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One of the advantages of gun blogging: you develop a sensitive ear for “background chatter.” If a trend’s developing amongst gun control advocates’ media enablers, I get a sense of it early. For example, last week Vice published a documentary sounding the alarm on America’s citizen militias. Today, The Washington Post published Patriots at the gate: The Americans preparing for battle against their own government. A harbinger of gun owner vilification to come? Definitely. Check out the bits of the article linking “extremists” to Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump . . .

President Obama’s progressive policies and the tough economic times have inflamed anti-government anger, the same vein of rage into which Donald Trump has tapped during his Republican presidential campaign, said Potok and Mark ­Pitcavage, who works with the Anti-Defamation League and has monitored extremism for 20 years . . .

The group members are conservatives, do not like former secretary of state Hillary Clinton and generally support Donald Trump. Soper said he would prefer just about anyone over Clinton but would not cast a vote for president this year. He said he thinks casting his vote is “a waste of time” because Oregon’s politics are dominated by Democrats.

MacNab, the George Washington University researcher, said Trump has been a powerful recruiting tool for groups angry at the government. “The tea party built little bridges between the fringe and the mainstream,” she said. “With Trump, it’s an 18-lane superhighway. He’s literally telling them they’re right.”

One of the men indicted in the Bundy ranch case is Gerald DeLemus, who was New Hampshire co-chair of Veterans for Trump and was named by the Trump campaign as a New Hampshire alternate delegate to the Republican National Convention in Cleveland.

WaPo scribe Kevin Sullivan’s “bridge” between armed militias and Donald Trump may be rickety — and overshadowed by the rest of his enormous attempt to portray Constitution-loving militia members as domestic terrorists — but there it is.

We’ve seen this exact strategy before, in the run-up to Mitt Romney’s rout: journalists  painting gun owners as porto-insurrectionists (relying heavily on the entirely dubious Southern Poverty Law Center creators of a media-friendly “hate map“).

The end goal: ostracize law-abiding gun owners as the enemy inside the gates. The WaPo smear piece is particularly galling example, but it’s not the first. Nor will it be the last. The Clinton candidacy’s outspoken advocacy for “gun reform” has given the media the green light to bring out the big guns. And so they have. And so they will.

The danger: a Clinton Administration could make a massive move against the militias — especially if a militia member or one its members causes an “incident” (for lack of a better word). Perhaps incited by one of the many federal moles inside their ranks. And from there? Assault weapons ban? Something. Something not good.

At the risk of sounding like a proto-insurrectionist (which I am not), keep your powder dry. Meanwhile, a note to the militias: do NOT speak to the media. No good has ever come of it. And hats off to the WaPo’s video team for creating a balanced video — that stands out like a sore thumb in this blatant hit piece.

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  1. The book is onto something. But it’s not Obamas fault, nor Bush, nor Clinton. The issue is that the public education system is unable to teach enough quickly enough so there is a working knowledge of how this country operates, and truly what makes it special.

    And with Wall Street constantly finding new ways to screw every last cent out of the populace while pointing the finger at the government, the perfect storm of ignorance and victimization has caused this mess.

    Have any of those pro-civil war II folks though beyond the cathartic release of gunfire? I sincerely doubt it. For every dictator that was removed created a powervacuum fill by a clone. Why? Because the dups got duped again.

    • The public education system is working well… in teaching children to be dutiful socialist peons. Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.

      • If Jesus Christ him self came down, performed a laying on hands and raised JFK from the dead, the Liberal socialist bunch would probably shoot him. After shouting him down and tarring and feathering him.

    • Interesting points PFarmer. Around here the militia wannabes are like kids pretending to be gang members. All big talk and hollow without an AR.

      In fact, it if you took away their AR15s, they would be naked since their constitutional knowledge is grossly overplayed. Ruby Ridge was a Cluster. Wako was a circus. The Montana gold mines were greed driven lawyers. Bundy et. al. are terrorists. But the AR militia crowd points their collective finger at all that as evidence for the big bad government …and Bigfoot and UFOs, black helicopters, drone survaliance, ChemTrails and whatever the hell else they want to shoot at.

      Run this out. Anger boils over. People start shooting ….at who? For what? And now that the bodies are piling up and the kids are terrified (taking on the necessary PTSD to become the next generation of war children) who’s going to fix the mess? Trump? Everyone will shoot everyone they don’t like or who believes a different religion than they do. America will be like Bagdad. Grudges will be solved with gunfire. Property will be seized by gunfire.

