Rahm Emanuel (courtesy articles.chicagogtribune.com)

There’s a good reason that law abiding gun owners don’t want their names on a national gun registry — namely, registration leads to confiscation. Gun control advocates immediately spout that “no one wants to take your guns” and other assorted platitudes designed to comfort gun owners about the prospect of being treated like sex offenders. And yet, from the city of Chicago comes a story of exactly that: registered gun owners having their guns confiscated . . .

In Illinois, gun owners are required to get a Firearms Owners ID card, or FOID. It’s good for 10 years, and then you need to renew it. But if you don’t renew your card, or if you do something that displeases the powers that be, your FOID is NULL and VOID. Which means you can’t own guns legally.

Cook County police officers have become increasingly worried that when someone’s FOID card is revoked, their guns aren’t instantly confiscated. So they’re doing exactly what gun control advocates have said that registration would never result in — door to door confiscation.

From the Sun Times:

A new Cook County Sheriff’s team is crisscrossing the suburbs to seize guns from thousands of people whose Firearm Owner’s Identification Cards have been revoked.

More than 3,000 people in Cook County have failed to surrender their revoked FOID cards to the state. Sheriff Tom Dart said he thinks many of them continue to possess firearms.

The Chicago Police Department conducts regular missions to recover revoked FOID cards and seize guns from the holders, but there wasn’t a concerted effort to do that in Cook County’s suburbs, Dart said.

“The system is broken,” the sheriff said. “The system revokes cards, but the guns are of no consequence. . . . Our strong hope is that we will eliminate tragedies.”

We’ve said it before and we will say it again — registration only impacts the law abiding. Its raison d’etre is knowing where the firearms are when it’s time to go and get them. Criminals are exempt from the registration requirement due to the illegal nature of their activities, so keeping guns out of the hands of bad guys is a bogus claim when registration advocates try to make it. Registration only applies to the law abiding citizens. Period.

But the real issue is that gun confiscation schemes like this one don’t actually make the public any safer. In fact, I’d make the argument that registration and door-to-door confiscation like this encourage mentally ill people to avoid getting the help they need.

Imagine that you have a FOID card in Illinois. You also own guns and would like to keep them. One day, you come to the conclusion that you might benefit from some counseling. Now, would you be more or less likely to seek mental health treatment if you believed that doing so would result in the local police knocking on your door and taking your guns?

I get the feeling that FOID cards actually make Cook County residents less safe. Then again, I posses a seemingly rare skill called “common sense.”


    • There are more ‘crazy’ people out there that are better and safer citizens than the ones in public office!

    • I think it’s safe to say “common sense” can now be replaced by “rocket science”.

    • Nick didn’t bother to mention what people do to get their FOID card revoked. The answer to that question would interfere with the lying premise of the post. This is not like “registration leads to confiscation.” This is like convicted felons and wife beaters cannot own guns.

      I realize why Nick played tricky with that distinction. Only the most fanatical of you guys oppose disarming felons and domestic abusers but nearly all of you march in lock step with the popular “registration leads to confiscation.”

      Why can’t you guys play it straight? If you’re so right, why do you have to play games like that?

      • The problem is they keep adding stuff to the list of disqualifiers, to where there is now a legit fear that a counseling visit will get your nice things picked up by the police.

        What will you do when they make what you do illegal? New laws every year…

      • It’s us against them pal. Total Citizen disarmament is the goal. Have you lost sight of that? They will make up any type of law they can to take guns away. Illinois is a Cesspool of dirty scum politicians and Tom Dart is a lying dirt bag. He thinks that because he went to the police academy and law school he is above all people. Its people like Tom Dart that need to be removed from office and as fast as possible.

      • In Kalifornia’s version (APPS) of this program, the confiscation squads are working from old lists of background checks and violations. The evidence doesn’t reach the quality and certainty necessary to get a search warrant, so the squads exercise persuasion (coercion) to work their way into a house. Who knows they can refuse entry to a squad of soldiers on their porch? There are frequent well-documented problems with visiting the wrong house, or the wrong offense getting on the list, or a subject being on the list after the violation has been expunged and their rights restored.

        So in their eagerness to violate the citizens’ 2nd Amendment rights, they’re also stepping on the 4th and 14th along the way.

        Even more insulting, Cal-DOJ’s confiscation program is being funded by the pot of money generated by illegally over-charging law-abiding guy buyers for those same Cal-DOJ mandatory background checks that are feeding the confiscation system.

