The gun-massacre nightmare revisited Oregon today. Our thoughts are with everyone who was shot and their friends and families.

We do not know all the facts yet, but a few things are already clear. Our communities can never be safe while the gun industry profits from arming the deranged and the dangerous with increasingly lethal weapons. As long as weapons that belong only on battlefields are sold in our communities, the lives of ordinary citizens will continue to be sacrificed as mere collateral damage by the gun lobby and the politicians who turn a blind eye to the carnage . . .

The outrage must outlast the news cycle if we are to stop the bloodshed. Penny Okamoto, Executive Director of Ceasefire Oregon stated, “This kind of terror will continue in America until our legislators stand up to the gun lobby and put the lives of our families over the profits of one industry. Ceasefire Oregon has been working to ban assault weapons and large capacity ammunition magazines. We have also been working to require background checks for every gun sold.”

When asked about the action people can take, she added, “Call your senators and your representatives, on the state and national levels. Call the White House and demand action! Do it in memory of today’s victims, and in defense of tomorrow’s.”

Contact: Penny Okamoto
[email protected]


  1. Didn’t the guy only fire 8-10 shots total? If so, how does limiting normal capacity magazines do anything?

    • Reports I heard was that he fired upwards of 60 shots. The latest report says that he stole the gun from a friend.

      • Joe Grine: I stand corrected. All the stories I read had variations on the line “I heard two pops, then 5-6 more in a row,” so since I saw it reported the same way in 3+ places, I drew the conclusion that it was less than a dozen rounds fired. Thanks.

      • According to a report on Yahoo, the rifle was stolen. So please tell me how gun control would stop this? The short answer is it won’t.

    • So he stole a rifle..
      He was or wasn’t wearing body armor, honestly it doesn’t matter.
      Two people are dead, and then he shoots himself.
      Do we know the story behind all this?
      Was this just a rampage, or were the people involved targets?

      Oh and I love how they have dubbed this the gun-massacre nightmare.
      Really these retards know nothing of a nightmare. Try mopping up 300 lbs of human flesh left behind by a suicide bomber. Now that is a nightmare.

  2. “Clackamas Town Center Mall: How’s that gun-free zone work again?” from Guns Save Life…

    “When is it people who are opposed to self-defense and firearm ownership learn that whackadoodle individuals, islamist- (capitalization intentional) or eco-terrorists and criminally-inclined dirtbags don’t really care about rules and laws?

    They only thing bad people understand and avoid are victims who might meaningfully fight back and kill them dead.”

  3. I never understood the “in their memory” angle. What if one of the people killed was pro-gun rights? What gives them the right to bring anti-gun under their name?

    – D

  4. I am lost. I thought this was a gun free zone where the shooting occurred? Didn’t the gunman read the signage? We need to ban people who don’t read signs that ban inanimate things we don’t like

  5. Thank God he didn’t use an axe or machete. Those don’t run out of ammo or jam and you only need minimal training to use them.

    • Let’s see…. this was already a gun-free zone, so what are those lefties complaining about? Seriously, I’m not joking here. If this mall prohibited anyone from CCW on premises, it would follow per the antis’ logic, that this must be a very safe environment where no harm can find anyone, ever. Right? And since this is working so “well”, now they want to expend these victim-zones exponentially….Wow, just, wow.

  6. Yesterday a man was shot dead by an assassin on a busy [gun free] Manhattan street. Where is the outrage in the anti-gun community?

  7. 2 people and attacker killed at mall by gun- MASSACRE

    2 people and attacker killed by knife/crossbow- ‘Domestic Disturbance’

      • Father kills three at in-laws house, flees with two kids. When stopped by police, he shoots his two kids, killing one, before dying in shootout with police. Does not make the national news.
        Then again, Moore v. Madigan has barely been mentioned in the national media either. These stories aren’t part of the “script.” The media is most definitely seeking to start a “dialogue” about gun restrictions that no one else wants to have.

