FN High Power Hi Power Hi-Power

No, that spelling isn’t a typo. FN, of course, built the original High Power — then dubbed the Hi Power — along with John Moses Browning back in 1935. Much to gun buyers’ dismay, the Browning Hi Power was discontinued years ago, but now FN is exciting SHOT Show-goers by bringing back the iconic single action 9mm pistol as the American-made 17+1 round “reimagined” FN High Power.

Here’s FN’s press release . . .

FN America, LLC proudly announces the introduction of the all-new FN High Power™, a completely reimagined pistol based on the legendary 1935 design conceived by John Moses Browning and perfected by Dieudonné Saive. The FN High Power carries forward the most iconic features of the original design, modernized for today’s sport shooter.

“The High Power is such an iconic design, and synonymous with FN really. We recognized the gravity of reintroducing this newly redesigned pistol with such a storied history,” said Mark Cherpes, President and CEO for FN America, LLC. “Rather than introduce a clone of the original, we had to deliver much more than other brands, knowing the FN High Power would be held to a higher standard. FN pays homage to the prolific design, while modernizing the ergonomics, functionality and operation. We respect what this pistol has meant to generations of FN collectors and feel the new FN High Power dovetails perfectly with the rest of the FN pistol line, carrying a future-forward design to the next generation of shooting enthusiasts.”

FN High Power Hi Power Hi-Power

Paying Homage to a Legend

The FN High Power is one of the most distinct and recognizable designs in the metal pistol category with its signature keyhole muzzle profile, tapered slide, longarm slide release, rounded hammer and more. These key features are ubiquitous with a FN High Power and have been carefully integrated into the new design.

“FN conducted a thorough historical design study into the classic High Power design to identify what truly makes High Power what it is,” said John Ryan, Director of Product Management for FN America, LLC. “These features set the design apart from other metal pistols in the market and were extremely important for us to include in the modern evolution of the new FN High Power so as to pay respect to the significance of Browning’s original design.”

Ten specific core elements were selected as areas of priority, with the signature elements of the keyhole muzzle, long arm slide release, taper of the dust cover and John Browning’s overall influence, the underpinnings of the classic design are embedded into a modern arms masterpiece, built for today’s sport shooter.

A Truly Modern Pistol

While the new FN High Power is inspired by the original aesthetically, this new gun features dramatic improvements to ergonomics and fire control design, accuracy and increased magazine capacity, besting any clone of the original.

FN High Power Hi Power Hi-Power

“The original High Power design was prolific, with more than one million produced and sold over its 80-year history. As the enduring last design of John Browning, we’ve done our due diligence to include those unique features that set this pistol apart while modernizing the design with features we expect in today’s market,” said Chris Cole, Vice President of Sales and Marketing, FN America, LLC. “Through current manufacturing and design expertise, the all-new FN High Power addresses everything from trigger pull and feel, ergonomics, reliability with current 9mm loads and more, all to appeal to a modern gun buyer looking to expand their gun collection with timeless style and superior performance.”

With improved internals and a modern barrel lockup, the new FN High Power design is more robust and capable of cycling most 9mm loads, something that the original design lacks in today’s world. Sport shooters desire more magazine capacity, so FN upped the ante, increasing capacity to 17+1 rounds. Ambidextrous controls aid in overall operability and the elimination of the magazine disconnect makes for a single-action trigger that breaks crisply and cleanly.

FN High Power Hi Power Hi-Power

Overall improved ergonomics, new grip and frame texturing to aid in control during fire and extending the beavertail to address the often remarked ‘High Power hammer and slide bite,’ and more, the FN High Power feels and functions the way a modern pistol should.

Taking the design even further, FN engineers resolved the complex takedown method of the original design and updated it to current standards. Now, disassembling your FN High Power for cleaning and maintenance is as simple as taking down any modern polymer pistol, simply rotating the takedown lever allows shooters to instantly field strip a FN High Power.

