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MA Statehouse hearingA large gun control bill was unveiled last week in Massachusetts, and a public debate was held yesterday at the Statehouse. Many supporters on both sides showed up, including State Rep. George Peterson speaking against the bill. Chief among the complaints, a section that would give local police chiefs the ability to deny a license for rifles or shotguns based on so-called “suitability standards.” Peterson wants the denials to be in writing, have specific reasons listed, and have an appeals process available to the prospective gun owners. “A lot of chiefs just refuse to issue licenses because they don’t want their constituents to have guns,” Peterson said. “I want a standard that is defined in the law.” Read on for more news . . .

Florida state law preempts virtually all regulation of firearms and ammunition, removing from local authorities the ability to control “the purchase, sale, transfer, taxation, manufacture, ownership, possession, storage, and transportation thereof.” Since they can’t actually get into regulation, Broward County, in the southern part of the state, is looking into “voluntary” gun control. The county is considering a voluntary program under which gun and ammunition vendors who sell to local law enforcement agencies — and to the public — would be asked to adhere to voluntary “sales and marketing safeguards,” including running background checks on employees, training employees in how to spot a “straw buyer” whose intent is to distribute guns to others, regularly checking inventory to make sure guns aren’t missing and running checks on gun trade-ins to ensure they weren’t stolen. The idea is being pushed by the Miami-based group Arms with Ethics, and the founder of that group, Casey Woods, says the effort was crafted “specifically to stay within the parameters of the state law.”

DeSantis Thumb Break Mini Slide for PMR30If you’re one of the folks that owns a unicorn-like KELTEC PMR30, this from The Tactical Wire may interest you. AMITYVILLE, New York – DeSantis Gunhide®, a division of HELGEN Industries Inc., introduces a new holster fit for the KELTEC PMR30. Our Thumb Break Mini Slide, #085, is crafted from premium saddle leather. Double seam stitching and a highly detailed mold make this exposed muzzle, two-slot holster a great choice for your favorite pistol. The Thumb Break features an adjustable-tension device for an even more customizable fit. It is available in black or tan leather. Belt slots are 1 3/4″ wide. Style #085 retails for $69.99. CLICK HERE FOR PRODUCT INFO:

Gentlemen, I give you the SilencerCo MAAD Brake. Do want.

Of course, then I’d be “that guy” at the range, but “Hey, guy, that’s just the sound of freedom, so quit whining. ‘MURICA!”

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  1. I think SilencerCo just invented the world’s most impractical flame thrower.

  2. Maybe county clerks in Mass should be able to deny voting registrations to people based on a “suitability” test.

    • MA is almost fully single party rule, the echo chamber is loud and the residents are just revenue generators. All common sense is lost.

      If this going to pass, might as well make just as difficult for the PD Chief as well. Would love to see some of the reasons they use. They could then later be used in court as to the reason why those “suitability standards.” are unconstitutional

  3. “sales and marketing safeguards,” including running background checks on employees, training employees in how to spot a “straw buyer” whose intent is to distribute guns to others, regularly checking inventory to make sure guns aren’t missing and running checks on gun trade-ins to ensure they weren’t stolen.

    Wouldn’t a gun shop not already do this?

    • See the fireball in the video? That’s the purpose.

      It’s a different style of brake that’s also compatible with SilencerCo’s other offerings.

      • I want a MAAD break screwed on the end of a Loudener!
        On the end of a 10″ bbl AR with high pressure loads.

          • @Mark N., exactly. $300 to become the most obnoxious idiot on the range AND manage to give your position as well as your team mates away if the *bad times do come calling.

    • It’s actual purpose is to reduce blast baffle erosion, when using it with the Saker suppressor.

      • A possible combat application might be that if a swat team or special forces unit was clearing a room that the muzzle blast would just f@&$ up any body in the room. Why bother with flash bangs and concussion grenades.

    • It’s so difficult to read and understand the Constitution and Bill or Rights. But the ACA is so easy to read at 29,000 pages. /sarc

      • Right? I actually find the constitution era writing easier to read than todays BS legal double talk.

      • The primary reason I’ll never trust a Republican is that there was a Republican majority in the House when that Obamacare catastrophe got shoved down America’s throat.

        Make the break! Leave the Herd! It doesn’t matter if you follow the R herd, or the D herd, the herd is going to slaughter – it’s just that the ones in power when it starts will be the last to go.

        Vote None of the Above by voting Libertarian!

        • Wrong. Dems had a super majority in the senate and a large majority in the house. Not one Repub voted for that, and the Repubs won the house in 2010 because the citizens were so appalled at what the Dems did with that mess of a bill.

          • And that ‘010 R landslide has done just about squat at restraining the lunatic-in-chief. Anybody remember when “REPEAL!” was the battle cry?

