Blackhawk T-Series level 3 duty holster
Blackhawk T-Series level 3 duty holster (courtesy Blackhawk)

A little context here is useful. In July, SIG SAUER issued a statement after video showed a a Connecticut police officer’s P320 discharge in his holster during a scuffle. After reviewing the video and determining the pistol wasn’t fully seated in a Safariland light-bearing holster, SIG then issued another statement cautioning those who carry in Blackhawk and Safariland light-bearing duty holsters.

That caution was motivated by the fact that holsters for light-bearing handguns naturally have larger openings and are more prone to objects working their way inside near the trigger (see the video in this post as an example of that).

That’s the background surrounding Blackhawk issuing this statement regarding its T-Series holsters . . .

Blackhawk, a leader in law enforcement and military equipment for over 20 years, has released the following statement as a reply to safety concerns that have been issued from firearms manufacturers on the associated use of light-bearing holsters.

“While Blackhawk appreciates handgun manufacturers cautioning holster users about light-bearing holster safety, we feel bound to point out that Blackhawk is unaware of any of these numerous uncommanded discharges with light-bearing holsters to have involved a Blackhawk T-Series holster. Our designs are weapon-light model specific and greatly minimize the gap found on the other generic weapon-light model design holsters.”

As the world’s first thumb driven, dual-injected molded holster, the T-Series is Blackhawk’s premier duty-rated holster. Designed to follow Blackhawk’s Master Grip Principal, all T-Series holsters are specifically developed to allow the user’s hand to land naturally where it should in order to deploy the sidearm. To date, the T-Series has been chosen by more than 3,200 law enforcement agencies as their duty holster of choice both in the U.S. and abroad.

For more information on the T-Series holster from Blackhawk be sure to visit


  1. What kind of idi0t puts picatinny rail sections on the bottom of their Glock mags? Look at the pic at the top of the piece.

    • If you are using a Mantis 10X training device you need a picatinny rail section to mount the device. If your pistol does not have a pic rail OR it’s being occupied by a weapon mounted light your option is to mount a pic rail section to the bottom of a dedicated magazine. Mantis provides the rail section and a piece of a very high bond tape.

    • What? Ya got something against tacticool?


      Its for attaching the MantisX training system thing if you don’t have a rail up front for it.

    • Speaking of that pic (supplied by Blackhawk, who should know better), look at the finger position of the left-handed officer in the background. Finger apparently on trigger, in violation of Rule #3. Especially if the company is attempting to show that their holster is suited for use by professionals.

      Not exactly instilling my confidence in their brand.

      • When I blow the picture up, to me it looks like the finger is indexed along the side like it should be.

        • Looks to me like the tip of the holder’s index finger is resting within the trigger guard. While probably not touching the trigger itself, it nevertheless doesn’t at all appear (to my inspection of the photo) that the holder is extending his finger alongside the gun’s frame.

          Still looks like something I wouldn’t allow when I’m acting as Range Officer during our group trips in the SoCal desert.

  2. Accidental discharges? Negligent discharges?

    Uncommanded discharges. “I didn’t order you to do that!”

  3. The fact remains that the discharge of the SIG in Connecticut was due to the Sergeant’s forearm striking the officer’s SIG in the holster while said gun was NOT properly seated in the holster. It was not the gun’s fault nor the holster.

  4. El mejor seguro del mundo, simplemente el dedo de su mano, no culpen a la baqueta
    El dedo extendido siempre no causa disparos negligentes.

  5. With my Safariland, P320 and TLR-1 I can reach my pinky in and pull the trigger.

    Kinda freaks me out a little bit.

    • I’d like to see a picture of you doing that with your Safariland holster, your P320 and the TLR-1 with your finger inside the trigger guard .

      • If you define “fact” by “whatever Sig tells me, even though they released a gun that would drop fire and only copped to it when it was proven by everyone on the internet” then… sure

        • Hannibal, I define fact as what it is, Fact! You have ZERO proof that the Sig P-320 is a faulty firearm other than some people who mishandled the gun.
          I have a RED HIT NEWS FLASH for you. You are NOT supposed to drop your firearms.
          Remember the ULTIMATE safety on a firearm is the SHOOTER.

  6. It was properly seated. The item that SIG pointed to as evidence that the hood was down was a tourniquet holder mounted to the front of the holster. There is at least as much evidence of serious flaws in the P320 as there was in Taurus’ Millennium series 10 years ago, but I’m getting the sense it’s going to be a lot harder to convince SIG to issue a recall.

    • Ok, I fart in their general direction and their mother was a hamster and their father smelt of elderberries!

      Hows that for putting the Blackhawk down?

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