      America will just be another interesting paragraph in future history books because any democracy worth its salt will not commit suicide yet that is exactly what the civil war/militia/patriot crowd wants.

      • “any democracy worth its salt will not commit suicide”

        Who told you that? Anyway we are not a democracy, at least we aren’t supposed to be. And our government has long ago stopped representing the people.

        Democrats would never win an election if they were a) not filled with fraud and b) made up of only taxpaying citizens, which is what I think they should be. If you take productivity from the state in the form of food stamps, welfare and suchlike, you should have no say in who is elected. If you pay taxes, even as little as a dollar, you get a vote.

        Of course these things will never happen as the Democrats run things and they love fraud and would never willingly give up power to little people like taxpayers.

        This is no democracy.

        • ” If you pay taxes, even as little as a dollar, you get a vote.”

          WAY too easy to game. The leeches could get a vote by paying one dollar in property taxes or even car registration taxes at the same window they used to request food stamps. Yeah those are both local taxes, but if you buy ANY gasoline, alcohol, or cigarettes over the course of a year, you’ve paid a federal tax.

          Make that *net* taxes and you might have something there.

        • SteveInCO, of course it would need to be thought out a lot better, but this idea that the same people who are leeching off of society get to determine who runs things is freaking absurd. Of course they are going to elect whoever they think is going to give away the most government cheese and free marijuana.

          I rather think the founding fathers never imagined we would end up in such circumstances.

        • Agreed. Just wanted to be clear.

          I don’t believe anyone drawing a government paycheck (even for a useful job) should vote either; it’s too much a conflict of interest.

        • SteveInCO, I like the idea that we keep state employees at a max of say 3% of the population a bit better. How to accomplish that needs to be thought out, but I don’t see why we would need anything more that that to accomplish the task of governing, which should be quite simple in the end. For example we do not need an IRS at all, flat tax (or the like) means all these complex laws and forms and all of it, out the window. EPA? Gone. Continue until we are at 3%.

          Then, to be frank, go on and let ’em vote their little hearts out, makes em feel better.

        • Need no IRS? Sorry, but that’s a disconnect. As long as there are taxes, there will need to be tax collectors. The IRS’s job is to collect taxes (“Internal Revenue Service”); that won’t go away just because we simplified our tax system.

          Perhaps, if all tax income came from tariffs, we could get away from having an *internal* revenue service. But that has never been true.

          If we’re very very lucky, a tax reform would result in Joe Wageearner not having direct contact with them…but that’s not the same as them not being there at all.

      • Exactly!

        Most militia groups can barely get along with themselves yet alone other “like-minded” groups. Two days after a revolution, there will be a rush to become supreme leader. The problem is that Hollywood never shows all the boring political discussions and paperwork necessary to create and preserve Liberty.

        Whose going to pick up the garbage? Man the ER? Keep the sewer working? Drive the gas tankers. Dudes, things might not be perfect now, but trashing America because some old racist fart with dementia refuses to pay his bills is more nutty than all those survivalist loonies that think they can live on their own planet.

        A less expensive and safer alternative to all this is to just bring ISIS onboard. Or I guess the Taliban. Either way it would be cheaper and much less confusing. If you want fight government, then hire the best. Black flag anyone?

        • You’re right, lets all just forget it and let the government get back to their standard fraud, waste and abuse. It’s not that bad, just giving away secrets to the commie Chinese, a few billion or trillion here and there in graft and bribery, maybe the odd shooting or two. Bog standard stuff for governments.

          We shouldn’t trouble ourselves with what they are up to, just keep on paying for it all.

          Rights are overrated anyway.

        • Those tasks you mentioned? Most aren’t done by the government (trash sometimes is government, sometimes not, same with sewer). In fact in a lot of cases government’s role is interference with the people doing them.

        • @ Tiny Timiny
          Most militia groups can barely get along with themselves yet alone other “like-minded” groups. Two days after a revolution, there will be a rush to become supreme leader.

          “Most militias”?
          How many militias have you actually been in contact with, or been a member of? Reading stuff like this WaPo article doesn’t count, nor does internet forums. Making that kind of blanket statement exposes your ignorance of reality.