From NATO’s trusted sidearm for more than 80 years to a modern pistol designed for today’s sport shooter, the FN High Power has been enhanced to exceed every expectation. Each new gun ships with two pairs of polymer grips, and with three new frame colors and seven accessory grips, perfecting and personalizing your FN High Power has never been easier.

FN High Power Hi Power Hi-Power

The new FN High Power is equally at home stacking small groups on target or protecting what matters most, pointing naturally with driftable steel sights and shooting with pinpoint precision, thanks to the smooth, single action trigger. FN adds 25% more rounds over the original, with an industry-first 17+1 capacity.

At 40 ounces, the robust design keeps the signature rake of the dust cover and long arm slide release, adding ambidextrous controls for instinctive operation. An extended beavertail and raised hammer fit perfectly in hand, thanks to the future-forward design.

To learn more about the all-new FN High Power, visit the FN Booth (#11860) at the 2022 NSSF SHOT Show, January 18-21, 2022, at the Sands Expo and Convention Center in Las Vegas, Nevada. More information can be found at www.fnamerica.com/highpower.


Stainless Steel = $1369
Black PVD = $1269
FDE PVD = $1269


    • It is interesting timing, tisas brings the Turkish, clone model. SA has some updated features but basically goes for a retro style. FN rethinks it. But for those who really wanted a return of the FN/Browning hi-power, they are going to have to just hit gun broker as this isn’t the old one. Maybe FN will still do a retro release.

    • Spendy, but it sounds promising. All steel, or so it would appear from the article. ” Robust”- hopefully this means ” rated for Plus P and other warmer loadings”.
      I never found the original design terribly complex to disassemble, but if they’ve gone with a Sig type takedown lever (and is that AMBIDEXTROUS as it appears in the picture)I would not complain-we all get spoiled by convenience to a degree

    • The Springfield version IS an actual Hi Power, unlike this. It’s just as much a Hi Power as a Springfield Armory or Kimber or Wilson Combat or Les Baer 1911 is a 1911. Springfield’s version keeps the dimensions and parts interchangeability of the Hi power. Existing custom Hi Power parts can be installed on it, original magazines can be used in it, custom grips or holsters made for the Hi Power will fit it. The SA-35 just doesn’t have the FN name on it. (For the record, I haven’t bought one yet, but I will, once they can be had at MSRP.)

      This gun, on the other hand, might objectively be a fantastic pistol, but it’s NOT a Hi Power. It’s an entirely new gun, that was engineered to RESEMBLE the original Hi Power, but it’s really a new design, and from what I can tell, I doubt there is one single part on this new handgun that is interchangeable with an original Hi Power.

      And it sells for nearly twice the price of what the SA-35 will sell for once the initial feeding frenzy settles down and supply catches up with demand, so for the life of me I can’t see what you’re crowing about.

  1. Yes I was happy to see the new release until I started reading about the reimagining.
    So it’s not what I had hoped for as in a newly manufactured clone of the original as made by FN Belgium.
    I should have bought the one in the gunmshop when I had the chance. The availability of the emu nition at the time was the deterrent. I would like to buy some new or different firegunms however until the emu shortage gets better I dont need any more paperweights.

      • People don’t seem to realize they can buy a dictionary and walla! No more spelling errors.

        • People don’t seem to realize that it’s ” voila” and not walla. Also, substituting words for the more common ” guns” and ” ammunition ” won’t set a redirect blue highlight that pisses most of us here off. And no one needs to buy a dictionary, Google provides one with the rest of their spy suite built into your phone.

        • Ha! Shows what you know! I’m not using a phone, I’m using a chrombook…….ah, shit, nevermind.

    • I agree. Possibly some fully checkered wood grips from Hogue on the stainless version. The FDE is a no go at all and the black is something I would need to see up close first.