      • Sure, felons- oh, yes, and law-abiding citizens that simply let their “permission slip to exercise their God-given rights” expire.
        Even if our own country were to be completely trust-worthy with the registration lists (which is a big hell-no!) but IF, there is still another major security risk. It has been demonstrated over and over that these registries are not the least bit secure. They are easily accessed by enemies domestic and FOREIGN. Sometimes anti-gunners get them published for the owners to be targeted by all sorts of thugs. But if a terrorist wanted to get serious, they have a list of who to go after as well.
        So to tell you the truth, I would rather “risk” arming a felon (since they are going to break the law to get a gun if they want anyway) and make guns easy and accessible to as many good guys as possible. Remember- WE are the ones that are the first responders for our families’ safety.

      • The only question I have is this: If the FOID system is working so well at keeping guns out of the hands of “…convicted felons and wife beaters..” and all of us lock-stepping, “registration leads to confiscation” types are wrong, then why does Chicago have one of the highest firearm murder rates of any city in the United States? In fact, why does Chicago have one of the highest non-firearm murder rates of any city in the United States?

        It must be all those “…convicted felons and wife beaters…” who are refusing to follow the law and get rid of their guns.

        • The gun control sheep will simply parrot that Chicago is a slaughter house because of loose gun laws else where in the country.


      • Why should we play it straight, the government doesn’t!

        I hear that allowing concealed permits lets to more gun violence but I haven’t seen that here in Green Bay, WI. I hear the liberals say that Gun Control protects the innocent, but I haven’t seen that either.

        All I know is Criminals do not care what the laws say, so telling people they can’t have something because they where disqualified for some stupid reason, means nothing to them, it only effects the people who follow the law!

      • Mike, you obviously have been “drinking the cool aid” in Chicago for far too long. ANY woman, can call the cops, TRUE OR NOT (and most of the time NOT, because of her vengeful attitude) and make a “domestic abuse complaint.” This is not to say that it does in fact happen, it is also just a true, that it is far TOO EASY for a woman to make FALSE COMPLAINTS, that result in the same end.

        NO ONE should be “required” to register ANY “firearm.” HISTORY has PROVEN this issue time and time again. “Registration” IS THE FIRST STEP to gun confiscation. The cops are saying that they are trying to prevent a tradigity, would seem to me, that they are trying to make one. They will push into someone’s house one night, unannounced, and many of therm will get killed, for their own illegal activities.

  1. My FOID card doesn’t expire until 2021. I plan on renewing it in January 2015 due to wait times. By law they’re supposed to give you a card within 30 days, but it’s taking up to 4+ months. Of course, you can’t file a lawsuit. They just claim they’re overwhelmed… but if by law an Illinois citizen cannot own a firearm until they have a FOID card, then we should hold the ISP legally responsible for breaking the law and not fulfilling the 30 day requirement.

    • The problem is that the government does not hold itself responsible when they break their own laws. “We’re understaffed / under budgeted / overwhelmed” is seen as a perfectly good excuse by the statist when they are delaying or denying your rights.

      • “Sorry, I couldn’t renew my card on time because I’ve been really busy and short on cash.” I guess that wouldn’t work for the unwashed masses.

      • The best thing about being government is that you are, in literal fact: not only get to make up rules for other people, but you get to decide on whom and how they are enforced including your own self.

        It’s not corruption when the system is doing what it is designed to do: Concentrate power in a small minority so that they can extract economic benefit from their positions.

    • Here’s a question. There is a chance I might have to move to IL for reasons related to family matters. I know, from the utopian hell of MA to the utopian hell of IL. What is the process for a current gun owner to move into IL and yet still retain my arms? I’ve already reached out to the ISRA but have not heard back from them. I’ve also been following the links in the ISRA web page about which cities/towns are likely to enact local AWB type laws too.


      • It depends entirely where in Illinois your are moving to. Chicago, Cook County, Aurora, and a handful of North Shore suburbs enacted AWBs before the July 19, 2013 deadline. No community can now create an AWB now that the Concealed Carry became law and the 10 day “grace period” expired for home rule communities to pass their own regulations. You MUST, however, apply for a Firearm Owners ID (FOID) from the Illinois State Police to legally posses or purchase a firearm or ammunition in Illinois. Because of the huge new demand for FOID cards, there is a long backlog but you will get one. Basically the same requirements to qualify as you need to purchase any firearm from a FFL. http://www.isp.state.il.us/foid/foidinfo.cfm

      • God help you; you must be a glutton for punishment. After Illinois, may I suggest California, Maryland and DC?

