Defensive Gun Use DGU Robbery Concealed Carry

On June 5th in Birmingham, Ala., a man walked into his home to find a stranger standing there in his hallway with a gun, at which point they both opened fire.

Few details are currently available about this DGU, but it looks like the victim was aware that walking to your front door is one of the three situations in which you’re most likely to be attacked. (Parking lots and gas stations are the other two). In this case, we don’t know whether there was any evidence of a break-in from outside the home. But if there had been, the best response would have been to stay out and call 9-1-1.

The victim is now in the hospital recovering from non-life-threatening injuries. The burglar, unfortunately, got away and hasn’t been found. The good news for those who do live in Baltimore is that statistically, the more burglars are shot, the fewer homes are burgled.

What’s your protocol on your way in the door?


  1. The good news for those who do live in Baltimore is that statistically, the more burglars are shot, the fewer homes are burgled.

    What does that have to do with Baltimore, a city where it’s very difficult to buy or carry a gun?

    • Legally maybe. Call Jamal and meet him in the alley and he’ll get you whatever you want.

    • Yeah, that makes no sense. Add to the fact that if you live in Baltimore and shoot a home invader, you have a big chance of going to jail for assault/murder.

      The criminal justice system in Baltimore is idiotic. Actual criminals get slapped on the wrist and people who defend their property go straight to jail. Makes sense though considering that the criminals vote Democratic and the gun owners vote Republican. Can’t let Republicans go free in Baltimore city.

  2. Yell at the dogs to shut up.
    Let them out the back door.
    Take off steel-toed boots.
    Remove pipsqueak gun from front pocket.
    Replace pipsqueak gun with “real” gun.
    Feed dogs.
    Eat dinner.
    After all that, my plans become more flexible.

    • I swear you’re reading my diary Bloving, the main difference is my Ruger Lcr goes from my holster to my back pocket once the boots come off.

  3. Danger happens when going out of a home. Surely arriving home is arriving in the “safe zone”. What could go wrong?

    The article asks some interesting questions. Ready to respond when you enter your home that does not appear to be invaded? Can you tell if your home has been invaded (other than a destroyed front door/window)? Should a perimeter walkaround be performed before attempting to enter your home? Should you approach your front door (immediately after arrival) with packages/bags/luggage in your hands? If you are arriving, and you know some member of your family should be inside, is a security call warranted to ensure safety of everyone/thing? Do you have the fabled “safe” word?

    Just spitballing, here.

  4. LOL what the fuck kinda stupid ass question is this?
    so because it happened to one person then we should all prepare for it to happen to every single one of us? this is lunacy.
    well you have people who get killed by frozen piss balls falling from airplanes so i guess no one should go outside anymore. there, now we are all safe. LOL
    so your advice is to… the door, gun drawn??? LOL
    the mindset that you can somehow be prepared for EVERYTHING and ANYTHING is just absolutely idiotic. only a narcissistic megalomaniac would think they CAN prepare for any and everything.

    ocean levels are rising so i guess we all better keep a SCUBA system with us at all times. see how stupid that sounds. BUT IM PREPARED!!! lol

    • No, I think they meant, everybody but you.

      When you get too much “but you” in your life, you better open your door gun-drawn.

    • “so because it happened to one person then we should all prepare for it to happen to every single one of us? ”

      This is a pretty common refrain of most people. Everyone acknowledges that crime happens, that people get hurt, that people get killed. I mean, com on, you know that. It just won’t happen to you.
      Nobody every thinks it will happen to them.

      So, if one is not enough, and why should it be, what’s your number?
      How many people, or what percentage of people, need to become a particular kind of victim before you prepare for it?

    • Back when I was in college, some guy on my street got held up as he was walking into his apartment building. The robber made off with his phone, wallet, laptop, and Xbox.

      If someone broke into my house and hurt my dogs, I wouldn’t just shoot the bastards, I would disembowel them.

        • Mailing COD is a nice touch.

          Remember to use zip-loc bags to keep the icky stuff from seeping out of the box.

