Whatever else you want to say about the late Senator Frank Lautenberg the man was no friend to the Second Amendment. His last hurrah: the terminally ill politician made his way to the Senate floor to end a filibuster on expanded background checks (a.k.a., gun registration). Fortunately, Lautenberg’s attempt to leave a lasting legacy of civilian disarmament failed at the final furlong. Again, it was not for wont of trying. The list of “gun safety” press releases at the Senator’s now-defunct website is as long as it is shameful, lauding every kind of firearms-related restriction and ban known to man. Well U.S. Senators (which may or may not constitute an overlap). Anyway, New Jersey Governor Christie will now appoint an interim Senator. A Republican, no doubt. As with Christie, that may not mean what second amendment supporters want it to mean. Watch this space.


  1. Condolences to his family.

    It’ll be interesting, though virtually inconsequential, to see who Christie appoints.

    • Anyone, and I mean practically ANYONE will be better than Lautenberg. You can’t get worse, even for a D, than Lautenberg on guns or practically anything else. He was one of the most liberal D’s.

      Cory booker wants to run for the Senate seat next year. And is on record (and video) of wanting a full ban on all guns. So he might be worse.

    • Long as there is an R instead of a D in the position. ALL of this gun-grabbing nonsense was due to the libtards (democrats).
      If ya don’t vote libtard (democrat), then ya wont lose yer rights. Hopefully, many of you who voted for libtards in the last election have FINALLY learned your lesson. We shall see in the 14′ midterms.

  2. What I’d like to do to Lautenbergs headstone won’t be mistaken for a gentle summer rain. Difi’s next in the chute, I hope. These people are my enemies. They are the enemies of my kids, my grandkids and my country. I will rejoice at their destruction.

    • The tune “Ding dong, the witch is dead!” keeps coming to mind. But now we know why Obama has been Brokeback bromancing with Governor Krispy Crisco so heavily for so long. A RINO replacement seems likely but even that’ll be an improvement.

      • HaHaHa I’ll save that tune for DiFi.

        Agreed about a likely RINO, but will it matter?

        • Pardon my ignorance, but what does RINO stand for? Seen it a couple times round these parts.

        • Normally I would say just google it but it means Republican in Name Only. Christie might be a republican but his policies are sure progressive. Just like Bloomberg is apparently Independent. Independent must mean he makes decisions without anybody else’s input then tries to force them on you.

    • I think the only lasting legacy will be the Lautenberg memorial outdoor public toilet. At least the grass will grow owing to the nitrates and fertilizer.

  3. My condolences as well. He did what he felt was right, and while I disagree with him, I wish his family the nothing but the best in getting through their grieving.

    • Pffffft. “I am so sorry he’s gone, Mr. or Mrs. Gun Grabber’s Loving Family…”

      NO. AN OPPRESSOR IS GONE. Rejoice and be merry!

      • No, no I didn’t. I found lautenburg intolerable as a politician, and hoped that he would retire. But I can’t sit back and finish getting over my grief of my deceased grandmother and then look at the Lautenburgs and say, “He’s going to hell,” and laugh. It’s another family for Pete’s sake and I believe that we sometimes lose sight of that in our objective triumph.

    • I guess it will depend on how much he wants to run for Governor again (as there are already ads against him way ahead of any election) or if wants a job in the next White House. Whomever he picks will most certainly fiscally conservative, anything else will be up in the air. It will not matter, given the district, they will vote out whomever Christie picks because they are rabid democrates which cannot mentally fathom picking a non-democrate.

      • He stands no chance for the White House. A republican won’t vote for a liberal in disguise, and a democrat wont vote for someone with the title “Republican”, atleast in any numbers that mean anything.

        • Because the race for the 2016 D lineup has a disturbingly high chance of being Hillary vs Biden.

        • Ros – If Biden runs all of us should be donating to his campaign in the primaries. Half a jar of mayo would beat that retard in the general election.

