Rob Pincus has provided reality-based tactical and defensive training to thousands of police, military, special forces, and civilians. Now he’s built that experience into a new pistol from a new company. The Avidity Arms PD10 represents Pincus’ vision of the perfect concealed carry pistol for self defense.

The single stack PD10 uses a 10-round Chip McCormick 9mm 1911 magazine. These proven mags are about as slim as it gets, and the PD10’s frame doesn’t add too much more to that. Max width is just an inch. With a 4-inch barrel and 5.14-inch height, the gun is a very svelte compact, but certainly not a sub-compact.

The grip has been designed for shooters of all sizes, with a trigger reach and grip girth that will work for just about any hand size, without the need for swappable back straps. Production PD10s will have a trigger safety blade on that fairly straight trigger bow. The takedown process is also common to many striker-fired, polymer pistols.

The rear sight is Pincus’ I.C.E. CLAW design made by Ameriglo, and the front is their square LumiGlo or ProGlo with Tritium insert.

Weight is estimated at under 19 ounces, and MSRP should come in around $499. ETA is “later this year.”



    • I don’t have a problem as long as they don’t get in the way. I think Glock’s design gets in the way, I shouldn’t have to smooth out a trigger face to be able to shoot a gun comfortably. The M&P hinged trigger design gets in the way. The XD’s trigger design is much better, as is Apex’s replacement for the M&P.

        • Only if the brake lever in the middle of the gas peddle functions automatically ONLY when you remove your foot from the accelerator. Stupid analogy, Bro.

      • I’m partial to the Apex replacement for M&P. It’s probably the one improvement to the M&P trigger that you won’t get simply by shooting more.

      • My Ruger SR9c has a frame-mounted safety. I flip that safety OFF when I holster the pistol and ON again before I unholster (except to fire). It also has a trigger blade safety which I find comforting when the thumb safety is off and I have NEVER even noticed its presence while firing. The trigger on the SR9c is one of the best factory triggers available (see TTAG review of same pistol) and the trigger safety is all but invisible to the shooter during operation.

        Don’t know what your particular problem is with these safeties, but you sound a lot like a Liberal. “We don’t like it so you shouldn’t have it!” Sorry. If you don’t like trigger safeties you are free to bitch about them, stating facts. Don’t come around saying they shouldn’t exist and we shouldn’t have a choice to buy them or not.

        • Well said. I also carry a Ruger SR9C and like you, I flip the safety off after I holster the gun and then on when I unholster. Never understood people aversion to external safeties. They can be turned on and off as you like.

          • You guys are creating “training scars”.
            What does a safety do, exactly? There is no acceptable answer to people with aversions to such devices.
            You realize that safety advocates put the safety on when holstered and switch it off on the draw? You say do the opposite. So even pro safety guys can’t have a consensus.

        • Totally agree on the SR9C, one fabulous gun with a great trigger. Triggers are so bad on Scrap & Worthless I do not know why people buy them; and no, I do not want to ‘fix’ a gun after I buy it. All of my considerable number of Rugers have run perfect out of the box with no work.

    • The only thing I hate about my Glock 19. It doesn’t really matter in a gunfight but a training session at the range really is a pain in the finger. If the trigger face is flat then it’s okay, but the Glock trigger isn’t.
      I’m taking a P320 for a test drive today. Sig made a striker fired gun without a thumb safety and they didn’t feel the need for a trigger safety. Good for Sig!

      • I hear ya. That said, I’d take a properly executed thumb safety over that trigger doohickey ANY day of the week – and twice on a Sunday.

        • Not me. Got no time for safeties. At least the trigger thingy is automatic. It’s useless, but takes no thought process.
          As far as thumb safeties go, I know, training yada yada yada. Don’t want it.
          Sigh P320. The future is now.

    • Perhaps you don’t understand what the split triggers are for. They prevent the gun fired when dropped in a certain direction. In most designs, the weight of the transfer bar will make it move at the time of impact as if the trigger was pressed, thus disengaging the striker safety and making the gun to fire. The split or folding trigger prevents that.

      It is possible to design a drop-safe gun without a split trigger, using a balanced mechanism where the trigger itself is so heavy that it counters the weight of the transfer bar and other moving parts, if that applies. SiG P320 is designed like that, for example. But this sort of thing involves other tradeoffs.

      • Oh, I understand completely what they are for. Drop safe ain’t one of them. But regardless, I don’t like ’em and find them rather, well – retarded. But some people dig ’em the most. Rock on! ‘Murica!