        • A friend of mine was invited on an antelope hunt. He couldn’t make it due to work.
          The guy that made the invite got his antelope.
          Then UPS’d the guts to Gary at his work.
          It was not an unexpected move…

    • “LOL what the fuck kinda stupid ass question is this?
      so because it happened to one person then we should all prepare for it to happen to every single one of us?”

      One person? How about this?

      And that was the second home invasion that man had experienced in the last year.

      “well you have people who get killed by frozen piss balls falling from airplanes so i guess no one should go outside anymore. there, now we are all safe. LOL”

      Stuff That Never, Ever Happened to Anyone

      “the mindset that you can somehow be prepared for EVERYTHING and ANYTHING is just absolutely idiotic. only a narcissistic megalomaniac would think they CAN prepare for any and everything.”

      We are just talking about preparing for real life scenarios…you know, like what actually happened. Burglaries happen every 18 seconds in the U.S.A. Someone is home during a burglary 28% of the time.

      • Damnit, you stole my thunder. I was waiting for little horn to answer the question.
        Because if you look at the UCR and the NCVS, that number ranges from 1,300 to 1,500 times per year, every year.
        By the way, that number does not include murders, and rapes.

    • My house was broken into a few times. They broke into the house via the kids’ room window. Another time they kicked in my garage door after I brought a highly sought after car home.

      So, it’s possible I could have walked into such a situation.

    • Where do 100% of home invasions happen?

      Just ask the Petit family.

    • “walking to your front door is one of the three situations in which you’re most likely to be attacked.”

      How do you go from one of the top three scenarios to “anything and everything” in your reasoning?

      The most dangerous occasions for violent crime or even just accidents are when you’re in transition. It makes sense, too, as that’s when you’re usually exposed to more variables and distracted by them.

      You may want to switch to decaf.

    • Do you like think crime never happens or something? You, really need to get out into the real world more man.

      But since you’ve brought up scuba, I’ve entertained the idea of purchasing a submarine to store in my backyard due to a possible global tsunami caused by climate change, brought on by Trump. That was a joke, if you couldn’t tell.

    • No one is trying to interfere with your belief system. Why the vitriol? The nice thing about free speech is you can participate or not? It is, however, a bit presumptuous to act as though you are the cosmic judge of what others should consider important, or just worthy of kicking around at the water cooler.

      Oh….along with freedom of speech, you also have the freedom to not associate with people you hold in contempt.

      See how that works?

  5. Most of the time, I enter like Clouseau expecting Cato. Other times, tired, miserable times a dirt nap sounds just fine.

  6. I try to be aware of my surroundings and do a danger scan in transitional spaces. Going to and from car everywhere, in and out of buildings, and try to sit in public with an eye on the entrances and exits. Doesn’t always happen but I try to be 100% aware of my surroundings and it’s inhabitants. So far it’s working.

  7. I’ve got something like a hundred kids and a thousand dogs. (And I’ve got the grocery receipts to prove it!)
    If I ever get to come home to a quiet house, I’m immediately drawing, heading to the nearest long gun, drawing it, getting to my second line of defense (my truck) and hauling ass.

    Because it’s the MF apocalypse, and the biggest problem I’ll have is hiding how incredibly exited I am.

  8. If I can just make it to the back door. I have 14 ferocious attack quail in the garden. They have been hardened by surviving my grandkids.

    Feathered piranha.

  9. Always let the wife know I’m on the way home, so I don’t startle her and get a cap busted in my direction.

  10. Country home here, miles from anyone, live alone. I’ve got this place boobie trapped. The ” DO NOT ENTER. KEEP OUT. sign is posted for their own saftey

  11. My front door has a big window to see if anyone’s waiting on the other side – mitigated somewhat by a double-keyed deadbolt.


  12. Actually, my wife and I’ve given a lot of thought to that scenario. And, here’s what we do.

    Number One, we have a massive safe in which ALL of our valuables, guns, ammo and end of life papers are stored (another copy of the papers at the bank in a safe deposit box).

    Number Two, we both carry concealed.

    Number Three, we’ve hardened the facility, particularly the entry doors with iron gates and doors. Unfortunately, that still leaves the windows and we’re working on that. I’m also ex-Marine and my colors fly outside in plain view and a plaque which says I was an infantry officer is displayed immediately under the colors.

