Gun control advocates fail to understand that the gunpowder genie is out of the bottle. There is no way to stop people from owning and, if needs be, making guns. Gun control can limit the number of Americans who keep and bear arms, but it can never eliminate the practice. There are hundreds of millions of serviceable firearms in the U.S., and tens of millions of citizens who cherish their gun rights. The idea that Americans will surrender their guns is laughable. Well it should be laughable . . .


  1. The Australian people thought such a law was laughable too until it was passed and 99 per cent of people knew it was not worth going to prison, losing ones home, ones money in the bank and ones job. The rest is history.

    • The United States is not Australia, and US Citizens don’t “think” like Australians. We are not subjects; thinking in terms of being a subject is not in our culture and has not been for over 200 years.

      • Australian people are human and reacted in exactly the same way Americans would to such a law, its called “the survival instinct”. And yes Americans would turn them in by the millions and in less time than you can imagine they would be all melted down.

        • I don’t know man, if the Northern Irish had it in them, I would be ashamed to not show similar spine. Now, Northern Ireland has some of the better gun laws in Europe. They had to fight for those rights. They had to kill for those rights. And it was worth it.

        • “And yes Americans would turn them in by the millions”

          Like they are doing in CT and NY? Heck, that’s only registration not even ‘turning them in.’

          Get real. Like usual, you don’t have first clue what you are talking about.

          We’re not all Statist little Leftists who jumps when .gov says jump.

          • My statement stands. When the powers that be make the penalties severe enough and then make a few examples out of people who did not obey the rest turn them in like sheep. They really have no other option. Lets face facts if you could not get ammo and even if you saved some you could not shoot it for that would make noise and the neighbors would call the law. And then its over for you period. Simple and it works every time.

        • Note to Jipster…invoking the survival instinct clause in human nature and correct me if I’m in error. Your saying government passes laws removing personal property used to defend themselves from criminals and comply because they fear government?

          May I use this as my Daily Chuckle?

          • If you are chuckling then you are the fool as you know nothing of the history of other countries. The people did indeed fear the government more than criminals because in every instance they got all the guns. Even in East Block countries after WWII the Russians and their local prostitute governmental leaders had no problem taking guns from people who had had them in the family for generations.

      • Australian people are human and reacted in exactly the same way Americans would to such a law, its called “the survival instinct”. And yes Americans would turn them in by the millions and in less time than you can imagine they would be all melted down.

      • Australian people are human and reacted in exactly the same way Americans would to such a law, its called “the survival instinct”. And yes Americans would turn them in by the millions and in less time than you can imagine they would be all melted down.

        • Jlp. You can’t defend your arguments. You simply assert Yourself. Just because you think something is true does not make it so. You are a statist, Bloomberg troll who obviously knows nothing about the word honor. You will never convince 150 million people who disagree with your Nancy boy thesis. Go suck your thumb more and read some more Kos. Stop trying to convince us that human nature has changed.

          • Good God man did you not see the thousands of guns in Australia being melted down. That is the “human nature” I was speaking off. Turn them in “or else” and everyone understood what that meant.

        • The Three Percenters will take care of the tyrannical rulers just like in 1775.

          There will likely be more than 3% of the people fighting against tyranny and include a sizeable portion of law enforcement and the military.

          It will be ugly.

          • Wrong. The police want absolute power over the people and they would be the last people to go against the Government because they get their absolute power from the Government and they are its star prostitutes.

            I give you a prime example. North Korea. Ever watch the parades of mindless robotic military and police.

      • And Americans aren’t American anymore. Ever since Ted (I know she’s dead but look at my neck brace) Kennedy pushed for The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, American values have dwindled. The greatest among us are as great as any generation has produced but there are fewer percentage wise representing America as a whole. We don’t have the votes. We have some weapons. Two possible outcomes: We lose our rights as Australia has slowly over the next couple generations or we fight every single 2A infringment that comes from any athority be it Federal, State, or Municipal. And we fight it with non compliance and bloodshed. There has to be a line in the sand. As Doc Holiday used to say, “Say when”.