      • It’s an awkward situation with no good answer. I moved to IL, not a county with AWB restriction, from MO and called ahead to a law firm and the Illinois State Police to find out what I needed to do. As an out of state resident, you can carry your weapons locked and unloaded through IL just fine, but it’s illegal to be an IL resident and own firearms without a FOID. Trouble is, you can’t apply for a FOID without first getting an IL driver’s license and becoming a resident, so you’re effectively committing a misdemeanor as soon as you become a resident while waiting the months for the FOID application to come through. The State Police’s answer to this quandry? “Just keep your nose clean and don’t take your firearms out of the house.” I wish there were a better answer and the whole FOID card system will likely have its day in court someday, but good luck in the meantime.

        • Geez. A person might get the idea that the laws are designed to remove your 2nd amendment protections or something.

      • Anybody that complies with an outright VIOLATION of their rights, such as Illinoi’s FOID scheme, deserves to be raided!

        You HANDED OVER your RIGHTS, as a citizen, and accepted NAZI CONTROL of HOW you exercise YOUR rights! This act is TYRANNY and TREASON in the HIGHEST regard!
        NOBODY in this nation was granted absolute power, an NO STATE, COURT, JUDGE, NAZI COP, GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY or even GOD, can DENY YOU YOUR RIGHTS…GOT IT?
        What Illinoi is doing, is ILLEGAL and can be defended against by LAWFUL DEADLY FORCE, when they come to YOUR home and attempt to force you to HAND OVER YOUR RIGHTS to some EMPLOYEE YOU are SUPPORTING! I am NOT the SLAVE to ANY EMPLOYEE I pay for, and I DAMN SURE do NOT have to SUBMIT to MY employee’s demands! They can DIE TRYING for all I care!

    • On that note, I wonder how many FOID cards have
      expired because the issuing authority is sitting on
      paperwork (oops, I mean overwhelmed).

    • My wife renewed hers within the last two months from a significantly lapsed state ( good thing she doesn’t own any in her name). It took less than thirty days to get the new one.

      One of the guys on my sportsman club ” heard” new apps were taking a year but I don’t believe him for a second. I know a new shooter I converted in early June and he applied for his card then; I need to see of he got it yet…

      • My wife applied for her first back Feb. and got it in around 90 days. They cashed the check within a week of the application. That was at the peak of the record number of applications after Governor Potatohead started mumbling about passing the toughest controls in the country (even after losing in Federal Court over the Conceal Carry ban). Thankfully it has been pretty much a complete reversal here and he was soundly overridden when he tried to destroy the legislation with an “amendatory veto”. At least we are finally starting to go in the right direction here (outside of Chicago and Cook County).

  2. It has taken many decades of hard work to make Chicago the hell-hole it is today. Utopia has been achieved by the Chicago Machine.

    • The sad part is that the products of their corrupt machine are now making it into Federal government in a big way.

      Case in point: Barack “Constitutional Professor” Obama

  3. So glad we got the hell out of IL… My first firearm purchase here in Texas was an eyeopener… walked up to the counter, told the man what I wanted, he went to the back got it, I handed him cash money, we did the NICS check and he handed me the box… I told him I wasn’t done shopping and wasn’t ready to go to my car yet… he looked at me funny and told me I could keep shopping just to put the gun in my cart… I was like HOLY CRAP, you buy a gun in IL they follow you to the car watch you put it in your vehicle and only then can you go back into the store… I finished my shopping carrying a brand new firearm, and even had it out to test out a few holsters for it, nobody batted an eye.

    • Welcome to the Friendship State, your neighbors are your neighbors, not “suspects until proven innocent.”

      • Welcome to the “Y’all must not be from Texas” state.

        [Clarification for non-southerners coming to the “Sunny (sometimes) Southland”]: when addressing more than one non-southerner, the correct term is “all y’all”, as in “all y’all must not be from Texas”.

      • Yabbut.

        I don’t have an issue with background checks. I support the idea, in principle.

        The problem is the de facto registration that form 4473 represents.

  4. “But those people are criminals, that’s why they lost their FOID cards!”

    Well, first, that’s ignoring those whose cards may have simply expired, but let’s take those people out of the equation. Fine, they’re criminals. What happens when the laws change to criminalize something that you do? What if reading TTAG was suddenly considered subversive, or what if being a member of a fringe group was deemed to be seditious? All of a sudden, though you’d never broken a law, you were suddenly disallowed the ownership of firearms, and because of this system, they knew where to come and get them?

    What about those whose FOID’s have expired? Do they send you a letter, saying that you’re no longer allowed to be in possession of those firearms, thus allowing you to dispose of them to a friend or family member? Or do they simply show up and confiscate what could be thousands of dollars worth of iron, to be melted down, with no available recourse from you? You say you’ll get your FOID renewed, and you do, but that takes six months, and meanwhile it only took 30-60 days for your stuff to hit the smelter. What then? “Oops.”

