brownells super barrel sweepstakes 5.56 ammo
courtesy Brownells

You know how every commercial or promotion being run for this weekend’s large sporting event refers to it as “the big game” or some other equally vague euphemism? That’s because the NFL guards the use of the term “Super Bowl” jealously.

They’ve threatened to sue bars, restaurants and any other business that uses the name of the event to piggyback off of the nation’s biggest secular holiday that happens to be built around a football game.

With all of that out of the way, the cheeky folks at Brownells will be running a big SUPER BARREL WEEKEND SWEEPSTAKES beginning at midnight tonight. You’ll be able to win a barrel full of Hornady 55-grain 5.56 M193 ammunition simply by clicking this link and entering (again, the contest doesn’t go live until 12:01am tonight (well, Saturday morning, actually). That’s 13,889 rounds of all-American fun that could be yours.

Here’s the Brownells press release which does not, in any way, mention the Super Bowl . . .

Brownells Super Barrel Weekend Sweepstakes — Win A Barrel O’ Hornady Ammo

GRINNELL, Iowa (February 1, 2019) – This weekend, professional football fans celebrate the biggest game of the year. Brownells, on the other hand, is giving liberty-loving Patriots something else to celebrate – the chance to win an enormous barrel full of 13,889 rounds 5.56mm NATO Hornady Frontier 55-grain M193 ammo.

Starting at 12:01 AM Saturday, February 2, and going through 11:59 PM Sunday, February 3, free-ammo seekers are encouraged to look to the Brownells Ram as their guide and sign up for a chance to win the barrel full of Hornady ammo at

One lucky winner will be drawn by random on Monday February 4, and will receive the big red barrel full of ‘Merica valued at $4,239.99.

Containing enough freedom seeds to fill approximately 462 standard-capacity 30-round AR-15 magazines, the barrel is perfect for starting a home-based ammo dump, serving as a unique coffee table, or triggering interesting conversations with all who cast their astonished gaze upon it.

To learn more or sign up to win the big red barrel of freedom and other amazing products, visit

About Brownells

Serious About Firearms Since 1939™, Brownells is the world’s leading source for guns, gun parts and accessories, ammunition, gunsmithing tools and survival gear. With a large selection of both common and hard-to-find items, and an extensive collection of videos, articles, and gun schematics, Brownells is the expert for everything shooting-related. Committed to maintaining our great traditions, Brownells has more, does more and knows more – and guarantees it all, Forever. For more information or to place an order, call 800-741-0015 or visit Stay up-to-date with Brownells on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.


  1. OK everybody please ignore this…..nothing to see here, just a hoax. I’ll prove it by being the only person to sign up & see what happens.

    • Don’t worry patriot, I’ll fall into this hoax for you, please don’t waste your valuable time signing up for this obvious hoax PLEASE. Oh and that goes for everyone out there, I’ll take this one… for the good of the community… yeah that’s right, right?

      • No, no, my friends, really. This is obvious Russian collusion. I’ll take the hit. Come on! Trust me, I’ve done this before. I’ll show those commies! Just don’t enter, trust me.

    • I’m not gonna bother.
      Hardly have rooom for the other 10 barrels that I already have.

      More seriously, I ain’t gonna watch that F’n game and sport hijacked by F’n Leftists.
      Haven’t watched a single game since that jack-wad Kaperdick and his racist antics and I’ve been able to have a lot more Sunday hours with my other hobbies.

  2. Hornady ammo is completely unsafe. Every time I use it, it has left holes in things. There is also a loud noise associated with it which creates a risk of hearing loss. In large quantities such as this Brownells idea, there is also a serious risk of back injury due to having to lift that non-ergonomic oversized product packaging.

    Please maintain a minimum safe distance from your keyboard during the sweepstakes event. I’ll do my best to contain the risk on my end.

    For your safety.

    Because I care.

    And cuz’ I’m a nice guy, dammit.

    • “And cuz’ I’m a nice guy, dammit.”

      That’s nice. I hope all of you folks are just as nice. Me, I’m 72 and better that all of you at pretty much everything. The only reason I am even communicating this obvious fact is due the the equally obvious fact that you freakin’ morons are sniveling losers who have no Idea just how inferior you are. You collectively should have been taken out with the trash years ago.
      I am NOT a “nice guy”. I have been called a sombich in every language on earth, and deservedly so. It is absolutely astounding that you would even considering entering this contest in opposition to my logic and desire.
      Save your almost worthless time and feeble energy, “Nice guys”!
      Go away. Kiss your dog, feed your wife. Lie to your kids about how great they are.
      Just go away and concede the contest to me, as it is meant to be. NICE GUYS? BLEEECHHH!

      • “Nice guys finish last,
        When you run out of gas,
        Don’t pat yourself on the back, you might break your spine.” – A song by some people.

  3. I’m sitting on a Super Bowl making a super prune juice induced politicianl as I type this. …. I think “Barrel of Bullets” sounds catchier… 5.56 NATO, must be surplus since the Military is switching over to 6.5 Creedmoreorless.

  4. The very thought of a 55 gallon barrel of ammunition,is enough to give Leftist civil disarmament proponents a sever case of apoplexy. Even if I don’t win I will celebrate it and the lucky winner for that alone.

    • Interesting. I think, after I win, I will announce that I’ll arrive in a certain place at a certain time and give away 1000 rounds each to the first 5 guys (or gals) to show up, to strangers IOW, see if any media goes bullshit crazy.

    • Green Mtn Boy, I hate to tell you but it’s not a 55-gallon drum. It’s “only” a 20-gallon (approximately) drum (about 20″ diameter and 21 inches tall).
      Are you so dissappointed now you won’t enter?

  5. How much is shipping for that beast?

    To think at one time I had 26,000 rounds of 5.56mm here at home. Thanks to taking a bunch of carbine classes, I’m down to less than a third of that now, but strangely, I don’t feel under-prepared.

    I never considered I had two barrels worth a rounds though!


    • “To think at one time I had 26,000 rounds of 5.56mm here at home.”

      Must be nice to have over 5,000 dollars in ammo just laying around…

  6. I guess I’ll have to a 1 more rd myself to get an even 463 full mags. Now I want to challenge Magpul to a Barrel of Pmags….Come on guys get your peanut butter in their Chocolate….Trust me it would be fun!

  7. Now THIS is a contest I will happily enter.
    To be able to double up on my 5.56 horde?!?!
    Hellz yeah!

  8. Whoever wins it, I’m willing to take the once fired brass off your hands.

    That many cases will last my lifetime and my son’s.

  9. I’ll take it home for the rest of us, and put a glass lid on it as a display table in the living room.

  10. An interesting item from the terms and conditions : if you win then Brownell’s will send you a 1099-MISC so that you can declare the bullets as income.

    • Good point. When I put the $4,239.99 list price into Turbo Tax as additional income, it cuts a $1000 off my refund. Still a good buy at 76% off list price but certainly not free.

      If you do not have a tax refund coming when you file for 2019, this prize could cost you.

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