        • What you forecast would only come to pass if the majority of the population was young and even then it would be less than 50/50. America has an aging population. They know that they are not about to loose their lives and their golden years to a “lost cause” they could not win even if they wanted to because their age makes this impossible physically. They barely have enough strength to make it to the mail box and back let alone fight street battles. And since America is not bordered by another country that would feed guns and ammo into the arms of the rebels it would be only a matter of time before the rebels ran out of ammo, guns, and food. It would be a lost cause from the very beginning.

          And your blaming Immigrants for Americas decline is pure ignorance and racism to the extreme. America declined because the working man was stabbed in the back by the super rich who shipped all the manufacturing jobs overseas. America declined because the average American realizes Democracy is a joke and is non-existent because only the super rich can run for political office because they control the electoral process. Americas decline had nothing to do with immigration as the immigrants often turn out to be much more patriotic that the indigenous people because it is only the indigenous people who realize that America is not the country it used to be. The immigrants have yet to find that out.

          • Who do the third world immigrants vote for? What party is responsible for outrageous corporate tax rates and unionized inflated incomes forcing corporations to relocate overseas?
            A sovereign nation must scrutinize its immigrants in order to protect the fabric of the nation. That’s not racism so you can stuff that accusation.
            I was halfway on your side but you went off the rails with that comment.

            • quote———————————–

              Who do the third world immigrants vote for? What party is responsible for outrageous corporate tax rates and unionized inflated incomes forcing corporations to relocate overseas?
              A sovereign nation must scrutinize its immigrants in order to protect the fabric of the nation. That’s not racism so you can stuff that accusation.
              I was halfway on your side but you went off the rails with that comment.—————————————————–quote

              Corporations around the world especially in Europe do not relocate overseas and many of their countries like Norway, Denmark and France have strong Unions that protect the worker from the corrupt Corporations that have in corrupt America had legal license to screw the American Unions and relocate overseas to make more outrageous profits. We should take Europe’s lead and tax Corporate American so high it would not be profitable to move overseas. We should raise taxes on Corporate America which would be used to subsidize our trading with other countries just as foreign Governments subsidize their industries. How do you think China markets such low priced products, its not just with low priced labor but through government subsides to its industries. Higher taxes actually benefit everyone in the long run if the Country is run like a business to make money when it trades overseas. Right now American is hemorrhaging while a few Corporate executives make billions at the expense of America and its working people.

              • Conservatives are not corporatists. We are capitalists. Capitalism and the economy flourish when government gets out of the way. You are advocating for more government regulation.
                Are you voting for Bernie Sanders?

              • How did you guess? The sooner we model America after European Socialism the better off the working people of America will be. Only the greed monger Capitalists will have to learn to live on less than 10 billion dollar a year Corporate perks and salaries.

    • I see your point but, I’m not sure I agree. If congress passed a law making it illegal to be a homosexual, what do think would happen? They would “Rise Up” (and rightfully
      so) or comply, but only in public, and go underground. Can’t stop the signal; you can only reduce the amplitude.

      If they tried to do it across the board in one fell swoop, it’d be a mess. More likely it would be as incremental as possible… magazines–>semi auto rifles–>handguns–>everything else. The old saw about slowly boiling a frog, vs throwing one into boiling water applies here.

      • Hi, Bob, I think you have the right idea but the wrong tense. Specifically, it’s not “would be” but “is” or “has been for some time now.” I’ve only been a firearms enthusiast for about half a decade now, and am painfully aware of how much there is yet for me to learn; but I’ve learned enough history so far to understand that this gradual process has been going on since the mid-30’s if you count the GCA as a start. Or 1911 (ironically) if you start with New York’s Sullivan laws.

    • Jlp, I think you are half right, but only half right. Of course, no sensible person would keep a firearm if all the advantages have been removed and the disadvantages increased. Suppose you successfully defend yourself or your family with an illegal gun. At best, you have become a fugitive from justice. Think of Bernhard Goetz if his neighbor hadn’t turned him in.

      What you and others like you fail to realize, or maybe refuse to admit, is that the utopia of peace and tranquility you promise won’t come to pass.

      Most firearm deaths are suicide. How many will substitute another method? The Japanese, with no access to firearms, off themselves at a higher rate than do Americans.