  4. So as a WW2 vet, although entitled, will Frankie’s family pass on the evil military rifles and the obligatory salute? Probably not so FOAD hypocrite. Oh wait . . . 🙂

    I want to piss on his grave. That would be the only reason for me to go to NJ.

  5. Frank Lautenberg was no friend of freedom or liberty either. Which is rather sad and pathetic from someone who served in WW2 and whose jewish parents immigrated from Russia and Poland.

    He was a TERRIBLE senator.

  6. I have no sympathy for the old bastard’s family. As far as I am concerned they are all traitors for having supported the treasonous bastard. I sincerely hope that he is roasting in HELL! No if only the Lord God would rid us of Feinstein, Reid and Pelosi the world would be a far better place.

  7. My question: Would letting penguins out of the zoo curb gun violence?
    No, but it would be a start?
    A start to having free penguins I guess.

    Ed Question: Would it (mag cap limit) curb gun violence?
    Frank’s response:”No, but it would be a start.”

    So then, a mag cap limit would be the start of what?
    You know damn well what.

  8. Prayers for his family. But a man’s deeds live after him. His ex-post facto “Lautenberg Amendment” did much harm and no good. I know of one man who, on his lawyer’s advice in ’75, pled guilty to a false charge of misdemeanor assault claimed by his ex-wife b/c “it would never come back to hurt him.” In ’95,now wheelchair bound and all his kids living out of state, had his permit denied b/c of the ’75 plea. now he was defenseless.

    • I got news for all my fellow New Jersey prisoners….err…I mean law abiding residents. It doesn’t matter whom he appoints, nothing will change. Well, not for the better anyway.

  9. Here in NJ, we the pro-2A don’t believe he will pick a Republican let alone a pro-2A replacement. How sad.

    • Even if it is a Republican, as observed above it will be a RINO or Republican Lite.
      Watch for another control bill with his name attached, similar to healthcare and Teddy K’s name. “We have to pass it to honor his legacy!”

      Bloomie, of course is in the wire service updates, “He stood tall in the fight against illegal guns. . .”

    • Perhaps…a real pro 2A senator is desired, but any senator with a “R” in front of its name gets us two closer to a Republican majority which would keep Reid from bringing anti-gun bills to the floor. Also get pro constitution justices confirmed along with stop all the vote buying the Dems are working on.

    • Yep, that’s evil. But funny as hell too. Lautenberg looked like that when he made his last senate appeareance. Wouldn’t surprise me to find out he was dead then.

      • Lol good thing I don’t drink my coffee and read this blog or the coffee would be all over the screen now

        • a good lesson here….
          many a drinks have been splashed onto keyboards just because of Ralph ALONE.

          He makes it look so easy.

  10. Best advice for all the guys who are mentally unable to show a little respect in this situation – shoot yourself with your silly guns. No big loss for civilization.

    • Dude, i’m supposed to show respect for a man that worked overtime to destroy civil rights in this country? I showed no respect for the passing of George Wallace, why should I show respect for this man?

      • I’m curious if you make your lack of respect known to every government employee you meet in real life, or if you’re only a disrespectful prick on the internet.

        80:20 it’s the latter.

    • I’m glad Hitler is dead, and I’m not terribly upset that Mr. L is no longer with us. I value freedom over sensitivity and tolerance any day. If I am so fortunate, gun grabbers will be happy at my death as well.

    • Lautenberg was an evil man and the world is a better place without him. I only wish he would have died twenty years earlier, then we wouldn’t have the Lautenberg Amendment. Which is quite possibly the worst gun law on the books.

  11. It’s really saying something when you realize that no matter who Christie appoints, they cannot possibly be as bad as Lautenberg. To set the bar that high (low?) is something of an accomplishment, I guess.

    • This. MA currently has a Senatorial race, and while the Republican isn’t going to get an A+ from the NRA, he is against the AWB and Mag Ban. That’s one more line of defense, and having any line of defense in MA (or NJ) is a huge plus.