          Whose going to pick up the garbage? Man the ER? Keep the sewer working? Drive the gas tankers. Dudes, things might not be perfect now, but trashing America because some old racist fart with dementia refuses to pay his bills is more nutty than all those survivalist loonies that think they can live on their own planet.

          How did people ever live before those, eh? Propping up and defending a failing system for the sake of comfort and laziness is more nutty than planning for when the luxury of modern life is impossible. When your running water and electricity goes off, what are you gonna do? I’d bet you’ll be begging from the nearest neighbor with a generator and well water.

          A less expensive and safer alternative to all this is to just bring ISIS onboard. Or I guess the Taliban. Either way it would be cheaper and much less confusing. If you want fight government, then hire the best. Black flag anyone?

          You’re no good at sarcasm; regardless, since you rely on others to do your fighting, what do you know?

      • Well, you need to learn a thing or two about history yourself. Because America is not, and never has been a democracy.

        • Look up the definition of “representative democracy” in a dictionary.

          (Hint: meanings of words change over a long time – like, say, ~200 years…)

      • You haven’t met any real militias. Also, it sure sounds like you have something against AR15s.

    • “And with Wall Street constantly finding new ways to screw every last cent out of the populace while pointing the finger at the government, the perfect storm of ignorance and victimization has caused this mess.”

      I hate to break it to you, but Wall St and the G are in bed together and have been for as long as any of us have been alive.

      Private banks print our money and control the interest rates on that money; not hard to see who is really in charge.

      • Silly boy. Tricks are for hookers.

        Wall Street is global. Our Govn’t is local. So who runs whom?

        Wanna pad your portfolio? Buy stock in rope companies. When the militia SHTF freeforall runs out of juice and ammo, there’s gonna be a lot of hangings needed. Treason is treason. So let’s put the tree back in treason.

        • Your first half was just restating my point in a different way… Equally sarcastic, though – good job!

          As far as my portfolio, I only invest in companies which make Rastafarian clothing for dogs and assorted Beanie Babies – they’re going to make a come back.

        • Who exactly is committing treason in your little scenario? And why do I get the felling your using 4 names on this thread?

        • It’s funny how Patriot Farming, Tritium, Tiny Timiny and M4 uses the same talking points, vocabulary, writing style and condescending attitude.


    • Wall Street huh. Looks like someone just got back from their first Bernie rally.

    • “The issue is that the public education system is unable to teach enough quickly enough intentionally designed so there is no working knowledge of how this country operates, and truly what makes it special.”

      There you go. All fixed now.

  2. “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State”

    Lets see here, to translate into 21 century English, A well equipped and trained CIVILIAN (not goverment Army) military force is necessary to the security a FREE State. Those founding father types must have been some real wackos to think that somehow having American citizens unarmed was a anathema to maintaining freedom.

  3. Wouldn’t “our war” be against people like the one who wrote this article?

    Fighting the “gov’t”, which is just an ideal, without also taking out the people who instituted said gov’t would be a complete waste of time… After all, gov’t is merely a concept.

    You don’t fight the symptom, you fight the virus.

    • So hell boy, do we attack the people who wrote the article (never mind the First Ammendment), or attack people “like” those who wrote the article? What about the people who agree with those who are like those who wrote the article.

      Aw heck. Just kill em all and let Allah sort them out. Right?


        • More or less?

          Is that how America 2.0 will be founded? On the great phrase, no not “We the People” but instead the new Declaration of Independence will begin with “More or Less…”

          As you can see, there are some holes in your plan.

        • The Declaration of More or Less…

          I like that sound of that; you want to be the Press Secretary?

      • 1. Wow… The left wing sock puppet accounts are out in force today.

        2. Yes. If you support socialism, you swing from the end of a rope. Simple.

        • Let’s see how consistent you are.

          Do you include Social Security and Medicare as part of that? If not, why not? They both redistribute wealth to those who “need” it, and no, the money distributed is not the money that got put in by the payee during their working life.

          So do you want to hang everyone who supports these programs?

          Mote that I am NOT arguing in favor of these programs (I don’t favor them); just wondering if you really know what you’re saying here.

        • Steve; I wouldn’t be in favor of harming people who support those things, I just want those things ended.

