Part of the responsibility of assuming booth babe scout duty is evidently undoing some of the damage done by our friend and otherwise all-around great guy, Nick. Outraged at the poor representation she received here yesterday, Edge Eyewear model Kelly Kaye emailed TTAG Central to demand a re-shoot. We were only too happy to oblige. We were even happier when she brought her friend Mary Ann Horne into the shoot. . .

Kelly and Mary Ann couldn’t have been more eager to pose and give the Armed Intelligentsia the quality images they expect. These are three that made the cut after their extensive culling process. These shots met their standards. We hope they meet yours.



  1. I hope you’re happy, Dan. The last remaining members of the He-Man’s Women Haters Club have left the building.

  2. Much better. The pictures went from being creepy stalkerish to ones that look like they were taken with authority.

  3. Why do I think the first pictures were intentionally bad?

    All that aside, nice to know there are a couple of gals out there with a sense of humor.

  4. OK now we are talking. All the readers/viewers (at least those interested in the finer things) owe me for bitching about Nick’s “work” …
    Nice work Danny Z, and please extend a thanks to KK for demanding the do over. Nick’s stroll-by didnt do her justice.

  5. I’m much happier now with the re-shoot. Will Kelly Kaye send me her dog tags? I promise to wear them when I go shooting.

  6. Now there is a woman who looks like she is glad to be in Vegas having her picture taken, good job Dan. Thanks for the Redux ladies.

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