      Accidental deaths among the law abiding, which really are due to negligent gun handling, will go away. However, such accidents are few and declining. More people drown in swimming pools than die in firearm accidents.

      How much will mass murders decline if the mentally ill or disaffected resort to other methods? The Columbine killers’ primary weapons were supposed to be home made bombs. They had to make do with illegally obtained firearms only because they were incompetent bomb builders. Ditto for the San Bernardino killers last fall. Their remotely detonated bombs didn’t work. Casualties from a successful car bomb would be in the hundreds.

      Domestic abusers and stalkers can also use other methods. Consider the New Jersey woman who was stabbed to death by her former boyfriend while she waited for her concealed carry permit to be approved. Where I live, an estranged husband doused his wife with gasoline and burned her to death. Another guy chopped up his pregnant girlfriend with a sword. A couple of guys strangled their girl friends. A disaffected son and his girl friend beat and stabbed his mother to death, threw his younger brother into a river to drown and left his baby brother in a dumpster.

      Criminals would remain unaffected by a ban on private ownership of firearms. Current law, which they ignore, already prohibits ownership for them. There are enough black market firearms to keep them supplied. Even if that pool dried up over time, they could be replaced by smuggling from overseas (a new business opportunity for the drug cartels), thefts from police and military armories, murdering individual police officers for their weapons, and manufacturing firearms in clandestine machine shops. (Brazil, with nearly complete civilian disarmament, has a problem with home made, fully automatic sub machine guns.)

      A successful society depends on support from the productive people who live in it. That support is contingent on government’s meeting its half of the bargain which is to make support worthwhile. A government that can’t or won’t protect its productive citizens and prohibits them from protecting themselves will face a backlash. It may take the form of a demand for draconian measures to suppress crime. Politicians who refuse to cooperate will find their careers cut short. Or it may take the form of a diminishing willingness to continue contributing to society. As was said in the Soviet Union, “The government pretends to pay us. In return, we pretend to work.”

      • Quote————————-

        A successful society depends on support from the productive people who live in it. That support is contingent on government’s meeting its half of the bargain which is to make support worthwhile. A government that can’t or won’t protect its productive citizens and prohibits them from protecting themselves will face a backlash. It may take the form of a demand for draconian measures to suppress crime. Politicians who refuse to cooperate will find their careers cut short. Or it may take the form of a diminishing willingness to continue contributing to society. As was said in the Soviet Union, “The government pretends to pay us. In return, we pretend to work.”——————————————————Quote——————————————————————————-

        Again you people ignore history. History has proven your statement 100 per cent false. I give you as examples all the rest of the countries of the world. They took the weapons away from the people so that they would have absolute power over them. And they won and the people lost. Those that are in power want absolute power over everyone and they get it as their prostitutes “the military and the police” will wipe out anyone who does not comply. Its called “supreme patriotism” and by preying on the uneducated peoples tribalism and religious fanaticism it works every time.

        • Nah, we only reject your warped interpretation of history. Don’t confuse the difference.

          Your quote above about us needing to model the nation after the European Socialists says everything anyone needs to see about how wrong you are.

          You’ll ignore history or make it up while figuratively shouting us down about how we don’t know history. Typical progressive ‘debate’ style. By the way, I think we are STILL waiting, after several months, for some citations to some illogical nonsense you posted way back when.

          Good grief.

      • I admit I could be wrong instead of 99 per cent it was probably closer to 99 3/4 per cent. There are always a few suicidal cases that want to be imprisoned or shot.

        • And, of course you are still wrong.

          Other story posted stat that there are presently about 3 milliion “legal” guns in Australia…so even more than that counting ones possessed illegally.

          AND…we have had numerous posters IN Australia explain the situation in more detail. What you think you have as “facts” are outright wrong.

          Yes; some guns were turned in. Maybe even “a lot” by some metric. But, “a lot” remain in Australia, and even legally so.

          Once again, the emptiness of your entire premise is aired. The Progressive / Socialist habit of making crap up and calling it “fact” continues…

          • As the Chinese say” One picture is worth a thousand words or should we say “your propaganda”. The huge cranes with giant magnets picking up millions of guns says it all. And if you are going to fantasize why not make your mythical 3 million figure into 30 million. If your going to exaggerate why not go all the way.