    • FN High Power Accessories
      20-100592 GRIPS, FN HIGH POWER, WALNUT 845737014353
      20-100628 GRIPS, FN HIGH POWER, OAK 845737014759
      20-100622 GRIPS, FN HIGH POWER, G10 BLACK-BLUE 845737014698
      20-100624 GRIPS, FN HIGH POWER, G10 HYENA BROWN 845737014711
      20-100626 GRIPS, FN HIGH POWER, G10 DIRTY OLIVE 845737014735
      20-100588 GRIPS, FN HIGH POWER, G10 BLACK 845737014315
      20-100590 GRIPS, FN HIGH POWER, G10 BLACK CHERRY 845737014339

      • I noticed that but there are no pictures of those or even of them installed so there isn’t much to go on.

  2. One of the things FN/Browning was noted for was a great overall finish- deep, mirror bluing over highly-polished steel. It appears FN USA is foregoing this. Pity.

  3. It seems that in their re-imagining, FN envisioned hordes of the old users decrying the lack of weight for the gun and decided that adding a few more ounces would do the trick. If I would want a 40 ounce 9mm that weighed that much, I would just get a double stack 1911.

  4. FN coinsures will not be breaking down doors to buy this pistol. Its bigger and less concealable and it is heavier. FN cheapened it by doing away with the barrel lugs. You can bet the gun is made with castings as well. Accuracy tests will prove if it is the equal of the original but I seriously doubt it.

    Considering how many used original High Powers are still out there if one is willing to pay the price and look hard I would go that route instead.

    FN did make a colossal blunder by discontinuing the original High Power and another bigger blunder by introducing a gun that is not a “real” High Power but an “ersatz” look alike similar to what Colt did with the new fake Python. Most people will not be fooled. After all the hoopla dies down and the suckers that bought both pistols find out the real truth both the new fake Python and the new fake FN High Power will quietly slide under the waters into oblivion and be just a footnote in firearms history.

    I am hoping FN redesigned the High Power trigger as that was the only glaring fault of the original gun as its reset was so long that if you tried to empty the gun quickly many novices would short stroke the trigger and the gun would suddenly stop firing. When the shooter then relaxed his pressure on the trigger and let it move all the way forward the gun then would of course rearmed itself and the shooter being unaware of this could and sometimes did end up shooting himself.

    Most people in the past bought the original High Powers because of their accuracy, workmanship and military history. The new gun has none of these and when you can buy a cheap junk modern plasticky pistol at less than half the price that is lighter in weight and has a frame that will not rust the average frugal (cheapskate) local hill person who is so tight he squeaks when he walks to the outhouse will opt for the cheap way out every time.

    I might add the outstanding outside bluing is long gone which will make most High Power lovers throw up all over their shoes.

    If you are a collector of all things FN, have excess cash, and are willing to take the chance that a new unproven design will not have the usually half a dozen recalls buy one now as the New Fake High Power will not be around very long.

    • Pencil Neck, for someone who doesn’t know shit about firearms you sure have lot to say. Not that any of it matters, but you are something to laugh at.

  5. After the Springfield SA-35 was released, I’m not so surprised that FN is offering a new version. I am, however, surprised that they made so many design choices, both aesthetic and functional, that depart from the much-loved original. That said, this does seem to be a more robust design than the original Hi-Power, and omits the almost universally-despised magazine disconnect safety (I sold off a 99% condition Belgian-made example primarily because of a very poor trigger resulting from this feature).

    I wish FN all the best with this design, and hope it proves to be a durable, reliable, and accurate platform. In the end, it looks like a nice alternative to the CZ 75 platform if you are willing to forgo the DA/SA trigger.

    Here’s my Hi-Power wish list for the manufacturers:
    * FN – Now that the design has been modernized, please offer a line of competition models that are optics ready and with a rail and/or extended dust cover. If that’s too much to ask, a long-barreled version like the former FN GP Competition would be great.
    * Springfield – Since you’ve chosen to essentially stick with the classic Hi-Power design including parts interchangeability with the original, please offer additional versions including other finishes (polished blue, hard chrome, and/or stainless steel would be nice) and sight options (adjustable sights and night sights at a minimum).

