
I love shooting steel. There’s nothing better in the world when it comes to practicing with firearms. Instant feedback, no need to tape or replace the face between strings of fire, and the durability means it’s a one-time expense. The problem is that when you’re using lead-based projectiles pieces of those rounds have a tendency to come back at you. And especially when you’re in an enclosed space the idea of breathing particularized lead isn’t really appealing. That’s where Team Never Quit comes in with their new frangible ammunition, and they gave quite the demonstration the other day . . .

Normally, shooting steel targets from this distance would be near suicidal. The frangible nature of Team Never Quit’s ammunition means that instead of being sliced open by hot fragments of lead all it just feels like someone is throwing some sand in your face. I stood shoulder-to-shoulder with one of the ammo manufacturer’s reps on the range while he had the muzzle of an AR-15 rifle about a 12 inches fromĀ a piece of steel, and while it wasn’t exactly the most comfortable experience I’ve ever had on a range it was definitely safe.


That frangibility opens a couple other doors as well. Interesting concepts like this steel box are possible when you don’t have to worry about damaging your target or having bullet fragments fly back towards you from close distance shots. Things like this could be useful for training or zeroing rifles in the field where a proper backstop isn’t around. It also saves indoor backstops from getting so ripped up, enhancing their lifespan.

The ammo isn’t exactly Winchester white box level of cheap, but it does a whole lot more for your money. Based on the performance here I’d say it’s worth a look.


  1. Hey Leghorn, do they advise using this in a suppressed firearm? The general recommendation for frangible rounds is to *not* use them in suppressed guns.

  2. Seems this is practice ammo only, but the post isn’t clear on that. It must not be made from lead at all, or the finer fragmentation would make breathing it that much worse. And, especially, it can’t be useful as defensive ammunition since there is no indication that it would penetrate and cause a wound.

    A little more information would be helpful.

    • MK255 which is the military frangible ammo, is without a doubt the best terminal ballistics performing 5.56 round under 100 yards. Center mass it does 1 and done easily. Its not not going to penetrate a person. I have yet to see someone need a second shot center mass with MK255

      • Would it make a good hunting projectile? At least for vermin control.

        With that kind on energy dump on the target it should have good knockdown power.

        • The issue is range. They don’t fly well. Plenty of 55gr varmint rounds on the market for 5.56 that fly better.

        • While I can’t speak for this ammo specifically, I use 55gr DRT frangible for deer and the past 3 that I’ve shot with it have dropped on the spot and have a really nasty would cavity

    • I believe so, then ‘baked’ somehow. Being a powder there may be some issues with inhaling it, Cu is fairly toxic stuff.

      • TNQ uses Sinterfire bullets IIRC.

        You’ve basically got 3 options when it comes to frangible practice ammo.

        Jacketed lead-free: For normal stuff, not close-in steel, cause them jackets will cut you. Best accuracy of the bunch and less scrubbing copper residue out of your barrel and brake.

        Sintered: copper powder compressed under heat. Hard, a bit fragile, works well, a bit harsh to the steel from a .223. This is the most common stuff.

        Injection molded: copper powder+plastic. Not as heavy as the sintered, but eliminates the airborne dust factor. Also ‘softer’ against steel, no divoting out of a rifle at 10 feet. Your steel will last forever.

  3. Sintered metal bullet ammo has been around for a long, long time. There are even suppliers who will sell you everything you need to make it at home (Corbin). However, it’s usually ungodly expensive. The target market seems to be government agencies who need to train indoors, want to shoot steel, and can afford the exorbitant tab.

    • Not sure why we have 2 articles on pre-frags in one day. Perhaps they have been (re)discovered.

      Maybe this time they’ll get a bit more traction, but the projectiles are still inherently expensive. I’m scratching my head on how they got patents, there is a ton of prior art out there…

        • Entirely possible, I haven’t really looked. I just remember back in the day when this first really came into vogue, and there were a whole bunch of pretty wide-ranging patents put in place. Of course, most would be expired by now, which may be the impetus for the resurgence.

      • Most of these loaders just buy Sinterfire’s projectiles. There are exceptions, mostly using an injection molding process, I’ve seen a few use Cersaroni from Canada, and some make their own (Polycase, RWS).

        I think a big part of the resurgence is that it’s so hard to get the permits and EPA approval for a lead range anymore.

    • TNQ Uses Sinterfire sintered copper bullets.

      45 grains in .223, according to their website they’re also offering a 55, I’m not sure how.
      There’s no Sinterfire .300 BLK bullet

  4. Safer backyard shooting practice? I’m in. I mean not at my house. But my parents house would be a good candidate. Probably should get a suppressor, though. Hrm…

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