Too bad, she used to be quite tidy back in the day.
Pretty sloppy now though. That’s probably why she’s turning to left wing activism to get attention. Hollywood just ain’t calling anymore.
Yeah, that was 20 plus years ago. I can’t even imagine what she looks like without makeup, I don’t think even remotely ok looking. She’s so batshit crazy now, basically the leftwing version of alex jones
Nah, Alex Jones is right every once in a while.
I watch Alex Jones when I need a laugh. Because he’s funny! I rarely take anything of what he says seriously.
The photoshopped caliber opinion is probably the most genuine thing in that photo.
I doubt I’d kick her out of the spaceship for getting crumbs in the hyper-drive.. but if she gets in to my blasters, we’d have to have a “talk” by the air lock,… nowhaimsayindawg 😉
Quite a trade-off there. Instead of a brown paper bag over her head you’d need to stuff a rag in her mouth. (At least some of the time…)
I literally lol’d at this, thanks!
4 real !
I am also a “4”. Because LE anecdotal evidence against “9”.
Well I guess that shows how out of the loop I am on this. And I’m happy about that.
I second this statement.
Yeah, It looks like the get-up from “HULU’s Lib TARD, Left-wing political, Sci-fi Thriller…” A very laughable show.(re: A future dystopian society. Where the GOP/Redneck Christian Militia types have taken over of the USA. Making everyone regress to a puritan village style living and forcing, carding-carry Lib TARD feminists to become slave-labor birthing mothers for the new regime. 😵😱😄😄😄!) I’ve seen a lot of ANTIFA/ANTI-Trump LibTARDS dressed this way in ANTI-Trump protests…) Basically some of these video streaming service like HULU and NETFLIX are supporting the DNC/Globalist agenda…ANTI-2nd amendment sentiment could be found in the new NETFLIX Lost in Space. In the scene, Mr. Robinson, a revisioned role as an ex-combat marine, was attempting to “replicate” a pistol at an advanced 3d printing station, and was blocked by the computer system stating that replication of weapons was prohibited. Unless approved by the “Colony Administration”. He was unable deter a hostile alien threat because of libtard thinking…
Her sign says “I won’t carry any caliber that doesn’t start with a 4”, but her face says “a salad does not constitute a meal.”
Was it the bright white square and the super clean text that gave it away?!
that must be her IQ , ANY BETS?????
9mm suits me just fine
It looks like the days of me not taking Alyssa’s opinions seriously are finally coming to a middle.
Is that a Dresden quote?
Firefly series
I find that outfit to be extremely bigoted and I’m offended.
You too huh? I’m offended as hell she isn’t wearing her face cover outside the house. What, I thought the left loved Islam?
They do love Islam. They hate Christianity. That’s why in the Handmaid’s Tale they had to take Islam’s treatment of women and pretend it was the Christian way. Bigoted as shit if you ask me.
I agree. Nowhere in Christian societies do they make woman wear these outfits. Even nuns don’t wear long habits anymore.
There must have been something in the water on the set of Charmed. I wonder how long it will be before Milano goes full-blown Rose McGowan on us?
BTW, A Handmaid’s Tale is, IMHO, one of the most overrated sci-fi novels ever written. Dressing up like a character from it is just plain goofy (again, IMHO).
Goofy and bigoted.
This white gay woman working to take away my civil rights can go to hell.
She is not gay at least according to all the info I have seen. As to her final resting place, you have no argument from me.
Washed upped has been.
The jokes about female agents and 10mm write themselves.
Who gives a crap what she has to say or thinks. Just another west coast automaton. I wish the new folks here would stop wasting space on people like her and their totally worthless opinions. Nothing new here move on ………………please.
Seems legit.
Folks. It’s a “left-wing sci fi thriller.” HULU sponsors the DNC/Liberal/Globalist agenda…The Handmaidens tale is a laugh story about a GOP/Redneck/Christian Militia types taking over the USA, regressing everyone to puritan like village living conditions and forcing card-carrying Lib TARD feminists into slave labor as birthing mother’s for the new regime…Its almost to laughable! 😄🍷😄😄😄😵😱😱🍺🍻😄😄😄😄😂😄😄….This is how hopeless deranged the Liberal DemoCRAPS are in this country. Along with THEIR co- conspirators, The World Globalists…
It’s almost laughable, except there are a lot of people in this country who actually are that bigoted. They eat that shit up like Nazis reading Mein Kampf.
It’s gotten so that when a lefty is having a discussion about politics they can’t go two minutes without making a reference to some fictional pop-culture universe. It used to be Harry Potter, now it’s this.
The Harry Potter trope pops up at gun confiscation rallies. “Teenagers defeated Voldemort” or some such nonsense. But wait, weren’t the teenagers armed in those movies?
it needs to be posted all over social media … drive the left and milano batshit crazy.
Nobody cares.
She’s no longer a thing, and silly photoshop jobs aren’t exactly biting humor anyway.
