A Democrat-backed bill to create a state Office of Gun Violence Prevention got its first hearing before a Colorado legislative committee Friday, with backers arguing it could educate residents about gun safety and existing laws on firearms while collecting data about gun violence in the state.

Opponents, however, told the House Public & Behavioral Health & Human Services Committee the proposed office would amount to a gun-control agency in state government and duplicate existing programs to deter homicides, suicides and domestic violence and offer mental health services.

The bill is one of three introduced by Democrats in response to the March 22 Boulder supermarket shooting that killed 10 people. The others would allow tightened background checks and allow municipalities greater freedom to adopt their own gun control laws.

The bill involving the office calls for $3 million to create it within the state health department. It would act as a clearinghouse on gun violence data and create public service advertisements for state and local programs aimed at suicide prevention, gang-related violence and other issues.

— James Anderson in Colorado lawmakers consider new office on gun violence


  1. “allow municipalities greater freedom to adopt their own gun control laws” – because that was so effective in preventing the Boulder shooting.🙄

  2. I’ll save them 2 billion and do it for the low, low price of $1B! How hard could it be to sit on your hands, harass law abiding citizens and use statistics from debunked reports?

    • You forgot the part about having official government meetings in Las Vegas over a long weekend. They have to keep finding ways to spend your money so their budget won’t get cut next year. It’s a tough job…

      • “You forgot the part about having official government meetings in Las Vegas over a long weekend.”

        If there’s one good thing to come from ‘The Virus’, it’s a curtailment of work-related ‘conferences’ (excuses to party in Vegas on someone else’s dime).

        Vegas will lose, and ‘zoom’ will win…

  3. They are lying, say what this is, a database of gun owners, period. They will not recognize that there is NO GUN VIOLENCE, only people violence.

  4. “..educate residents about gun safety and existing laws on firearms..”

    You could print a pamphlet and send one to each home “occupant”. Don’t politicians love any opportunity to send you junk mail with their name and picture on it?

    • “You could print a pamphlet and send one to each home “occupant””
      Now there’s a solution, stimulate the economy generating revenue to printers and the postal service.
      Or, stick the idea! (you know where)

  5. it could educate residents about gun safety and existing laws on firearms while collecting data about gun violence in the state.

    There are already organizations in Colorado that “educate residents about gun safety and existing laws on firearms”.

  6. Next year, their budget will increase, and the year after that they will have their own armed enforcement officers. This is a power-grab, adding another layer of government bullying to make it even more difficult for patriots to preserve freedom.

    Colorado is beautiful. I loved everyday of our time in Colorado Springs ( at an Autism conference).

    Coloradans, I will pray that you are able to stop this creeping tyranny.

    • “Next year, their budget will increase…”

      And their staff, and their office space, and they will never accomplish anything other than sustaining themselves. BUT the politicians will proudly brag about the super special, super important agency they created.

  7. I live in CO and call it home. It’s another case of 2-3 counties ruling the rest of them. Boulder, Denver and Aspen tend to gang up and write the rules for the rest of us. Thankfully I live in El Paso County (Colorado Springs) – the second largest city – where we are very red. And the entire state is blessed with a cadre of conservative Sheriffs. There’s a 15 round magazine max law (sale only – you can bring your own of any capacity legally) that is largely not enforced.

    • Indeed. And it’s not just “largely not enforced”, but basically only enforced in like 4 places. Just about every gun store in the state (and there are a LOT of em) openly sells standard capacity magazines without issue

    • Stuff like this stuff is stuff looking for a place to be stuffed.
      Stuff the stuff.

      • “Californication” is old school, the new word is tyranny…..


  8. The Democrats answer to EVERY problem is always spending more money. That’s all they know. More government and more money. The Party of Science understands that we have the data to back up the efficiency of well-funded bureaucrats.

  9. Infuriating as hell that liberals are always so concerned about saving lives and suicide prevention but bring up ending the practice of abortion and they fly off the handle. Their blood lust and quest for power reveals itself for all to see.

  10. Billboards to prevent gang violence?


    caps for trying to show how excited I am for this new database of legal gun owners… I mean, awareness to prevent crimes… But only specific crimes.

    • Well maybe the gang bangers will be too busy tagging the bill boards to shoot at each other? And maybe if we’re real lucky some will fall off and land head first on the concrete pavement.

  11. There are already Gov agencies that skew Violence records, maybe they need to go over records that are credible, nevermind if they did that they would realize there idiotic socialist gun grabbing Philistines.

  12. So I guess the real question is can they accomplish this gun control in kolorado? Do they have the votes? Is it even close?

    We got lots of idiots introducing bills even here that have zero chance of passing. It’s just a talking point come election time. “I introduced legislation for blah blah”.

    • Unfortunately, it probably is. Colorado has been growing at an astonishing rate over the last several years, and unfortunately most of the transplants are leftists, largely from California. I’ve lived here for 11 glorious years, and I’ve watched in real time as we’ve gone from a red leaning purple state to full blue. It’s nearly all concentrated in the cities on the Front Range (Denver, Boulder, etc), but we Coloradans are now in the same boat as any largely rural blue state. Most of the counties are as red as it gets, but a few cities control the legislature

    • Democrats have the governorship. They also have the State Senate 20-15 and the State House 41-24.

      So yes, they can indeed pass these things. Further, a redux of 2013 recalls is, at this point, unlikely. The State already had issues for nearly a decade with great numbers of people from Cali coming here for the increase in buying power of their money/higher standard of living and it accelerated massively with CoV-2.

      I’ve had people looking at a house in the area that was up for sale just decide that it was acceptable to come up on my porch, ring the bell and ask if they could cajole me into selling. Always a Cali tag on the car.

      • Oh, yeah, and for those of you on the East Coast/South/South East hopefully that pipeline issue doesn’t screw up your lives but given the SoE for a pretty wide area now, I’m guessing it’s worse than they’re letting on (or soon will be when people see this and panic), so be safe out there.

        I’m sure gas prices nationwide will be crazy this week.

      • “I’ve had people looking at a house in the area that was up for sale just decide that it was acceptable to come up on my porch, ring the bell and ask if they could cajole me into selling. Always a Cali tag on the car.”

        Tell them prices are like totally lower in Grand Junction.

  13. It is impossible to argue with the logic of Government informing would-be murderers that guns are dangerous, and that murdering someone is quite rude; Some just may not know these simple facts. Further, telling would-be murderers right up front that murdering someone could result in harsh penalties, such as getting arrested, or maybe even JAILED! cannot but help.

    This approach could achieve the same dividends as do those ‘No Guns Allowed’ signs on gun-free zones; It has been shown over and over again that when a would-be mass shooter sees one of those signs, he/she/they INSTANTLY sees the error of his/her/their ways, turns around, goes home, and turns their entire life around for the better.


    • “Fact!”

      Indeed it is; saw it on the internet.

      Some celebrity PSAs would be helpful.

  14. @strych9

    “When it was in January I’d tell people “Detroit’s nice this time of year”.

    That’s the spirit. Always think of the well being of the other person. A lost art, these days.

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