    • Hey Nano I hate to give you the bad news but its very easy to remove the magazine safety in the original High Power. Of course if you must have a magazine safety because you feel more comfortable with one then yes you were correct in selling the gun.

      • That’s a good observation. I had considered removing the magazine disconnect, but the pistol also suffered from an unrelated accuracy issue. The original “beer can” style rear sight needed to be adjusted to nearly its highest position for 115gr factory ammo at 25 yards. Rather than dump time / money into figuring it out, I thought the pistol would be appreciated more by a collector for its high condition than by a target shooter.

    • The Springfield version looks better.has no MIM parts. The only thing at all that the FN has over it is mag capacity. Buts its 2x as much.

  6. Interesting.

    Given the EAA and Springfield pricing, the cost here seems a bit on the high side without – as of now – little to no real-world data to confirm the extra value in terms of performance, etc. (Perceived value is another thing of course, and I’m not going there.)

    I am quite concerned about what’s exactly meant by reimagining” however. Remington R51, anyone?

  7. It just looks off to me. After examining it for a bit I realized that they got rid of the oval ejection port and shortened the nose by half an inch or so. Combined with the cheap-looking grips, it really doesn’t appeal to my eye.

    • Yeah, if I was to buy a Hi Power I’d want it to look like a Hi Power. With so much changed I’d choose the Springfield (or Browning, or other clone, or even antique) over this FN Lie-Power

  8. i have a hungy and a belgie.
    i’d look at these if they do alloy framed compact.
    right now that smith csx is lookin’ good.

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  10. Sorry, it is just a little too “reimagined” for me. What FN has done here is about like finding a 1969 Chevelle SS with a CD player wired into the dash and pioneer speakers in the trunk.

    I will likely buy the Springfield… after I buy the Hellion.

  11. 40 ounces, sorry but I quit carrying my .45 many years ago because even with an aluminum frame it was 32 ounces empty. An extra half a pound on my belt along with the rest of my EDC? Nope!

  12. Had one of the originals 45 or so years ago. To paraphrase Lloyd Bentsen, I knew the Browning Hi Power, and FN USA, you’re no Browning Hi Power.

    Someone else might like it.

  13. I’m awaiting moderation while Linda gets to post how to make money from home on your laptop? Seriously?

  14. Im sure you wont be able to find this one either. These companies hate making enough product for everyone.

  15. with an industry-first 17+1 capacity.

    Both the Glock 17 and the Springfield XD already have that capacity, and the Glock has had for 40 years. I’m sure others do as well.

  16. Is it compatible with the original mags? If not, are the factory mags actually available and priced below $70 a piece?

  17. Nope, not interested. Was hoping FN might actually improve on the Hi Power, but I’m not seeing anything I like here. Hopefully Springfield comes out with a Ronin version of their HP. Long time Hi Power owner… I’m just not impressed with this offering.

  18. So they took an iconic gun, gave it the modern ugly, but they didn’t put a rail and optics cut to make it actually modern?
    For $1300 you can get wayyyyyyy better guns, and it’s not like this has any historic value to make up for it.

  19. The only thing I find hard to believe is that statement about the original being difficult to take apart and reassemble. My father had one years ago and I found it very easy to disassemble and reassemble. Now if there’s one pistol that has the distinction of being difficult to reassemble the top honors goes to the Ruger Mk l, ll or lll series.

  20. With little fan fare EAA will sell ten of its Girsan High Powers for every Springfield. I have seen about 14 Girsans for sale in shops- and one SA 35. So- Springfield will sell about ten SA 35s for every ‘new High Power’. And so on. Very interesting.

  21. The guide rod gaping hole below the barrel is a poor design, trash collector for sure.

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