          But let’s be clear; those people who support those programs ARE in favor or harming/killing/imprisoning those of us who would refuse to support them. If I didn’t pay my taxes for those programs they would send agents to my house to arrest me, and kill me if I resisted. And they would be fine with that.

          As extreme as it sounds to you, pwrserge is simply talking about repaying violence with violence.

        • Steve; I wouldn’t be in favor of harming people who support those things, I just want those things ended.

          But let’s be clear; those people who support those programs ARE in favor or harming/killing/imprisoning those of us who would refuse to support them. If I didn’t pay my taxes for those programs they would send agents to my house to arrest me, and kill me if I resisted. And they would be fine with that.

          As extreme as it sounds to you, pwrserge is simply talking about repaying violence with violence.

          Your last paragraph appears to contradict your first.

          Contra your second paragraph, I don’t believe that most people have made the connection between “I get this bennie from the government” and “the government will kill someone if they refuse to pay for it.” They SHOULD, but they haven’t. Taxation is decoupled in most peoples’ mind from deadly force.

          The problem I have with “hang them all” rhetoric is that it has been my observation that 90+% of the people in this country support SOMETHING that could be considered socialistic. Does someone like PowerSerge really want to hang 90 percent of the people in this country? I could see going after the hard core, but he didn’t limit himself to that.

          Is there not some way to end this without killing almost everyone?

        • Steve, the fact that people disconnect A from B does not excuse supporting A when it inevitably leads to B.

          As for those programs… Yeah. I consider them socialism. They have no place in a free society and people who advocate taking property at gunpoint to support them are no better than mobsters.

        • >> Yes. If you support socialism, you swing from the end of a rope. Simple.

          I take it your new constitution won’t have the First Amendment in it, then. Since you clearly have a problem with freedom of speech, especially political speech.

          How about this for you. If you threaten anyone with a rope, you swing from it… actually, no. We just let your would-be victim shoot you, and call that self-defense.

        • Socialists and their Anarchist allies (Bernie Sanders supporters) ALWAYS fail to remember the lesson of BOTH Spain and Russia ie. that the Commies (Hillary Clinton/Barack Obama) will stand them, their allies, up against the “brick wall” first. As for me I will ALWAYS stand with the patriots ie. the “nationalists”.

      • Stick to using one user name please. It’s hard to understand you when you keep using different ones.

    • That’s assuming that a war breaks out prematurely. More likely, nothing major is gonna happen until liberals lose their faith in the state. And not just in the conservative politicians they hate, but the ones they’re forced to vote for as well.
      When that day comes, POTG will have the moral and social support they need to remove tyranny. Hopefully they also have the wisdom necessary to replace it with liberty.

    • Wouldn’t “our war” be against people like the one who wrote this article?
      You don’t fight the symptom, you fight the virus.

      Actually, the American Revolution was much more of a vendetta gorefest than what most people now pass off as a tea and crumpets affair.
      The real American Revolutionary War made the Vietnam War look rather boring.

  4. Racist, Misogynist, Xenophobe, Terrorists, Insurrectionist, Zionist, Homophobic, Transphobic, blah, blah, blah.

    If you are worried about what names you are being called, then you are doing it wrong. Sack up, do what you do, and never apologize.

    Its how we get America back.

    • And just what does a “back” America look like?

      Oh yea, it looks exactly like you.

      No thanks. Good thing we got guns too.

      • Yeah, yeah, I’m sure all the trendy hipsters, well-to-do yuppies, and pompous, big city socialites are hoarding ammo and are standing by to standby… No doubt in my mind.

        • >> Yeah, yeah, I’m sure all the trendy hipsters, well-to-do yuppies, and pompous, big city socialites are hoarding ammo and are standing by to standby… No doubt in my mind.

          There’s not all that many of you, that we’d need more than a few of us.

      • No, no you don’t. That’s the whole point. You have men WITH guns. Not the same thing lefty. Not at all.

  5. “Hey, maybe you haven’t been keeping up with current events, but we have (already had a communist revolution), pal!” What the main stream media, intellectual elite and most of government is doing by calling true american constitutional patriots as “terrorists” is called projection.

    A little re-write of that famous line from “Aliens”. Mcarthy was right, communists were spread like a cancer throughout our school, entertainment, and government systems.
    They were hiding in plain sight, now they are out, loud and proud, after having over 50 years to destroy our once top ranked education system, and replaced it with a drone factory of mind numbed progressive bots.

