Caleb reports that all you Colby groupies can relax ’cause there’s gonna be at least one more season of Top Shot. And if you’ve been one of the faithful, you’ll see some familiar faces because the production company’s decided to go with an all-star format for season five. Guess this means my application’s found its way to the circular file, huh? Oh well. Our money’s on some of the more, well, interesting past contestants making a re-appearance. People like Jake Zweig from season three and Tara Poremba from season one. Colby threw up a puff of white smoke via the Twitters to announce the show’s new lease on life: #TOPSHOT is comin’ back BABY! Bring on the ALL STARS! Aw yeah.. Lemme know which of your faves should get a shot at the ultimate title! Is it possible to tweet with both hands permanently affixed to your hips?


    • Cool! The spam filter was being evil earlier.

      My theory is that he’s got a hidden keyboard built into in his belt so all he has to do is wiggle his fingers to type.

  1. I am glad that Tara is back. I love bullseye and I think it was sad that she had to leave under these conditions.

  2. Guess this means my application’s found its way to the circular file, huh?

    This pisses me off. God forbid an applicant should be well qualified, educated and bring along a guaranteed block of viewers to the show. Gee, what a terrible idea it would be to have that person compete.

  3. Is this season even over yet? I stopped watching around halfway, when Gabby got deep-sixed.

    • Yeah, the geek won. This sport is full of red necks and geeks. Weirdest thing, I swear.

  4. Is it possible to tweet with both hands permanently affixed to your hips?I suppose he could type with his nose but I don’t think I want to know how he uses the shift key.

  5. Glad to see Top Shot gets another shot! They’re bringing Zweig back!? Bad idea. I hope he had to promise in writing that he wouldn’t have another meltdown, keep everyone awake at night and build himself a throne in the back yard.

    • You know, Zweig now works for Mike Hughes. These two almost got into a fist fight. Hughes now sells Zweig targets. Weirdos, all of them. I mean gun nuts. Same difference.

    • jake is alot better and qualified than the dude who won season 4, i can’t even remember his name. i remember thinking how many ppl in the previous seasons would blow him out of the water. i personally think that Gabby should of won the whole thing. but if we see that knife making loser again, i am gonna flip. i love how he talked smack, and the got ground to dust in the elimination, awesome.

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