Giving the middle finger to the civilian disarmament folks and doing it for free. God I love Texas . . .


  1. Now if I could just afford a 3d printer…

    Oh, and what are the chances they’ll be able to change the color things are printed in?

    • The ABS plastic used in these 3D printers is available in a variety of colors. Just load the color you want and off you go.

    • You can get a build-it-yourself kit for around $500-$1000, desktop size but big enough to do this kind of stuff.

  2. jointly buy one with a couple of friends – pricing is not far off that of a custom rifle.
    and at $40/ea, it doesn’t take many printed magazines to offset the cost.

    since most plastics are vulnerable to sunlight, you want to paint them, anyway, so don’t sweat the plastic color.

  3. They’re going to try to register and license 3d printers and treat the movement of these CAD files online as they do kiddie porn.

    Interesting times are right around the corner.

  4. I didn’t see it on their website yet. But now I am paying attention to this.

    May have to get a 3d printer just to make magazines and have some fun profiting on the side as well as keep a steady supply of range mags for myself.

  5. I’m 200% for the 3D printing of lowers, mags, everything…but I think 2A supporters need to be a bit cautious in rolling this stuff out so publicly during the current debates. All it takes is some junior Senate staffer to take notice and BOOM – its in the next bill specifically.

    • Their printed AR test video seems to play like it’s right out of gun-control propaganda film.

      • They are actually playing this against the gun ban nonsense by saying ban whatever you want, anybody with a printer will do it anyway. It’s the mass non compliance approach. I have mixed feelings all around, but I certainly don’t oppose them.

        • Were this little dolt actually doing something, I wouldn’t either.

          But reality is, he’s put nothing of use online that wasn’t there 5+ years ago. The only thing you can print with a repcrap is weed-whacker level ABS mags. BFD. Oh yeah, his stuff isn’t even geared to repcrap…

          Meanwhile, in the reality of reductive machining, you can get a CNC mill that will take up very little more desk space and will make fully functional lowers/frames/even barrels out of honest-to-golly aluminum and steel. Like gun hobbyists have been doing for almost a decade.

    • How are they planning to ban it? The point is that they can’t stop guns and accessories from getting out there no matter what they do.

    • How long before they make the steel necessary for the springs a “controlled substance” that you have to register for in order to buy? If they think they can register ammunition sales it’s only a matter of time before they try to regulate the materials used to manufacture those evil magazines, or tax then so dramatically that you still can’t afford them.

  6. Out of curiosity, Do these 3D print magazines also use polymer springs? Does the printer do the entire job without having to depend on parts produced elsewhere?

  7. The springs are metal, but you can very easily make them yourself or buy them from any number of vendors that are out there. The reason that Defense Distributed announces each project is to bring to light the fact that gun control, like slavery is a dead idea, it has no application in the digital age. You might be able to pass a law that makes it illegal to make a 30 round magazine or any number of other things, but the files of that information are protected under the 1A, much like manuals to make bombs are. One day 3-D printers will be sitting alongside 2-D printers in our houses, so it will be impossible to ban these items because you could very easily replace it. If you take a more in depth look at what 3-D printing is capable of and where it will be in 10-20 years, you can see that it is the end game for gun control.

    • Tyranny will find a way. In communist nations they made the mere possession of a typewriter or mimeo machine a criminal offense. I don’t see anything in the Constitution protecting our right to “keep and bear a 3D printer”. You think the liberals would take very long to notice that?

  8. I guess I don’t get what makes this a DiFi mag. What’s the significance of this video? How exactly are they flipping her off?

    • She may try (even succeed at) a mag ban but this will make them much more available if so. Dont want to pay $100 on “illegal” 30 round magazines? Make one!

    • Soccerchainsaw, This magazine was made on a 3D printer. It demonstrates the futility of legislated prohibition laws when applied to guns and accessories.

  9. Admittedly I know close to little about 3D printing and its limits and capabilities. In addition to lower receivers and the mags shown here, what’s the outlook for being able to produe other components used in BCG’s and LPK’s? And, I’m totally fishing in the dark on this one, but does anyone see 3D printing one day allowing us to print shell casings, i.e. will materials and efficiency progress to that point in 10 years?

    • For something like shell casings, you’re going to need a plastic that can withstand high temperature and pressure. That’s going to take a bit of time, but I see no reason why a 3D printer couldn’t do the job.

    • We’re actually really close to being able to print bolts, barrels and shell casings. No one’s done it yet (that I’ve heard of anyway) but the materials and processes are almost there. The machines are still expensive and tasked with printing really high-value pieces, not a lot of free time to sneak in even a 4 hour part.

      The problem is the tech for this type of 3D printing is only starting to work it’s way into the world of DIY. In 10 years? The only limitation on home metal printing will likely be the regulations.

      • Great stuff, thanks guys. I’m probably not in the market for a 3D printer at this point in time, but it definitely sounds like it will be a worthwhile tool to own in the coming years. I’ll be watching closely as the technology progresses. As it stands though, it probably wouldn’t hurt to start downloading the appropriate files now 

    • Not with ABS, but with metal printers sure. The technology currently exists to make metal parts then heat treat them. The only reason it isn’t done for production is that the mass process is still much cheaper to roll/stamp/punch/mill traditionally. But it is done for prototype reasons, and if somebody wanted to make a wild cat cartridge then sell the idea to a mass manufacturer, this would be a way to break away from being limited to neck changes and trim lengths only.

    • While I can see the problem of feeding and extracting plastic shell casings in a semi or full-auto with a hot chamber, seems like revolver calibers or shotguns or single-shot rifles should not really be a problem. So long as the rim is strong enough to be grabbed by the extraction mechanism they should work fine. Would not recommend trying to reload them, however.

  10. It is only a matter of time before the government shuts down 3D printing of firearms and anything to do with firearms.

    All this bragging, articles about giving Feinstein the finger, videos of 3D printed weapons and components being used, etc… is only drawing attention to something that could have conceivably slipped under the governments radar at least long enough for legal eagles to mount a proper argument in favor of 3D printing as it pertains to firearms.

    Gun owners sometimes are not the sharpest tools in the shed and cause more harm to their cause then anti-gun folks.

    • The only way they can stop it is if they banned 3D printers otherwise they can’t do anything.

    • Making guns and parts at home isn’t new or unknown. Banning printers has a snowball’s chance in hell of passing. Banning home manufacture of weapons separate from generic bans on manufacture is also extremely unlikely.

  11. “It is only a matter of time before the government shuts down 3D printing
    of firearms and anything to do with firearms. ”

    Actually, its the other way around. Not everyone took metal shop in high
    school or has a shop in their garage. The government could realistically
    ban AR-15 magazines if you had to make them out of sheet metal…this
    makes it a dead letter. It also makes the anti-gun insanity in places like
    New York and the Peoples Republic of California a dead end also. The
    folks in Washington can pass all the laws they want now….they can also
    try to stop the tides with their bare hands…not gunna happen. They can
    also try to arrest the million folks printing off “a few mags for Saturday”,
    lots a luck with that too. But even that is not the
    point…my loyalty is to the Constitution, as my
    fathers before me and any “compliance” starts
    and ends there.

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