    Just look at how popular Bernie is as basically a flaming communist.

    And what happens after a revolutionary over throw of the old ruling structure, the new ruling structure is more brutal, tyrannical and blood thirsty than what was overthrown; so we get the 50 million + murdered of the unborn, the mind control of the “politically correct” and the structure of the police state with the Patriot Act, the TSA and Homeland Security.

    “Homeland” Security, hmmm, where have I heard something like before?,Fatherland? Motherland? Yep, like they say, like attracts like.

    The question is, whether enough people have woken to the reality to actually take back the republic, hopefully, with the ballot box, because that last box really, really really sucks!

    • Umm, dude…if we had a communist revolution, we would have noticed.

      Kids theses days. So quick to think they know it all. Well I was there. You weren’t so don’t ever pretend to know what you’re talking about. Ever!

      • Right… Because the rise of socialism and the welfare state is totally not relevant. Nor is the fact that radical groups of SJWs are chanting “We have nothing to lose but our chains.”

      • You were “there”? Where was “there”? Because I was there. And no one who was there talks like that in real life there, “vet”.

      • I was there in the 60s, and yes. we had a communist revolution disguised as the Great Society.

      • These guys live in a parallel reality constructed in their heads. In that reality, taxes are socialism, and welfare is communism – so as far as they’re concerned, yeah, communists are everywhere.

  6. There has been a lot of violence during this run for the white house, but as far as I’ve seen it hasn’t been Trump supporters. I don’t even get why people are surprised the people supporting a socialist would be violent, socialism has to be violent.

  7. The southern poverty law center is working to prevent law abiding black people from getting guns. But these left wing communist Jewish lawyers will work to make money off of a black dead body claiming an unarmed black person was killed by a gun carrying racist white person.

    They are one of the reasons why we have racial problems in America. Racism has made them a very good living.
    They profit from it.

    • Yup, the SPLC is one of the most pernicious group of race-baiting hucksters out there. Their stock in trade is to peddle this “militia” stuff every four years to elderly Jewish women, who then promptly get their bloomers in a bunch and send the SPLC money, which they then use to fund their campaigns of race-baiting for the next four years.

      • That’s the SPLC business plan in a nutshell. Hell the SPLC even had Dr. Carson on their terror watch list.

  8. The media is going to do their job, which seems to now be the mouthpiece for the Progressives. It is all propaganda. They will spin it to make anyone who opposes their political ideology appear to be monsters.

    They are right to be afraid, though. They chose to be loyal to a political ideology that cannot win without the force of arms. They picked a political ideology that history has proven will always become cruel and brutal to its people. A well-informed people will not just let it happen to them, so inevitably, I know that these opposing sides will clash.

    If the leftist media and politicians are afraid of organized militias, though, wait until they start looking at the general populace. I speak with people all the time who do not belong to an organized militia. These are your neighbors, friends, family, co-workers, students, teachers, policemen, lawyers, firemen, mechanics, and random people from all over the country. These are people that know history, and they know what happens if they allow tyranny to take hold. These are people that know if these Socialists win, this country will slide further and faster toward tyranny, and they do not want to see that happen. These are people that know that this election is our last and only hope as a nation, and they are preparing for the inevitability of subjugation and violence if We The People lose this election.

    Being a student of history, I am truly scared. It does not get any more real than this.

    All I can say is this: Let’s put aside our petty squabbles, and let’s just win this election. We may not have the perfect candidate to represent our core values, but the alternative is much, much worse. The next president will be either Trump or Hillary. There is no chance of a 3rd party candidate winning, so it goes this way: Any vote not cast for Trump is a vote for Hillary. So, vote, for this is our last chance.

  9. IMO, an economic collapse is more likely to start the civil war. But politics/economy issues are tied together.

    When it all does fall, after setting up my family/communities needs and security, I will be hunting every liberal tyrant around.

    • Good call Butt. Thanks for Intel. Looks like we’ll be coming for you first. Nothing like a loudmouth knowitall to spill the beans. Too bad you won’t live to go to federal prison with your “community.”

    • I agree that economic collapse is far more likely to be the root cause. But the populace will be manipulated into blaming it all on the cultural opposite. The media and educational system are doing a great job of convincing the left leaning masses that everyone else is out to destroy them and therefore must be destroyed.

