westwardpatch.com reports that cops have arrested Narik “Spaz” Wilson of Newark, NJ. The po-po tied the alleged leader of the Sex Money Murder set of the Bloods street gang to drugs, weapons, ammo and ski clothes.” Acting on a tip, law enforcement officials searched an apartment on Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard on April 28. There, they found an assault rifle, a shotgun and a semi-automatic pistol, as well as hundreds of rounds of ammunition, a mask and heroin, according to the complaint. In a second raid July 18, conducted at a Spruce Street apartment, eight guns, including two assault rifles, two shotguns and other semi-automatic weapons were seized, along with more than 100 rounds of ammunition, two ski masks and cocaine, according to court papers.”


  1. Gotta love how it’s written so that “over 100 rounds of ammo” sounds like a stockpile. Personally, I’d have gone with “a leisurely hour worth of ammo.”

    • If it’s really an “assault rifle” that means it’s select-fire, which means that, at 100 rounds, you have more like ONE MINUTE of ammo if you’re shooting at a leisurely pace…

    • I think they’d ban skiing, since that promotes the criminal usage of warm headwear.

      God help us if England hosts the winter olympics…no skiing events for the children!

  2. “Acting on a tip, law enforcement officials searched an apartment on Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard…”

    MLK boulevard? One of these days we’ll start judging people on their character… According to reports, the Spazter is a convicted felon, and stated that he was “at war” with another gang. Oh well, he’ll have at least the next 10-20 to work on his character, I guess.

  3. I buy ammo in bulk to save money – I can only imagine what the news would say about my “cache” of weapons and ammunition.

    “Enough to start a war” perhaps, but I am trying to get to “enough to finish a war.”

    • Psssh. Only enough to finish a war?

      I’m aiming for enough to finish 2 wars and a policing action.

      • Only that much? I’m aiming to have enough for that, plus at least a year’s worth of plinking ammo…

  4. I take more than that to the range on a good day. Well, except for the heroin and cocaine. That stuff takes up way too much room in a range bag.

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