        • Yeah, and the people that live there, and the official data on the topic still say you are full of shit regardless of what fantasies you live in.

          There are millions of “legal” guns in Australia. Your numbers don’t add up. If 99+% turned them in, then that would mean there was once a couple hundred million guns there.

          Either way, your nonsense that they were all turned in is pure, unadulterated, bullshit.

          No surprising from a socialist nincompoop.

          • I wonder if you realize how nonsensical your post is. I was referring to the guns that were turned in because they were banned not the legal guns. Bringing the factor of legal guns into the conversation is bizarre to say the least and ignorant to say the most.

  2. “There is no way to stop people from owning and, if needs be, making guns.”

    Well California in any event is trying to outlaw “ghost guns” (unserialized home built firearms). The first draft of the bill was SOOO BAD that it had to be withdrawn for amendments due to it being SOO VAGUE that it would outlaw pipes, shovels (someone actually made an AK receiver out of a shovel) and solid bricks of aluminum. the language was any object that “can readily made” into a firearm. It is similar to DeLeon’s Senate bill that will require a background check and the issuance of a serial number by the state (that must be permanently affixed to the receiver or engraves) PRIOR to beginning building of such a firearm. Add to that three bills that will ban bullet buttons and/or all semiauto rifles and shotguns with detachable magazines, defining noncompliant firearms as “assault weapons” and requiring their registration in a state database, and banning the manufacture of “assault weapons,” the days of the home built firearm may be limited. (the Legislature is going all out to ban as much as they can before the election. It is truly oppressive.)

    • You know, when they make so many normal things illegal, it just removes the stigma of being a criminal. F* it, it’s easier to just be a criminal than to stress over being “lawful”. There will come a tipping point where they make themselves irrelevant, and there are more of us than them. All we have to do is stand together. A neighborhood watch that stays in good communication could absolutely crush a swat team.

      • That’s pretty much the case in Colorado. The “high capacity” magazine ban has pretty much fell flat on its face. Citizens don’t follow it and LEOs don’t enforce it.

        • Kommieforniastan has a whole slew of BS ‘laws’ the sanctimonious fools in SackofTomatoes think we will comply with. I would of course, IF I had any firearms. Sadly they were all lost in the floods of 2014.

      • Australian people are human and reacted in exactly the same way Americans would to such a law, its called “the survival instinct”. And yes Americans would turn them in by the millions and in less time than you can imagine they would be all melted down.

        When you look at the adults who actually own a gun themselves, rather than those who merely live in a household that has one, the numbers are even smaller—just 22.4% of the American adults surveyed owned a gun in 2014:

          • My report was fact right out of Australia. Your response was pure bluster because talk is cheap and so is false bravado. When the ax falls people know what is in store for them if they do not obey.

        • “When you look at the adults who actually own a gun themselves, rather than those who merely live in a household that has one, the numbers are even smaller—just 22.4% of the American adults surveyed owned a gun in 2014”

          We have discussed than that figure for the supposed low percentage of firearm owners in America many times here. People who are called are lying about owning firearms to the person taking the survey. They have no idea if that person making the call is legitimate or is a criminal casing potential residences to burglarize.

          Or people are realizing that the government could be data mining in order to confiscate firearms someday(I am not saying the government, just saying that is what people could be thinking).

          22.4% of the American population owning firearms is an absurdly low number.

          • I think you are arguing numbers while completely missing the main point of the argument and that is that gun owners are indeed the minority when compared to the overall numbers of the population. Those people think they have nothing to lose and do not understand what all the fuss is about as to them guns are a dangerous absurd hobby of uneducated “hill people” and they think that without guns a safe utopian society would then emerge. Of course this is ridiculous but not to the majority of American citizens.

        • Jlp. You have obviously never been outside of a big city. America is not Australia, and even there a huge percentage never turned in diddily squat. Have you ever heard of the word honor. Have you ever read about the American revolution? Keep repeating yourself and quoting statistics that are meaningless. You are flat out wrong every time you come here and post. Finally your a bloomberg shill and a flat out troll. If you think people won’t defend themselves from a tyrannical government than you have never taken many lessons from history.