  10. Judging by the never been seen before commenters showing up on this thread Trump has the left scared shitless.

    1 more reason to vote for him.

    • Pretty sure he has both sides scared shitless. +2 reasons to vote for him.

      The next election is going to look a lot like the next time the Cubs make the series. Somebody will riot whether they won or not…

    • The lefty sock puppetry is quite amazing when seen in action. What’s more amazing is that they think people will give a shit about what they say.

    • Ain’t it exciting. I can almost experience the quivering with every sense I have just thru their text

    • They’re foaming at the mouth angry that he even has a change in hell and it is glorious…

      • Yeah, about the only thing better will be watching them collectively snap like rubber bands when he’s elected…


        • Some plan to flee the country if he is elected and they are saying it like that’s somehow a threat no less.

    • Yep, the new leftists seem to have jumped into the comments section with both feet. Rather a lot like a pig with both feet in the trough, maybe they are worried about their pending destruction at the ballot box.

  11. Getting “back” what?
    Hippies? Dope love? Red scare? 30s depression? cvil war? Prohibition? Coal black lung?
    Help me out with what is coming “back”.
    As long as people are comfortable watching grown men play kids games while drinking beer they will do nothing anyway. Quit blowing smoke bout what yall gonna do cause the reasons been there, the logistics been there but heart ain’t been there.
    Work to change it the right way

    • Sometimes the “right” way involves ventilating somebody’s skull. But please, tell me how they “will do nothing” when Hitlary’s SJW brownshirts start trying to confiscate guns…

      • So wait, you’re living in the constant fear of Anita Sarkeesian busting your door in riot gear to take your AR (and force you to watch gay furry porn while she’s at it)?

        That… explains a lot about some Trump supporters, I guess.

  12. “increasingly finds itself in armed conflicts with authorities”

    When and where?

  13. “As someone with L.E. experience in the Minneapolis area, I saw that we had an entire team dedicated to rooting out and quashing the Sovereign Citizen movement, while the local band of merry Somalians were in direct contact to any number of genuine terrorist organizations and were providing not only monetary support through any number of front organizations, but logistical through intel gathering, supplying, and networking and we barely paid them any mind whatsoever. This always boggled my mind. Why would we pay more attention to a few jackwagons who just want to be left the fuck alone than a bunch of Muslims who have been caught, red handed, up to and including blowing themselves up with an easy to make, yet shock sensitive, explosive, who have genuine terrorist ties?” -Turboguy on ar15 dot com

  14. considering that the Washington Post is the CIA newspaper, I guess it’s a good thing that they don’t like Trump

  15. Socialism is an economic system. Not inherently bad or good but dependent on the honesty and work ethic of the participants. Fascism is the thing to be wary of. That’s where the people have no say. That Fascist govt may choose to be socialist.

    The concern would be what choice do citizens have? The American Revolution was fought against a constitutional monarchy, not communist, socialist or dictatorial. The US overthrew the democratically elected Shah in Iran and look what we got.

    • “The American Revolution was fought against a constitutional monarchy, not communist, socialist or dictatorial.”

      Tyranny is tyranny.

      • @308, indeed.

        It was a constitutional monarchy and parliament the American colonists had NO leverage over. In particular the UK parliament decided it had control over the colonies, but the colonies had no representation in the parliament; they could ride roughshod over us, and did.

    • Socialism is still predicated on the assumption that other people have a right to force you to work for them. Someone will have to decide who gets to work for whose benefit. Those people are now your masters, regardless of how they were selected, and this will be bad even if they are angels. (Do you know anyone you’d trust with this power over you?)

      Socialism is just as bad as fascism. There’s no difference in substance, just form.

      • Socialism, Communism, Fascism, and Islam are pretty much all the same in the extreme. The cute designs and colors on the outside of the box may be different, but the crappy cereal in the box is all brown excrement and it all tastes the same.

        • Don’t tell the progs who wrote my high school and college history books that, they might have a stroke. Communist atrocities, 1917-1991? Absolute silence on the matter. Joint Cuban/KGB global disinformation campaigns? No concern. The Crusades and later sieges of Vienna instigated by Islamic expansionism? Not on your life, sonny. The only reason I didn’t graduate college dumber than when I started is because I deprogrammed myself by reading sh!t tons of history books for fun outside the curriculum. Sadly an isolating experience.