Dang and she was soooo attractive in Poison Ivy 2…😖
I don’t even know who Alyssa Milano is!
Winnie from The Wonder Years.
No, no, no. Winnie went on to be a mathematician. So at least she was smart in that respect. Alyssa was the little girl in the movie “Commando”. You remember, her dad used a bunch of guns to rescue her.
Oh yea, and then she was on Saved By the Bell, right?
Oh, I didn’t watch the Wonder Years. I play a Zombie on TV. Hardly anyone knows who I am! Heck I should be famous on TTAG. I’ve been shot in the head twice with blood spraying all over. I even got shot in the head and stabbed in the head this year already and does one single person know who I am? NO. Wanna see me get shot? In the following clip, I’m the very first kill before the intro, 10Ks #8204 I also get stabbed by him at 1:1
Just another child actor hitting professional menopause.
“Alyssa Milano Has Definite Opinions About Guns” and I have definite options of mindless Marxist twits.
Does 10 mm starts with a 4? LoL Used up actress that can’t save her career even by Harvey Weinstein’s casting couch.
Arney should have left her on that island at the end of Commando. I think his house maid’s son turned out better.
With a metric conversion, yes. But 10mm is large for values of .4. Damn, that’s a lot of powder!
She should consider soft core R rated tease movie if she wants to revitalize her career. Won’t last long but might put a few bucks in the bank. If she shows some goodies guys will tune in for the novelty of it all and then she’ll be forgotten.
She did that already and that ship sailed about 20 years ago. Guys will tune in and be nauseated now.
She’s even too late for Bill Cosby and Harvey Weinstein. Not even they would want her I bet.
In Alyssa Milano’s original tweet (which this was photoshopped from), Alyssa Milano can’t even spell “education”, spells it as “eduction”. Her pinned tweet says,
“I want EVERY child to have access to the best eduction in schools where they feel safe from gun violence.”
So, Alyssa, schools are about “eduction” (WTF is that?) and “feeling safe” rather than being safe? Having a sign saying “gun free zone” might make you FEEL safe, but it actually telegraphs to criminals that all the adults inside have been disarmed for their convenience!
A caliber that only starts with 4? Does that mean that she wants to tote around a 40MM Bofors?! That ought to end the caliber wars!
so why is this here? oh wait, these idiots think that picture is real. LOL
Too bad, she used to be quite tidy back in the day.
Pretty sloppy now though. That’s probably why she’s turning to left wing activism to get attention. Hollywood just ain’t calling anymore.
Yeah, that was 20 plus years ago. I can’t even imagine what she looks like without makeup, I don’t think even remotely ok looking. She’s so batshit crazy now, basically the leftwing version of alex jones
Nah, Alex Jones is right every once in a while.
I watch Alex Jones when I need a laugh. Because he’s funny! I rarely take anything of what he says seriously.
Probably more like fakeup.
The photoshopped caliber opinion is probably the most genuine thing in that photo.
I doubt I’d kick her out of the spaceship for getting crumbs in the hyper-drive.. but if she gets in to my blasters, we’d have to have a “talk” by the air lock,… nowhaimsayindawg 😉
Quite a trade-off there. Instead of a brown paper bag over her head you’d need to stuff a rag in her mouth. (At least some of the time…)
I literally lol’d at this, thanks!
4 real !
I am also a “4”. Because LE anecdotal evidence against “9”.
Looks photoshopped.
Ya think?
Original here:
Well I guess that shows how out of the loop I am on this. And I’m happy about that.
I second this statement.
Yeah, It looks like the get-up from “HULU’s Lib TARD, Left-wing political, Sci-fi Thriller…” A very laughable show.(re: A future dystopian society. Where the GOP/Redneck Christian Militia types have taken over of the USA. Making everyone regress to a puritan village style living and forcing, carding-carry Lib TARD feminists to become slave-labor birthing mothers for the new regime. 😵😱😄😄😄!) I’ve seen a lot of ANTIFA/ANTI-Trump LibTARDS dressed this way in ANTI-Trump protests…) Basically some of these video streaming service like HULU and NETFLIX are supporting the DNC/Globalist agenda…ANTI-2nd amendment sentiment could be found in the new NETFLIX Lost in Space. In the scene, Mr. Robinson, a revisioned role as an ex-combat marine, was attempting to “replicate” a pistol at an advanced 3d printing station, and was blocked by the computer system stating that replication of weapons was prohibited. Unless approved by the “Colony Administration”. He was unable deter a hostile alien threat because of libtard thinking…
Her sign says “I won’t carry any caliber that doesn’t start with a 4”, but her face says “a salad does not constitute a meal.”
Was it the bright white square and the super clean text that gave it away?!
that must be her IQ , ANY BETS?????
9mm suits me just fine
It looks like the days of me not taking Alyssa’s opinions seriously are finally coming to a middle.