          • Glad you brought the subject up. Yes I have read about the American Revolution and here is my take on that mistake.


            The American Revolution was America’s most divisive war in its history far surpassing the Civil War and the Vietnam War. Thousands of Americans called Loyalists, many who were skilled professionals, packed up and left for Canada after the war was over. America at the time could ill afford to lose such people, many whom were professionals, at a time when America was a growing Nation.

            .The American Revolution squandered vast amounts of money on war that would have been better spent on building its infrastructure and enhancing it educational system of the time. The Revolution set America’s growth and progress back at least several generations.

            The war largely the result of Greedy American Merchants who were too stingy to pay small amounts of taxes to help defer the cost of running the British Empire which was making the American Merchants rich, because through the British Empire they had access to world markets. The American Merchants who were running America ended up biting off the hand that was feeding them.

            The Merchants were so greedy they stabbed their best general, Benedict Arnold, in the back by refusing to reimburse him for his own personal money spent on the war which amounted in todays money to over a million dollars. The British quickly convinced Arnold to come over to their side which resulted in the war largely falling to the incompetent General Washington who lost more battles than he won and he was almost captured twice.

            The American Revolution also was largely responsible for the war of 1812 with Britain over possession of Canada which again wasted large amounts of money and resulted in a war that was largely a draw and America failed in its attempt to annex Canada (enslave it). Some of the Loyalists that fled America after the Revolution ended up fighting once again the same Americans they fought in the Revolutionary War. In other words it was Americans killing Americans all over again.

            The American Revolution also paved the way for World War I. Germany would have been much less likely to start WWI if America had still been part of the British Empire, but since America had fought Britain twice previously Germany believed it would not intervene in WWI.

            If Britain had remained in control of America the vast slaughter of the American Indian would have been much less brutal and severe as well.

            Although it is still controversial many scholars believe the slave trade would have ended in America sooner as well because Britain ended their slave trade before America did and therefore would have also ended it in America as well and the Southern States would have realized that they could not have won a war with both the Northern American States and Britain fighting them at the same time.

            Lastly America would have gotten its freedom from Britain like Canada did by negotiation rather than through a costly war. Canada today still points with pride to the fact that rather than start a blood bath they received their independence through peaceful negotiation and avoidance of a costly war.


        • Everything you write comes directly from the Howard Zinn library of leftist make believe history. No wonder no one responds to you anymore. Keep living in your bubble. I hope for your sake it’s in a nice leftist haven. Can’t have reality intrude and all.

  3. Can a muzzle loader be a SBS? Or by the nature of being a muzzle loader is it exempt from NFA regulatory infringement?

  4. A leathal firearm can be made from matches, a pipe, a whasher, three screws, a bolt, rubber band and a chunk of wood. Thats all cool, but what needs done is some house cleaning. When the Commander in Chief, swears to uphold the Constitution, then passes a gun restrictive law, thats grounds for impeachment. It just burns my ass the way “We the People” let them get away wirh this. Ands its not only guns, all the bill of rights are under attack. Billy Clit on should have been one, he got away with way to much. Grrrr, the oval office, the room where Abe Lincoln stood, turned into Pee Wees playhouse and Hillorys running for President and people are voting for her? Good God is there no end.

    • As I have said many times before the Constitution gives you no rights at all. The Supreme Court is the ruling elite which grants power to the people and if the Liberals happen to be in the majority they simply twist the Constitution any way they wish and vise versa when the Conservatives are in power. Peoples Constitutional rights have always been a “fantasy” and the Supreme Courts rulings have proven this time and time again.

      • “As I have said many times before the Constitution gives you no rights at all. “

        So, it’s true. A stopped clock is right twice a day. There’s one of yours.

        “The Supreme Court is the ruling elite which grants power to the people”

        What in the HELL gives you that idea?

        The power of the people is natural. Have you never read any of the US Founding Documents?

        People are born “free” and ungoverned. There’s even a little phrase, someone else here may have heard of it…”the consent of the governed.” The power of the government, including the Court ONLY comes from US so long as we are WILLING to comply.

        Statists will never understand this simple concept, though.