    Number Four, we have a protection trained who stays in the house outside of a kennel when we’re not at home or when just one of us is at home.

    He’s, well, impressive and very aggressive (training) towards those he doesn’t know and who might intrude on HIS territory. He also answers ever door knock or doorbell ring with the most impressive display of fury you can imagine.

    Here’s our strategy when we return home, we part in the drive and half lock the iron gate behind us (half is free to swing). Then we go either to the front or back door and before entering we call the dog. If he doesn’t answer after repeated calls or if we notice anything amiss we call the cops.

    However, if we enter the home and then find that our precautions haven’t worked we’re ready to rock.

    I have so little faith in alarm systems that I’ve not yet invested in one. Still shopping

    • Heh heh, had a friend with two Dobermans. He came home to a broken window, blood, three fingers laying on the floor and two wound up dogs

    • Dogs are a good investment and good company. Unfortunately city folk often have laws against owning dogs these days. I worked hard to get out into the sticks far enough most people don’t go out here, fenced in the property with solid fencing, then I have several dogs I’ve trained to attack. All I need now is an automated machine gun turret and I’ll be set.

      • I get so damned tired of people challenging me on using the term ex-Marine vs. what they seem to prefer; former-Marine.

        Being unlike myself and being kind for a moment, I think it’s a generational thing. I’m old Corps but you’re perhaps new Corps. So, I don’t want to break too heavy on you but to point out that many things have changed.

        My Marine heritage goes all the way back to the Naval Marines of the German Kreig Marine between WW1 and WW2. And, in my direct lineage there were Marine’s who fought (and fortunately lived) in ever major campaign in American history after we immigrated to the U.S. (first to Ohio and then to Texas) between the world wars. Walters men and one Walters woman fought as Marines in WWI, Korea, Vietnam and two fight as Marines today in the sand box.


        In short, we left it behind as we’ve done much more important things since our service years. Try leaving it behind. It’s cleansing and liberating.

        All that said, Semper Fi.

        Oh, in the same vein there’s another recent modification to verbiage that’s common and in wide use by younger shooters, an accidental discharge must be a negligent discharge. My Marine Corps called them accidental. I’m sticking with that and I don’t give two shirts what you think about it.

  13. I’m ALWAYS in a state of readiness. My wife thinks I’m nuts…or DID until the elderly neighbor lady was raped and brutalized. She still asks “why do need a gun to take the trash out?!?” Am I ready? I hope so…

  14. I have cameras discretely placed inside the house – I always turn on the motion alerts when the house is empty. Motion sends alert + screen shot to phone. Gives me a little extra edge in case of an intruder. Less the phone and the WiFi, the whole rig ran less than $70 total.

    Of course, my 140 lb. Rottweiler-Sheperd mix may take care of an intruder before I ever see the alert.

    I figure this camera/dog combo is better than clearing the house room-by-room when I get home (for the really too serious folks, this last line is a joke).

    • Not sure what you mean, but my Shepherd is trained to clear a house with me following with a firearm.

      Actually, it’s one of the prey scenarios he seems to like best…because we let him swim in the pool immediately afterwards. German Shepherds are absolutely the best.

  15. Geez, I certainly hope I never find a BG on the wrong side of my door. It’ll take me weeks to get his blood and brains out of my carpet.

  16. Neighbor to one side of me is My Aunt and Uncle who are both retired and nosy. Across the street is my best friend who I grew up with. Both have my cell phone number.
    The Pit Bull who owns my house(see what I did there) doesn’t much like many people but the ones I listed and my Dad.
    I’m pretty good I think. Could it happen? Sure, anything can at any time but I feel sorry for the schmuck when the dog sees him.

  17. I have rottweillers in the house. I not to concerned about invaders. Unless the dogs are unusually quiet when I get home!!

  18. My protocol is I carry a .40 with JHP. I’m very much aware of the areas of highest vulnerability and keep myself on high alert at those times. I always assume someone IS there trying to get me. My job is to see if any are around. It’s not paranoia, it’s just being very vigilant about my personal safety at those times of highest vulnerability. I mean……why walk around with your head up your ass?