        • So if they’re not (according to you) drop safeties (which they are) what exactly are they for? Could you share your knowledge with the rest of the class?

          • It’s a trigger safety – designed to prevent the trigger from moving reward unless it is deliberately pulled by one’s trigger finger. Pretty sure of that…yes…oh, snap! Let’s get it direct from Glock so there is no misinterpretation:

            “The trigger safety is incorporated into the trigger in the form of a lever and when in the forward position, blocks the trigger from moving rearward. To fire the pistol, the trigger safety and the trigger itself, must be deliberately depressed at the same time. If the trigger safety is not depressed, the trigger will not move rearwards and allow the pistol to fire.”


            Class dismissed.

            • I just looked at the diagrams. Looks like the trigger bar works firing pin block and the drop safety and the trigger safety block the rearward travel of the trigger. Eliminate the trigger safety and in theory, the other two safeties become obsolete. A hard drop on the rear of the gun could impart enough momentum to cause rearward travel of the trigger which would deactivate the other two safeties via the movement of the trigger bar.
              I seriously doubt a plastic trigger could overcome the friction and spring tension no matter how hard the gun hit the floor, but theoretically, everything swings on the trigger, literally.

              • I don’t disagree with you on the “everything swings on the trigger” which is why I personally think the trigger safety is stupid as hell. Give me a real safety, frame mounted and thumb operated any day of the week. This trigger safety horseshyte is pure illusion.

    • The entire purpose of trigger blade safeties is to keep the gun from firing if no one is pulling the trigger. IE: When it’s dropped.
      Most striker guns have the pivot point above the trigger bar meaning, that when dropped, the weight of the trigger bar and trigger can cause the gun to fire. Thus needing an additional “stop” to keep the trigger stuck in place unless someone is actively pulling the trigger.

    • It looks like an XDS9 frame stretched like taffy into a full size gun, with a slide birthed from the unholy union of a Ruger SR9 and a Glock.

  1. Looks nearly identical to a Bersa BP9CC. I see that it is also being distributed by Eagle Imports???

    • I think due to the affiliation with Eagle Imports there has been some rumor about it being an aesthetically-tweaked or otherwise updated BP9CC. I asked Rob about that and he said it’s absolutely not the case. That the PD10 is a fresh design from the ground up and is being manufactured 100% in the U.S. and, other than using the same distributor, Avidity Arms has no affiliation with Bersa. In a drawn-out YouTube comment thread I mentioned that, while the external silhouette is similar and there are aesthetic similarities in general, it’s apparent that the magazines are different, the locations and types of frame pins are different, the trigger pivots differently, the take-down and locking lugs are different, the slide stop location and pivot is different, the barrel lug design, recoil spring & guide rod, ejector, extractor, rail inserts, feed strip, striker, trigger bar and fire control group in general, etc etc, all are different.

      • Cool, thanks for the in-depth reply. I knew the mag was longer an noticed the extracted looks much bigger as well. Didn’t mean to bash the design and don’t want to detract from the work that went into if it’s a new design. Appreciate the response.

        • I don’t think it’s a bash, as by all accounts the BP9CC is a great gun. It certainly has a great trigger, although possibly even too short and light for self defense use for my tastes.

    • I’ve been searching for a single-stack G19 for awhile now. All I’ve been able to find so far is the Kahrs or the Bersa. I’m not a fan of the Kahr triggers (very smooth, but too long for my liking). The BP9CC seemed a little rough around the edges to me; some reviews had mentioned rusting issues. The mag release on the one I handled was way too tough to press.

      Most people I know looking for this particular market niche just end up with a 1911, but I prefer striker-fired, polymer framed, and no thumb safety, so I’m cautiously optimistic for the PD10.

        • I’ve looked at similar sized ones. Shields, G43, etc. I want the full size grip. I don’t like pinching my hand on reloads. Maybe it’s just me.

        • Ah yes, thanks for bringing that up. Pinching is a good point. I desensitized for it, but it totally exists. However, for my size of hands a 8-round gun would be completely within the palm.

    • I know two guys with a Kahr TP9. Not sure how popular they are in general, though. Interesting that the PD10 is getting 10 rounds into the same overall height as the TP9’s 8 rounds…or perhaps the height stat is sans magazine and the PD10 is taller with a mag inserted than the Kahr w/ mag inserted.