            • @RG, so you come here an lie, spread disinformation and when called on it, don’t ever bother to apologize for it? Get the farg out of here troll. Useless waste of skin.

        • Perhaps he’s also one of those who conveniently forgets the house and senate were democratically controlled during 2007-2008 as well.

          • SteveInCO says: June 5, 2014 at 09:55
            “… conveniently forgets the house and senate were democratically controlled during 2007-2008 as well.”

            Yes, I was wrong about the R majority before the ‘010 midterms, and I’ve been corrected. But I’m still disappointed that they’ve been sitting on their thumbs since then, and Our Glorious Beloved Infallible Commissar has been running rampant.

    • Blade Tech makes a holster for it. Now if my PMR-30 would only learn how to feed a new round I would be a happy unicorn owner.

  4. Broward County’s “voluntary gun control” just sounds like a responsible way to run a guns store. If that is all it is, then I’m all for it.

  5. MAAD Brake… When you absolutely, positively have to big the biggest, most off-putting asshole at the range…

    • I’m pretty sure I saw an eagle or two, and perhaps some stars and stripes within those GIANT FLAMESl You’re not looking hard enough.

  6. “Peterson wants the denials to be in writing, have specific reasons listed, and have an appeals process available to the prospective gun owners . . . “I want a standard that is defined in the law.””

    O M G! Did you see that!?! A politician just said that he doesn’t want the denial of a natural and civil right to be decided in a secretive, capricious and arbitrary manner! The world is ending! Save us! My dog and cat just lay down together, the sky is falling!

  7. $300 for a muzzle device! That’s more than I spent for the Geissele DMR trigger group in my rifle. No f’n way would I drop that kind of dough on a muzzle brake.

    Let me know when the price drops by $200.

    • Hell, something as pointless & obnoxious as the MAAD Brake shouldn’t cost any more than the scrap price of the metal it’s made from.

  8. He wants the reasons in writing so he can actually hold people accountable?!
    You sure he’s a politician?

  9. Chief among the complaints, a section that would give local police chiefs the ability to deny a license for rifles or shotguns based on so-called “suitability standards.” … “A lot of chiefs just refuse to issue licenses because they don’t want their constituents to have guns,” Peterson said.

    Typical Huffpo commenters:
    No on is trying to take your guns – no one at all. We just want sensible gun legislation

    how to spot a “straw buyer” whose intent is to distribute guns to others

    Private sales are in fact “distribut[ing] guns to others.” And is lawful. Knowingly selling firearms to felons is not. It is completely lawful for me to … “distribute guns to others.”

    Straight from the ATF website:

    When a transaction takes place between private (unlicensed) persons who reside in the same State, the Gun Control Act (GCA) does not require any record keeping. A private person may sell a firearm to another private individual in his or her State of residence and, similarly, a private individual may buy a firearm from another private person who resides in the same State. It is not necessary under Federal law for a Federal firearms licensee (FFL) to assist in the sale or transfer when the buyer and seller are “same-State” residents. Of course, the transferor/seller may not knowingly transfer a firearm to someone who falls within any of the categories of prohibited persons contained in the GCA. See 18 U.S.C. §§ 922(g) and (n). However, as stated above, there are no GCA-required records to be completed by either party to the transfer.

    No time limit is set between the time I buy the gun from the dealer (because that gun was for me… right? I mean… I enjoyed it for 10 minutes) and the time I perform a private sale to Subject “A.”

    So a straw purchase occurs when the purchaser sells the firearm to a person prohibited from purchasing or owning any firearms and the purchaser performs this knowingly. NOT… when the purchaser simply “distribute[s] guns to others.”

    People need to keep this in mind and not forget what a straw purchase really is.

  10. They got the name wrong on the MAAD brake. It should have been called the HMBAWT (“hold my beer and watch this”) brake.

  11. By the Governor


    WHEREAS, notwithstanding the repeated Assurances of the Selectmen and others, That all the Inhabitants of the Town of Boston had bona Fide, delivered unto the Persons appointed to receive them, though I had Advices at the same Time of the contrary, and whereas I have since had full Proof that many have been perfidious in this Respect and have secreted great Numbers :

    I HAVE thought fit to issue this Proclamation, to require of all Persons who have yet Fire-Arms in their Possession, immediately to surrender them at the Court-House, to such Persons as shall be authorized to receive them ; and hereby to declare that all Persons in whose Possession any Fire-Arms may hereafter be found, will be deemed Enemies to his Majesty’s Government.

    Given at Boston, the Nineteenth Day of June, 1775, in the Fifteenth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord, GEORGE the Third,
    by the Grace of GOD, of Great-Britain, France and Ireland, KING, Defender of the Faith, & c.
    Tho’s Gage.

    By His Excellency’s Command,
    Tho’s Flucker, Secr’y

    GOD Save the KING

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