
Remington hasn’t done well at all this year. Starting with the recall of all Remington 700 rifles for a dangerous trigger system, followed by the train wreck that was the Remington R51, nothing has really gone right for Big Green in 2014. Now their annus horibilis continues with another recall of an entire line of shotguns. This time they are asking anyone who bought a Remington 887 scattergun in the last year (since December 2013) to send it back to the factory because it turns out that there’s a teeny tiny possibility that the shotgun will immediately discharge as soon as you put a round in the chamber, whether the trigger was pulled or not . . .

From Remington’s website:

PRODUCTS: Remington is voluntarily recalling Remington Model 887™ shotguns manufactured from December 1, 2013 to November 24, 2014.

DESCRIPTION OF THE HAZARD: Remington has determined that some Remington Model 887™ shotguns manufactured between December 19, 2013 and November 24, 2014 may exhibit a defect causing the firing pin to bind in the forward position within the bolt, which can result in an unintentional discharge when chambering a live round. While Remington has the utmost confidence in the design of the 887™ shotgun, it is undertaking this recall in the interest of consumer safety.

REMEDY/ACTION TO BE TAKEN: STOP USING YOUR SHOTGUN. Any unintended discharge has the potential to cause injury or death. Immediately cease use of recalled shotguns and return them to Remington free of charge. Shotguns will be inspected, repaired, tested, and returned as soon as possible, at no cost to you. DO NOT attempt to diagnose or repair recalled shotguns yourself. For your safety, STOP USING YOUR SHOTGUN and immediately contact Remington.


To participate in the recall, please follow the instructions below:

STEP 1 Visit 887recall.remington.com or call 1-800-243-9700 (Prompt #3 then Prompt #2) Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. EDT. You will be asked to provide your name, address, telephone number, and shotgun(s) serial number.

STEP 2 Upon receipt of the information requested in Step 1, Remington will send you boxes and written instructions, and arrange for UPS to pick-up your shotgun(s). Please do not return your shotgun on your own. Remington will arrange for pick-up of your Model 887™.

VERIFICATION OF CORRECTIVE ACTION: Upon repair of your shotgun, you will note a punch mark on the bolt (see photo below). This mark confirms your shotgun has been inspected and repaired by Remington under the recall program.


Remington has also corrected the manufacturing process to eliminate this potential firing pin problem in shotguns manufactured after November 24, 2014. Shotguns manufactured after November 24, 2014 will also have a punch mark on the bolt.

Even after your shotgun has been inspected and repaired under this recall program, always follow the Ten Commandments of Firearm safety, printed below, whenever you handle any firearm.

The Ten Commandments of Firearms Safety

1. Always keep the muzzle pointed in a safe direction.
2. Firearms should be unloaded when not actually in use.
3. Don’t rely on your gun’s safety.
4. Be sure of your target and what’s beyond it.
5. Use proper ammunition.
6. If your gun fails to fire when the trigger is pulled, handle with care.
7. Always wear eye and ear protection when shooting.
8. Be sure the barrel is clear of obstructions before shooting.
9. Don’t alter or modify your gun and have it serviced regularly.
10. Learn the mechanical and handling characteristics of the firearm you are using.

Remington is deeply sorry for this inconvenience, but we believe in safety first. It is imperative that Model 887™ shotguns subject to this recall are not used until they have been inspected and repaired by Remington.


  1. DEEEEPLY sorry. Ooooops…our bad seems we made the firing pin too big or the block hole too small. F QA, ship us your gun and get it back….sometime in the future. That hunting season thing….agh…don’t worry figgit about it.

  2. Anyone else find it strangely coincidental that one of the older more respected firearms manufacturers in the is suddenly starts turning out turds perfectly timed with public pressure on Cerberus Capital to exercise more control over thee firearms holdings? I think the word used by main stream media was “corporate euthanasia”. Is it not strange that Marlin nearly went bankrupt then they gutted and tried to kill AAC, the the 700 then the R51, now this?
    I’m not typically one to float conspiracies but something inside me thinks the antis are quietly or even vocally excited about Freedom group’s struggles.

    • Anything that promotes their (usually) erroneous notion that guns are dangerous and just go off all by themselves.

    • That seems unlikely, since they face massive losses for doing so, and contrary to popular belief, there isn’t some bucket of cash that big firms just stow on the side for kicks that they are willing to throw away.

      Most likely they bought it because it was profitable, but they found out that they have no idea how the gun industry works, and with any reorganization, mistake after mistake has followed.

        • The first time certainly.

          When it keeps happening, however, it can lead one to wonder. The people who run Cerberus aren’t stupid, if they were the company wouldn’t be as generally successful as it has been.

          That said, however, I can see this being a case of indifferent neglect, combined with installing people who won’t speak truth to power.

        • “The people who run Cerberus aren’t stupid….”

          Yes they are. They hired Bob Nardelli to run Chrysler. Into the ground. To be sold to Fiat of all companies. The Freedom Group companies are just another example of what happens when the spreadsheet-brained MBA wunderkinden try to run real companies. Never turn your company over to the beancounters. They roll in, look around and say, “wow, we could really cut costs around here and people would still buy the product because this is [Schlitz | Winchester | Dodge | Marlin] and people love that brand! Product quality goes into the toilet, and after a few years, the loyal customers figure it out and go somewhere else. If the MBA wunderkinden are lucky, they can sell the company at a loss and somebody else can resurrect the brand. If they’re not, they have to just sell the whole operation off for parts. Then they get to resign so they can spend more time with their golden parachute money.

          Whether you sell guns, cars or plumbing services, find someone who really loves your product to be in charge. Nobody else will give the product the love it needs in order for it to be able to compete.