    Registration equals confiscation. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but soon, and for the rest of your life. If registration comes to where I am, I will go elsewhere. If that is not possible, or if there is no elsewhere to go to, I will shelter in place and not comply.

    • “All of a sudden, though you’d never broken a law, you were suddenly disallowed the ownership of firearms, and because of this system, they knew where to come and get them?”

      BINGO. With thousands and thousands of laws on the book (never mind the considerably more vast administrative regulations) you’re probably already a criminal, and if not, they can invent a law to make you one.

      • The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren’t enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws.

        — Ayn Rand

        (Not my favorite person, but she had a knack for pointing out the obvious)

        • Watch ‘Atlas Shrugged’, and really watch it, and you SEE how THIS government really operates!
          Every new law, has more and more severe consequences for US only, and with these new laws, comes higher and higher fines, longer jail terms, and their idea that once ‘they’ label you a criminal, ‘you’ are now PROHIBITED from EXERCISING YOUR RIGHT to own any guns!
          BULLSHIT! NOT ONE person alive in this nation HAS SUCH POWERS! NOBODY was granted power to decide what rights WET HE PEOPLE HAVE, and NOBODY can show a single WORD in either the Declaration or Constitution, that grants such power to government! THESE WORDS DO NOT EXIST PEOPLE!
          Buying a ‘permit’ from government, is FOOLISH and also INFRINGES UPON OUR RIGHTS, and doing so, conveys to government, that ‘YOU” agree that your RIGHTS, are in fact, ‘permissions’ to be granted and prohibited BY government alone. This notion is FALSE and ILLEGAL! WE THE PEOPLE have RIGHTS, government has ‘authorities’ granted to it, BY THE PEOPLE! Government governs with CONSENT of the governed, they do NOT possess ABSOLUTE POWER, that ONLY comes from THE PEOPLE! Even ‘criminals’ can NOT be denied their rights, no matter WHAT government states, this B.S LIE has been rammed down our throats FOR A REASON….to FORCE COMPLIANCE with GOVERNMENT WILL only!
          Those that bow down and submit to a TYRANT’S RULE, shall PERISH under that rule!

    • The Foid cards are the criminal act. Either we live by the constitution nation wide, regardless of our zip, or the constitution is not worth the paper it was written on. If the 2a is invalid in chicago, or nyc or ca. then it’s invalid in Texas and Florida. Becoming a refugee in your own country solves nothing. Look at the history of refugees and see how many happy endings there are.

    • “What about those whose FOID’s have expired? Do they send you a letter, saying that you’re no longer allowed to be in possession of those firearms?”

      Funniest thing ALL DAY! Well, “funniest” would be more accurate. “We’re in the business of CREATING CRIMINALS, son! You’re lucky we didn’t send you to PRISON for ten years!”

      Which, of course, they will, soon enough. To make sure you’re unable to fight, y’know….

  5. You left out the pull quote of the entire article: “FOID cards are supposed to protect the public from dangerous people.”

    We all know that’s complete BS or else there wouldn’t have been 1200+ people shot in Chicago so far this year or the 10s of thousands that have been shot since 1968 when this stupid law went into effect.

    Also, there has only been 53 FOID card violations within the city limits this year. CPD doesn’t much care about FOIDs, only the Streetlight Assassin and Toupee Tommy Dart think it’s a worthy cause… worthy of going after the average citizen.


    • It’s not some magical shield carried by a super-duper magician riding on a magical pixie-horse.

      It is a laminated card that indicates a person has had their constitutional rights severely infringed.

      How’s that for “reality”?

  6. “The system is broken,” the sheriff said.

    Yea? No sh*t. At least he got that part right. If I lived there and my FOID was revoked, I would make sure they got it back. Sincerley. But it would spend a couple of days between my cheeks first.

    • Thank you for referencing this! I think I mentioned once before here that the 1968 Gun Control Act was taken nearly word-for-word from the Nazi law of the same name (though different year) and intention, but I didn’t reference this great article that lays the sh*t on the line, vis-a-vis exactly that. And the man responsible for the wording, WHO COULD ONLY HAVE GOTTEN IT FROM ONE PLACE, was Rep. Christopher Dodd (NSP-CT). This is NOT the more recent Chris Dodd; he is the son of the Dodd in question. I don’t think he serves… uh, “serves” anymore. Papa Dodd is long gone, and may he continue to burn in hell….

      • It’s not Chris “Friends of Angelo” Dodd, It was his father Thomas Dodd who sponsored the Gun Control Act. He was censured by the Senate for illegal converting campaign funds to a personal account.