  19. My routine is as follows:
    1: Arrive home, pulling into the drive where I can see the front door from my car.

    2: After putting up sunshade into windshield, grab tool bag and head up walkway, keeping bag held so it can easily be thrown at any assailant.

    3: Unlock door, making sure it was locked in the first place.

    4: Enter house, keeping vigilant for anything out of place.

    5: Greet dog.

    6: Remain happy to see dog, even after she has jumped up and effectively punched me in the plums with her front paws.

    Things go pretty well from then on.

  20. I just arrive home in Biden fashion; two random shotgun blasts into the house and enter. Works every time!

  21. there was a similar case on the gold coast here in australia a few years back. family had gone out for the day and after they were where they were going to they realized they had forgotten something they needed. dad drove home to get it and walked in to find himself faced with 3 thugs one of whom had a gun. in the struggle that ensued trying to keep the gun pointed away from him the home owner managed to get it pointed at the perps inner leg and the perp pulled the trigger. the single shot was enough to send all 3 packing and the perp that got shot bled out only 50 meters away. the guy called the cops and his wife after he got off the phone to the cops and the cops charged him with murder (the homeowner not the damn criminals). the guy spent 18 months in jail waiting for trial before the charges were dropped as they realized that no jury in the country would convict him. 18 months for an unarmed person defending themselves against an armed assailant and 2 others. personally if i had my way the cops involved would have done more than that for not doing their jobs properly and investigating the crime properly before locking anyone up. And people wonder why i would love to move to the US

  22. There is no reason for the gun not to be worn even in the house unless your under the influence.

    • The article/question seemed more about being prepared for a fight upon entering the house, rather than a discussion of home carry. Even being armed all the time, have you thought through the possibility that you will face gunfight where/when you may least expect it…like tired and sweaty, hands full of stuff, trying to juggle stuff and house keys, at night when all the lights are expectedly on and all looks normal. Those sorts of things.

      • True but the #1 thing I saw in the example he used is the guy had to run to a closet and retrieve a firearm. If you are wearing it you can drop them groceries and get thru the OODA and to that point a lot quicker. I was a little stunned that they hadn’t already gotten their hands on his closet firearm.
        We can all be caught slipping and no one can stay up and ready 24-7 but if you have the proper tools, mindset and training it doesn’t take log to switch gears but you must have the tool available.

        • What example are you referring? I didn’t see anything in the blog post about retrieving a gun from the closet. If that were the case he should have just run right back out the front door and warn/protect his wife if she is out there

  23. Nope not at all because I’m not paranoid and I don’t live in some dangerous hell hole. I go about my life pretty chill. I’ll raise my guard if I have a reason to suspect something is up or if I am in another area where it might be dangerous, but my home is both filled with dogs and nowhere near high crime areas, and I don’t have any personal enemies or engage in illegal activities that would have me concerned about someone actually being out to get me.

  24. Strange car in the driveway, signs of forcible entry, no sign of your dogs, things not quite right?

    Pro tip:. Dial 911 and wait for the police to show up. Last thing you want to do is walk into a situation where you have no awareness. That’s how you get into a losing gun fight

      • Someone here once told me that if you observe evidence of a bad guy having entered your dwelling, and if you suspect your family members may be in trouble, you do not hesitate. Barrel through the door and shoot at any threat, even if you don’t know the actual threat beyond the first bad guy you see. Hesitating, for any reason, is considered cowardice. Even if you sacrifice yourself and your family because you didn’t know what you were getting into, doing is always better than not doing….regardless of outcome.

        (Since I only have a .22 plinker stored indoors, in a safe, I will not be able to do much against armed attackers already in my house – or even if they are in the act of entering.)

  25. One common element missing in blog discussions similar to this one is the mistake of drawing on a drawn weapon! The majority I read like to puff about their firepower, shooting prowess and readiness. The first and most critical step in this case would be ‘cover’ or escape. The perp in question has all of the advantages: He knows he’s in your house and he’s prepared to do violence. The only reasonable step that you should have yourself mentally prepared to do first is to escape, find good cover and then retrieve your concealed carry. Then if the threat doesn’t go away you are prepared and ready to take that threat out.

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