Is that a Dresden quote?
Firefly series
I find that outfit to be extremely bigoted and I’m offended.
You too huh? I’m offended as hell she isn’t wearing her face cover outside the house. What, I thought the left loved Islam?
They do love Islam. They hate Christianity. That’s why in the Handmaid’s Tale they had to take Islam’s treatment of women and pretend it was the Christian way. Bigoted as shit if you ask me.
I agree. Nowhere in Christian societies do they make woman wear these outfits. Even nuns don’t wear long habits anymore.
There must have been something in the water on the set of Charmed. I wonder how long it will be before Milano goes full-blown Rose McGowan on us?
BTW, A Handmaid’s Tale is, IMHO, one of the most overrated sci-fi novels ever written. Dressing up like a character from it is just plain goofy (again, IMHO).
Goofy and bigoted.
This white gay woman working to take away my civil rights can go to hell.
She is not gay at least according to all the info I have seen. As to her final resting place, you have no argument from me.
Washed upped has been.
The jokes about female agents and 10mm write themselves.
Who gives a crap what she has to say or thinks. Just another west coast automaton.
I wish the new folks here would stop wasting space on people like her and their totally worthless opinions.
Nothing new here move on ………………please.
Seems legit.
Folks. It’s a “left-wing sci fi thriller.” HULU sponsors the DNC/Liberal/Globalist agenda…The Handmaidens tale is a laugh story about a GOP/Redneck/Christian Militia types taking over the USA, regressing everyone to puritan like village living conditions and forcing card-carrying Lib TARD feminists into slave labor as birthing mother’s for the new regime…Its almost to laughable! 😄🍷😄😄😄😵😱😱🍺🍻😄😄😄😄😂😄😄….This is how hopeless deranged the Liberal DemoCRAPS are in this country. Along with THEIR co- conspirators, The World Globalists…
It’s almost laughable, except there are a lot of people in this country who actually are that bigoted. They eat that shit up like Nazis reading Mein Kampf.
It’s gotten so that when a lefty is having a discussion about politics they can’t go two minutes without making a reference to some fictional pop-culture universe. It used to be Harry Potter, now it’s this.
The Harry Potter trope pops up at gun confiscation rallies. “Teenagers defeated Voldemort” or some such nonsense. But wait, weren’t the teenagers armed in those movies?
it needs to be posted all over social media … drive the left and milano batshit crazy.
Nobody cares.
She’s no longer a thing, and silly photoshop jobs aren’t exactly biting humor anyway.
Besides, even if it wasn’t photoshopped she could just claim it was the fault of her dyslexia. –
Dang and she was soooo attractive in Poison Ivy 2…😖
I don’t even know who Alyssa Milano is!
Winnie from The Wonder Years.
No, no, no. Winnie went on to be a mathematician. So at least she was smart in that respect. Alyssa was the little girl in the movie “Commando”. You remember, her dad used a bunch of guns to rescue her.
Oh yea, and then she was on Saved By the Bell, right?
Oh, I didn’t watch the Wonder Years.
I play a Zombie on TV. Hardly anyone knows who I am! Heck I should be famous on TTAG. I’ve been shot in the head twice with blood spraying all over. I even got shot in the head and stabbed in the head this year already and does one single person know who I am? NO. Wanna see me get shot? In the following clip, I’m the very first kill before the intro, 10Ks #8204 I also get stabbed by him at 1:1
Just another child actor hitting professional menopause.
“Alyssa Milano Has Definite Opinions About Guns” and I have definite options of mindless Marxist twits.
Does 10 mm starts with a 4?
Used up actress that can’t save her career even by Harvey Weinstein’s casting couch.
Arney should have left her on that island at the end of Commando. I think his house maid’s son turned out better.
With a metric conversion, yes. But 10mm is large for values of .4. Damn, that’s a lot of powder!
She should consider soft core R rated tease movie if she wants to revitalize her career. Won’t last long but might put a few bucks in the bank. If she shows some goodies guys will tune in for the novelty of it all and then she’ll be forgotten.
She did that already and that ship sailed about 20 years ago. Guys will tune in and be nauseated now.
She’s even too late for Bill Cosby and Harvey Weinstein. Not even they would want her I bet.
In Alyssa Milano’s original tweet (which this was photoshopped from), Alyssa Milano can’t even spell “education”, spells it as “eduction”. Her pinned tweet says,
“I want EVERY child to have access to the best eduction in schools where they feel safe from gun violence.”
So, Alyssa, schools are about “eduction” (WTF is that?) and “feeling safe” rather than being safe?
Having a sign saying “gun free zone” might make you FEEL safe, but it actually telegraphs to criminals that all the adults inside have been disarmed for their convenience!
A caliber that only starts with 4? Does that mean that she wants to tote around a 40MM Bofors?! That ought to end the caliber wars!
so why is this here? oh wait, these idiots think that picture is real. LOL
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