        “Peoples Constitutional rights have always been a “fantasy” and the Supreme Courts rulings have proven this time and time again.”

        Wrong. Natural rights exist….naturally. They transcend courts and any arm of government.

        Only a ‘true believer’ Progressive Statist could think that a free man, sovereign in himself, is supplicant to the Supreme Court.

        Rights can be suppressed and abused, but they cannot be taken away. The Court can rule what it rules; those decisions and subsequent case law changes nearly constantly.

        What does not change, no matter what governments say, is the fundamental, inalienable, rights of human beings to make their own decisions in life.

        • You obviously flunked History courses as since the beginning of civilization the rich and powerful rule all countries of the world including the good old U.S. of Hay. What they say goes. The Constitution is not worth the paper it is written on and the Supreme Court has done whatever it has pleased for decades.

        • “You obviously flunked History courses as since the beginning of civilization the rich and powerful rule all countries of the world including the good old U.S. of Hay. What they say goes. The Constitution is not worth the paper it is written on and the Supreme Court has done whatever it has pleased for decades.”

          Yep. You are right. You know the truth. The only truth. We are now bowing to your far superior handle on the world.

          The deluded truth accorded to jlp on the Internet.

          Progressive delusional thinking is a sight to behold…whatever.

          In typical nonsensical Progressive fashion, you speak just enough fact to appear like the rest of your illogical nonsense is well thought out.

          Homework assignment of the Day: PLEASE look up non sequitur. Then try to figure out how not to do it.

      • Agreed. Rights are only what you want them to be. The only real right you have chicken done right offered by KFC. Speech, gun ownership, the the rest are fragments of your imagine.

  5. It’s a semantic game. Make silly laws, hope Leo’s enforce it. LEO’s wonder if they lose their lives over an unjust law. Hope and pray the law abiders comply and when they plant the flag in the moral high ground giving the collective finger to the legislative, then they are no longer governed by consent.

  6. I wonder if the inventors of gun powder ever would have thoughtr that one day it would be used to propel projectiles accurately for over a mile in a man portable package, and over the horizon if you include howitzers and navy deck guns.

  7. When the gun grab started in Australia all states had licensing for shooters. Some had registration of firearms.
    The federal government used the threat of cutting all funding to states to force them to pass the laws banning most semi autos etc

    Lots of the photos you see are mostly old bolt action rifles handed in by people who had no idea they could keep them and police were told to always take rifles and not explain that you could keep them

    Once your details are on a government file there is no security over what you own

    • RCC your words reflect exactly what all Governments do when they ban guns. Here in America we have too many back woods knuckle heads that do not realize even after the shocking Edward Snowden and Julian Assange revelations that if you have ever bought one box of ammo with a credit card, subscribed to a gun magazine or logged on to a gun website the government knows you have weapons and awaits your turning them in by a certain dead line “or else”.

      I forgot to mention that as long as 10 years ago the Government admitted they had a camera that can see right through walls into your home. A court case resulted as to when they could use such a device but lets face facts the Edward Snowden revelations proved the Government seldom obeys its own laws.

  8. No one here watched the video? I watched about 15 seconds. As soon as the “hosts” of the YouTube channel quoted Wikipedia as being the primary research for the fire lance I was disgusted and stopped the video. I almost should have watched just to see if they blew themselves up.

    • I watched it.

      Yeah, reading wp on a youtube vid is not what I’d call “high art,” but hey. They are doing something interesting, so…

      Spoiler: No, they did not blow themselves up. Put 150 gr FF in an open ended bamboo tube with no projectile and lit it. No real biggie.

      • I want to know what happens when they put that much powder in the bamboo tube and then put wadding and a payload above it … because that will increase the pressure immensely.

        Once upon a time I decided that it would be fun to make a small noise maker for Fourth of July celebrations. I discovered that black powder does nothing more than flash until you restrict its ability to flash. In other words igniting black powder on a stump or in a tube does NOT go “Bang!”.

        If you want black powder to go “Bang!”, you have to seal one end of the tube before pouring in your black powder and smashing some type of wadding over it. I ended up drilling a 1/2 inch diameter hole about 5 inches deep into 2 inch diameter round steel stock. Then I put about 40 grains of black powder into the hole. Finally, I used about a 4 inch square of scrap paper to make a wad that I smashed down over the powder. That combination makes a nice little “Bang!” which does not require hearing protection beyond 40 feet or so.