        • So an upstanding individual like a lot of other polititians in office now who would hold their personal aspiration to be like him…

  7. Seriously, how many gang members in Chicago have FOID cards? How many drug dealers? Hello? Anybody? Beuller?

  8. Illinois ,California,Wash DC,and my personal Favorite,Bloombergia,I mean New York Are infested with STUPID LIBERALS,and whatever planet they come from is NOT EARTH.S0 if you live in a gun hating state,GOOD LUCK When you attemp to discuss the FACTS ,something they choose to ignore they either talk over you to get their point out the they cut you off and say”I don’t want to talk about it. You’re just wrong” It’s like having a conversation with a belligerent teenager—POINTLESS !.God only gave you so many words,don’t waste them on those guys.
    The only this these holier than thou politicians understand is Lawsuit,recall elections and Supreme Court rulings ,when they are FORCED to comply with the Constitution and the Bill of ,HELLO, RIGHTS!.By passing any kind of infringement on “The RIGHT to KEEP and BEAR ARMS constitutes TREASON in the highest order.WHAT if they told you not to voice your OPINION or you would be arrested? Isn’t that Illegal under our constitution ? Even convicted felons have the right to voice their Opinions under our laws as that RIGHT is not taken from them because they are incarcerated !
    We ,as pro gun advocates need to start singling out these Politicians in every state that are breaking the Laws of our land and start prosecuting them for Violations of Federal Law and get some watchdog groups like ,2nd Ammendment foundation,NRA,GOA etc and pull resources to get them out of office and if possible ,behind bars!
    The Special Prosicution team in Floriday broke law after law in the Zimmerman Case ,the Judge ,Debra Nelson is one of the WORST in the Country(robe probe.com) .She should face prosecution for breaking every ethics violation of Bias in the country.Yet nobody does anything,Kamala Harris ,Attorney General of Calif ,has a special ‘hit team ‘ to go after law abiding citizens,who do completely ILLEGAL search ans seizures.
    You Don’t Need a Stupid Card to own a Gun – It is your Constitutional RIGHT and that CANNOT BE INFRINGED ,By Law,Where do these PAID EMPLOYEE’s of the Citizens of this Country get off Breaking the LAWS of the LAND,the Constitution and Bill of Rights? They ,not US ,Need to go to JAIL.That Will wake them up! We DO NOT REPORT to THEM,THEY REPORT TO” WE THE PEOPLE”

    • Watch ‘Atlas Shrugged’, and really watch it, and you SEE how THIS government really operates!
      Every new law, has more and more severe consequences for US only, and with these new laws, comes higher and higher fines, longer jail terms, and their idea that once ‘they’ label you a criminal, ‘you’ are now PROHIBITED from EXERCISING YOUR RIGHT to own any guns!
      BULLSHIT! NOT ONE person alive in this nation HAS SUCH POWERS! NOBODY was granted power to decide what rights WET HE PEOPLE HAVE, and NOBODY can show a single WORD in either the Declaration or Constitution, that grants such power to government! THESE WORDS DO NOT EXIST PEOPLE!
      Buying a ‘permit’ from government, is FOOLISH and also INFRINGES UPON OUR RIGHTS, and doing so, conveys to government, that ‘YOU” agree that your RIGHTS, are in fact, ‘permissions’ to be granted and prohibited BY government alone. This notion is FALSE and ILLEGAL! WE THE PEOPLE have RIGHTS, government has ‘authorities’ granted to it, BY THE PEOPLE! Government governs with CONSENT of the governed, they do NOT possess ABSOLUTE POWER, that ONLY comes from THE PEOPLE! Even ‘criminals’ can NOT be denied their rights, no matter WHAT government states, this B.S LIE has been rammed down our throats FOR A REASON….to FORCE COMPLIANCE with GOVERNMENT WILL only!
      Those that bow down and submit to a TYRANT’S RULE, shall PERISH under that rule!

      • Please stop pasting the exact same comment multiple times. It makes you look like (more of) a crazy person.

  9. This is exactly why most Americans are going to be classified as criminals in the future.

    Only morons looking for government handouts give up their guns. And usually they are shitty old $50 .22 derringers and etc…

    Never trust a cop or a politician. That’s my motto.


  10. Permits and licenses are unconstitutional. If you do not have one, government is telling you that you may not exercise your RIGHT to keep and/or bear arms. Government has NO authority to deny you ANY right, EVER. Further, the right to keep and bear arms is not only entirely devoid of any conditions, exceptions, exclusions, or limitations; it outright prohibits government from establishing any. If they come for your guns, shoot first, ask for their warrant through tbe gunsmoke.

