(courtesy amtshirts.com)

The following article was written by Blake Roberts [not shown] who blogs about old-fashioned men’s shaving at amanoverbored.wordpress.com. It’s republished from criterionjournal.com.

Mobile, Alabama is sticky in June, and the summer of 2003 was no different.  The heat didn’t bother me; I was 19, bullet proof, and had spent the last six years working with my Dad outdoors in the Arizona summers building swimming pools.  Even with the humidity the southern sun was easy to bear, but never being dry…that was taking some getting used to.  I’d been there 13 days, a volunteer paired with a more experienced trainer, going door-to-door in a bad part of town for a cause I believed in . . .

We were almost done when we noticed them following us.  Three kids, hanging about three houses back from us.  We’d go to the next house, knock on the door, then look back to see they’d moved up.  Not getting closer, but not letting us get any further away.

The last house wasn’t far from our car, and we closed the distance fast.  They were faster.  A voice called to us from behind, asking what we were doing.  We turned to face them: three kids, no older than thirteen, standing about eight feet away.  The one in the middle had a smile on his face, playing it cool, asking what we were talking to people about.  With one practiced motion the game ended, and I found myself staring down the barrel of a small silver handgun.

*             *             *

My grandfather bought his first gun when he was about twelve.  After saving up his money he purchased a .22 rifle from the local hardware store without his parent’s permission, and then hid it in the barn so they wouldn’t find it.  When my Dad was in high school, it was common for students and faculty to bring shotguns to school so they could go dove hunting after class.  I grew up learning gun safety.  We had three in the house, a deer rifle, a shotgun, and a revolver, so of course I would be taught.  From Boy Scouts, from hunter safety classes, and most importantly, from my family showing me how adults behave around dangerous things.  I got my first bb gun at nine and my first rifle, a .22, when I was thirteen, I was of course excited.  But they were not mystical, sinister, or marvelous.  They were normal.

That may seem bizarre to some, sick to others.  What parent would expose their children to such dangers?  But for millions of Americans it’s the story of growing up, of coming of age, of tradition, heritage, and bonding.  For millions of Americans, it’s their story.   That’s why we fight, and that’s why we win.  Because at the end of the day we don’t simply have facts on our side, which we do.  Nor do we only have reason and law, which again favors us.  But because what ultimately drives success isn’t money, influence, or power.  Those are just tools.  What drives success is commitment, the slow, steady, commitment of a lifetime.

And it’s my story.

*             *             *

 A Congressional report places the number of guns in America at roughly 300 million.That same report found that in 2009 there were 10,301 firearm related homicides, and 326,000 gun related crimes.  These numbers are not new, we hear them all the time, and every time there is a high profile shooting they are brought out to be evidence that are awash with guns, that we are diseased with guns.  That there are simply too many machines that are designed to kill and kill quickly, and the results are inevitable.

But what these numbers also tell us is that in 2009, 99.999% of guns were not used in crimes.  That 99.99997% of guns in America were not used to murder someone.  In fact, that same Congressional report cited evidence that guns were used in self-defense between 80,000 and 2.5 million times a year.  In other words, at a minimum a gun in America was more than twice as likely to be used in self-defense as to kill someone.  FBI statistics further found that despite the explosion in popularity of “assault rifle” styled guns in the last decade, gun homicides dropped 39% since 1993, while other gun crimes fell 69%.2

The facts support what gun right voters already know: that guns are not the problem.  If the primary purpose and design of guns is to kill, as countless op-eds will attest to every time the issue is raised, then virtually every gun in America fails in that regard.  Each charge to ban “assault rifles,”  “high capacity magazines,” or whatever else is the object of derision of the day, ultimately is an effort to vilify things that are overwhelmingly used lawfully.

When it’s something tied so closely to heritage and culture for so many, even when a majority of gun owners might support a measure in theory, it’s hard not to see an effort to enact new laws based on the use of .0001% of guns as something else: an effort concerned neither with guns nor crime, but with power, control, and fear.

*             *             *

Fear is a powerful motivator.  The Navy Yard shooting occurred on a Monday, I had just started working somewhere close by and I was on base the Friday before for a conference.  When my wife heard about the shooting in the heat of the moment she couldn’t remember if I was supposed to be there that day.  Where I actually was had poor cell phone reception, so her calls and texts went unanswered for about half an hour in the thick of it.  Just a few months later, during the middle of an exam, I found myself locked down on my campus as “person with a gun” warnings were sent out.  For 90 minutes she again had to worry about what might happen.  I wish she never had to do that, and I can’t imagine how hard it must be for those who have lost loved ones in such tragic events.

It’s a scary world we live in.  Sometimes those fears are real, like the Navy Yard shooting.  Other times they are not.  When my school was locked down it was eventually determined that an off-duty DC police officer was riding a nearby bus, somebody had seen his empty holster, reported it, and that set off a panic.

In the midst of the lockdown, which occurred late in the evening, a brief discussion was had in our classroom in which several students attempted to comfort several distressed students.  Noting the lack of gunfire, the lack of sirens, police helicopters, and various other things, they reasoned that if there was a danger it probably would have manifested itself by then.  Perhaps there never even was a person with a gun, just someone overreacting followed by institutional procedure.  It might have been something as simple as someone carrying a stick, which in the dark could be mistaken for a gun.  Exasperated, one frustrated person responded, “Who would carry a stick?  What purpose would they have?  You shouldn’t be allowed to carry sticks at night, they should be arrested.”

Never was a gun seen, never was a gun on campus, and certainly never was a shot actually fired. That’s the power of fear.