  8. To the groups that say we need more gun control. I’m not one of these “no debate” gun enthusiasts, so describe a realistic and implementable policy that could prevent a deranged person with no prior history from killing ME in one of these fluke killings. Describe to me a realistic and implementable policy or system that will give me a chance against such threats which equal or higher in degree then the chance I have by being a responsible armed law abiding and socially conscious citizen capable of using force to protect myself thanks to the technological advantage of a firearm. I REALLY want to hear something compelling, but I never have.


    • Here’s FEMA’s 3 step active shooter advice for you:
      1. Run
      2. Hide
      3. If all else fails, throw things at the attacker.

      There ya go!

      • 1. Run
        2. Hide
        3. If all else fails, throw things (JHP bullets at high speed) at the attacker.

        IS indeed the best possible advice and it is what I can do now that I feel like gives me the best chance of survival in a fluke active shooter event. I’m asking for something real and implementable that gives me a BETTER chance than that.


  9. Murder is already against the law. Shooting at others and missing is already against the law.
    If those laws cannot be enforced properly, then why make new ones?

    What is needed is armed citizens present who are ready, willing and able to stop this after the first shot.

    The only new law needed is one that states “Law enforcement must replace the ammunition used by any citizen who uses a firearm to legally stop a crime in progress”.

  10. Two killed is a tragedy. In Chicago, the city with the strictest gun laws in the nation, two killed represents a quiet Tuesday night. How will taking guns from law abiding citizens help again?

  11. “Deat Ceasefire Oregon,
    It is with deep regret that we announce the death of common sense in your Orginization.
    Since this has occurred we now ask you to lay down quietly and shut the hell up.
    Your call for stricter gun laws will only generate more gun free zones and ultimately more unfortunate and unneeded and unnecessary deaths.
    When you decide to be ressurected with some common sense please let us know so we can discuss this in a rational manner. Until then please be quiet and quit dancing in the blood to promote your ignorant self serving ideals!!
    Have a shitty day!!”

    • While I appreciate the approach, I think it best if you spell things correctly before addressing an anti organization. Misspellings just help them paint the picture that those of us who care about the 2nd amendment are ignorant and uneducated, which is far from the truth.

      • I did! Before I sent this email and an email to the group that owns the mall I proofread and went over all the spelling.
        As part of my “required” staff time to get promoted to E6/SSG in the Army I got tI spend 14 months working for the 1st Cav Div CSM as a Div Schools NCO and wrote a whole lot of Division Policies so got plenty of experience with writing and spelling things properly yet at the same time simple and concise.
        You know us grunts we ain’t too smart but we sure have fun!!!

  12. Dudes… they’re not just “asking for it”… they’re not just “calling on it”..

    They’re DEMANDING it.

    They ain’t fooling around this time.

  13. Listening to a Live Statement right now, the officer used words like, “semi automatic rifle” not assault rifle.

    He specified “load bearing vest NOT bullet proof vest.”

    Good job!

    • re: “load bearing vest NOT bullet proof vest.”

      That’s good, because of the two stories I read this morning, one specified “bullet-proof” and the other specified “body armor.” I appreciate the spokesperson getting it right. Not that I expect the press will catch on, unless they’re directly quoting him.

      • I cant readily recall past shootings but I know sometimes it takes a while for the facts to arise. It would be assanine for the press to keep specifying some sort of armor when a day after the Sherriff got on national television and stated otherwise.

        Maybe I am giving too much benefit of the doubt in people.

        • You’re giving way too much benefit of the doubt. It was known publicly within 24 hours of the occurrence that the shooter in Aurora was also wearing a load-bearing vest, despite initial reports of body armor. In spite of that very common and well-publicized knowledge, Bob Costas still made mention of the Aurora shooter wearing “body armor” during his appearance on The O’Reilly Factor just a week ago.