    • Rob: Please indicate WHERE the Constitution has placed limits on ANY rights.
      There are NO LIMITS,, and for good reason!
      This PROHIBITS any government fro taking steps to, either slowly or rapidly, taking power from the people, and transferring that power TO government, as it has been doing these past 40 years plus!
      The Constitution is the most INTELLIGENT document known to man, it places PROHIBITIONS on ALL government, and REMOVES restrictions from the PEOPLE, so WE THE PEOPLE may do what is REQUIRED when WE feel the time is right, to OVERTHROW THE TYRANT!

  11. I say, don’t ask, don’t tell…screw Illinios…most corrupt state government in the entire United States…New York being second, California, Colorado, Wash DC….the 2nd Amendment stands….

    • I’m going to have to disagree with you on that NY being second. Just look at the rampant corruption in the NYS gov. and add on the fact that despite d-bag Cuomo’s lip service to stemming corruption we haven’t seen a single anti-corruption law passed yet. None of them want to punch their own ticket… We also do not have the power to recall our “representatives”. Heavily draconian unSafe act passed literally in the middle of the night with no, public input at all… they (the politicians) claimed they consulted LE prior to passing the bill, a week later we hear from the NYSP superintendent that they were NOT consulted, so which is it??? I could go on and on…

      Empire state is right, an empire run ruled by the Sith…

      Gun toting geek deep behind NYS enemy lines

  12. Until states have gun laws like Arizona’s, with no licensing at all, it is just a waiting game until somebody uses the system to oppress gun owners. And while the gun controllers say that Arizona is either 7th or 11th in gun homicides, they neglect to mention that 71% of those homicides are suicides. If you remove those from the stats, Arizona is about dead last in gun homicides. With guns everywhere. And Arizona’s violent crime rate dropped much faster than did everyone else’s.

    So gun liberty equals low crime and peace. If you support licensing in any form, you support crime and violence.

    • Living in WI. now, and a two year AZ. expat., we are saddened to have left our state to live in one of the several ANTI-AMERICAN states that do NOT uphold the Constitution, and even if they have a CCW method, even THIS is ILLEGAL, and I carry my gun without a permit, as I HAVE THE RIGHT TO, and MY rights do NOT come with a permit scheme issued by MY employees! I ELECT people to WORK FOR ME, they are NEVER going to BE my master! If I have to shoot every one that rushes my door, then so be it!
      I shall NEVER ask MY government to exercise MY rights with MY paying money to PURCHASE my rights from those I PAY FOR, making these people, MY employees!
      If you want to take my gun, you WILL need to draw yours and see who’s faster and more accurate! I’ll already have mine drawn, and aimed at your head!

  13. Very similar-ish events occurring in California, today. Though its not a “gun registry,” per se. It’s a registry of purportedly kwazy citizens.

    Moral being: Never, EVER, seek out mental healthcare services. Ever.

    Isn’t that nice?

  14. My parents want me to move back from UT to IL.

    Hell… no… HELL NO.

    I HATE Illinois Nazis.

  15. I am trying to figure out why no one in Chicago is complaining about all the shootings in their town. Why haven’t any reporters done anything. Can’t someone go to Congress and demand press coverage for this travesty going on there. It seems as though this has been going on forever and nothing and no one makes a move to bring it to the attention of the rest of the country. Someone needs to become proactive!!

    • People are pointing out the carnage in Chicago (and other American Cities), but the MSM and “Leaders” of the racial discrimination industry, studiously ignore the issue because to acknowledge it would stir-up all sorts of related issues about the “Inner Cities” in our Country. This would expose the ugly side of the Welfare/Entitlement State that must keep people ignorant, poor, drug addicted, disarmed, giving birth out-of-wedlock, patronizing the abortion industry, unemployed, preying on one another, convinced they are victims of the Majority Population and hopeless so that its Welfare Hand-outs can insure the purchase of votes that keep a certain Political Party in power.
      There are many racially and ethnically diverse Conservatives that are speaking-out about these problems, but their voices are suppressed and ignored by the MSM, except a few broadcasters on the Cable Networks. The once great Newspapers, and Broadcast Networks (CBS, NBC, ABC) are run by extremist progressive socialists and committed to supporting the same agendas as the Political Party that supports the Welfare/Entitlement State.
      The statistics for murder and other crimes that demonstrate what is really happening in the major cities of the Untied States exist and are well documented, but if you speak publicly about them, you are branded a racist and dismissed as anathema to the Party Line.

    • To be fair, the Chicago Tribune has been harping on this for the last couple of years. Not exactly a 2A friendly publication but it is better than the Sun-Times.

