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Here’s a screen shot of the computer solid model of the adapter part as well as a rendering of the final assembly for the Cowboy Assault Rifle Project Gun. I came in today and ran a 3D prototype on our SLA machine to verify fit on the barrel and mag tube. I need to make a few adjustments to the model to mate up with the contour of the stock foregrip as you can see in the close-ups of the proto. We should be machining the final by the end of the week. Hope you enjoy. [Prototype after the jump.]

Michael J. Caulk
Director of Engineering, Crimson Trace

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  1. That looks sweet! I’m using the info from this forum to possibly make some mods to a NIB Marlin 336 BL I picked up for 450.00.

    • That is a interesting concept adding a laser on the forearm grip like that. The only downside I see if the button used to operate the laser is a push to activate release to deactivate instead of push on push off. Me with a short LOP or having short arms would find that uncomfortable having my hand that far forward on the stock.

  2. As cool as this is….I just don’t see it selling well at all for Crimson Trace.

    Might pick one up when they are liquidating them at CDNN or Graf & Sons

  3. OMG…you must bring this thing to market immediately. Even better if you minimize the branding and “technical” lines to fit the lines of traditional lever action design aesthetics. I think you’d sell the everloving crap out of these if lever gun enthusiasts like myself felt like we could put one on without adding a strange “tactical” accessory onto the front of a tooled leather strap and buttcuff clad traditional cowboy tool. Even if you don’t, you’ll still have success with the tactical cowboy gun community who paint wood black and whatnot, but make it discreet and you’ve got a sure market winner.

    My $.02

  4. I’m currently considering a Rossi Ranch Hand. The 1st thing I thought of was how a Laser sight would help make it a more viable option in HD or in the woods boar hunting.

    it this project still under consideration? I would be happy to conduct a field test on a Prototype for the Rossi Ranch hand.

  5. im in line to purchase add a sling nut too it fist though. it will make may rossi .44mag with 15″ barrel the badest ass gun in the safe! bring it on!

  6. looking for a green laser sight for my henry 22 mares leg can you help me out to find one thank you robert

  7. I wanna hook my sisters Rossi ranch hand with a green laser. Her birthday is around the corner . Help please. Thank you

  8. That’s nice. Make one to replace end cap at end of tube magazine. I can deal with one less round then it would be snag free and everyone can keep their sling nut.

  9. That is a interesting concept adding a laser on the forearm grip like that. The only downside I see if the button used to operate the laser is a push to activate release to deactivate instead of push on push off. Me with a short LOP or having short arms would find that comfortable having my hand that far forward on the stock.

  10. Is this being manufacturered yet? I would love one since there is a lot of dangerous game where I live ( well to my animals, not so much to me) and my farm gun is my henry 44mag. This would make me a little more confident to pull the trigger in case my dogs ect get into it with a coyote ect. Don’t wanna hit them by accident.

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