Gun owners hear a lot about fear.  That the NRA has tricked us into being afraid, that we own guns because we live in constant fear of our fellowman that we cling to our guns out of fear.  But it wasn’t our ideas, our policies, or even our guns which caused thousands to be afraid that night.  It was a mindset, a climate, and a system which attempts to make guns so marginal that even the idea that a gun might be nearby set the wheels in motion.

But while fear is powerful, it ebbs quickly.  For long term success you need commitment and dedication, not knee jerk support which will be distracted in a few months.

That’s where we win.  Gun owners don’t act as we do because we’re afraid, because we’re reactionary, or because we’re trying to force someone to live differently.  The strength of the gun movement is that this is our lifestyle.  Whether by heritage or by adoption, it is part of a larger framework of values, of interests, of beliefs, and feeling safe.

Those don’t fade.  You don’t lose interest one day in fond memories of your childhood, of habits, hobbies, of wanting to protect your family or raise your children with your same values.  You don’t lose interest in who you are.

Some people here call me a gun nut.  I don’t think I am, especially not when compared to some of my friends and family.  But I am what I am, and if the shoe fits, I’ll wear it.  I’m proud of where I come from, who I am, and the rich history and society it allows me to be a part of.

We are the 99.999%, the responsible gun owners. Your friends, your neighbors, your family.


1: http://fpc.state.gov/documents/organization/201083.pdf

2: http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/report-sharp-drop-in-gun-violence-but-most-killings-still-involve-firearms/2013/05/07/28f96904-b694-11e2-92f3-f291801936b8_story.html


  1. Good thing this wasn’t a contest entry or we would ALL be screwed.

    But, what happened to the story at the beginning of the article?

    • Yeah, I’d like to know as well. Obviously he didn’t die, but it would be great to hear how it resolved.

    • He if a friend of a friend. I told him about the contest after I saw his article on facebook. Robert, is the contest over? If not, this article should be considered.

    • I was wondering the same thing. To leave that part of the story unresolved seems like really sloppy writing to me. I mean, why bring it up at all, if you’re not going to tie it in with the rest of the piece? Very odd, because the rest of the article is very well-written. Perplexing…

      • I’m thinking it’s a setup for a sequel.

        Or, at least a Part 2.

        I am pretty sure Mr. Farago has done articles here before, so it can’t be a contest entry, can it?

      • “Sloppy writing”? I think not! That there’s called a “hook”. Well played and well done, Blake! A+

    • Not all contest entries that will have been published, been published, including my own. Neither have all contest entries that will have been submitted, been submitted, as yet.

      Of course, not all contest entries will be published, for space and/or quality limitations. Nevertheless, let’s not prematurely coronate and crowd out viable contenders before the deadline, whether they’ve been written, submitted, or published yet, or not. Everyone has through tomorrow, as I understand.

  2. “With one practiced motion the game ended, and I found myself staring down the barrel of a small silver handgun”.

    Staring from which end, muzzle or breach?

    • I suppose if it was the breach end the story ends appropriately. Normally “staring down the barrel of a gun” is an idiom indicating you were drawn on. Yes? No?

    • If I am staring ‘down a hole’ it means the opening of the hole is facing me. So if I am staring ‘down a barrel’ then….

      and how many gun people refer to their own guns as ‘a small silver handgun’? Wouldn’t you say something like ‘my Sig P938’ or ‘a Glock 19’?

    • I’d expect muzzle. Based on what he said so far, the kids weren’t even harassing or threatening them, just following and questioning them.
      There’s absolutely no justification there for two adults to draw on three pre-teens.

      • Maybe not even the third. Our schools have failed our little children so badly….

  3. I could probably pick one of three parts of Mobile this happened in… Nice write up….

  4. Re the Mobile story conclusion:

    The good guys won. 😉

    It will probably be expanded on in later articles., talk about what happened next, what happened after, and how it has impacted me since (and how it didn’t).

    Glad you guys are enjoying the read, it was a pleasure to write!

    • Glad to hear you didn’t lose that one. Looking forward to hearing more about it.

      Thanks for writing this article; it was very good, and the last section resonated with me.

    • I think revisiting this armed encounter should wait to be finished about the fourth of fifth installment! I love the way this is going!

  5. There is a lot of substance in this piece. The following excerpt is but an example “…..it’s hard not to see an effort to enact new laws based on the use of .0001% of guns as something else: an effort concerned neither with guns nor crime, but with power, control, and fear.” The TRUE mindset.

  6. I wish I wasn’t an OFWG. 20 years ago I could wear a tank top like that. Now I’d have to wear it over a Tshirt LOL. BTW good article.

    • I was friends with a guy from Alabama who has an almost British accent. He was an Alabama Blueblood. What part of Alabam’ has an accent like that?

  7. I contacted the author through another website and ask him to drop RF a note and ask to be considered in the contest for the P320

    It is a very, very good article

  8. Back in the mid 60’s we had a gun club in our high school. We would get together and shoot after class. All of us would bring our guns and ammo to school and deposit them at the prefect of discipline’s office before the school day started.

    Times have changed A LOT 🙁

  9. Marc1980:

    It actually was in Mobile proper, up in the Crichton neighborhood. Prichard was crazy, we actually weren’t allowed in there but occasionally we’d get lost and wander in anyway.

    I appreciate all the encouragement regarding the pistol contest. While I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want a new pistol, I also believe in being honest and fair. I didn’t write this for the contest, and I published it elsewhere first. I’m just happy TTAG thought it was good enough to share.

    Good luck to the competitors!

  10. You know, the statistics on the percentage of guns not used in crime are probably low because you’re assuming every crime committed with a gun is done with a different gun, that there are no guns used in more than one crime.

  11. So as to inteject a bit of levity… Damn she is hot. I took the stars in between the paragaphs to mean, “Look at the hot chick at the top of the page….Now!”. Oh, yeah, good article except for the first part not having a conclusion.

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