          Anything Freedom Group-owned is off my list, except in well-used (i.e. pre-Freedom Group) form. No thank you.

  3. Nick, time to recall your journalistic skills. Twice you hype the post with ALL or ENTIRE in describing the 700 and 887 recall. Then go on to detail that it is in fact NOT all or entire. Need to be more careful.

    • Nick is not inaccurate in his assessment. He never stated that they are recalling every 887 ever made, but that they are recalling the entire line, indicating every variant of the 887 manufactured, during the specified time frame.

  4. My experiences cannot be taken for concrete proof. I hunt with a group that uses everything from single shots to Beretta semi’s. So far, the only problems we’ve had in the field have been with remington products.

    When i was a kid we swore by Remington. Shame, what’s become of them.

  5. I would like to buy my daughter a 20 gauge youth model pump shotgun. I like the 870, as I have an older one, but I will probably look elsewhere.

    • Mossberg makes a dandy youth model 20 ga. pump and it won’t break the bank. Got one. I have small framed women in my family. I like it just about as well as they do. It’s easy to carry in the thick stuff and has screw in chokes.

    • I was always thinking about a new 870 vs other shotguns. Anyone still recommends this for a new first-time shotgun owner?

  6. Bring some marshmallows, because Remington is going down in flames…

    I do like older Remington shotguns and I’d like to add a 7600 to go with my Wingmaster, and I prefer the 10 Commandments over the 4 rules of safety because the 10 cover gun ownership. The 4 are designed to prevent a newb massacre. But considering the turds Remington is pooping out, they deserve to go down.

  7. The Eleventh Commandment of Firearms Safety: Don’t buy anything from Remington.

    You’ve been warned. Again.

    • I’m done with Remington, although my 700 LTR (with the recall trigger in the trash and a Timney installed) was good for a third whitetail deer. And that was hunting in rain, fog, and extreme cold over two different seasons. Not too shabby.

      Remington is dead to me, and if they continue along their current trajectory, will be dead to everyone else quite soon.

    • Don’t buy anything from Freedom Group. If there’s one thing those weasly bean-counters do know how to do, it’s destroy quality and kill a company. Sort of like Carl Icahn.

      • Ah, good ol’ Icahn. Glad he didn’t get his grubby mitts on Dell, or I’d probably be out of a job by now…

  8. Nardelli became head of Freedom Group in Sep 2010. He left in early 2012. This is the guy who previously left Home Depot with a $200,000,000 +\- separation package AFTER just about destroying Home Depot.

    He got rid of many full timers and went to mostly part timers. Must have applied the same brilliant approach to Remington.

    Talk to someone who recently purchase a Marlin.

    I doubt if I’d buy a Remington, DPMS or Bushmaster. There are so many reliable gun manufacturers out there.

    • “He got rid of many full timers and went to mostly part timers. Must have applied the same brilliant approach to Remington.”

      Same thing has been done in the auto parts store industry. Why employ one full timer for X dollars in wages when you can employ two part timers for half of that combined? More coverage in the store for half the price is a win-win for store managers and everyone up the chain.

  9. It seems the Remington has had quality control issues since before they acquired Marlin. Used to be folks bought a Remington for little or no other reason than it was a Remington. Not so much any more. Every time an issue such as this comes along it chips away at their reputation for quality. It’s sad to see. My grandfather would have nothing else !

    • If there was a Mount Rushmore of hunting rifles, the Remington 700 would have pride of place.

      I’d still buy an older, pre-Cerberus Remington, but new Remmys? Not a chance.

  10. Whenever there’s a supposedly inadvertent discharge we all say “well if he hadn’t pulled the trigger that wouldn’t have happened.”

    Thanks, Remington, for putting us in our place.

  11. I can’t believe people still buy Remington. I have taken up a personal crusade to inform everyone I meet of how terrible the company has become. It kills me every time someone asks for a recommendation of a good first gun and someone spurts out the 870 or 700. The 870’s I’ve seen lately look like cheap toys and 700 had the huge recall. This is coming from a guy whose prized procession is an 870 Wingmaster that was my fathers first gun way back when they knew how to build a product.

    • The old Wingmasters were beautiful guns. As a kid, I made a promise to buy one when I was an adult and had enough money. Unfortunately, the new guns just aren’t the same.

      • Agreed. The first wingmaster I ever used was a 20 ga. from the 60’s. A gun to be proud of. Of course at this same time my old man had a Model 12 Winchester.

        As far as mass produced factory pump guns go I doubt we’ll ever see the likes of that model 12 again. But those old 870s were nothing to be ashamed of.

        • The Wingmaster has earned heirloom status and I have stopped shooting it for fear if I do mess something up I won’t be able to replace it with quality parts. That gun will forever be the standard I judge all other shotguns by. My 590A1 has all the function that I require, but it’ll never be on the same level of class as the 870.

  12. I really love these companies that need to change what has worked for decades. The old 870’s were nice but Remington screwed them up. Now this piece of crap (887) is a dangerous eye sore. I bought an Ithaca 37, it may be more expensive but it is a lot nicer than the Remington. The Ithaca is all steel, yet light weight.

  13. … the shotgun will immediately discharge …

    Passively constructed.

    Oh, … wait, … I guess sometimes …

  14. It may be difficult to follow commandment # 8 “make sure the barrel is unobstructed before firing” without risking violating # 1 “keep firearm pointed in safe direction”

  15. God i knock Remington all the time and have done so several times in previous articles. But man, this is almost sad just how far they have fallen. It really is. They are an American tradition and many many many people grew up with Remington. They are a household name. Now……..wow……Ive never seen a company fall this far on quality and reputation. They were never fine precision hand crafted guns, but at least they were respectable and affordable. Now they are just a laughing stock and at the very bottom. It really is sad to see.

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