        • Exactly.

          I’m trying to figure out if we should be “alarmed” at all that they THOUGHT putting 150 gr of FF black powder in an OPEN tube would go “boom.”

          I applaud their desire to explore the world of firearms and the history as well. But, at some point, one needs a baseline of “Fundamental Information” to start from..not ‘complete ignorance.’

          I get the impression that they are new youtubers and are trying to get in on the youtube bandwagon. The filming while driving somewhere has become a trope. The “Subscribe to our Channel” line so we don’t miss the result of their “experiment” is a cliche at this point.

          Not knocking them; more power to them. But there’s just a kind of Dunning-Kruger-esque feel about it. I don’t know; I guess I’m trying to say it reminds me of someone that just discovered handloading who goes on to act like THEY actually discovered handloading is even possible.

          Is this more of an Internet thing? Or, a Guns 2.0 thing? Something else?

    • Not according to the Statists, included those that post here. According to them, if the .gov tells us not to make firearms, we won’t. You know, just like the .gov currently tells felons not to buy firearms and they don’t. Er. Well…wishful thinking can work, right?

      • All one has to do is look France and Germany where carry permits are non-existent to the proletariat but the rich and powerful have no problem getting one.

        • Nah. There’s yet another failure in your thinking.

          We don’t look to France or Germany for anything. We don’t rule our lives by what some other failed systems have done as something to emulate.

          You need to just admit that you don’t get the gist of the word “freedom,” as it applies to individual vs the state, at all. Not one single iota.

          You don’t understand that concept, therefore you can’t argue a point that includes that basic concept as part of the premise.

          We don’t care what Germany or France has done or is doing now. Or Australia. Or the UK. Or any other place that has crapped on it’s own dinner table.

          What we know is that there is some set of “we” that will not, under any circumstances, ‘turn in’ our guns. We won’t not make them ourselves. We won’t “give in.”

          I don’t expect you to ever understand this. You seem predisposed to reject the concept. But your lack of understanding or your lack of identification with this mindset does not make it any less true.

          In other words, you don’t define reality. You may think US gun owners are nothing but the same subjects as compliantly exist elsewhere, but many simply are not. Study that as an intellectual construct…that there exists a group of people you cannot pigeon-hole into “will comply” and ponder it.

          The Founders of the United States let a major league genie out of its bottle…the idea that men can govern themselves and that freedom exists naturally; it is not “granted.” No matter what Statist spin you try to put on it, you cannot put that genie back into its bottle and convince all men that The State controls their freedom.

          • Quote————————–

            We don’t care what Germany or France has done or is doing now. Or Australia. Or the UK. Or any other place that has crapped on it’s own dinner table.————————————————–

            That is the back woods out house mentality that got American into the mess it is in today precisely because we have not studied and copied other more successful countries that have far surpassed us in providing a superior life to their citizens because they believe in taking care of their people as “a family” not a group of people to be enslaved economically for the benefit of the greed monger Capitalists who make billions while the common man is on the verge of economic collapse.

            quote————————The Founders of the United States let a major league genie out of its bottle…the idea that men can govern themselves and that freedom exists naturally; it is not “granted.” No matter what Statist spin you try to put on it, you cannot put that genie back into its bottle and convince all men that The State controls their freedom.——————-quote——————————

            You not only flunked History but ignore human nature as well. The reality of History is that the State does grant you what freedoms it and it only desires. You can live in a world of “Fantasy Constitutions” which never existed and never will or accept the fact that the “super rich and powerful” control your life from birth to death in every country in the world including America. Its only through struggle and protest directed against “the ruling elite” that the “common man” can get a fair share of the economic pie. This is why Socialism is the dominate form of Government in every industrialized Nation in the world including the U.S. its just that we do not have near enough of it. Every wonder where Social Security came from or Medicare or Medicaid or Aid to Education or benefits to Veterans’ just to name a few. Wake up and look around you at what has been going on in the Industrialized World of Socialism in the last 120 years.

