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“We won’t be railroaded into decisions and if that means we tell the federal government to bugger off, then we’ll do it.” – Queensland Opposition leader Tim Nicholls quoted in Robbie Katter to lead charge against reclassifying Alder shotgun [via]

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    • I say he heads a Coup, if leftists have to start being thrown out of Helicopters via Pinochet Air, so be it

  1. Respect the dude with some balls when the whole legislature is so pansy-assed. Good for him, as was said; one bite at a time, it don’t come easy.

  2. You probably should have done that about 20 years ago.

    Oh well, maybe the Aussies will wake up. Then again, maybe they won’t. Not to get all cinematic about it but “Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn”.

  3. Queensland has only the 89 seat lower house parliament with Labour holding 42 seats, LNP holding 42 and 5 independents of who 2 are Katter and one from his party.

    Labour holds power with independents help.

    Labour- fairly similar to USA democrats is anti firearm. If Katter can get 3 votes out of five he can keep labour from going with vote.

    Main problems are –

    1. Federal government has the big money which it trickles down to the states. “Temporary” measure from WW2 that the states fought and never got back. All federal governments have shown that they like to use this a a big stick.

    2. You call it a regulation that does not need a parliamentary vote and bypass Katter.

    Officially nearly 200K shooters in Queensland out of 4 million and only 39K in SSAA (our NRA). So as seems to be the case worldwide we are not helping ourselves

    • 39K is pretty small. I can understand the big city townies lack of interest in shooting, but there must certainly be many in the small towns and rural areas that like to shoot. Why would they not want to join a pro gun group. Fear of being labeled a gun nut by others or the feds? Or has everyone just given up?

    • RCC,

      Don’t forget that the Liberal National Party (conservatives) are also staunchly anti-gun and support what John Howard and Tim Fischer did to licenced firearm owners back in 1996. Not only the LNP are anti-gun, they’re also the biggest Fudds on the block.

      It’s not just the socialists in both Queensland and Australian politics that want to take our guns, the conservatives are equally as gung-ho for gun control in Australia and mark my words, the QLD LNP will knife LAFOs in the back once they get back into power.

  4. S9
    If no one ever oppressed government ideas in US your guns laws would be bad too.

    California seems to be worse than ours when I’ve been there at different times

  5. As I’ve said here before shooters are often our own worst enemy.

    There are a lot of small local clubs but they don’t have much influence. About 120 across the state when I looked on line a few years ago. For example clay target shooters have their own organisation as do many pistol disciplines.

    I’m in two local clubs but also SSAA for political and personal choice. Lets me use any of their ranges nationally.

    You can also have a license by being land owner of large enough farm or having permission from farmer to hunt. One gun shop owner bought rural property and sold 5000 plus letters before police stopped him

    Plus there are still people who never registered firearms or got a license. Estimates are that only 30 to 50% of firearms were ever accounted for.

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