      Bonus – he also doesn’t concern himself with the bedroom manners of other people, and doesn’t think science is a form of witchcraft. So there’s that too.

      • Being pro-traditional marriage doesn’t mean one is concerned with the bedroom manners of other people. Show me some examples to prove me wrong.

        • Find me proof of someone that isnt concerned with bedroom manners of other people.

          I mean, just about everyone watches porn….

          but otherwise, i can agree with your statement

  12. Christie’s anti-gun, so whomever he ends up appointing will be a Repulocrat.

    Heads they win, Tails we lose.

  13. I take no delight in anyone’s passing, but I also have no patience with those who insist on no speaking ill of the dead. On the contrary, his life complete it is now that people can best comment on who he was. That said, he was an enemy to freedom and may G-d have mercy on his soul.

    As for his replacement, I have no doubt that progressive Republican Christie will appoint a progressive Republican to replace him. As far as 2A issues go, nothing to see here.

  14. Does not matter who he appoints, they are only going to be there a year and a half any way. Cory Booker was going to run for that seat and odds are he is going to win it in 2014.

    • How about Fvck Off And Vanish from public memory quickly. Let people in a week be asking “Frank who?”

  15. My hope is that somebody will shit on his grave to help him compost faster as should happen to all progressives that are self serving constitutional haters.

  16. I am not sad he died to say the least but I think christie will appoint a democrat to look “moderate” for his 2016 presidential run. If he does pick a republican it will be a watered down pos just like him. we need more ted cruz’s in the gov today

    • If blimpo has any delusion of obtaining a 2016 presidential nomination he is dumber than Biden.

  17. Finally, I’ve been waiting for these ancient authoritarians who grew up alongside uncle Adolf to start dying. One down, god knows how many to go. Feinstein next, please!

  18. I think DiFi would make history if she was the 1st Female Senator to die while in office (she is now the oldest Senator).

  19. I am going to get just as ugly as the left when it comes to Lautenberg. Not only he harbored a obsessive hatred for gun owners, he was a government-centric legislator. This statist goon became a millionaire from the freedoms America has and then was making it not possible to achieve financial success. I would love the chance to relieve myself on his grave.

  20. “A Repbulican no doubt” Eh… don’t count on it. Christie’s not that much of a team player, particularly when Cory Booker (D)(and a friend of his) is already set up to run for the open seat. Expect Christie to either pick Booker as the replacement outright, or pick an obvious patsy placeholder.

  21. The AP’s story opened with “Next time a flight attendant politely reminds you there’s no smoking onboard, think of Sen. Lautenberg.” Since I want to try and be as respectful to the deceased as possible, I’m going to have to go ahead and ignore the AP’s suggestion, along with his storied history of anti-gun voting.

    It’s all I can do from loading up on Mountain Dew and visiting his headstone.

  22. Frank retired and gave the seat to The Torch. When Torricelli got caught doing what many in NJ politics do daily he came back in and stole the seat.
    He stole it because The Torch dropped out within 30 days of the election and they could not have someone else run. But this is Jersey so Frank got back in.
    I’m surprised he lasted this long. His health was terrible and he almost hit 90.
    I think it was he that proposed a 5 dollar bullet tax specifically for victims of gun crime, as if that would ever come to pass.

    • She needs to drop out of politics and concentrate on gettimg her health issues squared away. She can’t fight cancer and give her office the effort it needs.

      • She can’t fight cancer and give her office the effort it needs.

        That’s a perfect reason why she should stay.

  23. Oh happy day! he was the worst of the worst and the world is a better place without him.

  24. Someone ought to extract the KNO3 from the dirt he decays in and make some black powder with it.

  25. The person that fat ass Chris Christie puts in office will not be our friend.
    R or D he (she) will be against us.


  26. Yes! Happy day! Take the rest of your pathetic cronies underground with you, you tyrannical piece of dung.

    These “people” are not our countrymen. They are domestic enemies, every bit a threat and nemesis to our nation’s principles as foreign enemies of old. I rejoice in their demise, as should any good American.

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