        • “That is the back woods out house mentality that got American into the mess it is in today precisely because we have not studied and copied other more successful countries”

          Geez, will you just stop with this Socialist propaganda?

          I’m still waiting for you to name ONE SINGLE society for which Socialism solved ‘it’s problems.’ I mean, a real one; not the fantasy ones you dream about at night.

          You know, every single social problem in the US now has a direct causative component linked to socialist/progressive ideology since FDR.

          You’ll never admit that, though, even if a 2×4 labeled “Clue” hit you over the head.

          Instead of looking at France and Germany, which differ both in population homogeneity and cultural identity (and are not paragons of “successful” that we should emulate anyway, but that’s just an attempt is diversion on your part),
          why don’t you say, “We should all be like Chicago? Or NYC? Or California?”

          THOSE (and a few others) in THIS nation, in THIS population, are failures and are continuing to decline socially, financially and culturally. People are FLEEING those places in droves, just like they have done every socialist “Utopia” that has ever been tried.

          You STILL won’t get it, though. You’ll cling to your “If we could just be MORE socialist, it will work this time!”

          ” that have far surpassed us in providing a superior life to their citizens”

          I keep thinking you’ve posted the stupidest nonsense you could come up with, then you type something like this. Either that or you’ve suffered some serious brain trauma, in which case you have my sympathies.

          This is just nonsense. You’ll scream something back, though..of course you will. I expect it at this point. You’ll tell me I’m wrong, then type, almost word-for-word, that France and Germany are perfect, we should emulate their great and wonderful Socialism that has succeeded in creating the great and wonderful Utopia we should all seek.

          Get off the propaganda that has no basis in fact. I don’t see people having all that much of a “superior life” in France right now…unless your argument is actually that the influence of radical Muslims taking over their culture is “superior” for them.

          “You not only flunked History”

          No. As said above, what I “flunked” is jlp’s revisionist, warped wishful thinking of the way things were and are. You don’t get to make crap up and then say everyone…LITERALLY everyone…’flunked history’ because they don’t buy into the feces you spit out.

          Just drop it, please. There is no room for outright lies in a serious discussion.

          You don’t understand the Founding Principles of the United States, and therefore you are not equipped to discuss what “freedom” means to the citizens of this country that have been born into this culture. I doubt you have ever read or studied any of the core, important documents before and after the Revolution (and yes, I’ve read your nonsense horse dung about that war, too).

          So, take your “flunked history” and … well. You not understanding something does not give you license to tell others they don’t.

          You are one hard core, dyed-in-the-wool, True Believing Statist, and you simply cannot accept, even for the sake of discussion, that the god you worship (the State) is NOT all-powerful.

          Seriously; before accusing all of us that we ‘flunked history,’ you might try looking up the Dunning-Kruger effect.

          • Quote————————————-You don’t understand the Founding Principles of the United States, and therefore you are not equipped to discuss what “freedom” means to the citizens of this country that have been born into this culture. I doubt you have ever read or studied any of the core, important documents before and after the Revolution (and yes, I’ve read your nonsense horse dung about that war, too).————————-Quote————————–

            Fascinating comparison between British and American Political systems and why the U.S. Constitution was actually a very bad idea.

            When reading through all of this it becomes very apparent that the U.S. Constitution is virtually un-amendable. Even the “Equal Rights Amendment” that was self-evident failed to be passed. Doing away with this document would in no way eliminate Constitutional Rights as they have through the years been codified “in law” just as British rights have been. You will notice in this treatise that British Rights are not in a “Constitution” so therefore if things need to be changed they can be changed by law not by a nearly impossible “Constitutional Amendment”. In the U.S. when there needs to be change, especially social change, the Constitution is virtually ignored by the Supreme Court anyway which in turn has made an absolute mockery of it.


        • All according to you…a bona fide, self admitted socialist.

          I don’t even read your propadandist screed anymore. It’s bull feces and everyone else that reads it can see it.

          Believe whatever nonsense you want to believe. You believing a bunch of crap does not make it true.

          Just like the anti’s and their Unicorn Dreams of Utopia. Whatever.

          • If you left Podunk Junction for once and got out into the world you might just learn something.

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