      • >> Socialism is still predicated on the assumption that other people have a right to force you to work for them.

        It doesn’t, actually – not if you ask any anarchist socialist.

        Socialism is rather predicated on the assumption that there’s no such thing as private property – i.e. that you cannot own that which you do not occupy or use.

  16. I kept reading these post and came to a conclusion that we’ve experienced a…(pot calling the kettle black moment)
    I love the nuttier than hell post about other people being nuttier than hell.
    Assault bloggers assaulting Americans who love the country and form groups that can assault the assaulters…..Only in America folks.
    Is it really that difficult to just all get along?

  17. I posit that only those who are willing to and expect to suffer terribly and sacrifice their lives and the lives of people they care about should advocate for war (especially a domestic one). A domestic war would be a horrific road to an unknowable destination.

    • Whensoever therefore the legislative shall transgress this fundamental rule of society; and either by ambition, fear, folly or corruption, endeavour to grasp themselves, or put into the hands of any other, an absolute power over the lives, liberties, and estates of the people; by this breach of trust they forfeit the power the people had put into their hands for quite contrary ends, and it devolves to the people, who. have a right to resume their original liberty, and, by the establishment of a new legislative, (such as they shall think fit) provide for their own safety and security, which is the end for which they are in society.
      –John Locke: Second Treatise of Civil Government

  18. WaPo cannot fathom that confronting government is as American as apple pie. Confrontation is a Constitutional right — it’s the heart of the first two amendments of the Bill of Rights.

    OTOH, WaPo’s obsequious submission to government is as North Korean as kimchi. And it smells even worse.

  19. Patriots primed to fight the government.
    Growing movement armed with guns and the Constitution see dire threat to liberty.
    Mmmm…okay, as long as they are armed with the Constitution.
    As opposed to the Bolsheviks armed with the Communist Manifesto, the Koran, and Saul Alinsky’s Rules For Radicals?

  20. Of course they’ll try to come after “militias”, and any other political inconvenience they thi k tbey can marginalize because guns n whackjobs. (Or bitter clingers, if you prefer.)

    This is their game. This is why they scream so hard at DGU, enforcement, and gang-banger stats. By keeping that out, any gun-error that can be pinned on a militia type is a strange and dangerous exception, abiut which Something Must Be Done!

    Keeping everything else quiet is battlespace prep in the meme-o-sphere.

    People respond not just to what they hear, but to what they think they remember *about* what they hear. Militia gunplay in a world of no violence, they remember the peace … and conclude that if only those militia typess weren’t so crazy we’d be fine. Build the memory of bad behavior by thugs, crazies, predators n terrorists, n militia errors seem benign by comparison.

    This is the same game they play with school or mass sbootings. Yes, horrible. But, sadly not unique.

    You win the “ban the militia” fight, before “the fight” begins. Build tbe memories thT will shape the decision when something bad happens.

    I know, for example, in my town, a few hundred tooled-up, uniformed folks wandered the streets today, without any insurrection at all. Those same folks get press when they bang wrong. And those same POLICE make sure that gunfire by non-uniformed folks and its consequences hits the paper. Not a militia-crazy in site for any of that. Those stories, framed that way build memories that’ll guide tbe tbinking when some camo-clad Rambo wanna-be corks up. So get them out there.

    Indeed, if we want to be concerned about organized, trained, uniformed factions enforcing their will and controlling territory with arms, we might want to look to the known drug operations, like the one who’s stray bullet shot Gov Cuomo’s staffer in the neck. They kill people, on ourpoze and by accident, all the time. (You wanna blunt the “ban the militias” crackdown? Get cartel shootings reported.)

    That Proconsul Cuomo-the-Younger immediately called for more restrictions on peaceful, responsible gun owners after his aid was shot shows the game. Disarm people who aren’t the problem, and cynically use his own staffer’s death as fodder to do so.

    This guy, and the rest of them will do literally anything to pander to their constituencies, discredit the right targets, n keep the right people wee-wee-ed up. They have to. It’s all they have.

  21. Wow, this has been one of the most fascinating/interesting/horrifying threads I have read in a long time. The cognitive dissonance is strong in many of the posts and the willingness to accept what the United States devolved into would make the founding father’s start another revolution.

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