    • Ok that cop gets a beer on me! yeah ok this is a tragedy, but at least someone has the common sense to call things what they are, and not more rhetoric using all those words, the antis love to hear…

  14. Just an interesting update, Clackamas Sheriff’s dept. just reported on CNN that the AR-15 used in the shooting was not owned by the gunman, but stolen from his friend.

    • That could swing in a positive or negative light. It was nice to hear such a detail become public so fast.

      Obviously the gun was obtained illegaly but somehow it will be the gun owners fault and made to make us all look like jackasses, as usual. Hope we get to find how it was taken.

  15. As soon as ALL LAWBIDING citizens give up their GUN’S, we will be like Australia, England & other Gun Free States.
    Not only will the Crime Rise, Terrorists will have a field day, in the USA

  16. Instead of telling each other, why don’t we start telling people who are the fence about guns. I know have been.

  17. cell phones kill people also, while texting while driving. Creating an accident. Which kills someone. We need cell phone controls. Better yet lets just give up all are freedoms and just let big brother run our lives.


    I posted comments on this…

    “”The gunman who killed two people and himself in a shooting rampage at an Oregon mall was 22 years old and used a stolen rifle from someone he knew, authorities said Wednesday.”

    Looks like we can skip the part about “Guns should be harder to get” or the part where people say “If he didn’t have a gun he wouldn’t have been able to do such a thing! Ban guns!”

    As you can see. He STOLE the rifle. He did not legally possess a firearm. He was clearly determined to commit this act. It was premeditated. He did not wait 10 days before he could take ownership of his firearm. He did not pass a background check. He did not visit a federally licensed firearms dealer or gun store to make this purchase.

    What he did was deranged, and psychopathic. There is no preventing such a tragedy when you have a determined psychopath on the loose.

    God bless the families of those lost, and may this bastard rot in hell.”

    and this one…

    “JOHN5673 says:Thanks God, he was a shooter or a gunman and not a terrorist, and more importantly he was not a Muslim but a white American otherwise the State and Federal government have arrested several of his family members, friends and associates around the globe and upgraded the security level spending millions of dollars. NOW, his family members, church members, teachers and friends will start describing how good he was in his life and what are the reasons he became a shooter. Soon, he will get 1st class mental checkup and help for his full recovery.
    War on terror is important but war on such home grown killers is more important too. Ban the assault weapons, consider all the criminals on same ground and punish them equally.
    TORGISHERE replies: Might I ask you what you mean by “Assault weapons” – Are you familiar with what an assault weapon is, or are you just using it as a blanket term for “ban all guns” – I’m willing to bet the later.”

    The problem here is that people are going to clamor for more gun control, but in fact the criminal, in this case the shooter, id not follow ANY protocol what so ever. He stole the gun.

    NO background check
    NO waiting period
    NO paper work
    NO registration
    NO legal ownership prior to this incident

    Make all the laws you want… It’s only going to make it harder for LAW ABIDIG CITIZENS, not determined psychopaths.

    I’ve said it before…
    “Gun control is like trying to reduce drunk driving by making it tougher for sober people to own cars.” -Unknown

  19. Counterpoint: What is “sane” gun control when the crimes are committed by the insane?

    History of mankind has proven that no rule (not even the holy book itself) can stop those who don’t abide by the rules.

  20. So Ceasefire Oregon wants legislators to stop listening to “the gun lobby.” I completely agree. Legislators need to shove all the special-interest lobbies out the door (Ceasefire Oregon included) and pay attention to their constituents — real, voting people. Gun owners included. We are the real “gun lobby.”

  21. Here we go again , he stole the gun , and for sure had lots of problems, and yes all the bad guys will be good , just write a law… these people need to open their eyes and see the real world, even in countries with total gun control , we have lots more gun crime, and I will not go to Orlando without my 357 mag . & extra ammo.. why i see the crime reports of shootings and that the police are ALWAYS after the fact……..

