OK, the steak in this video isn’t on drugs. Well, not anymore. In my defense, the meat’s mounted fairly high up on the cardboard. That’s my story and I’m steaking with it. In fact, I’m steaking my reputation on it. But seriously folks, Top Shot competitor Chris Cheng could well be the first firearms funster to emerge from a TV program that takes itself so seriously the final episode is called Angst for the Memories. In case you’re wondering, yes I have a grudge. Not only did Colby try (and fail) to make putting your hands on your hips manly and make me spend hundreds of dollars on teeth whitening, but the program singularly failed to sign-up our man Leghorn as a competitor. Would Nick have kicked ass while looking like one (thanks to creative editing)? Of course. It’s a shame he couldn’t have steaked his claim to the title.


  1. Hopefully someday you and Colby can meat in the middle. I’d be loin to you if I didn’t say I was looking forward to it.

  2. It’s rare to find ribbing like this in a medium like this, but it’s fine with me. Eye’d like to see more of it.

  3. Very appropriate to use New York Strips for this. Spicy language aside, It’s always good to see Seasoned Shooters make Mincemeat of their targets.


  4. Steak out the next such event to ensure that no misteaks are made, but be ready to pull steaks.

    The meat of it, ribbing aside, is that Nick has to find a way to be everywhere at once – except downrange, of course.

    We look forward to your roast of the next perpetrator of a Leghornless event.

  5. Good Grief. They’re using table salt? Anybody who remembers the days of stealing watermelons as a kid knows that you load your shells with rock salt.
    And instead of “regular” wadding, I’d probably crumple up a coffee filter or something.

    • What would happen if you filled a shotgun shell with salt water and let it dry, add more and so on until entirely full of a solid salt plug, and fired that? Would it eliminate the need for a wad? Or would it just disintegrate immediately from the shock? Would a reduced charge make it work?

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