  16. Does the State of Illinois sell the confiscated guns? Prob just another way to get money for their broke ass?

    • Guns they STEAL FROM THE PEOPLE are SOLD….This is also commonly referred to as: GUN RUNNING…

  17. Whenever anyone says “but we have to register cars! Why not guns?” I want to slap them. The reason? Nobody is trying to take your car away from you (unless you own a hot rod of some sort and want to modify it) and the registry is not being used to abuse thousands of good people who are exercising a right. Gun registration or permits open up tons of ways to abuse people by the powers that be with no way of stopping them.

  18. “Gun control advocates immediately spout that “no one wants to take your guns” and other assorted platitudes designed to comfort gun owners about the prospect of being treated like sex offenders.”

    Those platitudes aren’t designed to comfort gun owners, they’re designed to belittle them as paranoid.

    • And to lull the uninformed sheeple into believing that nothing but “common sense” is happening so the gun owners are being paranoid and unreasonable.

  19. this is def not a joke i’m a combat veteran with PTSD i had an accidental discharge in my home and they confiscated my guns and foid card and i had to jump through hoops to get them back had to get letters from my psycologist and 3 letters of reccomendation from people i know needless to sat it took 4 months to get it all back and it olnly happened so quickly because my letters of reccomendations were from police officers

  20. The law sucks, but seriously 10 years to renew. How f’n hard is that. I am looking at my CCL from PA every month or so just to make sure it is not expired or that I will have to RENEW soon. Okay, I understand it takes four months to get it renewed. So, when you have a year left…you f’n renew it. You know the laws, gotta work with them and not against them.

    • They get you with the little things. Like moving into the state, which you must do before you get the card and then you wait 4 to 6 months. Plus, there is no system for replacing a lost card, which happened to me. You re-apply and wait 4 to 6 months. Thankfully, the new CC law at least has provision for lost cards. Of course, you need both a FOID card and CC license to carry, so perhaps that doesn’t make much of a difference.

      • Another of the SHEEP that ‘buys’ their permit to exercise their rights….RIDICULOUS!

  21. I have a Molon Labe card, next to my FOAD card. I would never subject myself to live in a slave state.

  22. These FOID holders that haven’t renewed their cards might just have forgotten or might be waiting for their new cards to come to them,but the system is running behind.I think that these laws to have to have a FOID card are basically unconstitutional,but the way I have heard that the police state is in Illinois,is that even law enforcement is part of a mafia type organization.I will never visit Illinois or spend any money there or order from any business there sorry folks but that is how it is,if ya’ ll keep voting in communists then ya’ll get what you deserve.Too much union control over voting,the unions were infiltrated a long time ago.If ya’ll’s cops put as much trouble into finding real criminals as they do seemingly law abiding folks,then maybe ya’ll wouldn’t be in the top 3 for crime in this country.Oh by the way from the great state of Mississippi,where we have very few gun laws,and especially if you get your ccw with enhancement.Be prepared and ready.Keep your powder dry.

  23. Exactly the situation in Canada, when Chretien’s Firearms Act replaced the Firearms Acquisition Certificate with the Possession and Acquisition License.

  24. The FOID doesn’t even give you the right to carry. What would the reaction be if the government required you to purchase a voter ID card and if you didn’t pay your periodic fee your voting rights would be suspended?

    This has a un-Constitutional stink to it.

  25. I really don’t understand why all these police are so concerned about my guns. If they haven’t done anything wrong, what are they afraid of?

    • They want YOU disarmed, so THEY can RAID YOU and SHOOT YOU and NOT be killed as a result of THEIR CRIMES!

  26. Why don’t the active residents of Chicago just leave it so it will become like Detroit. Once everyone leaves the only people that will be left are the people on welfare. Leave that city broke!

  27. An article on Fox News mentions how they’re working to take uns from “thousands” of people whose cards were revoked or not renewed. They cite a “suicidal” man. This suggests three issues to me:

    1.) Since those attempting suicide using firearms are allegedly successful over 90% of the time, I question just how suicidal this man actually is. This man apparentlysuffers from suicidal ideation, not true suicidal intent.

    2.) Just how did they know he was suicidal? Apparently HIPPA laws aren’t relevant in Illinois when someone tells a counselor that “sometimes I want to kill myself”.

    3.) When did the incident occur that had this man tagged as suicidal? Are we talking about a current, untreated mental health issue or are we talking about something from years back? Temporarily removing firearms from the residence of someone in the middle of a crisis might be a sound practice, but permanent confiscation would not necessarily be warranted. Of course, the chance of that man ever seeing his guns again is extremely unlikely. After all, active criminals have rights, but innocent gun owners apparently lack them.