  22. Oh Yeah, maybe if CO could run forward fast enough they could get their head out of their ass. Their is no reaching the people who feel its someone elses job to protect them. My only complaint is they wish that insanity on all of us. I hope no CC holders got killed, I also hope the mall hears from lots of attorneys, Randy

  23. Based on the occurrence of a Mall Shooting, I’d say our communities are the battlegrounds – strap up!

  24. This kind of carnage will continue until most everyone every where is armed and shoot the bastards dead as soon as they open fire. Only then will it change.

  25. Setting emotions aside, be sure your knowledge includes the exhaustive research done by John Lott in, “More Guns, Less Crime”.

    A critical analysis of Lott’s work by Professor Marvin Wolfgang:
    The Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, where Professor Marvin Wolfgang, ( himself does not support easy access to handguns for ordinary citizens.) a world-prominent criminologist, reviewed research concerning the use of guns against criminal perpetrators:
    Professor Marvin Wolfgang, a long-time advocate of gun control, has commented at length on this controversy: “I am as strong a gun control advocate as can be found among criminologists in this country. …I would eliminate ALL guns from the civilian population and maybe even from the police. I hate guns–ugly, nasty instruments designed to kill people. … Nonetheless, the methodological soundness of the current Kleck and Gertz study is clear. I cannot further debate it. …The Kleck and Gertz study impresses me for the caution the authors exercise and the elaborate nuances they examine methodologically. I do not like their conclusions that having a gun is useful, but I cannot fault their methodology. They have tried earnestly to meet all objections in advance and have done exceedingly well.”

  26. Make sure your knowledge includes the exhaustive research done by John Lott in, “More Guns, Less Crime”.

    And be sure that you are very familiar with Professor Marvin Wolfgang:
    The Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, where Professor Marvin Wolfgang, ( himself does not support easy access to handguns for ordinary citizens.) a world-prominent criminologist, reviewed research concerning the use of guns against criminal perpetrators:

    Professor Marvin Wolfgang, a long-time advocate of gun control, has commented at length on this controversy: “I am as strong a gun control advocate as can be found among criminologists in this country. …I would eliminate ALL guns from the civilian population and maybe even from the police. I hate guns–ugly, nasty instruments designed to kill people. … Nonetheless, the methodological soundness of the current Kleck and Gertz study is clear. I cannot further debate it. …The Kleck and Gertz study impresses me for the caution the authors exercise and the elaborate nuances they examine methodologically. I do not like their conclusions that having a gun is useful, but I cannot fault their methodology. They have tried earnestly to meet all objections in advance and have done exceedingly well.”

  27. For what it is worth I emailed Ms. Penny.
    I cited UK crime statistics, including Robert’s most recent on UK gun crime statistics.
    I pointed gently towards the “gun free” zones, how they don’t work, and asked her to seriously reconsider her stance on Oregon’s gun legislation.
    Do I think she will even er read it, probably not. Hopefully their email account will shut down from being overloaded. 🙂

    • You should title the email something anti-gun freindly and open with a good ego stroke.

      Remember how Ralphie stuck a Red Ryder ad in moms Look! magazine? Kinda like that.

  28. Its always the liberals. Big Gov will protect and save you….from yourselves, because it KNOWS whats best for you and how you can attain it….even better than YOU do. Hundreds of millions murdered and turned into lamp shades and bars of soap rest in silent testament to the power of the State when it decides to get ‘a little larger’ through laws and the citizens hard earned money.

    • “Hundreds of millions murdered and turned into lamp shades and bars of soap rest in silent testament to the power of the State when it decides to get ‘a little larger’ through laws and the citizens hard earned money.”

      i would bust out laughing to the way you worded this if it wasn’t tragically true.

  29. Their words: “We do not know all the facts yet, but a few things are already clear.”

    What they meant: “We do not know all the facts yet, but we’re going to tell you what to do about it anyway.”

    Because the antis do not operate in a world of facts, they operate in a world where a bloody shirt and dead people are all they need to drive the point home.

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