation Mockingbird is well known.
    As the mask continues to be pulled back from the corrupt and special interest owned media , more and more people simply ignore them ….. reducing their once unquestioned ” authority ” …. ( ask Brian Williams ). CNN is already front running talk about post election violence if their ‘ chosen ‘ candidate loses. Like Ferguson , Baltimore ect. the riots will be funded by Soros and socialists — It’s Mind War. —- > see through it.

  21. No, there isn’t. Or rather, yes there is, but accidentally.

    The conspiracy is against non-Metropolitan culture and things associated with the Republican party. There are a decent few true believers (Bloomberg, Morgan, and a decent chunk of the general population), but for the most part, I think they see it as a way to divide the public, and those divisions seem to invariably benefit the big-government crowd.

  22. The blatant anti gun stories came out at the same time the media stopped printing the race of offenders unless a white Hispanic or Caucasian cop was involved. It’s why I don’t receive newspapers or subscribe to any online any more. I also gave up on network news and watch the local for the weather reports. I’ve been accused of not keeping up with current affairs but I get enough bleed over from other sources enough already.
    I just don’t financially support the media in any way, or hollywood for that matter.
    They have turned into a large propaganda machine designed to tweak people’s opinions. Look at the culture being dumped on people from MTV to network sitcoms and the media tries to fain outrage over what Trump said 10 years ago?
    Their position on firearms is bad enough, their positions on everything else stink too.

  23. As a person who used to live where there was a mass killing of 13 people here in Australia after the gun ban I have no idea how you can argue mass killings don’t happen in Australia.

    As I have said here on numerous occasions evil exists. I assume on your alleged visits you went from airport to tourist area / university and back.

    I have worked in parts of Australia where the police patrol in four man groups if at all. We might not have the same size gang wars as USA but it still happens

    Our main media just as anti gun. But the number of licensed shooters is still going up

  24. No, not at all. All the media coverage of firearms issues that I’ve ever seen have been models of objective reporting.

  25. It’s not a conspiracy because it’s not a plot carried out in secret. Leftist journalists – I repeat myself – are quite open about their convictions.

  26. It’s beyond a “conspiracy” and has metastasized into an operational agenda. There are two Americas now, both claiming legitimacy in social and political matters affecting every aspect of the general society. Anyone who fails to understand this now needs to take a hard second look at reality. The divide between the two is irreconcilable and being reflected in the current Presidential Election Campaigns. The outcome of the November 8, 2016, Election is a “playing for keeps” proposition. Choose carefully and deliberately who you vote for POTUS, any Congressional Seats and State or Local Elected Offices.

  27. Are you seriously asking this after exposing the media style guide for “Gun violence” that explicitly says to say things like murders “by guns” instead of “with guns?”

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