      • The Kahr has a much thicker follower than a 1911 mag and I think PD10 is a little taller. Also, remember that “typical” 9mm 1911 magazine is 9 rounds (an advantage in IDPA). I know that they sell some Kahr Ts, but CT9s are typically $50 cheaper (or more) than a standard or M size. I have seen TP9s (not CT9s) go for $350 when gun stores are stuck with them. I would still like to get a KT9 for a good price, but a T series carry, not so much.

      • Also when you look at the video, there is a lot of space between the baseplate of the magazine and the grip when he pushes it in.

    • I cannot tell for all of the market, but CT9 is a bit too long in the grip for me. I have a G42+2, which is significantly shorter, although uses the same diameter ammunition (possibly because Glock cheats with semi-staggered magazines, but also because 8 rounds is 2 less than 10 in PD10).

  2. Glock should buy up this company as their new Gen 5.. this one hits the mark in every respect: thin, low bore axis, ergonomic grip, sufficient capacity, light weight but not too light, the correct barrel length, smartly-designed sights, reliable mechanical design,… if I see one in a gun store, I’m buying it right then and there.

      • I carry the G19’s big brother, a G23. It prints because it is a bit on the wide side and it is not easy to shoot well without proper grip. I don’t like mouseguns such as tiny single-stack nines for shootability. I think the Pincus gun hits a certain sweet spot for most people. Ten rounds of nine in a very ‘shootable’ gun is a big deal.

      • I believe there is a market, but it hasn’t been sufficiently addressed for consumers to bite. Most people seem to either get a 1911 or a subcompact with a +1 baseplate. I disliked both those options, so I’m the consumer being addressed here. A 1911 is heavier than I’d prefer, and the extended mag baseplates pinch my hand. This seems perfect if it performs.

    • Wouldn’t it be cheaper to make the grip of Glock 43 longer? It is already identical otherwise.

  3. I have run over 500 rounds per gun per visit on my G43 and G30s, I guess I have Man-Fingers since they dont cry about a blade safety trigger face hurting the booger picker. /S

  4. “The grip has been designed for shooters of all sizes, with a trigger reach and grip girth that will work for just about any hand size, without the need for swappable back straps.”

    Translation: If you don’t have standard issue, medium-sized paws, you’ll just have to live with it.

  5. I like it.

    But I have a glock 43 and several mags with taran tactical 3 + baseplates and in that configuration is essentially A very similar single stack 9mm- just shorter barrel, one less round. ( haven’t checked weights)..

    Before I get railed out, if I am carrying OWB in winter, still lighter than my 19, which I frequently carry as well.

    • Hopefully if this gun is successful enough Glock will issue longer factory magazines for the G43 (and G42, please).

  6. I think this may be the first thing to come along that is actually a substantial upgrade on the Shield. I’m interested. Rob knows what he’s doing.

  7. Looks like a nice gun. For conceal carry purposes I wish the barrel was about 1/4 inch shorter, and had a standard 8 round capacity with an extension to 9 or 10, sort of like the XDs. The fairly long 10 round grip will be a little bit harder to conceal than my XDs. Still, cool gun.

  8. There was some interesting discussion in the comments, which brought one more question: if the grip is this long, you cannot pocket it anymore. So, what is the carry method that prohibits of disadvantages double stacks with shorter grips (let’s say SCCY – about as thick as G19, maybe a shade thinner and same 10 rounds)? Are we looking at IWB with certain body types? Most people have no trouble with G19 IWB at various clock positions, so is this a gun for very thin people or for very fat people, or what?

    Basically Mr. Pincus attacks the conventional wisdom that it’s much easier to conceal a longer barrel than a longer grip.

    • “Basically Mr. Pincus attacks the conventional wisdom that it’s much easier to conceal a longer barrel than a longer grip.”

      Agreed. I think the solution is, carry a single stack short grip gun with a flush mag. That should give you 6+1. Carry an extended back up mag that holds 8+ but doesn’t have a grip sleeve. This eliminates the pinch issue.

      • I don’t know if I would say I am “attacking” that wisdom… it’s true. I’m challenging the idea that for any single stack to be viable, it must have a compact grip and be extremely concealable.
        Carryability and Concealability are two different things. A slimmer gun carries easier than a thicker gun. A shorter grip conceals better than a longer grip. Those two facts exist together just fine in one gun, they are not contradictory. A shorter grip and a thinner gun would both carry and conceal more easily…. but, that’s not what I went for with the first Avidity model.

        • Thank you Rob! I’m personally sick of the micro crap that is easy to carry but ridiculous to shoot.

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