  28. I fear that this is what will happen in CT, come January, when the one year limit for everyone to get their long guns registered takes place. How many police resources will be WASTED disarming law abiding citizens?! Something’s gotta give.

  29. As an Illinois gu rights activist I thank those of you who share my pain. We are fighting (and winning) for gunrights despite the morons elected to govern. The courts have been righteous lately (MacDonald v Chicago, Miller v Madigan). The way through the FOID catch22 is to transfer your guns to a friend or family member before the card expires. Another reason to have everyone in the family have a FOID.

  30. All you special kind of stupid people who think you will be able to keep your guns forever do all the paper work to keep your guns. You will be the first one to loose them when the start taking them away. You were legal to own a gun just a short time ago with out having to have a permit. You have done nothing illegal with your gun except forget to fill out the paperwork, now you are a criminal and can not own a gun. They now have your name and address from the first time you did what was right. They will be seeing you shortly so you can give it to them and just pray you don’t go to jail also. How many gang members do you think give their guns up or fill out the paper work? Come on all you sheepal, Gun control only works if they control all the guns and guess what, thats what they are working on. Once they control all of the guns they control all the people. Why is it that a semi automatic rifle in the hands of the people is an assault rifle but in the hands of the police or army it is a personal defense weapon. In the United States who do they need to personally defend against, the law abiding citizens or the criminals. Take them away from the criminals and leave the law abiding gun owners alone. That doesn’t get done by registering guns of law abiding gun owners.

  31. The conceal carry law they passed in Illinois will be the surest way for them to collect guns. You need to take a class, pay $150 and wait for your permit. With this info. they will be knocking on or breaking down every law-abiding gun owner’s door that applies for the permit.

    • Please indicate WHERE the Constitution has placed limits on ANY rights.
      There are NO LIMITS,, and for good reason!
      This PROHIBITS any government fro taking steps to, either slowly or rapidly, taking power from the people, and transferring that power TO government, as it has been doing these past 40 years plus!
      The Constitution is the most INTELLIGENT document known to man, it places PROHIBITIONS on ALL government, and REMOVES restrictions from the PEOPLE, so WE THE PEOPLE may do what is REQUIRED when WE feel the time is right, to OVERTHROW THE TYRANT!

  32. The last couple of paragraphs are a clear warning that Obamacare and gun registration will make us all less healthy and less safe. We’ll be less healthy because gun owners won’t seek medical attention for fear of being diagnosed as mentally ill and thus ineligible to own firearms, and we’ll be less safe because as always, registration and confiscation disarms the law abiding citizens with almost no impact on guns in the hands of criminals and the Obamacare centralized medical database will greatly facilitate the disarmament process.

    This is already happening in another government healthcare program. We’re already seeing the VA hospitals requiring every veteran to submit to psychological testing before they can receive any other medical benefits. If you believe this is motivated by a desire to diagnose and treat PTSD to improve veteran’s lives and prevent the epidemic of veteran suicides, then that’s a good thing. However, there is evidence that a database is being compiled that is depriving veterans of the right to keep and bear arms. The VA psychiatrist asks about your dreams, and before you know it you have PTSD and can’t own guns. Obamacare brings that VA government healthcare scam to all of us.

  33. With the very evil police state becoming more prevalent, PRAY OFTEN for Archangel Michael, Beloved Jesus, Lord Krishna or any Divine Being to protect you and your loved ones. I have found my prayers for Divine Protection to be VERY EFFECTIVE on countless occasions. Build up a momentum of prayers and not wait until the evil is at your doorstep.

  34. The right to keep and Bare Arms shall not be infringed! Nothing in the second ammendment mentions firearms cards or permits! These People need to call these public officials onto the carpet! With all the unsolved murders and crimes in illinois and this is what they are doing!

  35. Where is the Constitutional militia to protect these residents from a rogue criminal government violating their basic inalienable rights as guaranteed in the 2nd Amendment? Side with the people and their natural human rights, not with this corrupt corporate government. When judgement day comes, the nazis give the Nuremberg defense, and the oath keepers who stand with the Bill of Rights are recognized as those who are actually serving and protecting the people.

  36. Well that crosses the line.

    Come, take my guns, I dare you. I was dead before I was born and I am not afraid to return there, but I will not go to the grave alone; I will take your troopers with me.

    You will not destroy everything my country stands for without being mortally challenged.

    It is time to rise up and kick these parasites out of office! DO NOT LET OUR COUNTRY END LIKE THIS!

  37. Who knows about the confiscation of guns by Chicago police for their own personal collections and use?

  38. When are we going to be able to vote all of these people out and use the democratic political process to end this nonsense for good?!

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